#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function from .compatibility_utils import PY2, bchr, bstr, bord if PY2: range = xrange import struct # note: struct pack, unpack, unpack_from all require bytestring format # data all the way up to at least python 2.7.5, python 3 okay with bytestring from .mobi_utils import toHex class MobiIndex: def __init__(self, sect, DEBUG=False): self.sect = sect self.DEBUG = DEBUG def getIndexData(self, idx, label="Unknown"): sect = self.sect outtbl = [] ctoc_text = {} if idx != 0xffffffff: sect.setsectiondescription(idx,"{0} Main INDX section".format(label)) data = sect.loadSection(idx) idxhdr, hordt1, hordt2 = self.parseINDXHeader(data) IndexCount = idxhdr['count'] # handle the case of multiple sections used for CTOC rec_off = 0 off = idx + IndexCount + 1 for j in range(idxhdr['nctoc']): cdata = sect.loadSection(off + j) sect.setsectiondescription(off+j, label + ' CTOC Data ' + str(j)) ctocdict = self.readCTOC(cdata) for k in ctocdict: ctoc_text[k + rec_off] = ctocdict[k] rec_off += 0x10000 tagSectionStart = idxhdr['len'] controlByteCount, tagTable = readTagSection(tagSectionStart, data) if self.DEBUG: print("ControlByteCount is", controlByteCount) print("IndexCount is", IndexCount) print("TagTable: %s" % tagTable) for i in range(idx + 1, idx + 1 + IndexCount): sect.setsectiondescription(i,"{0} Extra {1:d} INDX section".format(label,i-idx)) data = sect.loadSection(i) hdrinfo, ordt1, ordt2 = self.parseINDXHeader(data) idxtPos = hdrinfo['start'] entryCount = hdrinfo['count'] if self.DEBUG: print(idxtPos, entryCount) # loop through to build up the IDXT position starts idxPositions = [] for j in range(entryCount): pos, = struct.unpack_from(b'>H', data, idxtPos + 4 + (2 * j)) idxPositions.append(pos) # The last entry ends before the IDXT tag (but there might be zero fill bytes we need to ignore!) idxPositions.append(idxtPos) # for each entry in the IDXT build up the tagMap and any associated text for j in range(entryCount): startPos = idxPositions[j] endPos = idxPositions[j+1] textLength = ord(data[startPos:startPos+1]) text = data[startPos+1:startPos+1+textLength] if hordt2 is not None: text = b''.join(bchr(hordt2[bord(x)]) for x in text) tagMap = getTagMap(controlByteCount, tagTable, data, startPos+1+textLength, endPos) outtbl.append([text, tagMap]) if self.DEBUG: print(tagMap) print(text) return outtbl, ctoc_text def parseINDXHeader(self, data): "read INDX header" if not data[:4] == b'INDX': print("Warning: index section is not INDX") return False words = ( 'len', 'nul1', 'type', 'gen', 'start', 'count', 'code', 'lng', 'total', 'ordt', 'ligt', 'nligt', 'nctoc' ) num = len(words) values = struct.unpack(bstr('>%dL' % num), data[4:4*(num+1)]) header = {} for n in range(num): header[words[n]] = values[n] ordt1 = None ordt2 = None ocnt, oentries, op1, op2, otagx = struct.unpack_from(b'>LLLLL',data, 0xa4) if header['code'] == 0xfdea or ocnt != 0 or oentries > 0: # horribly hacked up ESP (sample) mobi books use two ORDT sections but never specify # them in the proper place in the header. They seem to be codepage 65002 which seems # to be some sort of strange EBCDIC utf-8 or 16 encoded strings # so we need to look for them and store them away to process leading text # ORDT1 has 1 byte long entries, ORDT2 has 2 byte long entries # we only ever seem to use the seocnd but ... assert(ocnt == 1) assert(data[op1:op1+4] == b'ORDT') assert(data[op2:op2+4] == b'ORDT') ordt1 = struct.unpack_from(bstr('>%dB' % oentries), data, op1+4) ordt2 = struct.unpack_from(bstr('>%dH' % oentries), data, op2+4) if self.DEBUG: print("parsed INDX header:") for n in words: print(n, "%X" % header[n],) print("") return header, ordt1, ordt2 def readCTOC(self, txtdata): # read all blocks from CTOC ctoc_data = {} offset = 0 while offset next bytes: name name = txtdata[offset:offset+ilen] offset += ilen if self.DEBUG: print("name length is ", ilen) print(idx_offs, name) ctoc_data[idx_offs] = name return ctoc_data def getVariableWidthValue(data, offset): ''' Decode variable width value from given bytes. @param data: The bytes to decode. @param offset: The start offset into data. @return: Tuple of consumed bytes count and decoded value. ''' value = 0 consumed = 0 finished = False while not finished: v = data[offset + consumed: offset + consumed + 1] consumed += 1 if ord(v) & 0x80: finished = True value = (value << 7) | (ord(v) & 0x7f) return consumed, value def readTagSection(start, data): ''' Read tag section from given data. @param start: The start position in the data. @param data: The data to process. @return: Tuple of control byte count and list of tag tuples. ''' controlByteCount = 0 tags = [] if data[start:start+4] == b"TAGX": firstEntryOffset, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', data, start + 0x04) controlByteCount, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', data, start + 0x08) # Skip the first 12 bytes already read above. for i in range(12, firstEntryOffset, 4): pos = start + i tags.append((ord(data[pos:pos+1]), ord(data[pos+1:pos+2]), ord(data[pos+2:pos+3]), ord(data[pos+3:pos+4]))) return controlByteCount, tags def countSetBits(value, bits=8): ''' Count the set bits in the given value. @param value: Integer value. @param bits: The number of bits of the input value (defaults to 8). @return: Number of set bits. ''' count = 0 for _ in range(bits): if value & 0x01 == 0x01: count += 1 value = value >> 1 return count def getTagMap(controlByteCount, tagTable, entryData, startPos, endPos): ''' Create a map of tags and values from the given byte section. @param controlByteCount: The number of control bytes. @param tagTable: The tag table. @param entryData: The data to process. @param startPos: The starting position in entryData. @param endPos: The end position in entryData or None if it is unknown. @return: Hashmap of tag and list of values. ''' tags = [] tagHashMap = {} controlByteIndex = 0 dataStart = startPos + controlByteCount for tag, valuesPerEntry, mask, endFlag in tagTable: if endFlag == 0x01: controlByteIndex += 1 continue cbyte = ord(entryData[startPos + controlByteIndex:startPos + controlByteIndex+1]) if 0: print("Control Byte Index %0x , Control Byte Value %0x" % (controlByteIndex, cbyte)) value = ord(entryData[startPos + controlByteIndex:startPos + controlByteIndex+1]) & mask if value != 0: if value == mask: if countSetBits(mask) > 1: # If all bits of masked value are set and the mask has more than one bit, a variable width value # will follow after the control bytes which defines the length of bytes (NOT the value count!) # which will contain the corresponding variable width values. consumed, value = getVariableWidthValue(entryData, dataStart) dataStart += consumed tags.append((tag, None, value, valuesPerEntry)) else: tags.append((tag, 1, None, valuesPerEntry)) else: # Shift bits to get the masked value. while mask & 0x01 == 0: mask = mask >> 1 value = value >> 1 tags.append((tag, value, None, valuesPerEntry)) for tag, valueCount, valueBytes, valuesPerEntry in tags: values = [] if valueCount is not None: # Read valueCount * valuesPerEntry variable width values. for _ in range(valueCount): for _ in range(valuesPerEntry): consumed, data = getVariableWidthValue(entryData, dataStart) dataStart += consumed values.append(data) else: # Convert valueBytes to variable width values. totalConsumed = 0 while totalConsumed < valueBytes: # Does this work for valuesPerEntry != 1? consumed, data = getVariableWidthValue(entryData, dataStart) dataStart += consumed totalConsumed += consumed values.append(data) if totalConsumed != valueBytes: print("Error: Should consume %s bytes, but consumed %s" % (valueBytes, totalConsumed)) tagHashMap[tag] = values # Test that all bytes have been processed if endPos is given. if endPos is not None and dataStart != endPos: # The last entry might have some zero padding bytes, so complain only if non zero bytes are left. for char in entryData[dataStart:endPos]: if bord(char) != 0: print("Warning: There are unprocessed index bytes left: %s" % toHex(entryData[dataStart:endPos])) if 0: print("controlByteCount: %s" % controlByteCount) print("tagTable: %s" % tagTable) print("data: %s" % toHex(entryData[startPos:endPos])) print("tagHashMap: %s" % tagHashMap) break return tagHashMap