path: root/doc/user/gra_over
diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
commit71bdb35d52747e6d7d9f55df4524d57c2966be94 (patch)
tree480ee5eefccc40d5f3331cc52d66f722fd19bfb9 /doc/user/gra_over
parentb41263ea7578fa9742486135c762803b52794105 (diff)
Lout 3.17.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@2 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/user/gra_over')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_over b/doc/user/gra_over
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b9653a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_over
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ @Title { Changing the overall appearance of the graph }
+ @Tag { overall }
+The overall appearance of the graph is controlled by options to the
+@Code "@Graph" symbol. As usual, these options follow the @Code "@Graph"
+symbol, with their values enclosed in braces; they may appear in any order,
+and if omitted are assigned some sensible default value.
+There is a @Code "style" option for controlling the overall style of the
+style.graph @Index { @Code "style" option of @Code "@Graph" }
+axes. @Index { axes in graphs }
+graph, whose value may be either {@Code "frame"}, {@Code "none"},
+or {@Code "axes"}. The default value is {@Code "frame"}, and it produces
+a frame around the graph with ticks and labels along its left and bottom
+edges, as in previous examples. The {@Code "none"} style prints
+nothing (no frame, no ticks, no labels), which is useful for producing
+graphs that don't look like graphs, as it were.
+If the other value, {@Code "axes"}, is chosen, two other options called
+{@Code xorigin} and {@Code yorigin} become compulsory:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"-2p @Font @Graph"
+" style { axes }"
+" xorigin { 0 }"
+" yorigin { 0 }"
+" width { 12 cm }"
+" height { 7 cm }"
+" leftcaption { 90d @Rotate { counts (%) } }"
+" leftgap { 1.0 cm }"
+" belowcaption { time (min) }"
+" belowgap { 0 cm }"
+" @Data"
+" points { filledsquare }"
+" pairs { solid }"
+" { 0 0.0 1 4.8 2 7.0 3 15.2 4 19.8 5 20.0 6 21.0 7 25.0"
+" 10 29.5 15 31.2 20 35.0 30 40.0 60 50.8"
+" }"
+" @Data"
+" points { square }"
+" pairs { solid }"
+" {"
+" 0 0.0 1 3.7 1.5 43.1 2 99.1 3 85.6 4 69.1 5 47.0 6 44.1 7 40.8"
+" 10 35.0 15 29.4 20 25.0 30 21.1 60 15.5"
+" }"
+We have requested a smaller font size for this graph as a whole by
+preceding it with {@Code "-2p @Font"}, meaning two points smaller, and
+we have used some other options which will be explained shortly. The
+resulting graph has an x axis and a y axis instead of a frame, like this:
+@CD -2p @Font @Graph
+ style { axes }
+ xorigin { 0 }
+ yorigin { 0 }
+ width { 12 cm }
+ height { 7 cm }
+ leftcaption { 90d @Rotate { counts (%) } }
+ leftgap { 1.0 cm }
+ belowcaption { time (min) }
+ belowgap { 0 cm }
+ @Data
+ points { filledsquare }
+ pairs { solid }
+ { 0 0.0 1 9.5 2 15.0 3 18.2 4 20.1 5 22.1 7 25.0
+ 10 28.3 15 31.2 20 35.0 30 40.0 60 50.8
+ }
+ @Data
+ points { square }
+ pairs { solid }
+ {
+ 0 0.0 1 3.7 1.5 43.1 2 99.1 3 85.6 4 69.1 5 47.0 6 44.1 7 40.8
+ 10 35.0 15 29.4 20 25.0 30 21.1 60 15.5
+ }
+The point where the axes cross is ({@Code xorigin}, {@Code yorigin}).
+Although @Code "@Graph" does not provide explicit support for
+multiple axes, you can simulate them by overstriking two
+separate graphs of equal size. There is an @Code "@OverStrike"
+overstrike. @Index @Code "@OverStrike"
+symbol which overstrikes two objects, so
+@ID @Code "@Graph { ... } @OverStrike @Graph { ... }"
+will do the job. Typically one of the graphs would have y ticks,
+and the other would have r ticks (adjacent to the right-hand side of the
+There are @Code "xlog" and @Code "ylog" options which produce
+logarithmic.axes @Index { logarithmic axes in graphs }
+logarithmic x and y axes:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xlog { 10 }"
+" ylog { 10 }"
+" ..."
+The value is the base of the logarithm, usually 10 or 2, or
+{@Code none} (the default) meaning not logarithmic. Logarithms
+to different bases differ only by a constant factor, so the main effect
+of different bases is on the choice of ticks and labels. An @Code "xlog"
+option will be ignored if there are any negative or zero x data points,
+x ticks, or {@Code "xorigin"} or {@Code "xmin"} options; and similarly
+for {@Code "ylog"}.
+There are @Code "width" and @Code "height" options for setting the size
+of the total area enclosed:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" width { 6.0 cm }"
+" height { 4.0 cm }"
+" ..."
+This shows the default width and height, six centimetres and four
+centimetres. These lengths and others discussed below can be specified
+using a variety of units of measurement (see Section {@NumberOf grsummary}
+for the details).
+Within the frame or axes, a small margin is kept free of data points. The
+size of this margin is controlled by @Code "xextra" and @Code "yextra"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xextra { 0.5 cm }"
+" yextra { 0.5 cm }"
+" ..."
+Setting @Code "xextra" to @Code "0.5 cm" (the default value if the
+@Code style option is {@Code frame}) means that the smallest x value
+will be placed 0.5 centimetres to the right of the left boundary, and
+the largest will be placed 0.5 centimetres to the left of the right
+boundary. It is quite safe to set @Code "xextra" to @Code "0 cm" if
+desired, and indeed this is the default value when @Code style is
+{@Code axes} or {@Code none}. The @Code "yextra" option works in
+exactly the same way for y values.
+The @Code "xdecreasing" option plots the x values in decreasing order
+instead of increasing:
+@ID @Code {
+" xdecreasing { yes }"
+" abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths, 1960--1990"
+"(fatalities per 100 million vehicle km) }"
+" @Data"
+" points { plus }"
+" pairs { dashed }"
+" {"
+" 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0"
+" }"
+@CD @Graph
+ xdecreasing { yes }
+ abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths, 1960--1990
+(fatalities per 100 million vehicle km) }
+ @Data
+ points { plus }
+ pairs { dashed }
+ {
+ 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0
+ }
+The value of @Code "xdecreasing" should be either @Code "no" (the default
+value) or {@Code "yes"}. A similar @Code "ydecreasing" option does the same
+thing to the y axis.
+@End @Section