path: root/z03.c
diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
commit71bdb35d52747e6d7d9f55df4524d57c2966be94 (patch)
tree480ee5eefccc40d5f3331cc52d66f722fd19bfb9 /z03.c
parentb41263ea7578fa9742486135c762803b52794105 (diff)
Lout 3.17.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@2 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
Diffstat (limited to 'z03.c')
1 files changed, 906 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z03.c b/z03.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b2af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z03.c
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+/*@z03.c:File Service:Declarations, no_fpos@******************************** */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z03.c */
+/* MODULE: File Service */
+/* EXTERNS: InitFiles(), AddToPath(), DefineFile(), FirstFile(), */
+/* NextFile(), FileNum(), FileName(), EchoFilePos(), */
+/* PosOfFile(), OpenFile(), OpenIncGraphicFile() */
+/* EchoFileFrom() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#define INIT_TAB 3 /* initial file table size */
+#define file_number(x) word_font(x) /* file number of file x */
+#define type_of_file(x) word_colour(x) /* type of file x */
+#define used_suffix(x) word_hyph(x) /* file needs .lt suffix */
+#define updated(x) fwd(x, COLM) /* TRUE when x is updated */
+#define line_count(x) fwd(x, ROWM) /* number of lines written */
+#define path(x) back(x, COLM) /* search path for file x */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* A symbol table permitting access to file records by number or name. */
+/* The table will automatically enlarge to accept any number of entries, */
+/* but there is an arbitrary limit of 65535 files imposed so that file */
+/* numbers can be stored in 16 bit fields. */
+/* */
+/* ftab_new(newsize) New empty table, newsize capacity */
+/* ftab_insert(x, &S) Insert new file object x into S */
+/* ftab_retrieve(str, S) Retrieve file object of name str */
+/* ftab_num(S, num) Retrieve file object of number num */
+/* ftab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ int filetab_size; /* size of table */
+ int filetab_count; /* number of files in table */
+ struct filetab_rec
+ { OBJECT by_number; /* file record by number */
+ OBJECT by_name_hash; /* file record by name hash */
+ } filetab[1];
+#define ftab_size(S) (S)->filetab_size
+#define ftab_count(S) (S)->filetab_count
+#define ftab_num(S, i) (S)->filetab[i].by_number
+#define ftab_name(S, i) (S)->filetab[i].by_name_hash
+#define hash(pos, str, S) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = str; \
+ pos = *p++; \
+ while( *p ) pos += *p++; \
+ pos = pos % ftab_size(S); \
+static FILE_TABLE ftab_new(int newsize)
+{ FILE_TABLE S; int i;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FILES, 1,
+ 2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(struct filetab_rec)));
+ S = (FILE_TABLE) malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(struct filetab_rec));
+ if( S == (FILE_TABLE) NULL )
+ Error(3, 1, "run out of memory when enlarging file table", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ ftab_size(S) = newsize;
+ ftab_count(S) = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ )
+ { ftab_num(S, i) = ftab_name(S, i) = nilobj;
+ }
+ return S;
+} /* end ftab_new */
+static void ftab_insert(OBJECT x, FILE_TABLE *S);
+static FILE_TABLE ftab_rehash(FILE_TABLE S, int newsize)
+{ FILE_TABLE NewS; int i;
+ NewS = ftab_new(newsize);
+ for( i = 1; i <= ftab_count(S); i++ )
+ ftab_insert(ftab_num(S, i), &NewS);
+ for( i = 0; i < ftab_size(S); i++ )
+ { if( ftab_name(S, i) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(ftab_name(S, i));
+ }
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FILES, -1,
+ -(2*sizeof(int) + ftab_size(S) * sizeof(struct filetab_rec))));
+ free(S);
+ return NewS;
+} /* end ftab_rehash */
+static void ftab_insert(OBJECT x, FILE_TABLE *S)
+{ int pos, num;
+ if( ftab_count(*S) == ftab_size(*S) - 1 ) /* one less since 0 unused */
+ *S = ftab_rehash(*S, 2*ftab_size(*S));
+ num = ++ftab_count(*S);
+ if( num > MAX_FILES )
+ Error(3, 2, "too many files (maximum is %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_FILES);
+ hash(pos, string(x), *S);
+ if( ftab_name(*S, pos) == nilobj ) New(ftab_name(*S, pos), ACAT);
+ Link(ftab_name(*S, pos), x);
+ file_number(x) = num;
+ ftab_num(*S, num) = x;
+} /* end ftab_insert */
+static OBJECT ftab_retrieve(FULL_CHAR *str, FILE_TABLE S)
+{ OBJECT x, link, y; int pos;
+ hash(pos, str, S);
+ x = ftab_name(S, pos);
+ if( x == nilobj ) return nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEqual(str, string(y)) ) return y;
+ }
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end ftab_retrieve */
+static void ftab_debug(FILE_TABLE S, FILE *fp)
+{ int i; OBJECT x, link, y;
+ fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current number of files: %d\n",
+ ftab_size(S), ftab_count(S));
+ for( i = 0; i < ftab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = ftab_num(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, " ftab_num(S, %d) = %s\n", i,
+ x == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("<nilobj>") :
+ !is_word(type(x)) ? AsciiToFull("not WORD!") : string(x) );
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ for( i = 0; i < ftab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = ftab_name(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, " ftab_name(S, %d) =", i);
+ if( x == nilobj )
+ fprintf(fp, " <nilobj>");
+ else if( type(x) != ACAT )
+ fprintf(fp, " not ACAT!");
+ else for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ fprintf(fp, " %s",
+ is_word(type(y)) ? string(y) : AsciiToFull("not-WORD!"));
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+} /* end ftab_debug */
+static char *file_types[] /* the type names for debug */
+ = { "source", "include", "incgraphic", "database", "index",
+ "font", "prepend", "hyph", "hyphpacked",
+ "mapping", "filter" };
+static OBJECT empty_path; /* file path with just "" in */
+static FILE_TABLE file_tab; /* the file table */
+static OBJECT file_type[MAX_TYPES]; /* files of each type */
+static OBJECT file_path[MAX_PATHS]; /* the search paths */
+static char *file_mode[MAX_TYPES] =
+/* */
+/* no_fpos */
+/* */
+/* A null file position value. */
+/* */
+static FILE_POS no_file_pos = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+FILE_POS *no_fpos = &no_file_pos;
+/*@::InitFiles(), AddToPath(), DefineFile()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* InitFiles() */
+/* */
+/* Initialize this module. */
+/* */
+void InitFiles(void)
+{ int i; OBJECT tmp;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_TYPES; i++ ) New(file_type[i], ACAT);
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_PATHS; i++ ) New(file_path[i], ACAT);
+ file_tab = ftab_new(INIT_TAB);
+ New(empty_path, ACAT);
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos);
+ Link(empty_path, tmp);
+} /* end InitFiles */
+/* */
+/* AddToPath(fpath, dirname) */
+/* */
+/* Add the directory dirname to the end of search path fpath. */
+/* */
+void AddToPath(int fpath, OBJECT dirname)
+{ Link(file_path[fpath], dirname);
+} /* end AddToPath */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM DefineFile(str, suffix, xfpos, ftype, fpath) */
+/* */
+/* Declare a file whose name is str plus suffix and whose fpos is xfpos. */
+/* The file type is ftype, and its search path is fpath. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM DefineFile(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *suffix,
+FILE_POS *xfpos, int ftype, int fpath)
+{ register int i;
+ OBJECT fname;
+ assert( ftype < MAX_TYPES, "DefineFile: ftype!" );
+ debug5(DFS, DD, "DefineFile(%s, %s,%s, %s, %d)",
+ str, suffix, EchoFilePos(xfpos), file_types[ftype], fpath);
+ if( ftype == SOURCE_FILE && (i = StringLength(str)) >= 3 )
+ {
+ /* check that file name does not end in ".li" or ".ld" */
+ if( StringEqual(&str[i-StringLength(DATA_SUFFIX)], DATA_SUFFIX) )
+ Error(3, 3, "database file %s where source file expected",
+ FATAL, xfpos, str);
+ if( StringEqual(&str[i-StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX)], INDEX_SUFFIX) )
+ Error(3, 4, "database index file %s where source file expected",
+ FATAL, xfpos, str);
+ }
+ if( StringLength(str) + StringLength(suffix) >= MAX_WORD )
+ Error(3, 5, "file name %s%s is too long", FATAL, no_fpos, str, suffix);
+ fname = MakeWordTwo(WORD, str, suffix, xfpos);
+ Link(file_type[ftype], fname);
+ path(fname) = fpath;
+ updated(fname) = FALSE;
+ line_count(fname) = 0;
+ type_of_file(fname) = ftype;
+ used_suffix(fname) = FALSE;
+ ftab_insert(fname, &file_tab);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "DefineFile returning %s", string(fname));
+ ifdebug(DFS, DD, ftab_debug(file_tab, stderr));
+ return file_number(fname);
+} /* end DefineFile */
+/*@::FirstFile(), NextFile(), FileNum()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM FirstFile(ftype) */
+/* */
+/* Returns first file of type ftype, else NO_FILE. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM FirstFile(int ftype)
+{ FILE_NUM i;
+ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FirstFile( %s )", file_types[ftype]);
+ link = Down(file_type[ftype]);
+ if( type(link) == ACAT ) i = NO_FILE;
+ else
+ { Child(y, link);
+ i = file_number(y);
+ }
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FirstFile returning %s", i==NO_FILE ? STR_NONE : FileName(i));
+ return i;
+} /* end FirstFile */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM NextFile(i) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the next file after file i of the type of i, else NO_FILE. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "NextFile( %s )", FileName(i));
+ link = NextDown(Up(ftab_num(file_tab, i)));
+ if( type(link) == ACAT ) i = NO_FILE;
+ else
+ { Child(y, link);
+ i = file_number(y);
+ }
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "NextFile returning %s", i==NO_FILE ? STR_NONE : FileName(i));
+ return i;
+} /* end NextFile */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM FileNum(str, suffix) */
+/* */
+/* Return the number of the file with name str plus suffix, else NO_FILE. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM FileNum(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *suffix)
+{ register int i; OBJECT fname;
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "FileNum(%s, %s)", str, suffix);
+ if( StringLength(str) + StringLength(suffix) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 6, "file name %s%s is too long", FATAL, no_fpos, str, suffix);
+ StringCopy(buff, str);
+ StringCat(buff, suffix);
+ fname = ftab_retrieve(buff, file_tab);
+ i = fname == nilobj ? NO_FILE : file_number(fname);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FileNum returning %s",
+ i == NO_FILE ? STR_NONE : FileName( (FILE_NUM) i));
+ return (FILE_NUM) i;
+} /* end FileNum */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM DatabaseFileNum(FILE_POS *xfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Return a suitable database file number for writing something out whose */
+/* file position is xfpos. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM DatabaseFileNum(FILE_POS *xfpos)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ FILE_NUM fnum; FULL_CHAR *str;
+ debug2(DFS, D, "DatabaseFileNum(%s %s)", EchoFilePos(xfpos),
+ EchoFileSource(file_num(*xfpos)));
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(*xfpos));
+ switch( type_of_file(x) )
+ {
+ /* return the corresponding database file (may need to be defined) */
+ str = FileName(file_num(*xfpos));
+ fnum = FileNum(str, DATA_SUFFIX);
+ if( fnum == NO_FILE )
+ { debug0(DFS, DD, " calling DefineFile from DatabaseFileNum");
+ fnum = DefineFile(str, DATA_SUFFIX, xfpos, DATABASE_FILE, SOURCE_PATH);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* return the enclosing source file (recursively if necessary) */
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) == NO_FILE )
+ {
+ /* xfpos lies in a cross-reference database file; use itself */
+ /* ***
+ Error(3, 18, "DatabaseFileNum: database file position unknown",
+ INTERN, no_fpos);
+ *** */
+ fnum = file_num(*xfpos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* xfpos lies in a user-defined database file; use its source */
+ fnum = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(x));
+ }
+ break;
+ /* return the enclosing source file (recursively if necessary) */
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) == NO_FILE )
+ Error(3, 7, "DatabaseFileNum: filter file position unknown",
+ INTERN, no_fpos);
+ fnum = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(x));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error(3, 8, "DatabaseFileNum: unexpected file type", INTERN, no_fpos);
+ fnum = NO_FILE;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug2(DFS, D, "DatabaseFileNum returning %d (%s)", fnum,
+ fnum == NO_FILE ? AsciiToFull("NO_FILE") : FileName(fnum));
+ return fnum;
+} /* end DatabaseFileNum */
+/*@::FileName(), EchoFilePos(), PosOfFile()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FileName(fnum) */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FullFileName(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the string name of this file. This is as given to DefineFile */
+/* until OpenFile is called, after which it is the full path name. */
+/* */
+/* FullFileName is the same except it will add a .lt to the file name */
+/* if that was needed when the file was opened for reading. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *FileName(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "FileName: x == nilobj!" );
+ if( Down(x) != x ) Child(x, Down(x));
+ return string(x);
+} /* end FileName */
+FULL_CHAR *FullFileName(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ static FULL_CHAR ffbuff[2][MAX_BUFF];
+ static int ffbp = 1;
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "FileName: x == nilobj!" );
+ if( used_suffix(x) )
+ {
+ if( Down(x) != x ) Child(x, Down(x));
+ ffbp = (ffbp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(ffbuff[ffbp], string(x));
+ StringCat(ffbuff[ffbp], SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ return ffbuff[ffbp];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( Down(x) != x ) Child(x, Down(x));
+ return string(x);
+ }
+} /* end FullFileName */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoFilePos(pos) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string reporting the value of file position pos. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR buff[2][MAX_BUFF]; static int bp = 1;
+static void append_fpos(FILE_POS *pos)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(*pos));
+ assert( x != nilobj, "EchoFilePos: file_tab entry is nilobj!" );
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) > 0 )
+ { append_fpos( &fpos(x) );
+ if( StringLength(buff[bp]) + 2 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 9, "file position %s... is too long to print",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, buff[bp]);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_DIR);
+ }
+ if( StringLength(buff[bp]) + StringLength(string(x)) + 13 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 10, "file position %s... is too long to print",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, buff[bp]);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], string(x));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ if( line_num(*pos) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(*pos)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(","));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) col_num(*pos)));
+ }
+} /* end append_fpos */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoFilePos(FILE_POS *pos)
+{ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( file_num(*pos) > 0 ) append_fpos(pos);
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFilePos */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoAltFilePos(FILE_POS *pos)
+ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( file_num(*pos) > 0 )
+ {
+ /* *** x = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(*pos)); *** */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], FullFileName(file_num(*pos)));
+ if( line_num(*pos) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(":"));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(*pos)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(":"));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) col_num(*pos)));
+ }
+ }
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFilePos */
+/*@::EchoFileSource(), EchoFileLine(), PosOfFile()@***************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoFileSource(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string reporting the "file source" information for file fnum. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoFileSource(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x, nextx;
+ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( fnum > 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "EchoFileSource: x == nilobj!" );
+ if( type_of_file(x) == FILTER_FILE )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 11, "filter")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 11, "filter"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ }
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 12, "file")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 12, "file"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ /* *** x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum); *** */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], FullFileName(fnum));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) > 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(" ("));
+ for(;;)
+ { nextx = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(fpos(x)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 13, "from")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 13, "from"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], string(nextx));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 14, "line")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 14, "line"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(fpos(x))));
+ if( file_num(fpos(nextx)) == 0 ) break;
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(", "));
+ x = nextx;
+ }
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(")"));
+ }
+ }
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFileSource */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoFileLine(pos) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string reporting the "line source" information for pos. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoFileLine(FILE_POS *pos)
+{ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( file_num(*pos) > 0 && line_num(*pos) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(*pos)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(","));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) col_num(*pos)));
+ }
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFileLIne */
+/* */
+/* FILE_POS *PosOfFile(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a pointer to the file position where file fnum was encountered. */
+/* */
+FILE_POS *PosOfFile(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "PosOfFile: file_tab entry is nilobj!" );
+ return &fpos(x);
+/* */
+/* static FILE *SearchPath(str, fpath, check_ld, check_lt, full_name, xfpos,*/
+/* read_mode) */
+/* */
+/* Search the given path for a file whose name is str. If found, open */
+/* it with mode read_mode; return the resulting FILE *. */
+/* */
+/* If check_ld is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a .li file */
+/* and OpenFile() is required to check whether the corresponding .ld file */
+/* is present. If it is, then the search must stop. Furthermore, if the */
+/* .li file is out of date wrt the .ld file, it is to be removed. */
+/* */
+/* If check_lt is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a source */
+/* file and OpenFile() is required to check for a .lt suffix version. */
+/* */
+/* Also return the full path name in object *full_name if different from */
+/* the existing name, else nilobj. */
+/* */
+/* Set *used_source_suffix to TRUE if the .lt source suffix had to be */
+/* added in order to find the file. */
+/* */
+static FILE *SearchPath(FULL_CHAR *str, OBJECT fpath, BOOLEAN check_ld,
+BOOLEAN check_lt, OBJECT *full_name, FILE_POS *xfpos, char *read_mode,
+BOOLEAN *used_source_suffix)
+{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], buff2[MAX_BUFF];
+ OBJECT link, y, cpath; FILE *fp, *fp2;
+ debug4(DFS, DD, "SearchPath(%s, %s, %s, %s, -)", str, EchoObject(fpath),
+ bool(check_ld), bool(check_lt));
+ *used_source_suffix = FALSE;
+ /* if file name is "stdin" just return it */
+ if( StringEqual(str, STR_STDIN) )
+ {
+ debug0(DFS, DD, " SearchPath returning stdin");
+ *full_name = nilobj;
+ return stdin;
+ }
+ /* use fpath if relative file name, use empty_path if absolute filename */
+ cpath = StringBeginsWith(str, STR_DIR) ? empty_path : fpath;
+ /* try opening each path name in the search path */
+ fp = null;
+ for( link = Down(cpath); fp == null && link != cpath; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ /* set buff to the full path name */
+ if( StringLength(string(y)) == 0 )
+ { StringCopy(buff, str);
+ }
+ else
+ { if( StringLength(string(y)) + StringLength(STR_DIR) +
+ StringLength(str) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 15, "file path name %s%s%s is too long",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), string(y), STR_DIR, str);
+ StringCopy(buff, string(y));
+ StringCat(buff, STR_DIR);
+ StringCat(buff, str);
+ }
+ /* try opening the full path name */
+ fp = StringFOpen(buff, read_mode);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, fp == null ? " fail %s" : " succeed %s", buff);
+ /* if failed to find .li file, exit if corresponding .ld file */
+ if( check_ld && fp == null )
+ {
+ StringCopy(buff2, buff);
+ StringCopy(&buff2[StringLength(buff2) - StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX)],
+ fp2 = StringFOpen(buff2, READ_TEXT);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, fp2 == null ? " fail %s" : " succeed %s", buff2);
+ if( fp2 != null )
+ { fclose(fp2);
+ debug0(DFS, DD, "SearchPath returning null (adjacent .ld file)");
+ *full_name = nilobj;
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /*****************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* If your compiler won't compile this bit, it is probably */
+ /* because you either don't have the stat() system call on */
+ /* your system (it is not ANSI C), or because it can't be */
+ /* found in the header files declared at the top of this file. */
+ /* */
+ /* The simple correct thing to do is to set the USESTAT macro */
+ /* in the makefile to 0. You won't lose much. */
+ /* */
+ /*****************************************************************/
+ /* if found .li file, compare dates with corresponding .ld file */
+ if( check_ld && fp != null )
+ {
+ struct stat indexstat, datastat;
+ StringCopy(buff2, buff);
+ StringCopy(&buff2[StringLength(buff2) - StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX)],
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "SearchPath comparing dates of .li %s and .ld %s",
+ buff, buff2);
+ if( stat( (char *) buff, &indexstat) == 0 &&
+ stat( (char *) buff2, &datastat) == 0 )
+ {
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "SearchPath mtimes are .li %d and .ld %d",
+ (int) indexstat.st_mtime, (int) datastat.st_mtime);
+ if( datastat.st_mtime > indexstat.st_mtime )
+ { fclose(fp);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "SearchPath calling StringRemove(%s)", buff);
+ StringRemove(buff);
+ debug0(DFS, DD, "SearchPath returning null (.li out of date)");
+ *full_name = nilobj;
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if check_lt, see if buff.lt exists as well as or instead of buff */
+ if( check_lt )
+ {
+ StringCopy(buff2, buff);
+ StringCat(buff2, SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ fp2 = StringFOpen(buff2, READ_TEXT);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, fp2 == null ? " fail %s" : " succeed %s", buff2);
+ if( fp2 != null )
+ { if( fp != null )
+ Error(3, 16, "files %s and %s both exist", FATAL, xfpos,buff,buff2);
+ fp = fp2;
+ *used_source_suffix = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "SearchPath returning (fp %s null)", fp==null ? "==" : "!=");
+ *full_name = (fp == null || StringLength(string(y)) == 0) ? nilobj :
+ MakeWord(WORD, buff, xfpos);
+ return fp;
+} /* end SearchPath */
+/*@::OpenFile(), OpenIncGraphicFile()@****************************************/
+/* */
+/* FILE *OpenFile(fnum, check_ld, check_lt) */
+/* */
+/* Open for reading the file whose number is fnum. This involves */
+/* searching for it along its path if not previously opened. */
+/* */
+/* If check_ld is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a .li file */
+/* and OpenFile() is required to check whether the corresponding .ld file */
+/* is present. If it is, then the search must stop. Furthermore, if the */
+/* .li file is out of date wrt the .ld file, it is to be removed. */
+/* */
+/* If check_lt is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a source */
+/* file and OpenFile() is required to check for a .lt suffix version */
+/* if the file does not open without it. */
+/* */
+FILE *OpenFile(FILE_NUM fnum, BOOLEAN check_ld, BOOLEAN check_lt)
+{ FILE *fp; OBJECT fname, full_name, y; BOOLEAN used_source_suffix;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("OpenFile"));
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "OpenFile(%s, %s)", FileName(fnum), bool(check_ld));
+ fname = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ if( Down(fname) != fname )
+ { Child(y, Down(fname));
+ fp = StringFOpen(string(y), file_mode[type_of_file(fname)]);
+ debug1(DFS,DD,fp==null ? " failed on %s" : " succeeded on %s", string(y));
+ }
+ else
+ { fp = SearchPath(string(fname), file_path[path(fname)], check_ld,
+ check_lt, &full_name, &fpos(fname), file_mode[type_of_file(fname)],
+ &used_source_suffix);
+ if( full_name != nilobj ) Link(fname, full_name);
+ used_suffix(fname) = used_source_suffix;
+ }
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("OpenFile"));
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "OpenFile returning (fp %s null)", fp==null ? "==" : "!=");
+ return fp;
+} /* end OpenFile */
+/* */
+/* FILE *OpenIncGraphicFile(str, typ, full_name, xfpos, compressed) */
+/* */
+/* Open for reading the @IncludeGraphic file str; typ is INCGRAPHIC or */
+/* SINCGRAPHIC. Return the full name in full_name. Set compressed to */
+/* TRUE if the file was a compressed file. */
+/* */
+static char *compress_suffixes[MAX_COMPRESSED]
+ = { ".gz", "-gz", ".z", "-z", "_z", ".Z" };
+FILE *OpenIncGraphicFile(FULL_CHAR *str, unsigned char typ,
+OBJECT *full_name, FILE_POS *xfpos, BOOLEAN *compressed)
+{ FILE *fp; int p, i; BOOLEAN used_source_suffix;
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "OpenIncGraphicFile(%s, %s, -)", str, Image(typ));
+ assert( typ == INCGRAPHIC || typ == SINCGRAPHIC, "OpenIncGraphicFile!" );
+ fp = SearchPath(str, file_path[p], FALSE, FALSE, full_name, xfpos,
+ READ_TEXT, &used_source_suffix);
+ if( *full_name == nilobj ) *full_name = MakeWord(WORD, str, xfpos);
+ if( fp == null )
+ {
+ /* if file didn't open, nothing more to do */
+ *compressed = FALSE;
+ fp = null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if file is compressed, uncompress it into file LOUT_EPS */
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_COMPRESSED; i++ )
+ { if( StringEndsWith(string(*full_name), AsciiToFull(compress_suffixes[i])) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( i < MAX_COMPRESSED )
+ { char buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ fclose(fp);
+ sprintf(buff, UNCOMPRESS_COM, (char *) string(*full_name), LOUT_EPS);
+ if( SafeExecution )
+ {
+ Error(3, 17, "safe execution prohibiting command: %s", WARN, xfpos,buff);
+ *compressed = FALSE;
+ fp = null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ system(buff);
+ fp = fopen(LOUT_EPS, READ_TEXT);
+ *compressed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else *compressed = FALSE;
+ }
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "OpenIncGraphicFile returning (fp %s null, *full_name = %s)",
+ fp==null ? "==" : "!=", string(*full_name));
+ return fp;
+} /* end OpenIncGraphicFile */
+/* */
+/* FileSetUpdated(fnum, newlines) */
+/* */
+/* Declare that file fnum has been updated, and that it now contains */
+/* newlines lines. */
+/* */
+void FileSetUpdated(FILE_NUM fnum, int newlines)
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "FileSetUpdated(%s, %d)", FileName(fnum), newlines);
+ updated(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum)) = TRUE;
+ line_count(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum)) = newlines;
+ debug0(DFS, DD, "FileSetUpdated returning");
+} /* end FileSetUpdated */
+/* */
+/* int FileGetLineCount(FILE_NUM fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the number of lines so far written to file fnum. */
+/* */
+int FileGetLineCount(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ int res;
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FileGetLineCount(%s)", FileName(fnum));
+ res = line_count(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum));
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FileGetLineCount returning %d", res);
+ return res;
+} /* end FileGetLineCount */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN FileTestUpdated(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Test whether file fnum has been declared to be updated. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN FileTestUpdated(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ return (BOOLEAN) updated(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum));
+} /* end FileTestUpdated */