path: root/include/progf
blob: 5ca3f817b702b0b62169d83b183351a4a4f97f86 (plain) (tree)


#                                                                             #
#  Lout @ProgSetup package for formatting computer programs (Version 1.4)     #
#                                                                             #
#  Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, February 2000.                         #
#  Adapted from the original @CPrint package.                                 #
#                                                                             #
#  This package uses a filtered body parameter to convert program source      #
#  code into Lout source.  The filter program is prog2lout, which is          #
#  distributed with Lout and should be compiled and installed wherever        #
#  Lout itself is.                                                            #
#                                                                             #
#  This package is intended for use by prog2lout's stand-alone mode.          #
#  If you are adding a new language, a better place to start would be         #
#  files eiffelf and eiffel rather than progf.                                #
#                                                                             #

export @Prog
def @ProgSetup
    named language	     { "missing_language" }  # programming language
    named style
	named @OrIfPlain left x right y
	{ @BackEnd @Case { PlainText @Yield y else @Yield x } }
			     { varying @OrIfPlain fixed }  # print style
    named pipe               {           }  # pipe through this first

    named fixedfont          { Courier   }  # font family if fixed
    named fixedstrings       { Base      }  # string face if fixed
    named fixedidentifiers   { Base      }  # identifier face if fixed
    named fixedcomments      { Base      }  # comment face if fixed
    named fixedkeywords      { Base      }  # keyword face if fixed
    named fixednumbers       { Base      }  # number face if fixed
    named fixedoperators     { Base      }  # operator face if fixed
    named fixedsize          { -1.0p     }  # font size if fixed
    named fixedline          { 1.0vx     }  # line-space if fixed
    named fixedtabin	     { 8	 }  # tab interval if fixed
    named fixedtabout	     { 8s	 }  # tab width if fixed

    named varyingfont        {           }  # font family if varying
    named varyingstrings     { Slope     }  # string face if varying
    named varyingidentifiers { Slope     }  # identifier face if varying
    named varyingcomments    { Base      }  # comment face if varying
    named varyingkeywords    { Bold      }  # keyword face if varying
    named varyingnumbers     { Base      }  # number face if varying
    named varyingoperators   { Base      }  # operator face if varying
    named varyingsize        { 1.0f      }  # font size if varying
    named varyingline        { 1.0vx     }  # line-space if varying
    named varyingtabin       { 8	 }  # tab interval if varying
    named varyingtabout      { 3f	 }  # tab width if varying

    named symbolfont         {           }  # font family if symbol
    named symbolstrings      { Slope     }  # string face if symbol
    named symbolidentifiers  { Slope     }  # identifier face if symbol
    named symbolcomments     { Base      }  # comment face if symbol
    named symbolkeywords     { Bold      }  # keyword face if symbol
    named symbolnumbers      { Base      }  # number face if symbol
    named symboloperators    { Base      }  # operator face if symbol
    named symbolsize         { 1.0f      }  # font size if symbol
    named symbolline         { 1.0vx     }  # line-space if symbol
    named symboltabin        { 8	 }  # tab interval if symbol
    named symboltabout       { 3f	 }  # tab width if symbol


	"$>" @S @D @C @K @N @O @A @M

    def @Prog
	named language     { language      }  # language
	named style        { style         }  # style
	named pipe         { pipe          }  # pipe through this first
	named font         { dft           }  # font family
	named strings      { dft           }  # string font
	named identifiers  { dft           }  # ident. font
	named comments     { dft           }  # comment font
	named keywords     { dft           }  # keyword font
	named numbers      { dft           }  # number font
	named operators    { dft           }  # operator font
	named size         { dft           }  # font size
	named line         { dft           }  # line-space
	named tabin        { dft           }  # tab interval
	named tabout       { dft           }  # tab width
	body @Body			      # filtered, see below

	def @Test	# returns x unless x is dft
	    left x
	    named iffixed {}
	    named ifvarying {}
	    named ifsymbol {}
	    x @Case {
		dft @Yield {
		    style @Case {
			fixed   @Yield { iffixed   }
			varying @Yield { ifvarying }
			symbol  @Yield { ifsymbol  }
		else @Yield x

	def @InitTab
	  tabin @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedtabin   }
	      ifvarying { varyingtabin }
	      ifsymbol  { symboltabin  }

	def @InitTabWidth
	  tabout @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedtabout   }
	      ifvarying { varyingtabout }
	      ifsymbol  { symboltabout  }

	def @Filter
	    pipe @Case {
		"" @Yield {
	    	    "prog2lout -r -l" language -i{@FilterIn} -o{@FilterOut} -e{@FilterErr}
			-t{@InitTab} -T{@InitTabWidth}
		else @Yield {
	    	    "cat" @FilterIn "|" pipe "|"
		    "prog2lout -r -l" language -o{@FilterOut}
		    -e{@FilterErr} -t{@InitTab} -T{@InitTabWidth}

	def @InitFontFamily
	  font @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedfont   }
	      ifvarying { varyingfont }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolfont  }

	def @InitSize
	  size @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedsize   }
	      ifvarying { varyingsize }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolsize  }

	def @InitLine
	  line @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedline   }
	      ifvarying { varyingline }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolline  }

	def @S		# for formatting strings
	    right x
	    # "\"" &
	    strings @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedstrings   }
	      ifvarying { varyingstrings }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolstrings  }
	    @Font x
	    # & "\""

#	def "`"
#	{
#	    style @Case {
#		symbol	@Yield { "`" }
#		else	@Yield { "'" }
#	    }
#	}

	def @D	# for formatting identifiers
	    right x
	    identifiers @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedidentifiers   }
	      ifvarying { varyingidentifiers }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolidentifiers  }
	    @Font x

	def @C		# for formatting comments
	    right x
	    comments @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedcomments   }
	      ifvarying { varyingcomments }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolcomments  }
	    @Font x

	def @K		# for formatting keywords
	    right x
	    keywords @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedkeywords   }
	      ifvarying { varyingkeywords }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolkeywords  }
	    @Font x

	def @N		# for formatting numbers
	    right x
	    numbers @Test
	      iffixed   { fixednumbers   }
	      ifvarying { varyingnumbers }
	      ifsymbol  { symbolnumbers  }
	    @Font x

	def @O		# for formatting operators
	    named symb {}
	    right x
	    operators @Test
	      iffixed   { fixedoperators   }
	      ifvarying { varyingoperators }
	      ifsymbol  { symboloperators  }
	    @Font x

	def @A		# get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
	    left sym
	    right x
	    style @Case {
		symbol	@Yield { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char sym }
		else	@Yield { x			}

	macro "$>" { {} & }

	def @M right x
	    style @Case {
		fixed	@Yield "-"
		varying @Yield { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char minus }
		symbol  @Yield { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char minus }

	{ @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
	{ @InitLine lines } @Break @Body

    @End @Prog

@End @ProgSetup