path: root/doc/user/tbl_plai
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/user/tbl_plai')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_plai b/doc/user/tbl_plai
index 0813717..d887b86 100644
--- a/doc/user/tbl_plai
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_plai
@@ -7,35 +7,40 @@ Tables work well with plain text output (Section {@NumberOf plain}):
plain.text.tables @Index { plain text tables }
@CD @OneRow -1px @Break @F @Verbatim {
-. . .
-. Johnson . Johnson suddenly uttered an .
-. suddenly . apophegm, at which many will .
-. uttered an . start: `Patriotism is the .
-. apophegm, at . last refuge of a scoundrel.' .
-. which many . .
-. will start: . .
-. `Patriotism .................................
-. is the last . . .
-. refuge of a . Johnson . Johnson .
-. scoundrel.' . suddenly . suddenly .
-. . uttered an . uttered an .
-. . apophegm, at . apophegm, at .
-. . which many . which many .
-. . will start: . will start: .
-. . `Patriotism . `Patriotism .
-. . is the last . is the last .
-. . refuge of a . refuge of a .
-. . scoundrel.' . scoundrel.' .
-. . . .
-. . . .
-................................... .
-. . .
-. Johnson suddenly uttered an . .
-. apophegm, at which many will . .
-. start: `Patriotism is the . .
-. last refuge of a scoundrel.' . .
-. . .
-. . .
+. . .
+. Johnson . Johnson suddenly uttered, in .
+. suddenly . a strong determined tone, an .
+. uttered, . apophegm, at which many will .
+. in a strong . start: `Patriotism is the .
+. determined . last refuge of a scoundrel.' .
+. tone, an . .
+. apophegm, at . .
+. which many ..................................
+. will start: . . .
+. `Patriotism . Johnson . Johnson .
+. is the last . suddenly . suddenly .
+. refuge of a . uttered, . uttered, .
+. scoundrel.' . in a strong . in a strong .
+. . determined . determined .
+. . tone, an . tone, an .
+. . apophegm, at . apophegm, at .
+. . which many . which many .
+. . will start: . will start: .
+. . `Patriotism . `Patriotism .
+. . is the last . is the last .
+. . refuge of a . refuge of a .
+. . scoundrel.' . scoundrel.' .
+. . . .
+. . . .
+.................................. .
+. . .
+. Johnson suddenly uttered, in . .
+. a strong determined tone, an . .
+. apophegm, at which many will . .
+. start: `Patriotism is the . .
+. last refuge of a scoundrel.' . .
+. . .
+. . .
This table was produced by a separate run of Lout and pasted into this