path: root/doc/user/gra_tick
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diff --git a/doc/user/gra_tick b/doc/user/gra_tick
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6079cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_tick
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ @Title { Ticks and labels }
+ @Tag { ticks }
+@I Ticks are the short lines that mark off intervals along the axes, and
+ticks.graph @Index { ticks in graphs }
+labels.graph @Index { labels in graphs }
+@I labels are the numbers appearing near the ticks (not to be confused
+with captions). {@Code "@Graph"} produces ticks and labels automatically
+with some care, so it is probably best not to worry about them unless the
+result is not pleasing, in which case there are options for controlling them.
+One simple way to control the production of x ticks is with the
+{@Code xmin}, {@Code xmax}, and {@Code xticksep} options to @Code
+"@Graph". For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xmin { 0 }"
+" xmax { 5 }"
+" xticksep { 0.5 }"
+specifies that x values in the range 0 to 5 are to be expected, and that
+a tick and label is to appear every 0.5 units along the x axis. One or
+both of @Code "xmin" and @Code "xmax" may be omitted, in which case
+suitable values will be inferred from the data as usual.
+Alternatively, complete control over the appearance of x ticks and labels
+is provided by the @Code "xticks" option. For example,
+xticks.graph @Index { @Code "xticks" option to @Code "@Graph" }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xticks { 0@ 5 10@ 15 20@ }"
+specifies that x ticks are to be drawn at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20. An
+@Code "@" following a number indicates that a label is to be printed as
+well, so the above example will produce labels at 0, 10, and 20. For
+even finer control, @Code "@" may be replaced by a label enclosed
+in parentheses:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xticks { 1 (Democrat) 2 (Republican) 3 (Other) }"
+As this example shows, a label does not have to be a number; it can be
+any string of characters, including spaces and balanced parentheses;
+but it may not be an arbitrary Lout object.
+The character @Code "^" in a label indicates that the
+remainder is to be treated as an exponent:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xlog { 10 }"
+" xticks { 1 (1) 10 (10) 100 (10^2) 1000 (10^3) 10000 (10^4) 100000 (10^5) }"
+" @Data points { plus }"
+" { 1 2.1 10 3.4 100 4.9 1000 6.1 10000 7.2 100000 7.6 }"
+In fact, the labels inserted automatically when @Code xticks is omitted have
+exponents when the axis is logarithmic, so @Code xticks is hardly necessary
+in this example. Anyway the result is
+@CD @Graph
+ height { 3 cm }
+ xlog { 10 }
+ xticks { 1 (1) 10 (10) 100 (10^2) 1000 (10^3) 10000 (10^4) 100000 (10^5) }
+ @Data points { plus }
+ {
+ 1 2.1 10 3.4 100 4.9 1000 6.1 10000 7.2 100000 7.6
+ }
+Setting @Code "xticks" to empty produces no x ticks (this is not the
+same as omitting {@Code xticks}).
+Similar options control ticks and labels on the y axis: {@Code "ymin"},
+{@Code "ymax"}, {@Code "yticksep"}, and {@Code "yticks"}. There are
+yticks.graph @Index { @Code "yticks" option to @Code "@Graph" }
+also @Code "xticklength" and @Code "yticklength" options which set
+the length of ticks:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xticklength { 0.5 ft }"
+" yticklength { 0.5 ft }"
+shows the default values, half the current font size in both cases.
+There is also an {@Code "rticks"} option which is similar to
+{@Code "yticks"} except that the ticks it controls appear on the
+right-hand side of the frame (this option is relevant only when
+the @Code style option is {@Code frame}). Unlike @Code "xticks" and
+{@Code "yticks"}, {@Code "rticks"} has empty default value, which is
+why you don't usually see r ticks. They are most useful when overstriking
+two graphs using @Code "@OverStrike" as explained earlier; one graph will
+have y ticks in the usual way, the other will have r ticks and empty
+y ticks:
+@CD {
+ style { frame }
+ width { 6c }
+ height { 8c }
+ xextra { 0 cm }
+ yextra { 0 cm }
+ rightcaption { -90d @Rotate { Precipitation mm } }
+ rightgap { 3.0f }
+ hidecaptions { no }
+ xmin { 0 }
+ xmax { 12 }
+ ymin { 0 }
+ ymax { 450 }
+ xticks { }
+ xticklength { 0 cm }
+ rticks { 0@ 50@ 100@ 150@ 200@ 250@ 300@ 350@ 400@ 450@ }
+ yticks {}
+ @Data
+ pairs { filledyhisto }
+ colour { blue }
+ linewidth { 1 pt }
+ {
+ 0 340
+ 1 410
+ 2 430
+ 3 340
+ 4 290
+ 5 175
+ 6 140
+ 7 125
+ 8 110
+ 9 100
+ 10 85
+ 11 175
+ 12 0
+ }
+ style { frame }
+ width { 6c }
+ height { 8c }
+ xextra { 0 cm }
+ yextra { 0 cm }
+ leftcaption { 90d @Rotate { Temperature {@Degree}C } }
+ leftgap { 2.5f }
+ hidecaptions { no }
+ xmin { 0 }
+ xmax { 12 }
+ ymin { -30 }
+ ymax { 50 }
+ xticks {
+ 0.5 (J)
+ 1.5 (F)
+ 2.5 (M)
+ 3.5 (A)
+ 4.5 (M)
+ 5.5 (J)
+ 6.5 (J)
+ 7.5 (A)
+ 8.5 (S)
+ 9.5 (O)
+ 10.5 (N)
+ 11.5 (D)
+ }
+ xticklength { 0 cm }
+ yticks { -30@ -20@ -10@ 0@ 10@ 20@ 30@ 40@ }
+ @Data
+ pairs { solid }
+ colour { red }
+ linewidth { 1 pt }
+ {
+ 0.0 24
+ 1.0 24
+ 2.0 25
+ 3.0 26
+ 4.0 26
+ 5.0 26
+ 6.0 26
+ 7.0 27
+ 8.0 26
+ 9.0 27
+ 10.0 28
+ 11.0 28
+ 12.0 26
+ }
+Here the first graph has
+@ID @Code {
+"rticks { 0@ 50@ 100@ 150@ 200@ 250@ 300@ 350@ 400@ 450@ }"
+"yticks {}"
+for its ticks.
+Lout has only a hazy idea of how much space is occupied by ticks and
+labels. Unless @Code "xticks" is empty, Lout allows 1.7 times the
+current font size below the graph for x ticks and labels, which is
+usually about right; but it does not allow any space for y and r ticks and
+labels since it has no idea how wide the labels will be. The discussion
+of captions in Section {@NumberOf captions} explains how to use the
+@Code "leftgap" and @Code "rightgap" options to work around this deficiency.
+@End @Section