path: root/include/eqf
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/eqf')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/include/eqf b/include/eqf
index 4437edf..e03bb3e 100644
--- a/include/eqf
+++ b/include/eqf
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# #
-export "`" "``" "```" bin rel punct non vctr big
+export "`" "``" "```" bin rel punct non vctr big small
space exclam universal numbersign existential percent
ampersand suchthat parenleft parenright asteriskmath
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ export "`" "``" "```" bin rel punct non vctr big
hbar Re Im partial infty prime nabla surd top bot dbar
- triangle backslash forall exists neg circle square
+ triangle backslash forall exists neg
+ circle filledcircle square
"0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
@@ -64,14 +65,14 @@ export "`" "``" "```" bin rel punct non vctr big
boplus buplus
"+" "-" "+-" "-+" setminus cdot times "*" circ div cap cup uplus
- sqcap sqcup triangleleft triangleright wr bigcirc bigtriangleup
- bigtriangledown vee wedge oplus ominus otimes oslash odot dagger
- daggerdbl amalg
+ sqcap sqcup triangleleft triangleright
+ wr bigcirc bigtriangleup bigtriangledown vee wedge oplus ominus
+ otimes oslash odot dagger daggerdbl amalg
"<" ">" "=" "<=" prec preceq "<<" subset subseteq sqsubseteq
in vdash smile frown ">=" succ succeq ">>" supset supseteq
sqsupseteq ni dashv mid parallel "==" "~" "-~" asymp "~~"
- "=~" bowtie propto models doteq perp notsub notin "!=" not
+ "=~" bowtie propto models doteq trieq perp notsub notin "!=" not
"<->" "<--" "-->" up down "<=>" "<==" "==>" dblup dbldown
":" "::" ":="
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ export "`" "``" "```" bin rel punct non vctr big
nearrow searrow swarrow nwarrow
sup sub tsub supp on ton frac half third over from to widefrom wideto
- dot dotdot hat tilde vec dyad overbar underbar sqrt root
+ dot dotdot hat tilde vec dyad overbar underbar sqrt root zroot
nextcol above labove cabove rabove mabove
matrix pmatrix bmatrix brmatrix fmatrix cmatrix amatrix
@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ def @Eq
def punct right x { x ` }
def non right x { 0c @YUnit x }
def big right x { 1.3f @Font @SpaceGap @Space x }
+ def small right x { 0.6f @Font @SpaceGap @Space x }
def @Base right x { Base @Font x }
def @Sym right x { {Symbol Base} @Font x }
@@ -460,93 +462,129 @@ def @Eq
def exists { existential }
def neg { logicalnot }
- def circle { @HContract @VContract
- @BackEnd @Case {
- PostScript @Yield {
- { "xsize ysize 2 div moveto"
- "xsize 2 div ysize 2 div xsize 2 div 0 360 arc"
- "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
- }
- @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
- }
- PDF @Yield {
-# VT: draws a counterclockwise 360 degree arc from 0 to +360 degree positions
-# (straight right to straight right) with centre = (xsize/2, ysize/2)
-# and radius = xsize/2
-# implemented as two counterclockwise 180 degree arcs:
- {
- "__mul(0.04, __loutf) w"
-# start at (xsize, ysize/2)
-# the control points are:
-# pt1 = (xsize, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2)) and pt2 = (0, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
-# end at (0, ysize/2)
- "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) m"
- "__xsize __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt1
- "0 __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt2
- "0 __div(__ysize, 2) c" # pt3
-# start at (0, ysize/2)
-# the control points are:
-# pt1 = (0, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2)) and pt2 = (xsize, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
-# end at (xsize, ysize/2)
- "0 __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt1
- "__xsize __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt2
- "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) c S" # pt3
- }
- @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
- }
- }
- }
+ def circle
+ { @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "xsize ysize 2 div moveto"
+ "xsize 2 div ysize 2 div xsize 2 div 0 360 arc"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ } @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ #
+ # VT: draws a counterclockwise 360 degree arc from 0 to +360
+ # degree positions (straight right to straight right) with
+ # centre = (xsize/2, ysize/2) and radius = xsize/2,
+ # implemented as two counterclockwise 180 degree arcs.
+ # start at (xsize, ysize/2); the control points are:
+ #
+ # pt1 = (xsize, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ # pt2 = (0, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ #
+ # end at (0, ysize/2). Then start at (0, ysize/2); control points
+ #
+ # pt1 = (0, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ # pt2 = (xsize, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ #
+ # and end at (xsize, ysize/2).
+ {
+ "__mul(0.04, __loutf) w"
+ "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) m"
+ "__xsize __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "0 __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "0 __div(__ysize, 2) c"
+ "0 __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "__xsize __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) c S"
+ } @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- def square { @HContract @VContract
- @BackEnd @Case {
- PostScript @Yield {
- { "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
- "0 ysize lineto closepath"
- "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
- }
- @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
- }
- PDF @Yield {
- { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
- "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l"
- "0 __ysize l s"
- }
- @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
- }
- }
- }
+ def filledcircle
+ { @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "xsize ysize 2 div moveto"
+ "xsize 2 div ysize 2 div xsize 2 div 0 360 arc"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth fill"
+ } @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ #
+ # JK: I don't know how to fill in PDF, so this doesn't!
+ #
+ # VT: draws a counterclockwise 360 degree arc from 0 to +360
+ # degree positions (straight right to straight right) with
+ # centre = (xsize/2, ysize/2) and radius = xsize/2,
+ # implemented as two counterclockwise 180 degree arcs.
+ # start at (xsize, ysize/2); the control points are:
+ #
+ # pt1 = (xsize, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ # pt2 = (0, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ #
+ # end at (0, ysize/2). Then start at (0, ysize/2); control points
+ #
+ # pt1 = (0, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ # pt2 = (xsize, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
+ #
+ # and end at (xsize, ysize/2).
+ {
+ "__mul(0.04, __loutf) w"
+ "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) m"
+ "__xsize __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "0 __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "0 __div(__ysize, 2) c"
+ "0 __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "__xsize __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
+ "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) c S"
+ } @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- def triangle { @HContract @VContract
- @BackEnd @Case {
- PostScript @Yield {
- { "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto"
- "xsize 2 div ysize lineto closepath"
- "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
- }
- @Graphic
- { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/
- 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High
- }
- }
- PDF @Yield {
- { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
- "0 0 m __xsize 0 l"
- "__div(__xsize, 2) __ysize l s"
- }
- @Graphic
- { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/
- 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ def square
+ { @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto closepath"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ } @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ {
+ "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l"
+ "0 __ysize l s"
+ } @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def triangle
+ { @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto"
+ "xsize 2 div ysize lineto closepath"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ } @Graphic { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ {
+ "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l"
+ "__div(__xsize, 2) __ysize l s"
+ } @Graphic { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def triangledown { 180d @Rotate triangle }
# #
@@ -774,6 +812,7 @@ def @Eq
def bowtie { rel{non triangleright non triangleleft}}
def propto { rel proportional }
def models { rel{@Base vctr "|" &0.05fo vctr equal}}
+ def trieq { rel @OneRow @HContract {&0.5rt small triangle^/0.15f equal}}
def doteq { rel @OneRow @HContract {&0.5rt dotmath^/0.15f equal}}
def perp { rel perpendicular }
@@ -1446,6 +1485,16 @@ def @Eq
"" sup x &0io sqrt y
+ def zroot
+ precedence 56
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ def zsup right x { "+0.3f" @VShift 0.5f @Font @Space x }
+ "-0.4f" @HShift { 1w @HShift { zsup x } } &0co sqrt y
+ }
def above
precedence 52
left x