@Section @Title { Introduction } @Begin @PP Lout [1, 2] is a high-level language for document formatting, designed and implemented by the author. The implementation, known as Basser Lout, is a fully operational production version written in C for the Unix operating system, @FootNote { Unix is a trademark of "AT&T" Bell Laboratories. } which translates Lout source code into PostScript, @FootNote { PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. } a device-independent graphics rendering language accepted by many high-resolution output devices, including most laser printers. Basser Lout is available free of charge [3]. It includes installation instructions, C source, seven standard packages, and complete documentation in the form of six technical reports and a manual page. @PP The Lout project arose out of the author's desire to bring to document formatting languages the elegance of expression found in programming languages like Algol-60 and Pascal. This emphasis on expressiveness has produced an order of magnitude reduction in the cost of developing document formatting applications. For example, an equation formatting application, which may be difficult or impossible to add to other systems, can be written in Lout in a few days. @PP When expert users can implement such applications quickly, non-experts benefit. Although Lout itself provides only a small kernel of carefully chosen primitives, packages written in Lout and distributed with Basser Lout provide an unprecedented array of advanced features in a form accessible to non-expert users. The features include rotation and scaling, fonts, paragraph and page breaking, displays and lists, floating figures and tables, footnotes, chapters and sections (automatically numbered), running page headers and footers, odd-even page layouts, automatically generated tables of contents, sorted indexes and reference lists, bibliographic and other databases (including databases of formats for printing references), equations, tables, diagrams, formatting of Pascal programs, and automatically maintained cross references. @PP This paper charts the evolution of Lout from conception in mid-1984 to the public release of Basser Lout in October 1991. Lout is organized around four key concepts -- objects, definitions, galleys, and cross references -- and they were developed in the order listed, so this paper will treat each in turn, discussing its design, implementation, problems, and prospects for further improvement. @End @Section