path: root/doc/expert/pre_lang
blob: 50d353966320687a072d791ea9f4a59093cb5c33 (plain) (tree)

   @Title { "@Language" and "@CurrLang" }
   @Tag { language }
The @@Language symbol informs Lout that its right parameter is written
language.sym @Index { @@Language symbol }
in the language of its left parameter:
@ID @Code "Danish  @Language  { ... }"
Basser Lout Version 3 uses this information in two ways:  to hyphenate
words appropriately to that language, and to change the value of the
@@CurrLang symbol (see below).  Other uses, such as right-to-left
formatting of certain languages, may be added in the future.
The left parameter must either be empty (which means to leave the current
language unchanged) or else it must have been given in a @Code "langdef"
langdef.sym @Index { @Code langdef language definition }
language definition at the beginning of the input:
@ID {
@Code "langdef  Danish  Dansk  {" @I implementation-dependent @Code "}"
After @Code "langdef" comes a sequence of one or more simple words,
which are alternative names for the language being defined.  Following
them comes an implementation-dependent part between braces.  In Basser
Lout Version 3 this part contains the name of the Lout hyphenation
information file (minus its .lh suffix) to be used when hyphenating
words in this language, followed by a sequence of words which define
the ends of sentences.  For example:
@ID @Code "langdef English { english  .  :  ?  !  .)  ?)  !)  }"
defines a language called English with hyphenation patterns file
{@Code english.lh} and seven ways to end a sentence.  The use of
these sentence endings is described in Section {@NumberOf space}.  If
there is no hyphenation file available, this is indicated by writing
@Code "-" for the file name; if there are no sentence ends, they are
simply omitted.
The @@CurrLang symbol, which has no parameters, evaluates to the first
currlang.sym @Index { @@CurrLang symbol }
name given in the @Code "langdef" of the language in force at the point
where it is invoked:
@ID @Code "Dansk  @Language  { This is @CurrLang. }"
has result
@ID { Dansk  @Language  { This is @CurrLang. } }
It is typically used with the @@Case symbol like this:
@ID @Code {
"@CurrLang  @Case  {"
"    Danish  @Yield  tirsdag"
"    English  @Yield  Tuesday"
"    French  @Yield  Mardi"
This example evaluates to the name of the third day of the week in the
current language.
The current language is part of the style of an object, like its
font.  As explained in Section {@NumberOf size}, style is inherited
through the point of appearance, which for language can be
unexpected.  For example, an index entry which originates in a French
chapter but appears in an English index will have English for its
language, so must be explicitly set to French using @@Language.
@End @Section