path: root/z41.c
diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
commit71bdb35d52747e6d7d9f55df4524d57c2966be94 (patch)
tree480ee5eefccc40d5f3331cc52d66f722fd19bfb9 /z41.c
parentb41263ea7578fa9742486135c762803b52794105 (diff)
Lout 3.17.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@2 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
Diffstat (limited to 'z41.c')
1 files changed, 721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z41.c b/z41.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a276a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z41.c
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+/*@z41.c:Object Input-Output:AppendToFile, ReadFromFile@**********************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z41.c */
+/* MODULE: Object Input-Output */
+/* EXTERNS: ReadFromFile(), AppendToFile(), CloseFiles() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+static FILE_NUM last_write_fnum = NO_FILE;
+static FILE *last_write_fp = null;
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ReadFromFile(fnum, pos, lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Read an object from file fnum starting at position pos. */
+/* The object may include @Env operators defining its environment, or */
+/* not, but in any case ReadFromFile assumes that the correct scope is set. */
+/* lnum is the line number of the spot you end up at when you seek to pos. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ReadFromFile(FILE_NUM fnum, long pos, int lnum)
+{ OBJECT t, res;
+ int ipos;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("ReadFromFile"));
+ ifdebug(DIO, D, ipos = (int) pos);
+ debug3(DIO, D, "ReadFromFile(%s, %d, %d)", FileName(fnum), ipos, lnum);
+ LexPush(fnum, (int) pos, DATABASE_FILE, lnum, FALSE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { debug1(DIO, D, " following because type(t) = %s", Image(type(t)));
+ Error(41, 1, "database index file seems to be out of date",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ }
+ res = Parse(&t, StartSym, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( t != nilobj || type(res) != CLOSURE )
+ { debug1(DIO, D, " following because of %s", t!=nilobj ? "t" : "type(res)");
+ Error(41, 2, "syntax error in database file", FATAL, &fpos(res));
+ }
+ LexPop();
+ debug1(DIO, D, "ReadFromFile returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("ReadFromFile"));
+ return res;
+} /* end ReadFromFile */
+/* */
+/* static Optimize(x, env) */
+/* */
+static void OptimizeParameterList(OBJECT x, OBJECT env);
+static void Optimize(OBJECT x, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT tmp;
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { OptimizeParameterList(x, env);
+ }
+ tmp = ParameterCheck(x, env);
+ if( tmp != nilobj )
+ { ReplaceNode(tmp, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ }
+/* */
+/* OptimizeParameterList(x, env) */
+/* */
+/* Optimize the space required to print the parameters of x by evaluating */
+/* them in environment env if this is feasible. */
+/* */
+static void OptimizeParameterList(OBJECT x, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT y, z, link, t, tlink;
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "OptimizeParameterList: type(x) != CLOSURE!" );
+ if( env == nilobj ) return;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR )
+ { Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( type(z) == CLOSURE )
+ {
+ Optimize(z, env);
+ }
+ else if( type(z) == ACAT )
+ { for( tlink = Down(z); tlink != z; tlink = NextDown(tlink) )
+ { Child(t, Down(tlink));
+ if( type(t) == CLOSURE )
+ Optimize(t, env);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} /* end OptimizeParameter */
+/* */
+/* static WriteClosure(x, linecount, fnum, env) */
+/* */
+/* Write closure x to file last_write_fp, without enclosing braces and */
+/* without any environment attached. If x happens to be a closure that */
+/* was previously read as a @Use clause, write only @LUse and the name. */
+/* Increment *linecount by the number of lines written. */
+/* The file being written to is fnum; the environment is env (for optim.) */
+/* */
+static void WriteObject(OBJECT x, int outer_prec, int *linecount, FILE_NUM fnum);
+static BOOLEAN need_lvis(OBJECT sym) /* true if @LVis needed before sym */
+{ return !visible(sym) &&
+ enclosing(sym) != StartSym &&
+ type(enclosing(sym)) == LOCAL;
+} /* end need_lvis */
+static void WriteClosure(OBJECT x, int *linecount, FILE_NUM fnum, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT y, link, z, sym;
+ BOOLEAN npar_written, name_printed;
+ debug2(DIO, D, "[ WriteClosure(%s %s)", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ sym = actual(x);
+ /* *** if( use_invocation(sym) == x ) *** */
+ if( use_invocation(sym) != nilobj )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LUSE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { npar_written = FALSE; name_printed = FALSE;
+ OptimizeParameterList(x, env);
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR ) switch( type(actual(y)) )
+ {
+ case LPAR:
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "WriteObject/CLOSURE: LPAR!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ WriteObject(z, (int) precedence(sym), linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case NPAR:
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "WriteObject/CLOSURE: NPAR!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( !name_printed )
+ { if( need_lvis(sym) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ if( npar_code(actual(y)) != ' ' )
+ { StringFPuts(STR_ESCAPE, last_write_fp);
+ fprintf(last_write_fp, "%c", (char) npar_code(actual(y)));
+ }
+ else
+ { StringFPuts(SymName(actual(y)), last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(z, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ npar_written = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case RPAR:
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "WriteObject/CLOSURE: RPAR!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( !name_printed )
+ { if( need_lvis(sym) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( npar_written )
+ { StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ { StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ /* old version: if( filter(sym) != nilobj ) */
+ if( filter(sym) != nilobj && type(z) == FILTERED ) /* ??? */
+ {
+ debug1(DIO, D, " filter(sym) != nilobj, type(z) == %s",
+ Image(type(z)));
+ assert( type(z) == FILTERED, "WriteClosure: filter!" );
+ WriteObject(z, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ else if( has_body(sym) )
+ {
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(z, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else WriteObject(z, (int) precedence(sym), linecount, fnum);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "WriteClosure:", Image(type(actual(y))));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end for each parameter */
+ if( !name_printed )
+ { if( need_lvis(sym) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DIO, D, "] WriteClosure returning");
+} /* end WriteClosure */
+/* */
+/* static WriteObject(x, outer_prec, linecount, fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Write object x to file last_write_fp, assuming it is a subobject of an */
+/* object and the precedence of operators enclosing it is outer_prec. */
+/* Increment *linecount by the number of lines written. */
+/* The file being written to is fnum. */
+/* */
+static void WriteObject(OBJECT x, int outer_prec, int *linecount, FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT link, y, z, gap_obj, sym, env; FULL_CHAR *name; int offset, lnum;
+ int prec, i, last_prec; BOOLEAN braces_needed;
+ debug2(DIO, D, "[ WriteObject(%s %s)", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ if( StringLength(string(x)) == 0 && outer_prec > ACAT_PREC )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else StringFPuts(string(x), last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case QWORD:
+ StringFPuts(StringQuotedWord(x), last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case VCAT: prec = VCAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ case HCAT: prec = HCAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ case ACAT: prec = ACAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ ETC:
+ if( prec < outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ last_prec = prec;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { if( Down(y) == y )
+ { assert( type(x) == ACAT, "WriteObject: Down(y) == y!" );
+ for( i = 1; i <= vspace(y); i++ )
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += vspace(y);
+ for( i = 1; i <= hspace(y); i++ )
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ last_prec = (vspace(y) + hspace(y) == 0) ? JUXTA_PREC : ACAT_PREC;
+ }
+ else
+ { Child(gap_obj, Down(y));
+ if( type(x)==ACAT )
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ else
+ { StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ StringFPuts(EchoCatOp(type(x), mark(gap(y)), join(gap(y))),
+ last_write_fp);
+ if( !is_word(type(gap_obj)) || StringLength(string(gap_obj)) != 0 )
+ WriteObject(gap_obj, FORCE_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ last_prec = prec;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if( type(x) == ACAT )
+ { OBJECT next_gap; int next_prec;
+ if( NextDown(link) != x )
+ { Child(next_gap, NextDown(link));
+ assert( type(next_gap) == GAP_OBJ, "WriteObject: next_gap!" );
+ next_prec = (vspace(next_gap) + hspace(next_gap) == 0)
+ }
+ else next_prec = prec;
+ WriteObject(y, find_max(last_prec, next_prec), linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ else WriteObject(y, prec, linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ }
+ if( prec < outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case ENV:
+ if( Down(x) == x )
+ {
+ /* environment is empty */
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVC, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else if( EnvWriteRetrieve(x, fnum, &offset, &lnum) )
+ {
+ /* environment was previously written to this file */
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVD, last_write_fp);
+ fprintf(last_write_fp, " \"%d %d\"", offset, lnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* record the position of this environment */
+ EnvWriteInsert(x, fnum, (int) ftell(last_write_fp), *linecount);
+ /* write the environment */
+ if( Down(x) == LastDown(x) )
+ {
+ /* envt contains just one closure (with its environment) */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "WriteObject: ENV/CLOSURE!" );
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVA, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(y, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* envt contains a closure (with envt) plus an environment */
+ Child(env, LastDown(x));
+ assert( type(env) == ENV, "WriteObject: ENV/ENV!" );
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVB, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(env, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "WriteObject: ENV/ENV+CLOSURE!" );
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(y, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ sym = actual(x); env = nilobj;
+ if( LastDown(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ if( type(y) == ENV ) env = y;
+ }
+ braces_needed = env != nilobj ||
+ (precedence(sym) <= outer_prec && (has_lpar(sym) || has_rpar(sym))) ||
+ outer_prec >= JUXTA_PREC;
+ /* print environment */
+ if( env != nilobj )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_CENV, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ WriteObject(env, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ /* print left brace if needed */
+ if( braces_needed ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ /* print the closure proper */
+ WriteClosure(x, linecount, fnum, env);
+ /* print closing brace if needed */
+ if( braces_needed ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ /* print closing environment if needed */
+ /* ***
+ if( env != nilobj )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ *** */
+ break;
+ case CROSS:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "WriteObject/CROSS: type(y) != CLOSURE!" );
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ if( need_lvis(actual(y)) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(actual(y)), last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(type(x) == CROSS ? KW_CROSS : KW_FORCE_CROSS, last_write_fp);
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ WriteObject(y, FORCE_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS: name = KW_NULL; goto SETC;
+ case PAGE_LABEL: name = KW_PAGE_LABEL; goto SETC;
+ case ONE_COL: name = KW_ONE_COL; goto SETC;
+ case ONE_ROW: name = KW_ONE_ROW; goto SETC;
+ case WIDE: name = KW_WIDE; goto SETC;
+ case HIGH: name = KW_HIGH; goto SETC;
+ case HSHIFT: name = KW_HSHIFT; goto SETC;
+ case VSHIFT: name = KW_VSHIFT; goto SETC;
+ case HSCALE: name = KW_HSCALE; goto SETC;
+ case VSCALE: name = KW_VSCALE; goto SETC;
+ case HCOVER: name = KW_HCOVER; goto SETC;
+ case VCOVER: name = KW_VCOVER; goto SETC;
+ case SCALE: name = KW_SCALE; goto SETC;
+ case KERN_SHRINK: name = KW_KERN_SHRINK; goto SETC;
+ case HCONTRACT: name = KW_HCONTRACT; goto SETC;
+ case VCONTRACT: name = KW_VCONTRACT; goto SETC;
+ case HLIMITED: name = KW_HLIMITED; goto SETC;
+ case VLIMITED: name = KW_VLIMITED; goto SETC;
+ case HEXPAND: name = KW_HEXPAND; goto SETC;
+ case VEXPAND: name = KW_VEXPAND; goto SETC;
+ case START_HSPAN: name = KW_STARTHSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case START_VSPAN: name = KW_STARTVSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case HSPAN: name = KW_HSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case VSPAN: name = KW_VSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case PADJUST: name = KW_PADJUST; goto SETC;
+ case HADJUST: name = KW_HADJUST; goto SETC;
+ case VADJUST: name = KW_VADJUST; goto SETC;
+ case ROTATE: name = KW_ROTATE; goto SETC;
+ case CASE: name = KW_CASE; goto SETC;
+ case YIELD: name = KW_YIELD; goto SETC;
+ case BACKEND: name = KW_BACKEND; goto SETC;
+ case XCHAR: name = KW_XCHAR; goto SETC;
+ case FONT: name = KW_FONT; goto SETC;
+ case SPACE: name = KW_SPACE; goto SETC;
+ case YUNIT: name = KW_YUNIT; goto SETC;
+ case ZUNIT: name = KW_ZUNIT; goto SETC;
+ case BREAK: name = KW_BREAK; goto SETC;
+ case UNDERLINE: name = KW_UNDERLINE; goto SETC;
+ case COLOUR: name = KW_COLOUR; goto SETC;
+ case LANGUAGE: name = KW_LANGUAGE; goto SETC;
+ case CURR_LANG: name = KW_CURR_LANG; goto SETC;
+ case CURR_FAMILY: name = KW_CURR_FAMILY; goto SETC;
+ case CURR_FACE: name = KW_CURR_FACE; goto SETC;
+ case COMMON: name = KW_COMMON; goto SETC;
+ case RUMP: name = KW_RUMP; goto SETC;
+ case MELD: name = KW_MELD; goto SETC;
+ case INSERT: name = KW_INSERT; goto SETC;
+ case ONE_OF: name = KW_ONE_OF; goto SETC;
+ case NEXT: name = KW_NEXT; goto SETC;
+ case PLUS: name = KW_PLUS; goto SETC;
+ case MINUS: name = KW_MINUS; goto SETC;
+ case OPEN: name = KW_OPEN; goto SETC;
+ case TAGGED: name = KW_TAGGED; goto SETC;
+ case GRAPHIC: name = KW_GRAPHIC; goto SETC;
+ /* print left parameter, if present */
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ if( Down(x) != LastDown(x) )
+ { Child(y, Down(x));
+ WriteObject(y, DEFAULT_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ /* print the name of the symbol */
+ StringFPuts(name, last_write_fp);
+ /* print right parameter, if present */
+ if( LastDown(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ if( type(x) == OPEN )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(y, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else WriteObject(y, DEFAULT_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case VERBATIM:
+ StringFPuts(type(x) == VERBATIM ? KW_VERBATIM : KW_RAWVERBATIM, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_BEGIN, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) == WORD )
+ {
+ StringFPuts(string(y), last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert( type(y) == VCAT, "WriteObject/VERBATIM!" );
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ assert( type(z) == WORD, "WriteObject/VERBATIM/WORD!");
+ StringFPuts(string(z), last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ StringFPuts(KW_END, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(type(x) == VERBATIM ? KW_VERBATIM : KW_RAWVERBATIM, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case FILTERED:
+ FilterWrite(x, last_write_fp, linecount);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "WriteObject:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug0(DIO, D, "] WriteObject returning");
+} /* end WriteObject */
+/*@::AppendToFile(), CloseFiles()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* AppendToFile(x, fnum, pos, lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Append object x to file fnum, returning its fseek position in *pos. */
+/* and its line number in lnum. Record that this file has been updated. */
+/* */
+void AppendToFile(OBJECT x, FILE_NUM fnum, int *pos, int *lnum)
+{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *str; int linecount;
+ debug2(DIO, D, "[ AppendToFile( %s, %s )", EchoObject(x), FileName(fnum));
+ /* open file fnum for writing */
+ if( last_write_fnum != fnum )
+ { if( last_write_fnum != NO_FILE ) fclose(last_write_fp);
+ str = FileName(fnum);
+ if( StringLength(str) + StringLength(NEW_DATA_SUFFIX) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(41, 3, "file name %s%s is too long",
+ FATAL, PosOfFile(fnum), str, NEW_DATA_SUFFIX);
+ StringCopy(buff, str); StringCat(buff, NEW_DATA_SUFFIX);
+ last_write_fp = StringFOpen(buff,
+ FileTestUpdated(fnum) ? APPEND_TEXT : WRITE_TEXT);
+ if( last_write_fp == null )
+ Error(41, 4, "cannot append to database file %s", FATAL, no_fpos, buff);
+ last_write_fnum = fnum;
+ (void) fseek(last_write_fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
+ }
+ /* write x out and record the fact that fnum has changed */
+ *pos = (int) ftell(last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ linecount = FileGetLineCount(fnum);
+ *lnum = linecount + 1;
+ WriteObject(x, NO_PREC, &linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ FileSetUpdated(fnum, linecount + 2);
+ debug0(DIO, D, "] AppendToFile returning.");
+} /* end AppendToFile */
+/* */
+/* CloseFiles() */
+/* */
+/* Close all files and move new versions to the names of old versions. */
+/* */
+void CloseFiles(void)
+{ FILE_NUM fnum; FULL_CHAR oldname[MAX_BUFF], newname[MAX_BUFF];
+ FILE *fp;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("CloseFiles"));
+ debug0(DIO, D, "CloseFiles()");
+ /* close off last file opened by AppendToFile above */
+ if( last_write_fnum != NO_FILE ) fclose(last_write_fp);
+ /* get rid of old database files */
+ for( fnum=FirstFile(SOURCE_FILE); fnum != NO_FILE; fnum = NextFile(fnum) )
+ { StringCopy(oldname, FileName(fnum));
+ StringCat(oldname, DATA_SUFFIX);
+ debug1(DIO, D, "remove(%s)", oldname);
+ StringRemove(oldname);
+ }
+ /* move any new database files to the old names, if updated */
+ /* just to avoid confusion: the "new name" means the ".ldx" */
+ /* temporary file name; the "old name" means the permanent */
+ /* name, i.e. ".ld". So we have to move the new name to */
+ /* the old name. */
+ for( fnum=FirstFile(DATABASE_FILE); fnum != NO_FILE; fnum = NextFile(fnum) )
+ { if( FileTestUpdated(fnum) )
+ {
+ /* construct new and old file names */
+ StringCopy(oldname, FileName(fnum));
+ StringCopy(newname, oldname);
+ StringCat(newname, NEW_DATA_SUFFIX);
+ /* guaranteed portable algorithm for changing the name of file */
+ /* "newname" to "oldname": if "oldname" exists already, then */
+ /* remove it (avoids removing a non-existent file, which can */
+ /* be a problem); then rename "newname" to be "oldname" (avoids */
+ /* overwriting an existing file "oldname", another problem) */
+ if( (fp = StringFOpen(oldname, READ_TEXT)) != NULL )
+ { fclose(fp);
+ StringRemove(oldname);
+ }
+ debug2(DIO, D, "rename(%s, %s)", newname, oldname);
+ if( StringRename(newname, oldname) != 0 )
+ Error(41, 5, "rename(%s, %s) failed", INTERN, no_fpos,newname,oldname);
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DIO, D, "CloseFiles returning.");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("CloseFiles"));
+} /* end CloseFiles */