#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function from .compatibility_utils import PY2, utf8_str if PY2: range = xrange import re # note: re requites the pattern to be the exact same type as the data to be searched in python3 # but u"" is not allowed for the pattern itself only b"" from .mobi_utils import fromBase32 class HTMLProcessor: def __init__(self, files, metadata, rscnames): self.files = files self.metadata = metadata self.rscnames = rscnames # for original style mobis, default to including all image files in the opf manifest self.used = {} for name in rscnames: self.used[name] = 'used' def findAnchors(self, rawtext, indx_data, positionMap): # process the raw text # find anchors... print("Find link anchors") link_pattern = re.compile(br'''<[^<>]+filepos=['"]{0,1}(\d+)[^<>]*>''', re.IGNORECASE) # TEST NCX: merge in filepos from indx pos_links = [int(m.group(1)) for m in link_pattern.finditer(rawtext)] if indx_data: pos_indx = [e['pos'] for e in indx_data if e['pos']>0] pos_links = list(set(pos_links + pos_indx)) for position in pos_links: if position in positionMap: positionMap[position] = positionMap[position] + utf8_str('' % position) else: positionMap[position] = utf8_str('' % position) # apply dictionary metadata and anchors print("Insert data into html") pos = 0 lastPos = len(rawtext) dataList = [] for end in sorted(positionMap.keys()): if end == 0 or end > lastPos: continue # something's up - can't put a tag in outside ... dataList.append(rawtext[pos:end]) dataList.append(positionMap[end]) pos = end dataList.append(rawtext[pos:]) srctext = b"".join(dataList) rawtext = None dataList = None self.srctext = srctext self.indx_data = indx_data return srctext def insertHREFS(self): srctext = self.srctext rscnames = self.rscnames metadata = self.metadata # put in the hrefs print("Insert hrefs into html") # There doesn't seem to be a standard, so search as best as we can link_pattern = re.compile(br''']*?)filepos=['"]{0,1}0*(\d+)['"]{0,1}([^>]*?)>''', re.IGNORECASE) srctext = link_pattern.sub(br'''''', srctext) # remove empty anchors print("Remove empty anchors from html") srctext = re.sub(br"",br"", srctext) srctext = re.sub(br"\s*",br"", srctext) # convert image references print("Insert image references into html") # split string into image tag pieces and other pieces image_pattern = re.compile(br'''()''', re.IGNORECASE) image_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''recindex=['"]{0,1}([0-9]+)['"]{0,1}''', re.IGNORECASE) srcpieces = image_pattern.split(srctext) srctext = self.srctext = None # all odd pieces are image tags (nulls string on even pieces if no space between them in srctext) for i in range(1, len(srcpieces), 2): tag = srcpieces[i] for m in image_index_pattern.finditer(tag): imageNumber = int(m.group(1)) imageName = rscnames[imageNumber-1] if imageName is None: print("Error: Referenced image %s was not recognized as a valid image" % imageNumber) else: replacement = b'src="Images/' + utf8_str(imageName) + b'"' tag = image_index_pattern.sub(replacement, tag, 1) srcpieces[i] = tag srctext = b"".join(srcpieces) # add in character set meta into the html header if needed if 'Codec' in metadata: srctext = srctext[0:12]+b''+srctext[12:] return srctext, self.used class XHTMLK8Processor: def __init__(self, rscnames, k8proc): self.rscnames = rscnames self.k8proc = k8proc self.used = {} def buildXHTML(self): # first need to update all links that are internal which # are based on positions within the xhtml files **BEFORE** # cutting and pasting any pieces into the xhtml text files # kindle:pos:fid:XXXX:off:YYYYYYYYYY (used for internal link within xhtml) # XXXX is the offset in records into divtbl # YYYYYYYYYYYY is a base32 number you add to the divtbl insertpos to get final position # pos:fid pattern posfid_pattern = re.compile(br'''()''', re.IGNORECASE) posfid_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''['"]kindle:pos:fid:([0-9|A-V]+):off:([0-9|A-V]+).*?["']''') parts = [] print("Building proper xhtml for each file") for i in range(self.k8proc.getNumberOfParts()): part = self.k8proc.getPart(i) [partnum, dir, filename, beg, end, aidtext] = self.k8proc.getPartInfo(i) # internal links srcpieces = posfid_pattern.split(part) for j in range(1, len(srcpieces),2): tag = srcpieces[j] if tag.startswith(b'<'): for m in posfid_index_pattern.finditer(tag): posfid = m.group(1) offset = m.group(2) filename, idtag = self.k8proc.getIDTagByPosFid(posfid, offset) if idtag == b'': replacement= b'"' + utf8_str(filename) + b'"' else: replacement = b'"' + utf8_str(filename) + b'#' + idtag + b'"' tag = posfid_index_pattern.sub(replacement, tag, 1) srcpieces[j] = tag part = b"".join(srcpieces) parts.append(part) # we are free to cut and paste as we see fit # we can safely remove all of the Kindlegen generated aid tags # change aid ids that are in k8proc.linked_aids to xhtml ids find_tag_with_aid_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<[^>]*\said\s*=[^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE) within_tag_aid_position_pattern = re.compile(br'''\said\s*=['"]([^'"]*)['"]''') for i in range(len(parts)): part = parts[i] srcpieces = find_tag_with_aid_pattern.split(part) for j in range(len(srcpieces)): tag = srcpieces[j] if tag.startswith(b'<'): for m in within_tag_aid_position_pattern.finditer(tag): try: aid = m.group(1) except IndexError: aid = None replacement = b'' if aid in self.k8proc.linked_aids: replacement = b' id="aid-' + aid + b'"' tag = within_tag_aid_position_pattern.sub(replacement, tag, 1) srcpieces[j] = tag part = b"".join(srcpieces) parts[i] = part # we can safely replace all of the Kindlegen generated data-AmznPageBreak tags # with page-break-after style patterns find_tag_with_AmznPageBreak_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<[^>]*\sdata-AmznPageBreak=[^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE) within_tag_AmznPageBreak_position_pattern = re.compile(br'''\sdata-AmznPageBreak=['"]([^'"]*)['"]''') for i in range(len(parts)): part = parts[i] srcpieces = find_tag_with_AmznPageBreak_pattern.split(part) for j in range(len(srcpieces)): tag = srcpieces[j] if tag.startswith(b'<'): srcpieces[j] = within_tag_AmznPageBreak_position_pattern.sub( lambda m:b' style="page-break-after:' + m.group(1) + b'"', tag) part = b"".join(srcpieces) parts[i] = part # we have to handle substitutions for the flows pieces first as they may # be inlined into the xhtml text # kindle:embed:XXXX?mime=image/gif (png, jpeg, etc) (used for images) # kindle:flow:XXXX?mime=YYYY/ZZZ (used for style sheets, svg images, etc) # kindle:embed:XXXX (used for fonts) flows = [] flows.append(None) flowinfo = [] flowinfo.append([None, None, None, None]) # regular expression search patterns img_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<[img\s|image\s][^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE) img_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''[('"]kindle:embed:([0-9|A-V]+)[^'"]*['")]''', re.IGNORECASE) tag_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<[^>]*>)''') flow_pattern = re.compile(br'''['"]kindle:flow:([0-9|A-V]+)\?mime=([^'"]+)['"]''', re.IGNORECASE) url_pattern = re.compile(br'''(url\(.*?\))''', re.IGNORECASE) url_img_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''[('"]kindle:embed:([0-9|A-V]+)\?mime=image/[^\)]*["')]''', re.IGNORECASE) font_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''[('"]kindle:embed:([0-9|A-V]+)["')]''', re.IGNORECASE) url_css_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''kindle:flow:([0-9|A-V]+)\?mime=text/css[^\)]*''', re.IGNORECASE) url_svg_image_pattern = re.compile(br'''kindle:flow:([0-9|A-V]+)\?mime=image/svg\+xml[^\)]*''', re.IGNORECASE) for i in range(1, self.k8proc.getNumberOfFlows()): [ftype, format, dir, filename] = self.k8proc.getFlowInfo(i) flowpart = self.k8proc.getFlow(i) # links to raster image files from image tags # image_pattern srcpieces = img_pattern.split(flowpart) for j in range(1, len(srcpieces),2): tag = srcpieces[j] if tag.startswith(b']*>)''') flow_pattern = re.compile(br'''['"]kindle:flow:([0-9|A-V]+)\?mime=([^'"]+)['"]''', re.IGNORECASE) for i in range(len(parts)): part = parts[i] [partnum, dir, filename, beg, end, aidtext] = self.k8proc.partinfo[i] # flow pattern srcpieces = tag_pattern.split(part) for j in range(1, len(srcpieces),2): tag = srcpieces[j] if tag.startswith(b'<'): for m in flow_pattern.finditer(tag): num = fromBase32(m.group(1)) if num > 0 and num < len(self.k8proc.flowinfo): [typ, fmt, pdir, fnm] = self.k8proc.getFlowInfo(num) flowpart = flows[num] if fmt == b'inline': tag = flowpart else: replacement = b'"../' + utf8_str(pdir) + b'/' + utf8_str(fnm) + b'"' tag = flow_pattern.sub(replacement, tag, 1) self.used[fnm] = 'used' else: print("warning: ignoring non-existent flow link", tag, " value 0x%x" % num) srcpieces[j] = tag part = b''.join(srcpieces) # store away modified version parts[i] = part # Handle any embedded raster images links in style= attributes urls style_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s[^>]*style\s*=\s*[^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE) img_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''[('"]kindle:embed:([0-9|A-V]+)[^'"]*['")]''', re.IGNORECASE) for i in range(len(parts)): part = parts[i] [partnum, dir, filename, beg, end, aidtext] = self.k8proc.partinfo[i] # replace urls in style attributes srcpieces = style_pattern.split(part) for j in range(1, len(srcpieces),2): tag = srcpieces[j] if b'kindle:embed' in tag: for m in img_index_pattern.finditer(tag): imageNumber = fromBase32(m.group(1)) imageName = self.rscnames[imageNumber-1] osep = m.group()[0:1] csep = m.group()[-1:] if imageName is not None: replacement = osep + b'../Images/'+ utf8_str(imageName) + csep self.used[imageName] = 'used' tag = img_index_pattern.sub(replacement, tag, 1) else: print("Error: Referenced image %s in style url was not recognized in %s" % (imageNumber, tag)) srcpieces[j] = tag part = b"".join(srcpieces) # store away modified version parts[i] = part # Handle any embedded raster images links in the xhtml text # kindle:embed:XXXX?mime=image/gif (png, jpeg, etc) (used for images) img_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<[img\s|image\s][^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE) img_index_pattern = re.compile(br'''['"]kindle:embed:([0-9|A-V]+)[^'"]*['"]''') for i in range(len(parts)): part = parts[i] [partnum, dir, filename, beg, end, aidtext] = self.k8proc.partinfo[i] # links to raster image files # image_pattern srcpieces = img_pattern.split(part) for j in range(1, len(srcpieces),2): tag = srcpieces[j] if tag.startswith(b' remove value="XX" attributes since these are illegal tag_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<[^>]*>)''') li_value_pattern = re.compile(br'''\svalue\s*=\s*['"][^'"]*['"]''', re.IGNORECASE) for i in range(len(parts)): part = parts[i] [partnum, dir, filename, beg, end, aidtext] = self.k8proc.partinfo[i] # tag pattern srcpieces = tag_pattern.split(part) for j in range(1, len(srcpieces),2): tag = srcpieces[j] if tag.startswith(b'