path: root/include/latin2.fd
diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
commit71bdb35d52747e6d7d9f55df4524d57c2966be94 (patch)
tree480ee5eefccc40d5f3331cc52d66f722fd19bfb9 /include/latin2.fd
parentb41263ea7578fa9742486135c762803b52794105 (diff)
Lout 3.17.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@2 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
Diffstat (limited to 'include/latin2.fd')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/latin2.fd b/include/latin2.fd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bc648b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/latin2.fd
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# #
+# Latin2 Font definitions. Use a very wide window to see them clearly. #
+# #
+# Lout font Lout font PostScript PostScript font metrics Lout character Recode/ #
+# family name face name font name (formerly .AFM) file name mapping file NoRecode #
+# #
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Base { AvantGarde-Medium AG-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Slope { AvantGarde-MediumObl AG-MdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Bold { AvantGarde-Bold AG-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE BoldSlope { AvantGarde-BoldObl AG-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Bold { AvantGarde-Bold AG-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE BoldObl { AvantGarde-BoldObl AG-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Book { AvantGarde-Book AG-Bk LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE BookOblique { AvantGarde-BookOblique AG-BkO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondBold { AvantGarde-CondBold AG-CnBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondBook { AvantGarde-CondBook AG-CnBk LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondDemi { AvantGarde-CondDemi AG-CnDm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondMedium { AvantGarde-CondMedium AG-CnMd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Demi { AvantGarde-Demi AG-Dm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE DemiOblique { AvantGarde-DemiOblique AG-DmO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE ExtraLight { AvantGarde-ExtraLight AG-ExLt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE ExtraLightObl { AvantGarde-ExtraLightObl AG-ExLtO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Medium { AvantGarde-Medium AG-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE MediumObl { AvantGarde-MediumObl AG-MdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Base { Bookman-Medium Bk-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Slope { Bookman-MediumItalic Bk-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Bold { Bookman-Bold Bk-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE BoldSlope { Bookman-BoldItalic Bk-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Bold { Bookman-Bold Bk-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE BoldItalic { Bookman-BoldItalic Bk-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Demi { Bookman-Demi Bk-Dm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE DemiItalic { Bookman-DemiItalic Bk-DmIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Light { Bookman-Light Bk-Lt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE LightItalic { Bookman-LightItalic Bk-LtIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Medium { Bookman-Medium Bk-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE MediumItalic { Bookman-MediumItalic Bk-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Base { Courier Cr LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Slope { Courier-Oblique Cr-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Bold { Courier-Bold Cr-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE BoldSlope { Courier-BoldOblique Cr-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Base { Courier Cr LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Bold { Courier-Bold Cr-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE BoldOblique { Courier-BoldOblique Cr-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Oblique { Courier-Oblique Cr-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Base { Helvetica He LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Slope { Helvetica-Oblique He-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Bold { Helvetica-Bold He-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE BoldSlope { Helvetica-BoldOblique He-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Base { Helvetica He LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Black { Helvetica-Black He-Bl LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE BlackOblique { Helvetica-BlackOblique He-BlO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Bold { Helvetica-Bold He-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE BoldOblique { Helvetica-BoldOblique He-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Compressed { Helvetica-Compressed He-Cm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Cond { Helvetica-Condensed He-Cn LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBlack { Helvetica-Condensed-Black He-CnBl LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBlackObl { Helvetica-Condensed-BlackObl He-CnBlO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBold { Helvetica-Condensed-Bold He-CnBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBoldObl { Helvetica-Condensed-BoldObl He-CnBdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondLight { Helvetica-Condensed-Light He-CnLi LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondLightObl { Helvetica-Condensed-LightObl He-CnLiO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondOblique { Helvetica-Condensed-Oblique He-CnO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE ExtraCompressed { Helvetica-ExtraCompressed He-ExtC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Light { Helvetica-Light He-Lt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE LightOblique { Helvetica-LightOblique He-LtO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Narrow { Helvetica-Narrow He-Nr LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE NarrowBold { Helvetica-Narrow-Bold He-NrBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE NarrowBoldObl { Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique He-NrBdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE NarrowObl { Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique He-NrO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Oblique { Helvetica-Oblique He-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE UltraCompressed { Helvetica-UltraCompressed He-UlCm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Base { NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCS-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Slope { NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCS-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Bold { NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCS-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE BoldSlope { NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCS-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Bold { NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCS-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE BoldItalic { NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCS-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Italic { NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCS-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Roman { NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCS-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Base { Palatino-Roman Pa-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Slope { Palatino-Italic Pa-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Bold { Palatino-Bold Pa-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldSlope { Palatino-BoldItalic Pa-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Bold { Palatino-Bold Pa-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldItalic { Palatino-BoldItalic Pa-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldItalicOsF { Palatino-BoldItalicOsF Pa-BdItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldOsF { Palatino-BoldOsF Pa-BdF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Italic { Palatino-Italic Pa-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE ItalicOsF { Palatino-ItalicOsF Pa-ItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Roman { Palatino-Roman Pa-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE SC { Palatino-SC Pa-SC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Base { Times-Roman Ti-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Slope { Times-Italic Ti-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Bold { Times-Bold Ti-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldSlope { Times-BoldItalic Ti-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Bold { Times-Bold Ti-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldItalic { Times-BoldItalic Ti-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldItalicOsF { Times-BoldItalicOsF Ti-BdItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldSC { Times-BoldSC Ti-BdSC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE ExtraBold { Times-ExtraBold Ti-ExBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Italic { Times-Italic Ti-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE ItalicOsF { Times-ItalicOsF Ti-ItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Roman { Times-Roman Ti-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE RomanSC { Times-RomanSC Ti-RmSC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Semibold { Times-Semibold Ti-Sm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE SemiboldItalic { Times-SemiboldItalic Ti-SmIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Base { ZapfChancery-Roman ZC-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Slope { ZapfChancery-Italic ZC-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Bold { ZapfChancery-Bold ZC-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE BoldSlope { ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZC-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Roman { ZapfChancery-Roman ZC-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Bold { ZapfChancery-Bold ZC-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Italic { ZapfChancery-Italic ZC-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Light { ZapfChancery-Light ZC-Lt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Demi { ZapfChancery-Demi ZC-Dm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE LightItalic { ZapfChancery-LightItalic ZC-LtIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE MediumItalic { ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZC-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }