from datetime import datetime import os import requests import gzip import shutil import send2trash from lxml import etree def get_valid_filenames(): FILENAME = "justice_files.txt" my_file = download_list_filenames() save_file(my_file, FILENAME) valid_files = get_files_list(FILENAME) return valid_files def download_list_filenames(): source = "" download = requests.get(source, stream = True) try: # print("Downloading file ", source) download.raise_for_status() except Exception as exc: print("There was a problem: %s" % (exc)) return None return download def save_file(download, temp_file): temp_file = open(temp_file, "wb") for chunk in download.iter_content(1000): temp_file.write(chunk) temp_file.close() return 0 def get_files_list(my_file): f = open(my_file, "r") valid_files = [] for line in f: l1 = line[1:-2].split("[")[1].split(",") for elem in l1: if is_valid_file(elem[1:-1]) == True: valid_files.append(elem[1:-1]) valid_files.sort() return valid_files def is_valid_file(tested_file): if tested_file.split("-")[1] == "full" and tested_file.split("-")[3] == str( return True else: return False def download_data(filename): source = "" + filename + ".xml.gz" # temp_file = "D:\\Programovani\\Moje vymysly\\Justice\\data\\temp-" + filename temp_file = os.path.join(str(os.getcwd()), "data", "temp-" + filename + ".xml.gz") # temp_file = str(os.getcwd()) + "\\data\\temp-" + filename downloaded_OR = downloadOR(source) if downloaded_OR != None: save_temp_file(downloaded_OR, temp_file) unzip_file(filename, temp_file) delete_archive(temp_file) parse_check = parseOR(temp_file[:-3]) if parse_check == True: update_main_file(filename + ".xml", temp_file[:-3]) # delete_archive(temp_file[:-3]) else: delete_archive(temp_file) return 0 def downloadOR(source): download = requests.get(source, stream = True) try: print("Downloading file ", source) download.raise_for_status() except Exception as exc: print("There was a problem: %s" % (exc)) return None return download def parseOR(download): print("Parsing the file!") try: for event, element in etree.iterparse(download): element.clear() print("Parsing succsessful!") except Exception as f: print(f) return False return True def save_temp_file(download, temp_file): temp_file = open(temp_file, "wb") for chunk in download.iter_content(1000000): temp_file.write(chunk) temp_file.close() return 0 def update_main_file(filename, temp_file): shutil.move(temp_file, os.path.join(str(os.getcwd()), "data", filename)) return 0 def delete_temp_file(temp_file): temp_file = open(temp_file, "w") temp_file.write("0") temp_file.close() return 0 def unzip_file(filename, temp_file): with, 'rb') as f_in: with open(os.path.join(str(os.getcwd()), "data", "temp-" + filename + ".xml"), "wb") as f_out: # with open(str(os.getcwd()) + "\\data\\temp-" + filename, 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) return 0 def delete_archive(file): send2trash.send2trash(file) return 0