path: root/z20.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'z20.c')
1 files changed, 971 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z20.c b/z20.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405599a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z20.c
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+/*@z20.c:Galley Flushing:DebugInnersNames()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z20.c */
+/* MODULE: Galley Flushing */
+/* EXTERNS: FlushGalley() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+FULL_CHAR *DebugInnersNames(OBJECT inners)
+{ static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ OBJECT link, y, z;
+ StringCopy(buff, STR_EMPTY);
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ { for( link = Down(inners); link != inners; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( link != Down(inners) ) StringCat(buff, STR_SPACE);
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "DebugInnersNames: UNATTACHED!");
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ StringCat(buff, SymName(actual(z)));
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case DEAD:
+ StringCat(buff, Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "DebugInnersNames:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return buff;
+} /* end DebugInnersNames */
+/*@::ParentFlush(), FlushGalley()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, kill) */
+/* */
+/* Flush the galley which is the parent of dest_index, if likely to flush. */
+/* If kill is TRUE, delete dest_index. */
+/* */
+static void ParentFlush(BOOLEAN prnt_flush, OBJECT dest_index, BOOLEAN kill)
+{ OBJECT prnt;
+ debug3(DGF, D, "ParentFlush(%s, %s, %s)",
+ bool(prnt_flush), EchoIndex(dest_index), bool(kill));
+ if( prnt_flush )
+ { Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index));
+ if( kill ) DeleteNode(dest_index);
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushGalley from ParentFlush");
+ FlushGalley(prnt);
+ }
+ else if( kill ) DeleteNode(dest_index)
+ debug0(DGF, D, "ParentFlush returning.");
+} /* end ParentFlush */
+/* */
+/* FlushGalley(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Flush galley hd as far as possible. It could be the root galley. */
+/* */
+void FlushGalley(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT dest; /* the target galley hd empties into */
+ OBJECT dest_index; /* the index of dest */
+ OBJECT inners; /* list of galleys and PRECEDES to flush */
+ OBJECT link, y; /* for scanning through the components of hd */
+ int dim; /* direction of galley */
+ CONSTRAINT dest_par_constr; /* the parallel size constraint on dest */
+ CONSTRAINT dest_perp_constr; /* the perpendicular size constraint on dest */
+ int pb, pf, f; /* candidate replacement sizes for dest */
+ OBJECT dest_encl; /* the VCAT or ACAT enclosing dest, if any */
+ int dest_side; /* if dest_encl != nilobj, side dest is on */
+ BOOLEAN need_adjust; /* TRUE as soon as dest_encl needs adjusting */
+ FULL_LENGTH dest_back, dest_fwd; /* the current size of dest_encl or dest */
+ FULL_LENGTH frame_size; /* the total constraint of dest_encl */
+ OBJECT prec_gap; /* the gap preceding dest if any else nilobj */
+ OBJECT prec_def; /* the component preceding dest, if any */
+ OBJECT succ_gap; /* the gap following dest if any else nilobj */
+ OBJECT succ_def; /* the component following dest, if any */
+ OBJECT stop_link; /* most recently seen gap link of hd */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_back; /* back(dest_encl) incl all before stop_link */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_fwd; /* fwd(dest_encl) incl. all before stop_link */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_perp_back; /* back(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_perp_fwd; /* fwd(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ BOOLEAN prnt_flush; /* TRUE when the parent of hd needs a flush */
+ BOOLEAN target_is_internal; /* TRUE if flushing into an internal target */
+ OBJECT zlink, z, tmp, prnt; int attach_status; BOOLEAN remove_target;
+ OBJECT why;
+ FULL_LENGTH perp_back, perp_fwd; /* current perp size of dest_encl */
+ debug1(DGF, D, "[ FlushGalley %s (hd)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ prnt_flush = FALSE;
+ dim = gall_dir(hd);
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD, "FlushGalley: type(hd) != HEAD!" );
+ debug1(DGF, D, " resuming FlushGalley %s, hd =", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ ifdebugcond(DGF, D, actual(hd) == nilobj, DebugGalley(hd, nilobj, 4));
+ assert( Up(hd) != hd, "FlushGalley: resume found no parent to hd!" );
+ /*@@************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The first step is to examine the parent of galley hd to determine the */
+ /* status of the galley. If this is not suitable for flushing, we do */
+ /* what we can to change the status. If still no good, return; so if */
+ /* this code does not return, then the galley is ready to flush into a */
+ /* destination in the normal way, and the following variables are set: */
+ /* */
+ /* dest_index the parent of the galley and index of its destination */
+ /* dest the destination of the galley, a @Galley object */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ Parent(dest_index, Up(hd));
+ switch( type(dest_index) )
+ {
+ case DEAD:
+ /* the galley has been killed off while this process was sleeping */
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (DEAD)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ /* the galley is currently not attached to a destination */
+ attach_status = AttachGalley(hd, &inners, &y);
+ debug1(DGF, D, " ex-AttachGalley inners: %s", DebugInnersNames(inners));
+ Parent(dest_index, Up(hd));
+ switch( attach_status )
+ {
+ assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_KILLED: inners!=nilobj!");
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_KILLED)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ debug1(DGF, D, " prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush));
+ return;
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_INPUT: inners!=nilobj!");
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_INPUT)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_NOTARG: inners!=nilobj!");
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_NOTARGET)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ /* AttachGalley only returns inners here if they really need to */
+ /* be flushed; in particular the galley must be unsized before */
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (a)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ stop_link = nilobj;
+ goto SUSPEND; /* nb y will be set by AttachGalley in this case */
+ /* hd will have been linked to the unexpanded target in this case */
+ remove_target = (actual(actual(dest_index)) == whereto(hd));
+ if( force_gall(hd) )
+ {
+ /* if hd is a forcing galley, close all predecessors */
+ debug3(DGA, D, " forcing ATTACH_NULL case for %s into %s (%s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)),
+ remove_target ? "remove_target" : "not remove_target");
+ Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index));
+ if( !non_blocking(dest_index) && remove_target )
+ {
+ /* ***
+ prnt_flush = TRUE;
+ *** */
+ prnt_flush = non_blocking(dest_index) = TRUE;
+ }
+ FreeGalley(prnt, Up(dest_index), &inners, Up(dest_index),
+ whereto(hd));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug3(DGA, D, " non-force ATTACH_NULL case for %s into %s (%s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)),
+ remove_target ? "remove_target" : "not remove_target");
+ if( blocked(dest_index) && remove_target ) prnt_flush = TRUE;
+ }
+ DetachGalley(hd);
+ KillGalley(hd, TRUE);
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (b)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ else ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, remove_target);
+ debug0(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley returning ATTACH_NULL");
+ return;
+ /* if hd is a forcing galley, or actual(dest_index) is */
+ /* @ForceGalley, then close all predecessors */
+ if( force_gall(hd) || actual(actual(dest_index)) == ForceGalleySym )
+ { Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index));
+ debug1(DGA, D, " forcing ATTACH_ACCEPT case for %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ /* debug0(DGA, DD, " force: prnt ="); */
+ /* ifdebug(DGA, DD, DebugObject(prnt)); */
+ /* debug1(DGA, D," calling FreeGalley from FlushGalley(%s)", */
+ /* SymName(actual(hd))); */
+ if( !non_blocking(dest_index) ) prnt_flush = TRUE; /* bug fix */
+ FreeGalley(prnt, Up(dest_index), &inners, Up(dest_index),
+ whereto(hd));
+ /* debug0(DGA, DD, " force: after FreeGalley, prnt ="); */
+ /* ifdebug(DGA, DD, DebugObject(prnt)); */
+ }
+ else prnt_flush = prnt_flush || blocked(dest_index);
+ debug1(DGF, D, " force: prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush));
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (c)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ goto RESUME;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "FlushGalley: attach_status");
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ if( actual(actual(dest_index)) == InputSym )
+ { ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s retn, input", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FlushGalley: dest_index", Image(type(dest_index)));
+ break;
+ }
+ dest = actual(dest_index);
+ if( underline(dest) == UNDER_UNDEF ) underline(dest) = UNDER_OFF;
+ target_is_internal =
+ (dim==ROWM && !external_ver(dest)) || (dim==COLM && !external_hor(dest));
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " dest_index: %s", EchoObject(dest_index));
+ /*@@************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The second step is to examine the components of the galley one by one */
+ /* to determine if they can be promoted. Each component has the format */
+ /* */
+ /* { <index> } <object> */
+ /* */
+ /* and is always followed by a gap object (except the last component). */
+ /* An index indicates that the following object has some interesting */
+ /* feature, and it points to that feature inside the object. There are */
+ /* two possible actions for each component, in addition to accepting it: */
+ /* */
+ /* REJECT: The component does not fit, so detach the galley */
+ /* SUSPEND: The component is incomplete; go to sleep and wait */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ stop_link = dest_encl = inners = nilobj;
+ need_adjust = FALSE;
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Loop invariant */
+ /* */
+ /* The children of hd up to but not including Child(link) have been */
+ /* examined and pronounced to be promotable, if unbreakable gaps are */
+ /* ignored. When unbreakable gaps are taken into account, the most */
+ /* recent gap where a break is possible is at Child(stop_link), or */
+ /* nowhere if stop_link == nilobj. */
+ /* */
+ /* Case 1: target_is_internal == FALSE */
+ /* */
+ /* If this flag is FALSE, it means that the target of this galley is */
+ /* external. Consequently, there is no need to calculate sizes because */
+ /* there is no constraint on them. Also, a REJECT action is impossible */
+ /* so unbreakable gaps are no impediment. Variable dest_encl is nilobj. */
+ /* */
+ /* Case 2: target_is_internal == TRUE */
+ /* */
+ /* If this flag is TRUE, it means that the target of this galley is */
+ /* internal. Consequently, sizes need to be calculated, and unbreakable */
+ /* gaps need to be taken into account. Variable dest_encl may be not */
+ /* nilobj, in which case the following variables are defined: */
+ /* */
+ /* dest_encl the object enclosing dest (which must exist) */
+ /* prec_gap gap object preceding dest (which must exist) */
+ /* prec_def first definite object preceding dest (must exist) */
+ /* dest_back back(dest_encl) including effect of accepted compts */
+ /* dest_fwd fwd(dest_encl) including effect of accepted compts */
+ /* dest_side BACK or FWD, i.e. which side of the mark dest is on */
+ /* dest_par_constr the parallel size constraint on dest */
+ /* dest_perp_constr the perpendicular size constraint on dest */
+ /* frame_size size of frame enclosing dest_encl */
+ /* perp_back back(dest_encl) in other direction, incl accepteds */
+ /* perp_fwd fwd(dest_encl) in other direction, incl accepteds */
+ /* */
+ /* if dest_encl is nilobj, these variables are not defined. */
+ /* */
+ /* If stop_link is non-nilobj, then in the internal case dest_encl must */
+ /* be non-nilobj, and the following variables are defined: */
+ /* */
+ /* stop_back back(dest_encl) including all before stop_link */
+ /* stop_fwd fwd(dest_encl) including all before stop_link */
+ /* stop_perp_back back(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ /* stop_perp_fwd fwd(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ /* */
+ /* need_adjust is true if at least one definite component has been */
+ /* accepted for promotion and the destination is internal; hence, */
+ /* dest_encl is defined and its size needs to be adjusted. */
+ /* */
+ /* inners is the set of all PRECEDES and UNATTACHED indexes found. */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ) Child(y, DownDim(y, dim));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " examining %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ prec_gap = y;
+ if( target_is_internal )
+ { assert( dest_encl != nilobj, "FlushGalley/GAP_OBJ: dest_encl!" );
+ if( !nobreak(gap(prec_gap)) )
+ {
+ stop_link = link;
+ stop_back = dest_back;
+ stop_fwd = dest_fwd;
+ stop_perp_back = perp_back;
+ stop_perp_fwd = perp_fwd;
+ }
+ }
+ else stop_link = link;
+ if( !join(gap(y)) ) seen_nojoin(hd) = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case COVER_IND:
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ if( inners == nilobj ) New(inners, ACAT);
+ Link(inners, y);
+ break;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ case FOLLOWS:
+ Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ if( Up(tmp) == LastUp(tmp) )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ }
+ Parent(tmp, Up(tmp));
+ assert(type(tmp) == PRECEDES, "Flush: PRECEDES!");
+ switch( CheckComponentOrder(tmp, dest_index) )
+ {
+ case CLEAR: DeleteNode(tmp);
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case PROMOTE: break;
+ case BLOCK: goto SUSPEND;
+ case CLOSE: if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(opt_components(hd));
+ opt_components(hd) = nilobj;
+ debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) de-optimizing %s",
+ "(CLOSE problem)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ }
+ debug1(DGF, D, " reject (a) %s", EchoObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case SCALE:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ACAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case CROSS:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ /* make sure y is not joined to a target below (vertical case only) */
+ for( zlink = NextDown(link); zlink != hd; zlink = NextDown(zlink) )
+ { Child(z, zlink);
+ switch( type(z) )
+ {
+ case RECEIVING: y = z;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ case GAP_OBJ: if( !join(gap(z)) ) zlink = PrevDown(hd);
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* try vertical hyphenation before anything else */
+ if( type(y) == HCAT ) VerticalHyphenate(y);
+ }
+ /* check size constraint */
+ if( target_is_internal )
+ {
+ /* initialise dest_encl etc if not done yet */
+ if( dest_encl == nilobj )
+ { assert( UpDim(dest,1-dim) == UpDim(dest,dim), "FlushG: UpDims!" );
+ /* *** weird old code, trying for UpDim(dest, ROWM)?
+ Parent(dest_encl, NextDown(Up(dest)));
+ *** */
+ Parent(dest_encl, Up(dest));
+ debug4(DGF, D, " flush dest = %s %s, dest_encl = %s %s",
+ Image(type(dest)), EchoObject(dest),
+ Image(type(dest_encl)), EchoObject(dest_encl));
+ assert( (dim==ROWM && type(dest_encl)==VCAT) ||
+ (dim==COLM && type(dest_encl)==ACAT),
+ "FlushGalley: dest != VCAT or ACAT!" );
+ SetNeighbours(Up(dest), FALSE, &prec_gap, &prec_def,
+ &succ_gap, &succ_def, &dest_side);
+ assert(prec_gap != nilobj || is_indefinite(type(y)),
+ "FlushGalley: prec_gap == nilobj && !is_indefinite(type(y))!" );
+ assert(succ_gap == nilobj, "FlushGalley: succ_gap != nilobj!" );
+ assert(dest_side == FWD || is_indefinite(type(y)),
+ "FlushGalley: dest_side != FWD || !is_indefinite(type(y))!");
+ dest_back = back(dest_encl, dim);
+ dest_fwd = fwd(dest_encl, dim);
+ perp_back = back(dest_encl, 1-dim);
+ perp_fwd = fwd(dest_encl, 1-dim);
+ Constrained(dest_encl, &dest_par_constr, dim, &why);
+ Constrained(dest_encl, &dest_perp_constr, 1-dim, &why);
+ debug1(DGF, D, " setting dest_perp_constr = %s",
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_perp_constr));
+ frame_size = constrained(dest_par_constr) ? bfc(dest_par_constr) :0;
+ }
+ if( !is_indefinite(type(y)) )
+ {
+ ifdebugcond(DGF, D, mode(gap(prec_gap)) == NO_MODE,
+ DebugGalley(hd, y, 4));
+ /* calculate parallel effect of adding y to dest */
+ f = dest_fwd + fwd(y, dim) - fwd(prec_def, dim) +
+ ActualGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(y, dim),
+ fwd(y, dim), &gap(prec_gap), frame_size,
+ dest_back + dest_fwd - fwd(prec_def, dim));
+ debug5(DGF, D, " f = %s + %s - %s + %s (prec_gap %s)",
+ EchoLength(dest_fwd), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)),
+ EchoLength(fwd(prec_def, dim)), EchoLength(
+ ActualGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(y, dim),
+ fwd(y, dim), &gap(prec_gap), frame_size,
+ dest_back + dest_fwd - fwd(prec_def, dim))
+ ), EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap)));
+ debug3(DGF, D, " b,f: %s,%s; dest_encl: %s",
+ EchoLength(dest_back), EchoLength(f),
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_par_constr));
+ /* check new size against parallel constraint */
+ if( (units(gap(prec_gap))==FRAME_UNIT && width(gap(prec_gap)) > FR)
+ || !FitsConstraint(dest_back, f, dest_par_constr)
+ || (opt_components(hd) != nilobj && opt_comps_permitted(hd)<=0)
+ )
+ {
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { OBJECT z;
+ /* record the size of this just-completed target area for hd */
+ New(z, WIDE);
+ CopyConstraint(constraint(z), dest_par_constr);
+ Link(opt_constraints(hd), z);
+ ifdebug(DOG, D,
+ debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) adding constraint %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), EchoConstraint(&constraint(z)));
+ if( units(gap(prec_gap))==FRAME_UNIT &&
+ width(gap(prec_gap)) > FR )
+ { debug1(DOG, D, " prec_gap = %s", EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap)));
+ }
+ if( !FitsConstraint(dest_back, f, dest_par_constr) )
+ { debug3(DOG, D, " !FitsConstraint(%s, %s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(dest_back), EchoLength(f),
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_par_constr));
+ }
+ if( opt_comps_permitted(hd) <= 0 )
+ { debug1(DOG, D, " opt_comps_permitted = %2d",
+ opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+ }
+ debug4(DOG, D, "prec_gap = %s; y = %s (%s,%s):",
+ EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap)), Image(type(y)),
+ EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)));
+ DebugObject(y);
+ )
+ /* refresh the number of components permitted into the next target */
+ if( opt_counts(hd) != nilobj && Down(opt_counts(hd)) != opt_counts(hd) )
+ { Child(z, Down(opt_counts(hd)));
+ opt_comps_permitted(hd) += comp_count(z) - 1;
+ DisposeChild(Up(z));
+ }
+ else opt_comps_permitted(hd) = MAX_FILES; /* a large number */
+ debug1(DOG, D, " REJECT permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+ }
+ debug1(DGF, D, " reject (b) %s", EchoObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ /* calculate perpendicular effect of adding y to dest */
+ if( seen_nojoin(hd) )
+ {
+ pb = 0;
+ pf = find_max(perp_fwd, size(y, 1-dim));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pb = find_max(perp_back, back(y, 1-dim));
+ pf = find_max(perp_fwd, fwd(y, 1-dim));
+ }
+ /* check new size against perpendicular constraint */
+ if( !FitsConstraint(pb, pf, dest_perp_constr) )
+ {
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(opt_components(hd));
+ opt_components(hd) = nilobj;
+ debug1(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) de-optimizing (perp problem)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ }
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ Error(20, 3, "component too wide for available space",
+ WARN, &fpos(y));
+ debug6(DGF, D, " %s,%s [%s,%s] too wide for %s, y = %s",
+ EchoLength(pb), EchoLength(pf),
+ EchoLength(back(y, 1-dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, 1-dim)),
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_perp_constr), EchoObject(y));
+ }
+ debug1(DGF, D, " reject (c) %s", EchoObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ /* accept definite component */
+ dest_fwd = f; prec_def = y;
+ perp_back = pb; perp_fwd = pf;
+ need_adjust = TRUE;
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { opt_comps_permitted(hd)--;
+ debug1(DOG, D, " ACCEPT permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+ }
+ }
+ /* accept indefinite component */
+ } /* end if( target_is_internal ) */
+ /* accept this component into dest, subject to following nobreaks */
+ debug3(DGF, D, " t-accept %s %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y),
+ EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ prnt_flush = prnt_flush || blocked(dest_index);
+ debug1(DGF, DDD, " prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush));
+ debug1(DGF, DDD, " inners = %s", DebugInnersNames(inners));
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ { BOOLEAN promotable; OBJECT tgp;
+ /* We would prefer to promote right now, then give these inners */
+ /* a chance. However this is not possible unless the following */
+ /* gap (if any) is breakable */
+ if( type(NextDown(link)) == LINK )
+ { Child(tgp, NextDown(link));
+ assert( type(tgp) == GAP_OBJ, "FlushGalley: tgp!" );
+ promotable = !nobreak(gap(tgp));
+ }
+ else promotable = TRUE;
+ if( promotable )
+ {
+ Promote(hd, NextDown(link), dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (ACCEPT)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, dest_back, dest_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, perp_back, perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (d)");
+ FlushInners(inners, hd);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FlushGalley:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end for */
+ /* EMPTY: */
+ /* galley is now completely accepted; clean up and exit */
+ debug0(DGF, D, " galley empty now");
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( Down(hd) != hd )
+ { Promote(hd, hd, dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (EMPTY)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, dest_back, dest_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, perp_back, perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ }
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { OBJECT z;
+ New(z, WIDE);
+ if( dest_encl != nilobj )
+ CopyConstraint(constraint(z), dest_par_constr);
+ else
+ SetConstraint(constraint(z),
+ Link(opt_constraints(hd), z);
+ debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) empty adding constraint %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), EchoConstraint(&constraint(z)));
+ }
+ DetachGalley(hd);
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling KillGalley from FlushGalley");
+ KillGalley(hd, TRUE);
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, TRUE);
+ debug1(DGF,D,"] FlushGalley %s returning (emptied).", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ /* reject this component and move to a new dest */
+ assert(actual(dest) != PrintSym, "FlushGalley: reject print!");
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( stop_link != nilobj )
+ { Promote(hd, stop_link, dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (REJECT)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_back, stop_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_perp_back, stop_perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ }
+ DetachGalley(hd);
+ assert( type(dest_index) == RECEIVING, "FlushGalley/REJECT: dest_index!" );
+ prnt_flush = prnt_flush || blocked(dest_index);
+ DeleteNode(dest_index);
+ goto RESUME;
+ /* suspend this component */
+ debug1(DGF, D, " suspend %s", EchoIndex(y));
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( stop_link != nilobj )
+ { Promote(hd, stop_link, dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (SUSPEND)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_back, stop_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_perp_back, stop_perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check whether external galleys can remove the blockage */
+ if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && ready_galls(hd) != nilobj && AllowCrossDb )
+ { OBJECT eg, val, index2, hd2, tag, seq, newsym;
+ BOOLEAN found, gall; FULL_CHAR newtag[MAX_BUFF], newseq[MAX_BUFF];
+ /* get first ready galley in from cross reference database */
+ Child(eg, Down(ready_galls(hd)));
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ val = ReadFromFile(eg_fnum(eg), eg_fpos(eg), eg_lnum(eg));
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ if( val == nilobj )
+ Error(20, 1, "error in database file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), FileName(eg_fnum(eg)));
+ assert( type(val) == CLOSURE, "AttachG: db CLOSURE!" );
+ New(index2, UNATTACHED);
+ pinpoint(index2) = nilobj;
+ New(hd2, HEAD);
+ FposCopy(fpos(hd2), fpos(val));
+ actual(hd2) = actual(val);
+ limiter(hd2) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(hd2) = opt_constraints(hd2) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(hd2) = horiz_galley(actual(val));
+ sized(hd2) = FALSE;
+ ready_galls(hd2) = nilobj;
+ must_expand(hd2) = TRUE;
+ Link(index2, hd2);
+ Link(hd2, val);
+ SetTarget(hd2);
+ foll_or_prec(hd2) = GALL_FOLL;
+ enclose_obj(hd2) = (has_enclose(actual(hd2)) ? BuildEnclose(hd2) : nilobj);
+ Link(Up(y), index2);
+ /* set up the next ready galley for reading next time */
+ Child(tag, Down(eg)); Child(seq, LastDown(eg));
+ do /* skip duplicate seq values */
+ { found = DbRetrieveNext(OldCrossDb, &gall, &newsym, newtag, newseq,
+ &eg_fnum(eg), &eg_fpos(eg), &eg_lnum(eg), &eg_cont(eg));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall found: %15s gall: %15s",
+ bool(gall), bool(found));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall new sym: %15s old sym: %15s",
+ SymName(newsym), SymName(eg_symbol(eg)));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall new tag: %15s old tag: %15s",
+ newtag, string(tag));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall new seq: %15s old seq: %15s",
+ newseq, string(seq));
+ if( found ) found = gall && newsym == eg_symbol(eg) &&
+ StringEqual(newtag, string(tag));
+ /* merge galleys whose seq strings are equal */
+ if( found && StringEqual(newseq, string(seq)) )
+ {
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ val = ReadFromFile(eg_fnum(eg), eg_fpos(eg), eg_lnum(eg));
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ if( val == nilobj )
+ Error(20, 2, "error in database file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), FileName(eg_fnum(eg)));
+ assert( type(val) == CLOSURE, "AttachG: db CLOSURE!" );
+ if( !has_merge(actual(val)) ) DisposeObject(val);
+ else /* add val to hd2 */
+ { if( type(hd2) != ACAT )
+ { OBJECT tmp = hd2;
+ New(hd2, ACAT);
+ MoveLink(Up(tmp), hd2, CHILD);
+ Link(hd2, tmp);
+ }
+ Link(hd2, val);
+ }
+ }
+ } while( found && StringEqual(newseq, string(seq)) );
+ if( found )
+ { DisposeChild(Up(tag));
+ DisposeChild(Up(seq));
+ tag = MakeWord(WORD, newtag, no_fpos);
+ seq = MakeWord(WORD, newseq, no_fpos);
+ Link(eg, tag); Link(eg, seq);
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " another ext gall: into %s", SymName(newsym));
+ }
+ else
+ { DisposeChild(Up(eg));
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " last ext gall into ", SymName(eg_symbol(eg)));
+ if( Down(ready_galls(hd)) == ready_galls(hd) )
+ { Dispose(ready_galls(hd));
+ ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ debug0(DGF, DD, " all ext galls exhausted");
+ }
+ }
+ /* flush the ready galley found above, and resume */
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall FlushGalley (%s into %s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd2)), SymName(whereto(hd2)));
+ debug0(DGF, DD, " calling FlushGalley from FlushGalley/SUSPEND");
+ if( type(hd2) == ACAT )
+ hd2 = ConvertGalleyList(hd2);
+ FlushGalley(hd2);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && trigger_externs(y) && AllowCrossDb )
+ { OBJECT sym, cr, ins, tag, seq, eg, cnt; BOOLEAN found;
+ FULL_CHAR newseq[MAX_BUFF]; FILE_NUM tfnum; long tfpos, tcont;
+ int tlnum;
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " ext gall target %s", SymName(actual(actual(y))));
+ for( sym = FirstExternTarget(actual(actual(y)), &cnt);
+ sym != nilobj; sym = NextExternTarget(actual(actual(y)), &cnt) )
+ {
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " ext gall gall_targ %s", SymName(sym));
+ cr = GallTargEval(sym, &fpos(actual(y)));
+ New(ins, GALL_TARG);
+ actual(ins) = cr;
+ Link(Up(y), ins);
+ Child(tag, LastDown(cr));
+ assert( is_word(type(tag)), "FlushGalley: cr is_word(type(tag))!" );
+ found = DbRetrieve(OldCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(tag),
+ newseq, &tfnum, &tfpos, &tlnum, &tcont);
+ if( found )
+ { if( ready_galls(hd) == nilobj ) New(ready_galls(hd), ACAT);
+ New(eg, EXT_GALL);
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " ext gall retrieved: into %s", SymName(sym));
+ eg_fnum(eg) = tfnum;
+ eg_fpos(eg) = tfpos;
+ eg_lnum(eg) = tlnum;
+ eg_symbol(eg) = sym;
+ eg_cont(eg) = tcont;
+ tag = MakeWord(WORD, string(tag), no_fpos);
+ Link(eg, tag);
+ seq = MakeWord(WORD, newseq, no_fpos);
+ Link(eg, seq);
+ Link(ready_galls(hd), eg);
+ }
+ }
+ trigger_externs(y) = FALSE;
+ if( ready_galls(hd) != nilobj ) goto RESUME;
+ } /* end if external galleys */
+ /* if non-blocking, delete the index and resume */
+ if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && non_blocking(y) )
+ { DeleteNode(y);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == RECEIVING && non_blocking(y) )
+ {
+ if( Down(y) == y )
+ { DeleteNode(y);
+ }
+ else
+ { Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( opt_components(z) != nilobj )
+ GazumpOptimize(z, actual(y));
+ DetachGalley(z);
+ }
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ /* if all the above fail to remove the blockage, suspend */
+ blocked(y) = TRUE;
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ debug1(DGF,D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (suspend)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+} /* end FlushGalley */