#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Download a Google Group to MBOX Copyright (C) 2014 Matěj Cepl This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .' """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import argparse try: from configparser import ConfigParser except ImportError: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import mailbox import os.path import re import shutil import subprocess import sys try: from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.request import HTTPHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler, \ build_opener except ImportError: from urllib2 import (HTTPError, HTTPHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler, build_opener) #from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import logging logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(funcName)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) ADDR_SEC_LABEL = 'addresses' MANGLED_ADDR_RE = re.compile( r'([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+\.\.\.@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)', re.IGNORECASE) __version__ = '0.4' class Page(object): verb_handler = HTTPHandler() if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG: verb_handler.set_http_debuglevel(2) redir_handler = HTTPRedirectHandler() opener = build_opener(verb_handler, redir_handler) def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def unenscape_Google_bang_URL(old_URL): """ See https://developers.google.com/webmasters\ /ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started for more information """ if old_URL.find('#!') != -1: esc_URL = old_URL.replace('#!', '?_escaped_fragment_=') return esc_URL else: return old_URL @classmethod def do_redirect(cls, URL): res = cls.opener.open(URL) if res.getcode() == 200: new_URL = res.geturl() return cls.unenscape_Google_bang_URL(new_URL) else: raise HTTPError('Unknown URL: {}'.format(URL)) def _get_page_BS(self, URL): res = self.opener.open(self.do_redirect(URL)) in_str = res.read() bs = BeautifulSoup(in_str) res.close() return bs class Article(Page): def __init__(self, URL): super(Article, self).__init__() self.root = URL.replace('d/msg/', 'forum/message/raw?msg=') self.raw_message = '' def collect_message(self): logging.debug('self.root = {}'.format(self.root)) try: res = self.opener.open(self.root) raw_msg = res.read() proc = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/formail'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) result = proc.communicate(raw_msg.decode())[0] except HTTPError as exc: logging.warning('Exception on downloading {}:\n{}'.format( self.root, exc)) finally: res.close() return result class Topic(Page): def __init__(self, URL, name): super(Topic, self).__init__() self.name = name self.root = self.do_redirect(URL) self.articles = [] def __unicode__(self): return "%s: %s" % (self.root, self.name) @staticmethod def get_one_article(elem): return elem def get_count_articles(self): '''Get total number of articles from the number on the page itself. ''' BS = self._get_page_BS(self.root) i_elem = BS.find_all('i') if len(i_elem) <= 0: raise ValueError('Cannot find count of topics!') i_str = i_elem[0].string return int(re.match(r'\D+ \d+\D+\d+ \D+ (\d+) \D+$', i_str).group(1)) def get_articles(self): out = [] page = self._get_page_BS(self.root) for a_elem in page.find_all('a'): if 'href' in a_elem.attrs: a_href = a_elem['href'] if re.match(r'https://groups.google.com/d/msg/', a_href) is not None: out.append(Article(a_href)) return out class Group(Page): def __init__(self, URL): super(Group, self).__init__() self.group_URL = URL self.topics = [] match = re.match(r'https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/(.+)', URL) if match is not None: self.name = match.group(1) @staticmethod def get_count_topics(BS): '''Get total number of topics from the number on the page itself. Which would be awesome for control, except it is wrong on all pages in various and different ways. :( ''' i_elem = BS.find_all('i') if len(i_elem) <= 0: raise ValueError('Cannot find count of topics!') i_str = i_elem[0].string return int(re.match(r'\D+ \d+ - \d+ \D+ (\d+) \D+$', i_str).group(1)) @staticmethod def get_one_topic(elem): sys.stdout.write('. ') sys.stdout.flush() if 'title' in elem.attrs: # filter out all-non-topic s return True, Topic(elem['href'], elem['title']) else: logging.debug('other = %s', elem) return False, elem def get_topics(self): '''Recursively[?] get all topic (as special objects) Also return (for error checking) number of topics from the head of the topic page. ''' out = [] other = [] BS = self._get_page_BS(self.group_URL) for a_elem in BS.find_all('a'): is_topic, res = self.get_one_topic(a_elem) if is_topic: out.append(res) else: other.append(res) if len(other) == 1: new_bs = Group(other[0]['href']) out.extend(new_bs.get_topics()) elif len(other) != 0: raise ValueError( 'There must be either one or none link to the next page!') sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() return out def collect_group(self): self.topics = self.get_topics() len_topics = len(self.topics) for top in self.topics: print('[%d/%d] downloading "%s"' % (self.topics.index(top), len_topics, top.name)) arts = top.get_articles() top.articles = arts for a in arts: msg = a.collect_message() if msg is not None: a.raw_message = msg def all_messages(self): '''Iterate over all messages in the group''' for top in self.topics: for art in top.articles: yield art.raw_message def collect_mangled_addrs(self): addrs = set() for top in self.topics: for art in top.articles: msg_str = art.raw_message # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201323 msg_matches = MANGLED_ADDR_RE.findall(msg_str) if msg_matches is not None: for mtch in msg_matches: addrs.add(mtch) addrs = sorted(list(addrs)) with open('{}.cnf'.format(self.name), 'w') as cnf_f: cnf_p = ConfigParser() cnf_p.add_section(ADDR_SEC_LABEL) for addr in addrs: cnf_p.set(ADDR_SEC_LABEL, addr, '') cnf_p.write(cnf_f) class MBOX(mailbox.mbox): def __init__(self, filename): if os.path.exists(filename): shutil.move(filename, '{0}.bak'.format(filename)) mailbox.mbox.__init__(self, filename) self.box_name = filename def write_group(self, group_object): self.lock() for mbx_str in group_object.all_messages(): self.add(mbx_str.encode()) self.unlock() self.close() def main(group_URL): # Collect all messages to the internal variables grp = Group(group_URL) grp.collect_group() #import yaml # dump the state for debugging #with open('group.yaml', 'w') as yf: # yaml.dump(grp, yf) # Write MBOX mbx = MBOX("{}.mbx".format(grp.name)) mbx.write_group(grp) # generate list of addresses protected against spammers grp.collect_mangled_addrs() def demangle(correct_list, orig_mbx, out_mbx): cnf_p = ConfigParser() cnf_p.read(correct_list) pairs = dict(cnf_p.items(ADDR_SEC_LABEL)) if os.path.exists(out_mbx): shutil.move(out_mbx, '{}.bak'.format(out_mbx)) in_mbx = mailbox.mbox(orig_mbx) out_mbx = mailbox.mbox(out_mbx) out_mbx.lock() for msg in in_mbx.itervalues(): msg_str = str(msg) matches = MANGLED_ADDR_RE.search(msg_str) if matches is not None: u_from = msg.get_from() for orig, fixed in pairs.items(): if (orig is not None) and (fixed is not None): continue msg_str = msg_str.replace(orig, fixed) out_msg = mailbox.mboxMessage(msg_str) out_msg.set_from(u_from) out_mbx.add(out_msg) else: out_mbx.add(msg) out_mbx.close() in_mbx.close() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description= 'Scrape a Google Groups group.') parser.add_argument('group', metavar='URL', nargs='?', help='URL of the group') parser.add_argument('-d', '--demangle', metavar='DEMANGLE_FILE', nargs=3, help='Demangle mbox from stdin to stdout' + 'according to the values in the configuration' + 'file.') args = parser.parse_args() logging.debug('args = {}'.format(args)) if args.demangle is not None: demangle(args.demangle[0], args.demangle[1], args.demangle[2]) else: main(args.group)