path: root/templates/results_persons.html
blob: 58f9cc74becebaabcda7fb8dcd3c593308f75a04 (plain) (tree)






























{% if show_form == True %}
    {% include 'search_form_person.html' %}
{% else %}
    {% include 'header.html' %}
{% endif %}  

{% set count = namespace(value=0) %}
    {% for row in results %}
    {% set test_list = [] %}
    {% for elem in row.statut_org_association %}
        {% set my_dict = {} %}
        {% if selection_method == "actual_results" and elem.vymaz_datum != 0 %}
            {% set xxx = [] %}
        {% else %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("adresa", elem.adresa) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("funkce", elem.funkce) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("nazev", elem.statutarni_organ.company.nazev) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("ico", elem.statutarni_organ.company.ico) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("oddil", elem.statutarni_organ.company.oddil) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("vlozka", elem.statutarni_organ.company.vlozka) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("soud", elem.statutarni_organ.company.soud) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("zapis", elem.statutarni_organ.company.zapis) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("pravni_forma", elem.statutarni_organ.company.current_legal_form_text()) %}
            {% include 'duplicate_search.html' %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% for elem in row.supervisory_board_member_association %}
        {% set my_dict = {} %}
        {% if selection_method == "actual_results" and elem.vymaz_datum != 0 %}
            {% set xxx = [] %}
        {% else %}    
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("adresa", elem.adresa) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("funkce", elem.funkce) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("nazev", elem.dozorci_rada.company.nazev) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("ico", elem.dozorci_rada.company.ico) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("oddil", elem.dozorci_rada.company.oddil) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("vlozka", elem.dozorci_rada.company.vlozka) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("soud", elem.dozorci_rada.company.soud) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("zapis", elem.dozorci_rada.company.zapis) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("pravni_forma", elem.dozorci_rada.company.current_legal_form_text()) %}
            {% include 'duplicate_search.html' %}
            {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% for elem in row.spolecnik_association %}
        {% set my_dict = {} %}
        {% if selection_method == "actual_results" and elem.vymaz_datum != 0 %}
            {% set xxx = [] %}
        {% else %}        
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("adresa", elem.adresa) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("funkce", "společník") %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("nazev", elem.company.nazev) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("ico", elem.company.ico) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("oddil", elem.company.oddil) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("vlozka", elem.company.vlozka) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("soud", elem.company.soud) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("zapis", elem.company.zapis) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("pravni_forma", elem.company.current_legal_form_text()) %}
            {% include 'duplicate_search.html' %}  
            {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% for elem in row.sole_shareholder_association %}
        {% set my_dict = {} %}
        {% if selection_method == "actual_results" and elem.vymaz_datum != 0 %}
            {% set xxx = [] %}
        {% else %}            
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("adresa", elem.adresa) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("funkce", "jediný akcionář") %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("nazev", elem.company.nazev) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("ico", elem.company.ico) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("oddil", elem.company.oddil) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("vlozka", elem.company.vlozka) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("soud", elem.company.soud) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("zapis", elem.company.zapis) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("pravni_forma", elem.company.current_legal_form_text()) %}
            {% include 'duplicate_search.html' %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% for elem in row.prokurista_association %}
        {% set my_dict = {} %}
        {% if selection_method == "actual_results" and elem.vymaz_datum != 0 %}
            {% set xxx = [] %}
        {% else %}     
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("adresa", elem.adresa) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("funkce", "prokurista") %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("nazev", elem.company.nazev) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("ico", elem.company.ico) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("oddil", elem.company.oddil) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("vlozka", elem.company.vlozka) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("soud", elem.company.soud) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("zapis", elem.company.zapis) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("pravni_forma", elem.company.current_legal_form_text()) %}
            {% include 'duplicate_search.html' %}
            {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% for elem in row.ubo_association %}
        {% if selection_method == "actual_results" and elem.vymaz_datum != 0 %}
            {% set xxx = [] %}
        {% else %}     
            {% set my_dict = {} %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("adresa", elem.adresa) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("funkce", "konečný vlastník") %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("nazev", elem.company.nazev) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("ico", elem.company.ico) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("oddil", elem.company.oddil) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("vlozka", elem.company.vlozka) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("soud", elem.company.soud) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("zapis", elem.company.zapis) %}
            {% set x = my_dict.__setitem__("pravni_forma", elem.company.current_legal_form_text()) %}
            {% set test_list = test_list.append(my_dict) %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}    

    {% for elem in test_list %}
        {% if count.value % 2 == 0 %}
            {% set table_style = "table table-light" %}
        {% else %}
            {% set table_style = "table table-secondary" %}
        {% endif %}

        <table class= "{{table_style}}" style="width: 100%">
                <td style="width:20%">Jméno:</td>
                <td style="width:40%"><b>{{ row.get_name() }}</b></td>
                <td style="width:15%">Datum narození:</td>
                <td style="width:25%"><b>{{ row.datum_naroz }}</b></td>

                <td>{{ elem.adresa }}</td>
                <td>{{ elem.funkce }}</td>

                <td><i>{{ elem.pravni_forma }}:</i></td>
                <td>Název subjektu:</td>
                <td><b>{{ elem.nazev }}</b></td>
                <td><a href="/{{ elem.ico }}"><b>{{ elem.ico }}</b></a></td>

                <td>Spisová značka:</td>
                <td>{{elem.oddil}} {{elem.vlozka}} vedená u {{elem.soud}}</td>
                <td>Den zápisu:</td>

        {% set count.value = count.value + 1 %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{% include 'footer.html' %}