path: root/doc/expert/pre_kshr
blob: 517cb891b90f828c62b66d1b6629d95e69a95612 (plain) (tree)

   @Title { "@KernShrink" }
   @Tag { kernshrink }
kernshrink. @Index { @@KernShrink symbol }
This symbol returns its right parameter unchanged in appearance but
occupying a slightly smaller bounding box.  The reduction is by the
amount of kerning that would be applied if the right parameter was
immediately @I followed by the left parameter.  For example,
@ID @Code ". @KernShrink P"
has result
@ID @Box margin { 0c } { . @KernShrink P }
where a box of size 0 has been drawn around the result to make its
extent clear.  Compare this with `P' alone:
@ID @Box margin { 0c } { P }
in which the bounding box exactly encloses the object, or at least
is supposed to.  The bounding box is smaller on the right by the
amount of kerning that would be applied between `P' and `.'.
The only known use for this symbol is to produce tucked-in subscripts
in the Eq equation formatting package.
@End @Section