# This file has been placed in the public domain by its author, # # Jeffrey H. Kingston # { @Reference @Tag { knuth1984tex } @Type { Book } @Author { Donald E. Knuth } @Title { The {@TeX}Book } @Publisher { Addison-Wesley } @Year { 1984 } } { @Reference @Tag { adobe1996epsforms } @Type { TechReport } @Author { Adobe Systems, Inc. } @Title { Using EPS files in PostScript Language Forms } @TRType { Technical Note } @Number { 5144 } @Year { 1996 } } { @Reference @Tag { adobe1990ps } @Type { Book } @Author { Adobe Systems, Inc. } @Title { PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition } @Publisher { Addison-Wesley } @Year { 1990 } } { @Reference @Tag { jensen1975pascal } @Type { Book } @Author { K. Jensen and N. Wirth } @Title { Pascal User Manual and Report } @Publisher { Springer-Verlag } @Year { 1975 } } { @Reference @Tag { meyer1992eiffel } @Type { Book } @Author { Bertrand Meyer } @Title { Eiffel: The Language } @Publisher { Prentice-Hall } @Year { 1992 } } { @Reference @Tag { reid1980scribe } @Type { InProceedings } @Author { Brian K. Reid } @Title { A High-Level Approach to Computer Document Production } @InTitle { Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), Las Vegas NV } @Pages { 24--31 } @Year { 1980 } } { @Reference @Tag { strunk1979style } @Type { Book } @Author { William Strunk and E. B. White } @Title { The Elements of Style } @Publisher { Macmillan } @Edition { Third Edition } @Year { 1979 } } { @Reference @Tag { ossanna1976troff } @Type { TechReport } @Author { Joseph F. Ossanna } @Title { "Nroff/Troff" User's Manual } @Number { 54 } @Institution { Bell Laboratories } @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 } @Year { 1976 } } { @Reference @Tag { kernighan1975eqn } @Type { Article } @Author { Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry } @Title { A system for typesetting mathematics } @Journal { Communications of the ACM } @Volume { 18 } @Pages { 182--193 } @Year { 1975 } } { @Reference @Tag { lesk1976tbl } @Type { TechReport } @Author { M. E. Lesk } @Title { Tbl -- a program to format tables } @Number { 49 } @Institution { AT"&"T Bell Laboratories } @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 } @Year { 1976 } } { @Reference @Tag { kernighan1982pic } @Type { Article } @Author { Brian W. Kernighan } @Title { PIC -- A language for typesetting graphics } @Journal { Software Practice and Experience } @Volume { 12 } @Pages { 1--21 } @Year { 1982 } } { @Reference @Tag { bentley1984grap } @Type { TechReport } @Author { Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan } @Title { GRAP -- a language for typesetting graphs } @Number { 114 (Computing Science) } @Institution { AT"&"T Bell Laboratories } @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 } @Year { 1984 } } { @Reference @Tag { ellis1990cpp } @Type { Book } @Author { Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup } @Title { The annotated C++ reference manual } @Publisher { Addison-Wesley } @Year { 1990 } } { @Reference @Tag { kingston1995lout.program } @Type { Book } @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston } @Title { The Basser Lout Document Formatting System (Version 3) } @TitleNote { Computer program } @Year { 1995 } @Note { Publicly available in the @I jeff subdirectory of the home directory of @I ftp to host @I ftp.cs.su.oz.au with login name @I anonymous or @I ftp and any non-empty password (e.g. {@I none}). Lout distributions are also available from the @I comp.sources.misc newsgroup, and by electronic mail from the author. All enquiries to {@I "jeff@cs.su.oz.au" }. } } { @Reference @Tag { kingston1995lout.expert } @Type { Book } @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston } @Title { An Expert's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System (Version 3) } @Institution { Basser Department of Computer Science } @Address { University of Sydney } @Year { 1995 } } { @Reference @Tag { kingston1995lout.user } @Type { Book } @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston } @Title { A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System (Version 3) } @Institution { Basser Department of Computer Science } @Address { University of Sydney } @Year { 1995 } } { @Reference @Tag { kingston1994lout.overheads } @Type { TechReport } @TRType { Overhead transparencies } @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston } @Title { A Practical Introduction to the Lout Document Formatting System } @Institution { Basser Department of Computer Science } @Address { University of Sydney } @Year { 1994 } } { @Reference @Tag { kingston1993lout.design } @Type { Article } @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston } @Title { The design and implementation of the Lout document formatting language } @Journal { Software---Practice and Experience } @Volume { 23 } @Pages { 1001--1041 } @Year { 1993 } } { @Reference @Tag { wirth1971pascal } @Type { Article } @Author { N. Wirth } @Title { The programming language Pascal } @Journal { Acta Informatica } @Volume { 1 } @Year { 1975 } @Pages { 35--63 } } { @Reference @Tag { brooks1991lilac } @Type { Article } @Author { Kenneth P. Brooks } @Title { Lilac: a two-view document editor } @Journal { IEEE Computer } @Pages { 7--19 } @Year { 1991 } } { @Reference @Tag { furuta1982survey } @Type { Article } @Author { Richard Furuta, Jeffrey Scofield, and Alan Shaw } @Title { Document formatting systems: survey, concepts, and issues } @Journal { Computing Surveys } @Volume { 14 } @Pages { 417--472 } @Year { 1982 } } { @Reference @Tag { kernighan1988c } @Type { Book } @Author { Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie } @Title { The C programming language (second edition) } @Publisher { Prentice Hall } @Year { 1988 } } { @Reference @Tag { vanleunen1992handbook } @Type { Book } @Author { Mary-Claire van Leunen } @Title { A Handbook for Scholars } @Publisher { Oxford } @Edition { Revised Edition } @Year { 1992 } } { @Reference @Tag { homer.odyssey } @Type { Book } @Author { Homer } @Title { The Odyssey } @TitleNote { Translated by E. V. Rieu } @Pinpoint { Chapter VI } @Pages { 102--111 } @Page { 102 } @Publisher { Penguin Books } @Address { Harmondsworth, Middlesex } @Edition { Penguin Classics Edition } @Month { August } @Year { 1942 } @Note { The date of composition is unknown, but is thought to be about the tenth century BC. } } { @Reference @Tag { rieu1942intro } @Type { InBook } @Author { E. V. Rieu } @Title { Introduction to @I { The Odyssey } } @InAuthor { Homer } @InTitle { The Odyssey } @Publisher { Penguin } @Year { 1942 } } { @Reference @Tag { christofides1976tsp } @Type { TechReport } @Author { N. Christofides } @Title { Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic for the travelling salesman problem } @Number { 388 } @Institution { Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University } @Address { Pittsburgh, PA } @Year { 1976 } } { @Reference @Tag { lamport1986latex } @Type { Book } @Author { Leslie Lamport } @Title { @LaTeX User's Guide and Reference Manual } @Publisher { Addison-Wesley } @Year { 1986 } }