path: root/doc/expert/exa_bibl
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+ @Title { Bibliographies }
+ @Tag { biblio }
+bibliographies @Index { Bibliographies }
+The first step in the production of a bibliography is to create a
+database of references based on the definition
+reference.example @Index { @Code "@Reference" example }
+@ID @Code {
+ "export @Type @Author @Title @Institution @Number @Publisher"
+//1vx " @Year @Proceedings @Journal @Volume @Pages @Comment"
+//1vx ""
+//1vx "def @Reference"
+//1vx " named @Tag" |2f "{ TAG? }"
+ /1vx " named @Type" | "{ TYPE? }"
+ /1vx " named @Author" | "{ AUTHOR? }"
+ /1vx " named @Title" | "{ TITLE? }"
+ /1vx " named @Institution" | "{ INSTITUTION? }"
+ /1vx " named @Number" | "{ NUMBER? }"
+ /1vx " named @Publisher" | "{ PUBLISHER? }"
+ /1vx " named @Year" | "{ YEAR? }"
+ /1vx " named @Proceedings" | "{ PROCEEDINGS? }"
+ /1vx " named @Journal" | "{ JOURNAL? }"
+ /1vx " named @Volume" | "{ VOLUME? }"
+ /1vx " named @Pages" | "{ PAGES? }"
+ /1vx " named @Comment" | "{ @Null }"
+//1vx "{ @Null }"
+For example, the database might contain
+@LI @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { strunk1979style }"
+" @Type { Book }"
+" @Author { Strunk, William and White, E. B. }"
+" @Title { The Elements of Style }"
+" @Publisher { MacMillan, third edition }"
+" @Year { 1979 }"
+@LI @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { kingston92 }"
+" @Type { TechReport }"
+" @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }"
+" @Title { Document Formatting with Lout (Second Edition) }"
+" @Number { 449 }"
+" @Institution { Basser Department of Computer"
+"Science F09, University of Sydney 2006, Australia }"
+" @Year { 1992 }"
+Since named parameters are optional, we have one for every conceivable
+type of attribute, and simply leave out those that do not apply in any
+particular reference. We can print a reference by using the @@Open
+symbol to get at its attributes:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Reference&&strunk1979style @Open"
+"{ @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. @Publisher, @Year. }"
+The right parameter of @@Open may use the exported parameters of the
+left, and so the result is
+@ID {
+@Reference&&strunk1979style @Open
+{ @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. @Publisher, @Year. } &0io
+Incidentally, we are not limited to just one database of references;
+several @@Database symbols can nominate the same symbol, and invocations of
+that symbol can appear in the document itself as well if we wish.
+The second step is to create a database of print styles for the various
+types of reference (Book, TechReport, etc.), based on the following
+@ID @Code {
+"export @Style"
+"def @RefStyle"
+" left @Tag"
+" named @Style right reftag {}"
+Notice that the named parameter @Code "@Style" has a right parameter
+{@Code "reftag"}. The style database has one entry for each type of
+@ID @Code {
+"{ Book @RefStyle @Style"
+" { @Reference&&reftag @Open"
+" { @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. @Publisher, @Year. @Comment }"
+" }"
+"{ TechReport @RefStyle @Style"
+" { @Reference&&reftag @Open"
+" { @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. Tech. Rep. @Number (@Year),"
+"@Institution. @Comment }"
+" }"
+and so on. The following prints the reference whose tag is
+@Code strunk1979style in the Book style:
+@ID @Code {
+"@RefStyle&&Book @Open { @Style strunk1979style }"
+It has result
+@ID {
+@RefStyle&&Book @Open { @Style strunk1979style } &0io
+Notice how the @Code "@Style" parameter of @Code "@RefStyle" is given the
+parameter {@Code strunk1979style}, which it uses to open the appropriate
+We can consult the @Code "@Type" attribute of a reference to find out
+its style, which brings us to the following definition for printing out
+a reference in the style appropriate to it:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @RefPrint"
+" right reftag"
+"{ @RefStyle&&{ @Reference&&reftag @Open { @Type } }"
+" @Open { @Style reftag }"
+For example, to evaluate {@Code "@RefPrint strunk1979style"}, Lout first
+@ID @Code {
+"@Reference&&strunk1979style @Open { @Type }"
+whose result is {@Code { @Reference&&strunk1979style @Open { @Type } }},
+and then evaluates
+@ID @Code {
+"@RefStyle&&Book @Open { @Style strunk1979style }"
+as before. Complicated as this is, with its two databases and clever
+passing about of tags, the advantages of separating references from
+printing styles are considerable: printing styles may be changed
+easily, and non-expert users need never see them.
+Finally, we come to the problem of printing out a numbered list of
+references, and referring to them by number in the body of the
+document. The first step is to create a numbered list of places that
+galleys containing references may attach to:
+referencesection.example @Index { @Code "@ReferenceSection" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @ReferenceSection"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Title { References }"
+" named @RunningTitle { dft }"
+" named style right tag { tag. }"
+" named headstyle right @Title { @Heading @Title }"
+" named indent { @DispIndent }"
+" named gap { @DispGap }"
+" named start { 1 }"
+" def @RefList right num"
+" {"
+" @NumberMarker num & indent @Wide {style num} | @RefPlace"
+" //gap @RefList @Next num"
+" }"
+" @Protect headstyle @Title"
+" // @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // @Title @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}"
+" // @Runner"
+" @FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }"
+" @FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }"
+" //@DispGap @RefList start"
+" // @Runner"
+" @TopEven { @B @PageNum }"
+" @TopOdd { @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title} |1rt @B @PageNum }"
+We place the expression @Code "@ReferenceSection" at the point where we
+want the list of references to appear; its value is something like
+@ID @Code {
+"1. @RefPlace"
+"2. @RefPlace"
+"3. @RefPlace"
+where @Code "@RefPlace" is @Code "@Galley" as usual. We can scatter
+multiple lists of references through the document if we wish (at the end
+of each chapter, for example), simply by placing @Code "@ReferenceSection"
+at each point.
+Our task is completed by the following definition:
+ref.example @Index { @Code "@Ref" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Ref right x"
+" def sendref into { @RefPlace&&following }"
+" right @Key"
+" {"
+" @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &"
+" @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &"
+" @RefPrint x"
+" }"
+" @NumberMarker&&x @Open { @Tag } sendref x"
+Given this definition, the invocation {@Code "@Ref strunk1979style"} has result
+@ID @Code "@NumberMarker&&strunk1979style @Open { @Tag }"
+plus the galley {@Code "sendref strunk1979style"}. We first
+follow what happens to the galley.
+According to its @Code into clause, the galley will replace a
+@Code "@RefPlace" in the nearest following {@Code "@ReferenceSection"}. If
+every such galley is a sorted galley whose key is the reference's tag, as
+this one is, they will appear sorted by tag. The galley's object is
+@ID @Code {
+"@NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged strunk1979style &"
+"@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged strunk1979style &"
+"@RefPrint strunk1979style"
+The result of the @@Tagged symbol is always @@Null, so this prints the
+@Code strunk1979style reference in the appropriate style at the
+{@Code "@RefPlace"}, as desired.
+Now @Code "@NumberMarker&&preceding" is the nearest preceding invocation of
+@Code "@NumberMarker" in the final document. This must be the invocation of
+@Code "@NumberMarker" just before the @Code "@RefPlace" that received
+the galley, and so this invocation of @Code "@NumberMarker" is given @Code
+strunk1979style as an additional tag by the @@Tagged symbol. Its original tag
+was the number of the reference place, which means that
+@ID @Code {
+"@NumberMarker&&strunk1979style @Open { @Tag }"
+has for its result the number of the reference place that received the
+@Code strunk1979style galley, and this is the desired result of
+{@Code "@Ref strunk1979style"}.
+It might seem that if we refer to the @Code strunk1979style reference twice,
+two copies will be sent to the reference list and it will appear
+twice. However, when more than one sorted galley with the same key is sent
+to the same place, only one of them is printed (Section {@NumberOf galleys});
+so provided that sorted galleys are used there is no problem.
+@End @Section