path: root/doc/user/tbl_mult
blob: 84ce363a2691c6f22b567685c5623d67761b2534 (plain) (tree)

    @Title { Multi-page tables }
    @Tag { tbl_mult }
The tables produced by @Code "@Tbl" permit page breaks (including breaking
multi.page.tables @Index { multi-page tables }
to a new column) between every two rows, except rows that have a
vertically spanning cell in common.  Page breaks cannot occur
within rows.  The choice of page breaks can either be left to Lout,
or it can be forced by placing the new page symbol @Code "@NP" between two
np.tables @Index { @Code "@NP" (new page) in tables }
Some care is needed over where to put multi-page tables.  They can't go
within any of the display symbols, because display symbols are not clever
enough to break tables between rows, even though they are sometimes able
to break simpler displays.  (A display symbol will scale a very high table
to fit on one page, and it will go wrong on a table containing
{@Code "@NP"}.)  Multi-page tables can go inside @Code "@Figure" or
@Code "@Table" symbols, because these symbols have been set up to accept
multi-page objects.  Or they can go into the body text of the document
at full width with a paragraph symbol before and after, like this:
@ID @Code @Verbatim {
@Tbl ...
An example of this kind of multi-page table appears in
Section {@NumberOf tbl_summ}.  You can simulate an indent by means of an
empty cell at the left of each row format, although in the author's opinion
a multi-page table looks better at full width anyway.  Lout will expand the
rightmost column to the full page width; one way to prevent this is to add
a @Code "|" after the last cell within each {@Code format} option, creating
an empty extra column.
The simplest way to get rules right in multi-page tables is to set
@Code "rulehorizontal" to {@Code yes}.  This places a rule above every
row including the first on each page, and a rule below every row including
the last on each page.
To prevent page breaks within a table, precede the @Code "@Tbl"
symbol by {@Code "@OneRow"}:
@ID @Code "@CD @OneRow @Tbl ..."
@Code "@OneRow" is a general Lout symbol which binds the following
object into a single, unbreakable row.  Make sure your table is
small enough to fit on one page when you do this, otherwise an error
message will be printed and it will be scaled to fit.  Of course, we
have just said that display symbols like @Code "@CD" do this anyway,
but that might change some day.
To prevent a page break between two particular rows, but not in
general, replace the @Code "@Row" symbol of the second row with
the corresponding @Code "@NoBreakRow" symbol (@Code "@NoBreakRowa"
instead of {@Code "@Rowa"}, @Code "@NoBreakRowb" instead of
{@Code "@Rowb"}, and so on).
@End @Section