path: root/epy.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'epy.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/epy.py b/epy.py
index a363185..dc27fe2 100755
--- a/epy.py
+++ b/epy.py
@@ -1192,119 +1192,6 @@ class State(AppData):
-# class Board:
-# """
-# OBSOLETE: use InfiniBoard instead
-# Wrapper to curses.newpad() because curses.pad has
-# line max lines 32767. If there is >=32768 lines
-# Exception will be raised.
-# """
-# MAXCHUNKS = 32000 - 2 # lines
-# def __init__(self, screen, totlines, width):
-# self.screen = screen
-# self.chunks = [self.MAXCHUNKS * (i + 1) - 1 for i in range(totlines // self.MAXCHUNKS)]
-# self.chunks += (
-# []
-# if totlines % self.MAXCHUNKS == 0
-# else [totlines % self.MAXCHUNKS + (0 if self.chunks == [] else self.chunks[-1])]
-# ) # -1
-# self.pad = curses.newpad(min([self.MAXCHUNKS + 2, totlines]), width)
-# self.pad.keypad(True)
-# # self.current_chunk = 0
-# self.y = 0
-# self.width = width
-# def feed(self, textlist):
-# self.text = textlist
-# def feed_format(self, formatting):
-# self.formatting = formatting
-# def format(self):
-# chunkidx = self.find_chunkidx(self.y)
-# start_chunk = 0 if chunkidx == 0 else self.chunks[chunkidx - 1] + 1
-# end_chunk = self.chunks[chunkidx]
-# # if y in range(start_chunk, end_chunk+1):
-# for i in [
-# j for j in self.formatting["italic"] if start_chunk <= j[0] and j[0] <= end_chunk
-# ]:
-# try:
-# self.pad.chgat(
-# i[0] % self.MAXCHUNKS, i[1], i[2], self.screen.getbkgd() | curses.A_ITALIC
-# )
-# except:
-# pass
-# for i in [j for j in self.formatting["bold"] if start_chunk <= j[0] and j[0] <= end_chunk]:
-# try:
-# self.pad.chgat(
-# i[0] % self.MAXCHUNKS, i[1], i[2], self.screen.getbkgd() | curses.A_BOLD
-# )
-# except:
-# pass
-# def getch(self) -> Union[Key, NoUpdate]:
-# tmp = self.pad.getch()
-# # curses.screen.timeout(delay)
-# # if delay < 0 then getch() return -1
-# if tmp == -1:
-# return NoUpdate()
-# return Key(tmp)
-# def bkgd(self) -> None:
-# self.pad.bkgd(self.screen.getbkgd())
-# def find_chunkidx(self, y) -> Optional[int]:
-# for n, i in enumerate(self.chunks):
-# if y <= i:
-# return n
-# def paint_text(self, chunkidx=0):
-# self.pad.clear()
-# start_chunk = 0 if chunkidx == 0 else self.chunks[chunkidx - 1] + 1
-# end_chunk = self.chunks[chunkidx]
-# for n, i in enumerate(self.text[start_chunk : end_chunk + 1]):
-# if re.search("\\[IMG:[0-9]+\\]", i):
-# self.pad.addstr(n, self.width // 2 - len(i) // 2 + 1, i, curses.A_REVERSE)
-# else:
-# self.pad.addstr(n, 0, i)
-# # chapter suffix
-# ch_suffix = "***" # "\u3064\u3065\u304f" つづく
-# try:
-# self.pad.addstr(n + 1, (self.width - len(ch_suffix)) // 2 + 1, ch_suffix)
-# except curses.error:
-# pass
-# # if chunkidx < len(self.chunks)-1:
-# # try:
-# # self.pad.addstr(self.MAXCHUNKS+1, (self.width - len(ch_suffix))//2 + 1, ch_suffix)
-# # except curses.error:
-# # pass
-# def chgat(self, y, x, n, attr):
-# chunkidx = self.find_chunkidx(y)
-# start_chunk = 0 if chunkidx == 0 else self.chunks[chunkidx - 1] + 1
-# end_chunk = self.chunks[chunkidx]
-# if y in range(start_chunk, end_chunk + 1):
-# # TODO: error when searching for |c
-# self.pad.chgat(y % self.MAXCHUNKS, x, n, attr)
-# def getbkgd(self):
-# return self.pad.getbkgd()
-# def refresh(self, y, b, c, d, e, f):
-# chunkidx = self.find_chunkidx(y)
-# if chunkidx != self.find_chunkidx(self.y):
-# self.paint_text(chunkidx)
-# self.y = y
-# self.format()
-# # TODO: not modulo by self.MAXCHUNKS but self.pad.height
-# self.pad.refresh(y % self.MAXCHUNKS, b, c, d, e, f)
-# self.y = y
class InfiniBoard:
Wrapper for curses screen to render infinite texts.