from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse def is_url(string: str) -> bool: try: tmp = urlparse(string) return all([tmp.scheme, tmp.netloc]) except ValueError: return False def coerce_to_int(string: str) -> Optional[int]: try: return int(string) except ValueError: return None def truncate(teks: str, subtitution_text: str, maxlen: int, startsub: int = 0) -> str: """ Truncate text eg. :param teks: 'This is long silly dummy text' :param subtitution_text: '...' :param maxlen: 12 :param startsub: 3 :return: ' dummy text' """ if startsub > maxlen: raise ValueError("Var startsub cannot be bigger than maxlen.") elif len(teks) <= maxlen: return teks else: lensu = len(subtitution_text) beg = teks[:startsub] mid = ( subtitution_text if lensu <= maxlen - startsub else subtitution_text[: maxlen - startsub] ) end = teks[startsub + lensu - maxlen :] if lensu < maxlen - startsub else "" return beg + mid + end def tuple_subtract(tuple_one: Tuple[Any, ...], tuple_two: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """ Returns tuple with members in tuple_one but not in tuple_two """ return tuple(i for i in tuple_one if i not in tuple_two) def resolve_path(current_dir: str, relative_path: str) -> str: """ Resolve path containing dots eg. '/foo/bar/book.html' + '../img.png' = '/foo/img.png' NOTE: '/' suffix is important to tell that current dir in 'bar' """ # can also using os.path.normpath() # but if the image in zipfile then posix path is mandatory return urljoin(current_dir, relative_path)