path: root/z10.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'z10.c')
1 files changed, 1078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z10.c b/z10.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6d052b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z10.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+/*@z10.c:Cross References:CrossInit(), CrossMake()@***************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z10.c */
+/* MODULE: Cross References */
+/* EXTERNS: CrossInit(), CrossMake(), GallTargEval(), CrossAddTag(), */
+/* CrossExpand(), CrossSequence(), CrossClose() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define NO_TARGET 0
+#define SEEN_TARGET 1
+#define INIT_CROSSREF_NUM 100
+static OBJECT RootCross = nilobj; /* header for all crs */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* A symbol table permitting access to cross reference generated tags by */
+/* a mapping (symbol x file) -> current tag. */
+/* */
+/* crtab_getnext(sym, fnum, S) Get next value associated with sym,fnum */
+/* crtab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */
+/* */
+typedef struct crossref_rec
+{ struct crossref_rec *crtab_next;
+ OBJECT crtab_sym;
+ FILE_NUM crtab_fnum;
+ int crtab_value;
+typedef struct
+{ int tab_size; /* size of table */
+ int tab_count; /* number of entries held */
+ CROSSREF_ENTRY tab_chains[1]; /* the chains of entries */
+#define crtab_size(S) (S)->tab_size
+#define crtab_count(S) (S)->tab_count
+#define crtab_chain(S,i) (S)->tab_chains[i]
+#define hash(pos, sym, fnum, S) \
+{ pos = ( ((long) sym) + fnum ) % crtab_size(S); \
+static CROSSREF_TABLE crtab_new(int newsize)
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_CROSSREF, 1,
+ 2*sizeof(int) + newsize*sizeof(CROSSREF_ENTRY)));
+ malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize*sizeof(CROSSREF_ENTRY));
+ Error(10, 1, "run out of memory enlarging crossref table", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ crtab_size(S) = newsize;
+ crtab_count(S) = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ )
+ crtab_chain(S, i) = (CROSSREF_ENTRY) nilobj;
+ return S;
+} /* end crtab_new */
+static CROSSREF_TABLE crtab_rehash(CROSSREF_TABLE S, int newsize)
+{ CROSSREF_TABLE NewS; int i; long newpos; CROSSREF_ENTRY p, q;
+ NewS = crtab_new(newsize);
+ for( i = 0; i < crtab_size(S); i++ )
+ { p = crtab_chain(S, i);
+ while( p != NULL )
+ { q = p->crtab_next;
+ hash(newpos, p->crtab_sym, p->crtab_fnum, NewS);
+ p->crtab_next = crtab_chain(NewS, newpos);
+ crtab_chain(NewS, newpos) = p;
+ crtab_count(NewS)++;
+ p = q;
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_CROSSREF, -1,
+ -(2*sizeof(int) + crtab_size(S)*sizeof(CROSSREF_ENTRY))));
+ free(S);
+ return NewS;
+} /* end crtab_rehash */
+static int crtab_getnext(OBJECT sym, FILE_NUM fnum, CROSSREF_TABLE *S)
+{ CROSSREF_ENTRY x; OBJECT t; long pos;
+ /* if S is NULL, create a new table */
+ if( *S == NULL ) *S = crtab_new(INIT_CROSSREF_NUM);
+ /* if (sym, fnum) exists, increment its value and return it */
+ hash(pos, sym, fnum, *S);
+ for( x = crtab_chain(*S, pos); x != NULL; x = x->crtab_next )
+ { if( x->crtab_sym == sym && x->crtab_fnum == fnum )
+ return ++x->crtab_value;
+ }
+ /* if table is full, rehash */
+ if( crtab_count(*S) == crtab_size(*S) )
+ { *S = crtab_rehash(*S, 2*crtab_size(*S));
+ hash(pos, sym, fnum, *S);
+ }
+ /* insert a new entry for (sym, fnum) with value 1 */
+ GetMem(t, sizeof(struct crossref_rec), no_fpos);
+ x->crtab_sym = sym;
+ x->crtab_fnum = fnum;
+ x->crtab_next = crtab_chain(*S, pos);
+ crtab_chain(*S, pos) = x;
+ crtab_count(*S)++;
+ return x->crtab_value = 1;
+} /* end crtab_getnext */
+static void crtab_debug(CROSSREF_TABLE S, FILE *fp)
+{ int i; CROSSREF_ENTRY x;
+ if( S == NULL )
+ { fprintf(fp, " null table\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current count: %d\n",
+ crtab_size(S), crtab_count(S));
+ for( i = 0; i < crtab_size(S); i++ )
+ { fprintf(fp, "crtab_chain(S, %d) =", i);
+ for( x = crtab_chain(S, i); x != NULL; x = x->crtab_next )
+ { fprintf(fp, " %s:%s,%d",
+ SymName(x->crtab_sym), FileName(x->crtab_fnum), x->crtab_value);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+} /* end crtab_debug */
+static CROSSREF_TABLE crossref_tab = NULL;
+/* */
+/* CrossInit(sym) Initialize cross_sym(sym). */
+/* */
+void CrossInit(OBJECT sym)
+{ OBJECT cs;
+ New(cs, CROSS_SYM);
+ target_state(cs) = NO_TARGET; target_seq(cs) = 0;
+ /* cr_file(cs) = NO_FILE; unused */
+ gall_seq(cs) = 0; gall_tag(cs) = nilobj;
+ gall_tfile(cs) = NO_FILE;
+ symb(cs) = sym; cross_sym(sym) = cs;
+ if( RootCross == nilobj ) New(RootCross, CR_ROOT); Link(RootCross, cs);
+/* */
+/* OBJECT CrossMake(sym, val, ctype) */
+/* */
+/* Make a cross-reference with the given sym and tag value (NB no fpos). */
+/* */
+OBJECT CrossMake(OBJECT sym, OBJECT val, int ctype)
+{ OBJECT v1, res;
+ debug3(DCR, DD, "CrossMake(%s, %s, %s)", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(val), Image(ctype));
+ New(res, CROSS); cross_type(res) = ctype; threaded(res) = FALSE;
+ New(v1, CLOSURE); actual(v1) = sym;
+ Link(res, v1); Link(res, val);
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossMake returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+/*@::GallTargEval(), CrossGenTag()@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT GallTargEval(sym, dfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Produce a suitable cross-reference for a galley target. */
+/* */
+OBJECT GallTargEval(OBJECT sym, FILE_POS *dfpos)
+{ OBJECT cs, res;
+ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *str;
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "GallTargEval( %s,%s )", SymName(sym), EchoFilePos(dfpos));
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ if( file_num(*dfpos) != gall_tfile(cs) )
+ { gall_tfile(cs) = file_num(*dfpos);
+ gall_seq(cs) = 0;
+ }
+ str = FileName(gall_tfile(cs));
+ ++gall_seq(cs);
+ if( StringLength(str) + 6 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(10, 2, "automatically generated tag %s&%d is too long",
+ FATAL, dfpos, str, gall_seq(cs));
+ StringCopy(buff, str);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("&"));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(gall_seq(cs)));
+ res = CrossMake(sym, MakeWord(WORD, buff, dfpos), GALL_TARG);
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "GallTargEval returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end GallTargEval */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT CrossGenTag(x) */
+/* */
+/* Generate a tag suitable for labelling closure x, in such a way that */
+/* the same tag is likely to be generated on subsequent runs. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT CrossGenTag(OBJECT x)
+{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *str1, *str2;
+ OBJECT sym, res; FILE_NUM fnum;
+ int seq;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossGenTag( %s )", SymName(actual(x)));
+ sym = actual(x);
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ fnum = file_num(fpos(x));
+ str1 = SymName(sym);
+ str2 = FileName(fnum);
+ seq = crtab_getnext(sym, fnum, &crossref_tab);
+ debug3(DCR, DDD, "%d = crtab_getnext(%s, %s, S); S =",
+ seq, SymName(sym), FileName(fnum));
+ ifdebug(DCR, DDD, crtab_debug(crossref_tab, stderr));
+ if( StringLength(str1) + StringLength(str2) + 10 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(10, 3, "automatically generated tag %s.%s.%d is too long",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, str1, str2, seq);
+ /* *** make shorter, little risk
+ StringCopy(buff, str1);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ *** */
+ StringCopy(buff, StringInt(line_num(fpos(sym))));
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ StringCat(buff, str2);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(seq));
+ res = MakeWord(QWORD, buff, &fpos(x));
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "CrossGenTag( %s ) returning %s", SymName(actual(x)), string(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end CrossGenTag */
+/* */
+/* CrossAddTag(x) */
+/* */
+/* Add an automatically generated @Tag parameter to closure x if required. */
+/* */
+void CrossAddTag(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, par, ppar, y;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossAddTag( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ /* search the parameter list of x for a @Tag parameter */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(par, link);
+ if( type(par) == PAR && is_tag(actual(par)) )
+ {
+ /* has tag, but if value is empty object, delete it */
+ Child(y, Down(par));
+ if( is_word(type(y)) && StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ { DisposeChild(link);
+ link = x;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( link == x )
+ {
+ /* search the definition of x for name of its @Tag parameter */
+ ppar = nilobj;
+ for( link=Down(actual(x)); link != actual(x); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_par(type(y)) && is_tag(y) )
+ { ppar = y;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ppar != nilobj ) /* should always hold */
+ {
+ /* prepare new PAR containing generated tag */
+ New(par, PAR);
+ actual(par) = ppar;
+ y = CrossGenTag(x);
+ Link(par, y);
+ /* find the right spot, then link it to x */
+ switch( type(ppar) )
+ {
+ case LPAR: link = Down(x);
+ break;
+ case NPAR: link = Down(x);
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) == PAR && type(actual(y)) == LPAR )
+ link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ break;
+ case RPAR: for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) != PAR ) break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Link(link, par);
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossAddTag returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+} /* end CrossAddTag */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT CrossExpand(x, env, style, crs, res_env) */
+/* */
+/* Return the value of cross-reference x, with environment *res_env. If */
+/* x has a non-literal tag, it must be tracked, so an object is added to */
+/* *crs for this purpose. The result replaces x, which is disposed. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT nbt[2] = { nilobj, nilobj };
+static OBJECT nft[2] = { nilobj, nilobj };
+static OBJECT ntarget = nilobj;
+static OBJECT nenclose = nilobj;
+OBJECT CrossExpand(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style,
+OBJECT *crs, OBJECT *res_env)
+{ OBJECT sym, res, tag, y, cs, link, db, tmp, index;
+ int ctype, count, i; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], seq[MAX_BUFF], *str;
+ FILE_NUM fnum, dfnum; BOOLEAN tagerror = FALSE;
+ long cont, dfpos; int dlnum;
+ assert( is_cross(type(x)), "CrossExpand: x!" );
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "[ CrossExpand( %s, env, style, %s, res_env )",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoObject(*crs));
+ assert( NextDown(Down(x)) == LastDown(x), "CrossExpand: #args!" );
+ /* manifest and tidy the right parameter */
+ Child(tag, LastDown(x));
+ debug0(DOM, D, " [ calling Manifest from CrossExpand");
+ tag = Manifest(tag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, FALSE);
+ debug0(DOM, D, " ] returning from Manifest");
+ tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, TRUE); /* && */
+ /* extract sym (the symbol name) and tag (the tag value) from x */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "ClosureExpand: type(y) != CLOSURE!" );
+ sym = actual(y);
+ ctype = !is_word(type(tag)) ? 1 :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) ? 2 :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), KW_PRECEDING) ? CROSS_PREC :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), KW_FOLL_OR_PREC) ? CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), KW_FOLLOWING) ? CROSS_FOLL : CROSS_LIT;
+ res = nilobj;
+ switch( ctype )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ Error(10, 4, "value of right parameter of %s is not a simple word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CROSS);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ Error(10, 5, "value of right parameter of %s is an empty word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CROSS);
+ break;
+ case CROSS_LIT:
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " CROSS_LIT sym %s, tag %s", SymName(sym), string(tag));
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ if( sym == MomentSym && StringEqual(string(tag), KW_NOW) )
+ { /* this is a request for the current time */
+ res = StartMoment();
+ }
+ else
+ { if( !has_tag(sym) )
+ { Error(10, 6, "symbol %s used in cross reference has no %s parameter",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym), KW_TAG);
+ tagerror = TRUE;
+ }
+ for( link = NextUp(Up(cs)); link != cs; link = NextUp(link) )
+ { Parent(db, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(db)), "CrossExpand: db!" );
+ if( DbRetrieve(db, FALSE, sym, string(tag), seq, &dfnum, &dfpos,
+ &dlnum, &cont) )
+ {
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ count = 0;
+ /* condition db != OldCrossDb added to fix inconsistency with */
+ /* the call to AttachEnv below, which always carried it; but */
+ /* there may still be a problem when db != OldCrossDb because */
+ /* in that case all symbols currently visible are declared */
+ /* visible in the database entry; perhaps InitialEnvironment */
+ /* would be best */
+ if( db != OldCrossDb )
+ { SetScope(env, &count, FALSE);
+ debug2(DCR, D, "Retrieving %s, env = %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(env));
+ }
+ else
+ { debug1(DCR, D, "Retrieving %s, env = nilobj", SymName(sym));
+ }
+ res = ReadFromFile(dfnum, dfpos, dlnum);
+ for( i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) PopScope();
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ if( db != OldCrossDb ) AttachEnv(env, res);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ if( has_tag(sym) )
+ { int new_seq;
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ assert( cs != nilobj, "CrossExpand/CROSS_FOLL: cs == nilobj!" );
+ assert( type(cs) == CROSS_SYM, "CrossExpand/CROSS_FOLL: type(cs)!" );
+ /* generate literal tag buff, used to track this cross reference */
+ fnum = file_num(fpos(tag));
+ new_seq = crtab_getnext(sym, fnum, &crossref_tab);
+ str = FileName(fnum);
+ if( StringLength(str) + 5 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(10, 7, "automatically generated tag %s_%d is too long",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), str, new_seq); /* was cr_seq(cs) */
+ StringCopy(buff, str);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("_"));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(new_seq)); /* was cr_seq(cs) */
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " CROSS_PREC or CROSS_FOLL generated tag %s", buff);
+ /* generate tracking cross reference and index, and add to *crs */
+ tmp = CrossMake(sym, MakeWord(WORD, buff, &fpos(tag)), ctype);
+ New(index, ctype);
+ actual(index) = tmp;
+ Link(index, tmp);
+ if( *crs == nilobj ) New(*crs, CR_LIST);
+ Link(*crs, index);
+ /* read tracking cross ref from previous run from cross-ref database */
+ if( AllowCrossDb &&
+ DbRetrieve(OldCrossDb, FALSE, sym, buff, seq, &dfnum, &dfpos,
+ &dlnum, &cont) )
+ {
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ res = ReadFromFile(dfnum, dfpos, dlnum);
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(10, 8, "symbol %s used in cross reference has no %s parameter",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym), KW_TAG);
+ tagerror = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossExpand ctype");
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ if( res == nilobj )
+ { OBJECT envt;
+ /* *** reporting this now whether or not crs_wanted
+ if( ctype > 1 && !tagerror && crs_wanted )
+ *** */
+ if( ctype > 1 && !tagerror )
+ { debug3(DCR, DD, " reporting unresolved cross reference %s%s%s",
+ SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, string(tag));
+ Error(10, 9, "unresolved cross reference %s%s%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, string(tag));
+ }
+ /* build dummy result with environment attached */
+ /* nb at present we are not adding dummy import closures to this! */
+ New(res, CLOSURE); actual(res) = sym;
+ y = res;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "First y = %s", SymName(actual(y)));
+ while( enclosing(actual(y)) != StartSym )
+ { New(tmp, CLOSURE);
+ actual(tmp) = enclosing(actual(y));
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from CrossExpand (a)");
+ envt = SetEnv(tmp, nilobj);
+ AttachEnv(envt, y);
+ y = tmp;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "Later y = %s", SymName(actual(y)));
+ }
+ New(envt, ENV); Link(y, envt);
+ }
+ /* set environment, replace x by res, debug and exit */
+ *res_env = DetachEnv(res);
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ assert( type(res) == CLOSURE, "CrossExpand: type(res) != CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( actual(res) == sym, "CrossExpand: actual(res) != sym!" );
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "] CrossExpand returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " *crs = %s", EchoObject(*crs));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " *res_env = %s", EchoObject(*res_env));
+ return res;
+} /* end CrossExpand */
+/* */
+/* CrossSequence(x) */
+/* */
+/* Object x is an insinuated cross-reference that has just been popped off */
+/* the top of the root galley. Resolve it with the sequence of others. */
+/* */
+void CrossSequence(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT sym, tag, val, tmp, cs, par, key, hold_key, link, y, env, hold_env;
+ unsigned ctype; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *seq;
+ FILE_NUM dfnum; int dfpos, dlnum;
+ /* if suppressing cross-referencing, dispose x and quit */
+ if( !AllowCrossDb )
+ { if( Up(x) == x ) DisposeObject(x);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossSequence returning (!AllowCrossDb).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* get interesting fragments from x */
+ debugcond1(DCR, DD, !is_cross(type(x)), " type(x) = %s, x =", Image(type(x)));
+ ifdebugcond(DCR, DD, !is_cross(type(x)), DebugObject(x));
+ assert( is_cross(type(x)), "CrossSequence: type(x)!" );
+ ctype = cross_type(x);
+ Child(tmp, Down(x));
+ assert( type(tmp) == CLOSURE, "CrossSequence: type(tmp)!" );
+ sym = actual(tmp);
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ assert( type(cs) == CROSS_SYM, "CrossSequence: cs!" );
+ /* debug output */
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "CrossSequence %s %s", Image(ctype), EchoObject(x));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " x = %s", EchoObject(x));
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, DebugObject(cs));
+ /* delete as much of x as possible */
+ Child(tag, NextDown(Down(x)));
+ DeleteLink(NextDown(Down(x)));
+ if( Up(x) == x ) DisposeObject(x);
+ switch( ctype )
+ {
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ /* find the value of key of the galley, if any */
+ val = tag; key = hold_key = nilobj;
+ assert( type(val) == CLOSURE, "CrossSequence/GALL_FOLL: type(val)!" );
+ if( has_key(actual(val)) )
+ { for( link=Down(actual(val)); link != actual(val); link=NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_key(y) )
+ { OBJECT nbt[2], nft[2], crs, ntarget, nenclose;
+ nbt[COLM] = nft[COLM] = nbt[ROWM] = nft[ROWM] = nilobj;
+ crs = ntarget = nenclose = nilobj;
+ New(key, CLOSURE);
+ actual(key) = y;
+ New(hold_key, ACAT);
+ Link(hold_key, key);
+ New(env, ENV);
+ Link(env, val);
+ New(hold_env, ACAT);
+ Link(hold_env, env);
+ debug0(DOM, D, " [ calling Manifest from CrossSequence");
+ key = Manifest(key, env, &save_style(val), nbt, nft,
+ &ntarget, &crs, FALSE, TRUE, &nenclose, FALSE);
+ debug0(DOM, D, " ] returning from Manifest");
+ key = ReplaceWithTidy(key, TRUE);
+ DeleteLink(Down(env));
+ DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* write out the galley */
+ dfnum = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(val));
+ AppendToFile(val, dfnum, &dfpos, &dlnum);
+ /* determine the sequence number or string of this galley */
+ if( key == nilobj )
+ { ++gall_seq(cs);
+ StringCopy(buff, StringFiveInt(gall_seq(cs)));
+ seq = buff;
+ }
+ else if( !is_word(type(key)) )
+ { Error(10, 10, "%s parameter is not a word", WARN, &fpos(key), KW_KEY);
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "key = %s", EchoObject(key));
+ seq = STR_BADKEY;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(key), STR_EMPTY) )
+ { Error(10, 11, "%s parameter is an empty word", WARN,&fpos(key),KW_KEY);
+ seq = STR_BADKEY;
+ }
+ else seq = string(key);
+ /* either write out the index immediately or store it for later */
+ if( ctype == GALL_PREC )
+ { if( gall_tag(cs) == nilobj )
+ { Error(10, 12, "no %s precedes this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(val),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_PRECEDING);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " ... so substituting \"none\"");
+ gall_tag(cs) = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, &fpos(val));
+ }
+ assert( is_word(type(gall_tag(cs))) &&
+ !StringEqual(string(gall_tag(cs)), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossSequence: gall_tag!" );
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting galley (prec) %s&%s %s", SymName(sym),
+ string(gall_tag(cs)), seq);
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(gall_tag(cs)), no_fpos, seq,
+ dfnum, (long) dfpos, dlnum, FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ { tmp = MakeWord(WORD, seq, &fpos(val));
+ cs_type(tmp) = ctype;
+ cs_fnum(tmp) = dfnum;
+ cs_pos(tmp) = dfpos;
+ cs_lnum(tmp) = dlnum;
+ Link(cs, tmp);
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " saving galley (foll) %s&? %s", SymName(sym), seq);
+ }
+ DisposeObject(val);
+ if( hold_key != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hold_key);
+ break;
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ if( gall_tag(cs) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(gall_tag(cs));
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) || StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " GALL_TARG %s put none for %s",
+ SymName(sym), EchoObject(tag));
+ DisposeObject(tag);
+ gall_tag(cs) = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, no_fpos);
+ }
+ else gall_tag(cs) = tag;
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " have new %s gall_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(gall_tag(cs)));
+ for( link = Down(cs); link != cs; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(y)) && !StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossSequence: GALL_TARG y!" );
+ switch( cs_type(y) )
+ {
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " inserting galley (%s) %s&%s %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), SymName(sym), string(gall_tag(cs)), string(y));
+ if( Down(y) != y )
+ Child(val, Down(y));
+ else
+ val = nilobj;
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(gall_tag(cs)), no_fpos,
+ string(y), cs_fnum(y), (long) cs_pos(y), cs_lnum(y), FALSE);
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case CROSS_LIT:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossSequence: cs_type!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ if( target_state(cs) == NO_TARGET )
+ { Error(10, 13, "no %s precedes this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(tag),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_PRECEDING);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " inserting %s cross_targ %s",
+ SymName(sym), target_val(cs));
+ AppendToFile(target_val(cs), target_file(cs), &target_pos(cs),
+ &target_lnum(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ target_val(cs) = nilobj;
+ target_state(cs) = WRITTEN_TARGET;
+ }
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) || StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " GALL_TARG %s put none for %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(tag));
+ DisposeObject(tag);
+ tag = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, no_fpos);
+ }
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting cross (prec) %s&%s %s", SymName(sym),
+ string(tag), "0");
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, string(tag), &fpos(tag), STR_ZERO,
+ target_file(cs), (long) target_pos(cs), target_lnum(cs), TRUE);
+ DisposeObject(tag);
+ break;
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) )
+ { Error(10, 14, "tag of %s is not a simple word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), SymName(symb(cs)));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " tag = %s", EchoObject(tag));
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " ignoring cross (foll) %s (empty tag)", SymName(sym));
+ }
+ else
+ { Link(cs, tag);
+ cs_fnum(tag) = file_num(fpos(tag));
+ cs_type(tag) = ctype;
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " storing cross (%s) %s&%s %s", Image(ctype),
+ SymName(sym), string(tag), "?");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ /* get rid of old target, if any, and add new one */
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " disposing unused %s cross_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ target_val(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ }
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " remembering new %s cross_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(tag));
+ target_val(cs) = tag;
+ assert( Up(tag) == tag, "CrossSeq: Up(tag)!" );
+ target_file(cs) = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(tag));
+ target_state(cs) = SEEN_TARGET;
+ /* store tag of the galley, if any, and delete excessive right pars */
+ tag = nilobj;
+ assert( type(target_val(cs)) == CLOSURE, "CrossSequence: target_val!" );
+ link = Down(target_val(cs));
+ for( ; link != target_val(cs); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(par, link);
+ if( type(par) == PAR )
+ {
+ assert( Down(par) != par, "CrossSequence: Down(PAR)!" );
+ if( is_tag(actual(par)) )
+ {
+ /* sort out the value of this tag now */
+ Child(tag, Down(par));
+ tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, TRUE); /* && */
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) )
+ { Error(10, 15, "tag of %s is not a simple word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), SymName(actual(target_val(cs))));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " tag = %s", EchoObject(tag));
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " ignoring cross (own tag) %s (empty tag)",
+ SymName(sym));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cs_fnum(tag) = file_num(fpos(tag));
+ cs_type(tag) = CROSS_LIT;
+ Link(cs, tag);
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " storing cross (%s) %s&%s %s",
+ Image(cs_type(tag)), SymName(sym), string(tag), "?");
+ }
+ }
+ else if( type(actual(par)) == RPAR )
+ {
+ /* replace any oversized right parameter by question marks */
+ Child(y, Down(par));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case ACAT:
+ case OPEN:
+ case NEXT:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case CROSS:
+ case TAGGED:
+ /* leave objects of these types as is */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* replace all other types by three question marks */
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("???"), &fpos(y));
+ ReplaceNode(tmp, y);
+ DisposeObject(y);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if new target is already writable, write it */
+ if( Down(cs) != cs )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " writing %s cross_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(target_val(cs)));
+ AppendToFile(target_val(cs), target_file(cs), &target_pos(cs),
+ &target_lnum(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ target_val(cs) = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(cs); link != cs; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(tag, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(tag)) && !StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossSeq: non-WORD or empty tag!" );
+ switch( cs_type(tag) )
+ {
+ case CROSS_LIT:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting cross (foll) %s&%s %s", SymName(sym),
+ string(tag), "0");
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, string(tag), &fpos(tag),
+ STR_ZERO, target_file(cs), (long) target_pos(cs),
+ target_lnum(cs), TRUE);
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossSequence: cs_type!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ target_state(cs) = WRITTEN_TARGET;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "CrossSequence:", Image(ctype));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossSequence returning.");
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " cs =");
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, DebugObject(cs));
+} /* end CrossSequence */
+/* */
+/* CrossClose() */
+/* */
+/* Check for dangling forward references, and convert old cross reference */
+/* database to new one. */
+/* */
+void CrossClose(void)
+{ OBJECT link, cs, ylink, y, sym; BOOLEAN g; int len, count;
+ FILE_NUM dfnum; long dfpos, cont; int dlnum;
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossClose()");
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, if( RootCross != nilobj ) DebugObject(RootCross));
+ /* if suppressing cross referencing, return */
+ if( !AllowCrossDb )
+ { debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossClose returning (!AllowCrossDb).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* check for dangling forward references and dispose cross ref structures */
+ if( RootCross != nilobj )
+ { for( link = Down(RootCross); link != RootCross; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(cs, link);
+ sym = symb(cs);
+ assert( type(cs) == CROSS_SYM, "CrossClose: type(cs)!" );
+ count = 0;
+ for( ylink = Down(cs); ylink != cs; ylink = NextDown(ylink) )
+ { Child(y, ylink);
+ assert( is_word(type(y)) && !StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossClose: GALL_TARG y!" );
+ switch( cs_type(y) )
+ {
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "cs_type(y) = %s, y = %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ if( count < 5 )
+ Error(10, 16, "no %s follows this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(y),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ else if( count == 5 )
+ Error(10, 17, "and more undefined %s%s%s", WARN, no_fpos,
+ SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ count++;
+ break;
+ /* no following target, so switch to preceding */
+ if( target_state(cs) == NO_TARGET )
+ { Error(10, 18, "no %s follows or precedes this %s%s%s", WARN,
+ &fpos(y), SymName(sym), SymName(sym),KW_CROSS,KW_FOLL_OR_PREC);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " inserting %s cross_targ %s",
+ SymName(sym), target_val(cs));
+ AppendToFile(target_val(cs), target_file(cs), &target_pos(cs),
+ &target_lnum(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ target_val(cs) = nilobj;
+ target_state(cs) = WRITTEN_TARGET;
+ }
+ if( !is_word(type(y)) || StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC %s put none for %s",
+ SymName(sym), EchoObject(y));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, no_fpos);
+ }
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " inserting cross (%s) %s&%s %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), SymName(sym), string(y), "0");
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, string(y), &fpos(y), STR_ZERO,
+ target_file(cs), (long) target_pos(cs), target_lnum(cs), TRUE);
+ break;
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "cs_type(y) = %s, y = %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ if( count < 5 )
+ Error(10, 19, "no %s follows this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(y),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ else if( count == 5 )
+ Error(10, 20, "and more undefined %s%s%s", WARN, no_fpos,
+ SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, STR_NONE, no_fpos,
+ string(y), cs_fnum(y), (long) cs_pos(y), cs_lnum(y), FALSE);
+ count++;
+ break;
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting galley (foll_or_prec) %s&%s %s",
+ SymName(sym), string(gall_tag(cs)), string(y));
+ if( gall_tag(cs) == nilobj )
+ Error(10, 21, "no %s precedes or follows this %s%s%s", WARN,
+ &fpos(y), SymName(sym), SymName(sym),KW_CROSS,KW_FOLL_OR_PREC);
+ else
+ {
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(gall_tag(cs)), no_fpos,
+ string(y), cs_fnum(y), (long) cs_pos(y), cs_lnum(y), FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossClose: unknown cs_type %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)));
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossClose: unknown cs_type!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug(ANY, D,
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET ) DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ if( gall_tag(cs) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(gall_tag(cs));
+ );
+ }
+ ifdebug(ANY, D, DisposeObject(RootCross); );
+ }
+ /* add to NewCrossDb those entries of OldCrossDb from other source files */
+ /* but set check to FALSE so that we don't worry about duplication there */
+ cont = 0L; len = StringLength(DATA_SUFFIX);
+ while( DbRetrieveNext(OldCrossDb,&g,&sym,tag,seq,&dfnum,&dfpos,&dlnum,&cont))
+ { if( g ) continue;
+ StringCopy(buff, FileName(dfnum));
+ StringCopy(&buff[StringLength(buff) - len], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( FileNum(buff, STR_EMPTY) == NO_FILE )
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, tag, no_fpos, seq, dfnum, dfpos,
+ dlnum, FALSE);
+ }
+ /* close OldCrossDb's .li file so that NewCrossDb can use its name */
+ DbClose(OldCrossDb);
+ /* make NewCrossDb readable, for next run */
+ DbConvert(NewCrossDb, TRUE);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossClose returning.");
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, crtab_debug(crossref_tab, stderr));
+} /* end CrossClose */