path: root/doc/user/cpp_embe
blob: 8ca2dfc9d080dd75f21b8fa826fd0600fe319946 (plain) (tree)

   @Title { Embedded mode }
   @Tag { embedded }
When the C program texts are to be embedded in a larger Lout document,
the procedure is somewhat different.  You need to include the
@Code "cprint" setup file, like this:
@ID @OneRow @Code {
"@SysInclude { cprint }"
"@SysInclude { doc }"
"@Doc @Text @Begin"
"@End @Text"
This file includes everything needed to set up for C program formatting.
The C parts of the document are enclosed in @Code "@CP { ... }" like this:
@ID @OneRow @Code {
"@IndentedDisplay @CP {"
"#include <stdio.h>"
"treeprint(p)        /* print tree p recursively */"
"struct tnode *p;"
"        if (p != NULL) {"
"                treeprint(p->left);"
"                printf(\"%4d %s\\n\", p->count, p->word);"
"                treeprint(p->right);"
"        }"
Although C programs violate the rules of legal Lout input in many ways,
these rules are suspended by the @Code "@CP" symbol, allowing the C
text to be incorporated with absolutely no modifications.  The result is
@ID @OneRow @CP {
#include <stdio.h>

treeprint(p)        /* print tree p recursively */
struct tnode *p;
        if (p != NULL) {
                printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);
We have chosen to use the @Code "@IndentedDisplay" symbol from Section
{@NumberOf displays} to obtain an indented display, but in fact
@Code "@CP" may appear anywhere at all.  When including a C text within
a paragraph, use @Code "@OneCol @CP { ... }" to prevent it being broken
across two lines, if desired.
In cases where the C text has unbalanced braces, it is necessary to
use the alternative form @Code "@CP @Begin ... @End @CP" so that
Lout does not confuse C braces with Lout braces.
The @Code "@CP" symbol has a @Code "style" option for changing the
printing style.  The default value of @Code "style" is {@Code "fixed"},
which produces the style shown above.  To obtain a varying-width font
style, use @Code "style { varying }" like this:
@ID @OneRow @Code {
"    style { varying }"
"#include <stdio.h>"
"treeprint(p)        /* print tree p recursively */"
"struct tnode *p;"
"        if (p != NULL) {"
"                treeprint(p->left);"
"                printf(\"%4d %s\\n\", p->count, p->word);"
"                treeprint(p->right);"
"        }"
The result in this case will be
@ID @OneRow @CP style { varying }
#include <stdio.h>

treeprint(p)        /* print tree p recursively */
struct tnode *p;
        if (p != NULL) {
                printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);
There is also a third style called @Code "style { symbol }" which is
similar to @Code "varying" except that it uses characters from the
Adobe Symbol font to produce a more mathematical-looking result:
@ID @OneRow @CP style { symbol }
#include <stdio.h>

treeprint(p)        /* print tree p recursively */
struct tnode *p;
        if (p != NULL) {
                printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);
The @Code "@CP" symbol has additional options which allow a finer
control over the style.  Here they all are, with their default values:
@ID @OneRow @Code {
"    style { fixed }"
"    font { Courier }"
"    strings { Base }"
"    identifiers { Base }"
"    comments { Base }"
"    keywords { Base }"
"    numbers { Base }"
"    operators { Base }"
"    size { -1.0p }"
"    line { 1.0vx }"
"    tabin { 8 }"
"    tabout { 8s }"
"    ..."
We are already familiar with {@Code "style"}.  After that comes
{@Code "font"}, which determines the font family to use, followed
by six options giving the particular faces within that family in which to
print C strings, identifiers, comments, keywords, numbers, and
operators.  {@Code "Base"} means the basic face; other commonly available
choices are {@Code "Slope"} and {@Code "Bold"}.  These options may all be
set to different faces if desired.  The default values shown are correct
for @Code "style { fixed }" only; the other styles have other defaults
(Section {@NumberOf cpsetup}).
The @Code "size" option is the font size to use, and @Code "line" is the
inter-line spacing.  The default values specify that @Code "size" is
to be one point smaller than in the surrounding document; this was done
to compensate for Courier's relatively large appearance compared
to other fonts of the same nominal size.  Again, these defaults are
different for different values of {@Code "style"}.
The @Code "tabin" and @Code "tabout" options are the subject of
Section {@NumberOf tabs}.
@End @Section