path: root/include/bsf.lpg
blob: 9183b69edd4595b2b88869b4fce94afd6441ec49 (plain) (tree)


%%BeginResource: procset LoutBasicSetup

% width height linethickness louteuro -
% draw a Euro symbol of this width and height with this line thickness
/louteuro {
  20 dict begin
    /eurothick exch def
    /euroheight exch def
    /eurowidth exch def
    /eurostrokewidth euroheight 0.8 mul def
    /eurostep eurothick 60 cos mul 60 sin div def
    /eurotheta 40 def

    % llx lly width thickness louteurobox -
    % draw angled box starting at (llx, lly) with given width and thickness
      /euroboxthick exch def
      /euroboxwidth exch def
      newpath moveto euroboxwidth 0 rlineto
      eurostep euroboxthick rlineto
      euroboxwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill
    } def

    % lower cross stroke
    0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 1.5 mul sub
    eurostrokewidth eurothick louteurobox

    % upper cross stroke
    0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 0.5 mul add
    eurostrokewidth eurostep 2 mul add eurothick louteurobox

    % circular part
    /eurohctr eurowidth euroheight 2 div eurotheta cos mul sub def
    /eurovctr euroheight 2 div def
    eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurotheta 350 eurotheta sub arc
    eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurothick sub 365 eurotheta sub eurotheta arcn
    closepath fill
} def

% path for @FullWidthRule symbol
{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
} def

% path for @Box symbol
{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
  xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto
} def

% path for @CurveBox symbol
{ xmark 0 moveto
  xsize xmark sub xmark xmark 270 360 arc
  xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub xmark 0 90 arc
  xmark ysize xmark sub xmark 90 180 arc
  xmark xmark xmark 180 270 arc
} def

% path for @ShadowBox symbol
{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
  xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
  xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
  xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
  xmark 2 mul xmark lineto
} def

% set up dictionary containing margin note data: parity LoutMargSet -
{ /LoutMargDict 12 dict def
  LoutMargDict begin
    /parity exch def
    /matr matrix currentmatrix def
    /rightx xsize def
    /lefty ysize def   % highest allowable point for top of next left note
    /righty ysize def  % highest allowable point for top of next right note
    /max { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
    /min { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
} def

%translate coordinate system for marginal notes:  type LoutMargShift -
% where type 0 is left margin, 1 is right margin, 2 is outer, 3 is inner
{ LoutMargDict begin

    % y coordinate of top of note, in margin coords, before vertical adjust
    0 ysize transform matr itransform exch pop

    % decide whether left or right margin based on type and parity
    exch [ 0 1 parity 1 parity sub ] exch get 0 eq
      % left margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
      lefty min

      % bottom of note is new lefty position and also translate position
      ysize sub dup /lefty exch def

      % want right edge of note at coordinate zero
      xsize neg exch
      % right margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
      righty min

      % bottom of note is new righty position and also translate position
      ysize sub dup /righty exch def

      % want left edge of note at coordinate rightx
      rightx exch
    } ifelse

    % stack now contains coord of bottom left corner in margin coordinates
    matr setmatrix translate
} def

% create LoutPageDict with left, right, foot, top for @Place symbol users
  /LoutPageDict 5 dict def
  LoutPageDict begin
    /matr matrix currentmatrix def
    /left 0 def
    /right xsize def
    /foot 0 def
    /top ysize def

} def
