diff options
7 files changed, 20 insertions, 3982 deletions
diff --git a/.github/FUNDING.yml b/.github/FUNDING.yml
index 037819f..e2f1e3f 100644
--- a/.github/FUNDING.yml
+++ b/.github/FUNDING.yml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-custom: "https://paypal.me/wustho"
+ko_fi: wustho
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f7347fe..a11b759 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
+<a href='https://ko-fi.com/P5P4IDCX2' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='https://storage.ko-fi.com/cdn/kofi2.png?v=3' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com' /></a>
CLI Ebook Reader.
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ In the config file you will see the following section.
"LightColorFG": 238,
"LightColorBG": 253,
Change the values by using this image. (Make sure to ignore zeros at the beginning, it won't launch otherwise.)
diff --git a/epy.py b/epy.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e72cf3..0000000
--- a/epy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3976 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab:foldmethod=marker
-usage: epy [-h] [-r] [-d] [-v] [PATH | # | PATTERN | URL]
-Read ebook in terminal
-positional arguments:
- [ PATH | # | PATTERN | URL ]
- ebook path, history number, pattern or URL
-optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -r, --history print reading history
- -d, --dump dump the content of ebook
- -v, --version print version and exit
- epy /path/to/ebook read /path/to/ebook file
- epy 3 read #3 file from reading history
- epy count monte read file matching 'count monte'
- from reading history
-__version__ = "2022.9.24"
-__license__ = "GPL-3.0"
-__author__ = "Benawi Adha"
-__email__ = "benawiadha@gmail.com"
-__url__ = "https://github.com/wustho/epy"
-# Imports {{{
-import argparse
-import base64
-import contextlib
-import curses
-import dataclasses
-import hashlib
-import json
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import signal
-import sqlite3
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import textwrap
-import uuid
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-import zipfile
-import zlib
-from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence, Tuple, List, Dict, Mapping, Set, Type, Any
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from datetime import datetime
-from difflib import SequenceMatcher as SM
-from enum import Enum
-from functools import wraps
-from html import unescape
-from html.parser import HTMLParser
-from pathlib import PurePosixPath
-from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
-from urllib.parse import unquote, urljoin, urlparse
-from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
- from epy_extras import unpackBook # type: ignore
-except ModuleNotFoundError:
-# }}}
-# Debug Utils {{{
- # Debug swith
- # $ DEBUG=1 ./epy.py
- DEBUG = int(str(os.getenv("DEBUG"))) == 1
-except ValueError:
- DEBUG = False
-# }}}
-# Data Models {{{
-# add image viewers here
-# sorted by most widely used
- "feh",
- "imv",
- "gio",
- "gnome-open",
- "gvfs-open",
- "xdg-open",
- "kde-open",
- "firefox",
- "wkdict",
- "sdcv",
- "dict",
-class Direction(Enum):
- FORWARD = "forward"
- BACKWARD = "backward"
-class DoubleSpreadPadding(Enum):
- LEFT = 10
- MIDDLE = 7
- RIGHT = 10
-class BookMetadata:
- title: Optional[str] = None
- creator: Optional[str] = None
- description: Optional[str] = None
- publisher: Optional[str] = None
- date: Optional[str] = None
- language: Optional[str] = None
- format: Optional[str] = None
- identifier: Optional[str] = None
- source: Optional[str] = None
-class LibraryItem:
- last_read: datetime
- filepath: str
- title: Optional[str] = None
- author: Optional[str] = None
- reading_progress: Optional[float] = None
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- if self.reading_progress is None:
- reading_progress_str = "N/A"
- else:
- reading_progress_str = f"{int(self.reading_progress * 100)}%"
- reading_progress_str = reading_progress_str.rjust(4)
- book_name: str
- filename = self.filepath.replace(os.path.expanduser("~"), "~", 1)
- if self.title is not None and self.author is not None:
- book_name = f"{self.title} - {self.author} ({filename})"
- elif self.title is None and self.author:
- book_name = f"{filename} - {self.author}"
- else:
- book_name = filename
- last_read_str = self.last_read.strftime("%I:%M%p %b %d")
- return f"{reading_progress_str} {last_read_str}: {book_name}"
-class ReadingState:
- """
- Data model for reading state.
- `row` has to be explicitly assigned with value
- because Seamless feature needs it to adjust from
- relative (to book's content index) row to absolute
- (to book's entire content) row.
- `rel_pctg` and `section` default to None and if
- either of them is assigned with value, then it
- will be overriding the `row` value.
- """
- content_index: int
- textwidth: int
- row: int
- rel_pctg: Optional[float] = None
- section: Optional[str] = None
-class SearchData:
- direction: Direction = Direction.FORWARD
- value: str = ""
-class LettersCount:
- """
- all: total letters in book
- cumulative: list of total letters for previous contents
- eg. let's say cumulative = (0, 50, 89, ...) it means
- 0 is total cumulative letters of book contents[-1] to contents[0]
- 50 is total cumulative letters of book contents[0] to contents[1]
- 89 is total cumulative letters of book contents[0] to contents[2]
- """
- all: int
- cumulative: Tuple[int, ...]
-class CharPos:
- """
- Describes character position in text.
- eg. ["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,", # row=0
- "consectetur adipiscing elit."] # row=1
- ^CharPos(row=1, col=3)
- """
- row: int
- col: int
-class TextMark:
- """
- Describes marking in text.
- eg. Interval [CharPos(row=0, col=3), CharPos(row=1, col=4)]
- notice the marking inclusive [] for both side instead of right exclusive [)
- """
- start: CharPos
- end: Optional[CharPos] = None
- def is_valid(self) -> bool:
- """
- Assert validity and check if the mark is unterminated
- eg. <div><i>This is italic text</div>
- Missing </i> tag
- """
- if self.end is not None:
- if self.start.row == self.end.row:
- return self.start.col <= self.end.col
- else:
- return self.start.row < self.end.row
- return False
-class TextSpan:
- """
- Like TextMark but using span of letters (n_letters)
- """
- start: CharPos
- n_letters: int
-class InlineStyle:
- """
- eg. InlineStyle(attr=curses.A_BOLD, row=3, cols=4, n_letters=3)
- """
- row: int
- col: int
- n_letters: int
- attr: int
-class TocEntry:
- label: str
- content_index: int
- section: Optional[str]
-class TextStructure:
- """
- Object that describes how the text
- should be displayed in screen.
- text_lines: ("list of lines", "of text", ...)
- image_maps: {line_num: path/to/image/in/ebook/zip}
- section_rows: {section_id: line_num}
- formatting: (InlineStyle, ...)
- """
- text_lines: Tuple[str, ...]
- image_maps: Mapping[int, str]
- section_rows: Mapping[str, int]
- formatting: Tuple[InlineStyle, ...]
-class NoUpdate:
- pass
-class Key:
- """
- Because ord("k") chr(34) are confusing
- """
- def __init__(self, char_or_int: Union[str, int]):
- self.value: int = char_or_int if isinstance(char_or_int, int) else ord(char_or_int)
- self.char: str = char_or_int if isinstance(char_or_int, str) else chr(char_or_int)
- def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
- if isinstance(other, Key):
- return self.value == other.value
- return False
- def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
- return self.__eq__(other)
- def __hash__(self) -> int:
- return hash(self.value)
-class Settings:
- DefaultViewer: str = "auto"
- DictionaryClient: str = "auto"
- ShowProgressIndicator: bool = True
- PageScrollAnimation: bool = True
- MouseSupport: bool = False
- StartWithDoubleSpread: bool = False
- # -1 is default terminal fg/bg colors
- DefaultColorFG: int = -1
- DefaultColorBG: int = -1
- DarkColorFG: int = 252
- DarkColorBG: int = 235
- LightColorFG: int = 238
- LightColorBG: int = 253
- SeamlessBetweenChapters: bool = False
- PreferredTTSEngine: Optional[str] = None
- TTSEngineArgs: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
-class CfgDefaultKeymaps:
- ScrollUp: str = "k"
- ScrollDown: str = "j"
- PageUp: str = "h"
- PageDown: str = "l"
- # HalfScreenUp: str = "h"
- # HalfScreenDown: str
- NextChapter: str = "L"
- PrevChapter: str = "H"
- BeginningOfCh: str = "g"
- EndOfCh: str = "G"
- Shrink: str = "-"
- Enlarge: str = "+"
- SetWidth: str = "="
- Metadata: str = "M"
- DefineWord: str = "d"
- TableOfContents: str = "t"
- Follow: str = "f"
- OpenImage: str = "o"
- RegexSearch: str = "/"
- ShowHideProgress: str = "s"
- MarkPosition: str = "m"
- JumpToPosition: str = "`"
- AddBookmark: str = "b"
- ShowBookmarks: str = "B"
- Quit: str = "q"
- Help: str = "?"
- SwitchColor: str = "c"
- TTSToggle: str = "!"
- DoubleSpreadToggle: str = "D"
- Library: str = "R"
-class CfgBuiltinKeymaps:
- ScrollUp: Tuple[int, ...] = (curses.KEY_UP,)
- ScrollDown: Tuple[int, ...] = (curses.KEY_DOWN,)
- PageUp: Tuple[int, ...] = (curses.KEY_PPAGE, curses.KEY_LEFT)
- PageDown: Tuple[int, ...] = (curses.KEY_NPAGE, ord(" "), curses.KEY_RIGHT)
- BeginningOfCh: Tuple[int, ...] = (curses.KEY_HOME,)
- EndOfCh: Tuple[int, ...] = (curses.KEY_END,)
- TableOfContents: Tuple[int, ...] = (9, ord("\t"))
- Follow: Tuple[int, ...] = (10,)
- Quit: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 27, 304)
-class Keymap:
- # HalfScreenDown: Tuple[Key, ...]
- # HalfScreenUp: Tuple[Key, ...]
- AddBookmark: Tuple[Key, ...]
- BeginningOfCh: Tuple[Key, ...]
- DefineWord: Tuple[Key, ...]
- DoubleSpreadToggle: Tuple[Key, ...]
- EndOfCh: Tuple[Key, ...]
- Enlarge: Tuple[Key, ...]
- Follow: Tuple[Key, ...]
- Help: Tuple[Key, ...]
- JumpToPosition: Tuple[Key, ...]
- Library: Tuple[Key, ...]
- MarkPosition: Tuple[Key, ...]
- Metadata: Tuple[Key, ...]
- NextChapter: Tuple[Key, ...]
- OpenImage: Tuple[Key, ...]
- PageDown: Tuple[Key, ...]
- PageUp: Tuple[Key, ...]
- PrevChapter: Tuple[Key, ...]
- Quit: Tuple[Key, ...]
- RegexSearch: Tuple[Key, ...]
- ScrollDown: Tuple[Key, ...]
- ScrollUp: Tuple[Key, ...]
- SetWidth: Tuple[Key, ...]
- ShowBookmarks: Tuple[Key, ...]
- ShowHideProgress: Tuple[Key, ...]
- Shrink: Tuple[Key, ...]
- SwitchColor: Tuple[Key, ...]
- TTSToggle: Tuple[Key, ...]
- TableOfContents: Tuple[Key, ...]
-# }}}
-# Speaker / TTS Engine Wrappers {{{
-class SpeakerBaseModel:
- cmd: str = "tts_engine_binary"
- available: bool = False
- def __init__(self, args: List[str] = []):
- self.args = args
- def speak(self, text: str) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError("Speaker.speak() not implemented")
- def is_done(self) -> bool:
- raise NotImplementedError("Speaker.is_done() not implemented")
- def stop(self) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError("Speaker.stop() not implemented")
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError("Speaker.cleanup() not implemented")
-class SpeakerMimic(SpeakerBaseModel):
- cmd = "mimic"
- available = bool(shutil.which("mimic"))
- def speak(self, text: str) -> None:
- self.process = subprocess.Popen(
- [self.cmd, *self.args],
- text=True,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- )
- assert self.process.stdin
- self.process.stdin.write(text)
- self.process.stdin.close()
- def is_done(self) -> bool:
- return self.process.poll() is not None
- def stop(self) -> None:
- self.process.terminate()
- # self.process.kill()
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- pass
-class SpeakerPico(SpeakerBaseModel):
- cmd = "pico2wave"
- available = all([shutil.which(dep) for dep in ["pico2wave", "play"]])
- def speak(self, text: str) -> None:
- _, self.tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".wav")
- try:
- subprocess.run(
- [self.cmd, *self.args, "-w", self.tmp_path, text],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- text=True,
- check=True,
- )
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- if "invalid pointer" not in e.output:
- sys.exit(e.output)
- self.process = subprocess.Popen(
- ["play", self.tmp_path],
- stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- )
- def is_done(self) -> bool:
- return self.process.poll() is not None
- def stop(self) -> None:
- self.process.terminate()
- # self.process.kill()
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- os.remove(self.tmp_path)
-# register wrappers here
-SPEAKERS: List[Type[SpeakerBaseModel]] = [SpeakerMimic, SpeakerPico]
-# }}}
-# Ebooks {{{
-class Ebook:
- def __init__(self, fileepub: str):
- raise NotImplementedError("Ebook.__init__() not implemented")
- @property
- def path(self) -> str:
- return self._path
- @path.setter
- def path(self, value: str) -> None:
- self._path = value
- @property
- def contents(self) -> Union[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[ET.Element, ...]]:
- return self._contents
- @contents.setter
- def contents(self, value: Union[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[ET.Element, ...]]) -> None:
- self._contents = value
- @property
- def toc_entries(self) -> Tuple[TocEntry, ...]:
- return self._toc_entries
- @toc_entries.setter
- def toc_entries(self, value: Tuple[TocEntry, ...]) -> None:
- self._toc_entries = value
- def get_meta(self) -> BookMetadata:
- raise NotImplementedError("Ebook.get_meta() not implemented")
- def initialize(self) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError("Ebook.initialize() not implemented")
- def get_raw_text(self, content: Union[str, ET.Element]) -> str:
- raise NotImplementedError("Ebook.get_raw_text() not implemented")
- def get_img_bytestr(self, impath: str) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
- raise NotImplementedError("Ebook.get_img_bytestr() not implemented")
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError("Ebook.cleanup() not implemented")
-class Epub(Ebook):
- "DAISY": "http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/",
- "OPF": "http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf",
- "CONT": "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container",
- "XHTML": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
- "EPUB": "http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops",
- # Dublin Core
- "DC": "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/",
- }
- def __init__(self, fileepub: str):
- self.path: str = os.path.abspath(fileepub)
- self.file: Union[zipfile.ZipFile, str] = zipfile.ZipFile(fileepub, "r")
- # populate these attributes
- # by calling self.initialize()
- self.root_filepath: str
- self.root_dirpath: str
- def get_meta(self) -> BookMetadata:
- assert isinstance(self.file, zipfile.ZipFile)
- # why self.file.read(self.root_filepath) problematic
- # content_opf = ET.fromstring(self.file.open(self.root_filepath).read())
- content_opf = ET.parse(self.file.open(self.root_filepath))
- return Epub._get_metadata(content_opf)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_metadata(content_opf: ET.ElementTree) -> BookMetadata:
- metadata: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}
- for field in dataclasses.fields(BookMetadata):
- element = content_opf.find(f".//DC:{field.name}", Epub.NAMESPACE)
- if element is not None:
- metadata[field.name] = element.text
- return BookMetadata(**metadata)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_contents(content_opf: ET.ElementTree) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
- # cont = ET.parse(self.file.open(self.root_filepath)).getroot()
- manifests: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- for manifest_elem in content_opf.findall("OPF:manifest/*", Epub.NAMESPACE):
- # EPUB3
- # if manifest_elem.get("id") != "ncx" and manifest_elem.get("properties") != "nav":
- if (
- manifest_elem.get("media-type") != "application/x-dtbncx+xml"
- and manifest_elem.get("properties") != "nav"
- ):
- manifest_id = manifest_elem.get("id")
- assert manifest_id is not None
- manifest_href = manifest_elem.get("href")
- assert manifest_href is not None
- manifests.append((manifest_id, manifest_href))
- spines: List[str] = []
- contents: List[str] = []
- for spine_elem in content_opf.findall("OPF:spine/*", Epub.NAMESPACE):
- idref = spine_elem.get("idref")
- assert idref is not None
- spines.append(idref)
- for spine in spines:
- for manifest in manifests:
- if spine == manifest[0]:
- # book_contents.append(root_dirpath + unquote(manifest[1]))
- contents.append(unquote(manifest[1]))
- manifests.remove(manifest)
- # TODO: test is break necessary
- break
- return tuple(contents)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_tocs(toc: ET.Element, version: str, contents: Sequence[str]) -> Tuple[TocEntry, ...]:
- try:
- # EPUB3
- if version in {"1.0", "2.0"}:
- navPoints = toc.findall("DAISY:navMap//DAISY:navPoint", Epub.NAMESPACE)
- elif version == "3.0":
- navPoints = toc.findall(
- "XHTML:body//XHTML:nav[@EPUB:type='toc']//XHTML:a", Epub.NAMESPACE
- )
- toc_entries: List[TocEntry] = []
- for navPoint in navPoints:
- if version in {"1.0", "2.0"}:
- src_elem = navPoint.find("DAISY:content", Epub.NAMESPACE)
- assert src_elem is not None
- src = src_elem.get("src")
- name_elem = navPoint.find("DAISY:navLabel/DAISY:text", Epub.NAMESPACE)
- assert name_elem is not None
- name = name_elem.text
- elif version == "3.0":
- src_elem = navPoint
- assert src_elem is not None
- src = src_elem.get("href")
- name = "".join(list(navPoint.itertext()))
- assert src is not None
- src_id = src.split("#")
- try:
- idx = contents.index(unquote(src_id[0]))
- except ValueError:
- continue
- # assert name is not None
- # NOTE: skip empty label
- if name is not None:
- toc_entries.append(
- TocEntry(
- label=name,
- content_index=idx,
- section=src_id[1] if len(src_id) == 2 else None,
- )
- )
- except AttributeError as e:
- if DEBUG:
- raise e
- return tuple(toc_entries)
- def initialize(self) -> None:
- assert isinstance(self.file, zipfile.ZipFile)
- container = ET.parse(self.file.open("META-INF/container.xml"))
- rootfile_elem = container.find("CONT:rootfiles/CONT:rootfile", Epub.NAMESPACE)
- assert rootfile_elem is not None
- self.root_filepath = rootfile_elem.attrib["full-path"]
- self.root_dirpath = (
- os.path.dirname(self.root_filepath) + "/"
- if os.path.dirname(self.root_filepath) != ""
- else ""
- )
- content_opf = ET.parse(self.file.open(self.root_filepath))
- version = content_opf.getroot().get("version")
- contents = Epub._get_contents(content_opf)
- self.contents = tuple(urljoin(self.root_dirpath, content) for content in contents)
- if version in {"1.0", "2.0"}:
- # "OPF:manifest/*[@id='ncx']"
- relative_toc = content_opf.find(
- "OPF:manifest/*[@media-type='application/x-dtbncx+xml']", Epub.NAMESPACE
- )
- elif version == "3.0":
- relative_toc = content_opf.find("OPF:manifest/*[@properties='nav']", Epub.NAMESPACE)
- else:
- raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported Epub version: {version}")
- assert relative_toc is not None
- relative_toc_path = relative_toc.get("href")
- assert relative_toc_path is not None
- toc_path = self.root_dirpath + relative_toc_path
- toc = ET.parse(self.file.open(toc_path)).getroot()
- self.toc_entries = Epub._get_tocs(toc, version, contents) # *self.contents (absolute path)
- def get_raw_text(self, content_path: Union[str, ET.Element]) -> str:
- assert isinstance(self.file, zipfile.ZipFile)
- assert isinstance(content_path, str)
- max_tries: Optional[int] = None # 1 if DEBUG else None
- # use try-except block to catch
- # zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance too far back
- # seems like caused by multiprocessing
- tries = 0
- while True:
- try:
- content = self.file.open(content_path).read()
- break
- except zlib.error as e:
- tries += 1
- if max_tries is not None and tries >= max_tries:
- raise e
- return content.decode("utf-8")
- def get_img_bytestr(self, impath: str) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
- assert isinstance(self.file, zipfile.ZipFile)
- return impath, self.file.read(impath)
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- pass
-class Mobi(Epub):
- def __init__(self, filemobi: str):
- self.path = os.path.abspath(filemobi)
- self.file = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="epy-")
- # populate these attribute
- # by calling self.initialize()
- self.root_filepath: str
- self.root_dirpath: str
- def get_meta(self) -> BookMetadata:
- # why self.file.read(self.root_filepath) problematic
- with open(os.path.join(self.root_dirpath, "content.opf")) as f:
- content_opf = ET.parse(f) # .getroot()
- return Epub._get_metadata(content_opf)
- def initialize(self) -> None:
- assert isinstance(self.file, str)
- with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None):
- unpackBook(self.path, self.file, epubver="A", use_hd=True)
- # TODO: add cleanup here
- self.root_dirpath = os.path.join(self.file, "mobi7")
- self.toc_path = os.path.join(self.root_dirpath, "toc.ncx")
- version = "2.0"
- with open(os.path.join(self.root_dirpath, "content.opf")) as f:
- content_opf = ET.parse(f) # .getroot()
- contents = Epub._get_contents(content_opf)
- self.contents = tuple(os.path.join(self.root_dirpath, content) for content in contents)
- with open(self.toc_path) as f:
- toc = ET.parse(f).getroot()
- self.toc_entries = Epub._get_tocs(toc, version, contents) # *self.contents (absolute path)
- def get_raw_text(self, content_path: Union[str, ET.Element]) -> str:
- assert isinstance(content_path, str)
- with open(content_path, encoding="utf8") as f:
- content = f.read()
- # return content.decode("utf-8")
- return content
- def get_img_bytestr(self, impath: str) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
- # TODO: test on windows
- # if impath "Images/asdf.png" is problematic
- image_abspath = os.path.join(self.root_dirpath, impath)
- image_abspath = os.path.normpath(image_abspath) # handle crossplatform path
- with open(image_abspath, "rb") as f:
- src = f.read()
- return impath, src
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- assert isinstance(self.file, str)
- shutil.rmtree(self.file)
- return
-class Azw(Epub):
- def __init__(self, fileepub):
- self.path = os.path.abspath(fileepub)
- self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="epy-")
- basename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.path))
- self.tmpepub = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "mobi8", basename + ".epub")
- def initialize(self):
- with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None):
- unpackBook(self.path, self.tmpdir, epubver="A", use_hd=True)
- self.file = zipfile.ZipFile(self.tmpepub, "r")
- Epub.initialize(self)
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
- return
-class FictionBook(Ebook):
- NAMESPACE = {"FB2": "http://www.gribuser.ru/xml/fictionbook/2.0"}
- def __init__(self, filefb: str):
- self.path = os.path.abspath(filefb)
- self.file = filefb
- # populate these attribute
- # by calling self.initialize()
- self.root: ET.Element
- def get_meta(self) -> BookMetadata:
- title_elem = self.root.find(".//FB2:book-title", FictionBook.NAMESPACE)
- first_name_elem = self.root.find(".//FB2:first-name", FictionBook.NAMESPACE)
- last_name_elem = self.root.find(".//FB2:last-name", FictionBook.NAMESPACE)
- date_elem = self.root.find(".//FB2:date", FictionBook.NAMESPACE)
- identifier_elem = self.root.find(".//FB2:id", FictionBook.NAMESPACE)
- author = first_name_elem.text if first_name_elem is not None else None
- if last_name_elem is not None:
- if author is not None and author != "":
- author += f" {last_name_elem.text}"
- else:
- author = last_name_elem.text
- return BookMetadata(
- title=title_elem.text if title_elem is not None else None,
- creator=author,
- date=date_elem.text if date_elem is not None else None,
- identifier=identifier_elem.text if identifier_elem is not None else None,
- )
- def initialize(self) -> None:
- cont = ET.parse(self.file)
- self.root = cont.getroot()
- self.contents = tuple(self.root.findall("FB2:body/*", FictionBook.NAMESPACE))
- # TODO
- toc_entries: List[TocEntry] = []
- for n, i in enumerate(self.contents):
- title = i.find("FB2:title", FictionBook.NAMESPACE)
- if title is not None:
- toc_entries.append(
- TocEntry(label="".join(title.itertext()), content_index=n, section=None)
- )
- self.toc_entries = tuple(toc_entries)
- def get_raw_text(self, node: Union[str, ET.Element]) -> str:
- assert isinstance(node, ET.Element)
- ET.register_namespace("", "http://www.gribuser.ru/xml/fictionbook/2.0")
- # sys.exit(ET.tostring(node, encoding="utf8", method="html").decode("utf-8").replace("ns1:",""))
- return ET.tostring(node, encoding="utf8", method="html").decode("utf-8").replace("ns1:", "")
- def get_img_bytestr(self, imgid: str) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
- # TODO: test if image works
- imgid = imgid.replace("#", "")
- img_elem = self.root.find("*[@id='{}']".format(imgid))
- assert img_elem is not None
- imgtype = img_elem.get("content-type")
- img_elem_text = img_elem.text
- assert imgtype is not None
- assert img_elem_text is not None
- return imgid + "." + imgtype.split("/")[1], base64.b64decode(img_elem_text)
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- return
-class URL(Ebook):
- _header = {
- "User-Agent": f"epy/v{__version__}",
- "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
- "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.8",
- }
- def __init__(self, url: str):
- self.path = url
- self.file = url
- self.contents = ("_",)
- self.toc_entries = tuple()
- def get_meta(self) -> BookMetadata:
- return BookMetadata()
- def initialize(self) -> None:
- try:
- with urlopen(Request(self.path, headers=URL._header)) as response:
- self.html = response.read().decode()
- except HTTPError as e:
- raise e
- except URLError as e:
- raise e
- def get_raw_text(self, _) -> str:
- return self.html
- def get_img_bytestr(self, src: str) -> Tuple[str, bytes]:
- image_url = src if is_url(src) else urljoin(self.path, src)
- # TODO: catch error on request
- with urlopen(Request(image_url, headers=URL._header)) as response:
- byte_str = response.read()
- return PurePosixPath(urlparse(src).path).name, byte_str
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- return
-# }}}
-# HTML & Text Parser {{{
-class HTMLtoLines(HTMLParser):
- para = {"p", "div"}
- inde = {"q", "dt", "dd", "blockquote"}
- pref = {"pre"}
- bull = {"li"}
- hide = {"script", "style", "head"}
- ital = {"i", "em"}
- bold = {"b", "strong"}
- # hide = {"script", "style", "head", ", "sub}
- # sup_lookup = "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹"
- # sub_lookup = "₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉"
- attr_bold = curses.A_BOLD
- try:
- attr_italic = curses.A_ITALIC
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- attr_italic = curses.A_UNDERLINE
- except AttributeError:
- attr_italic = curses.A_NORMAL
- @staticmethod
- def _mark_to_spans(text: Sequence[str], marks: Sequence[TextMark]) -> List[TextSpan]:
- """
- Convert text marks in line of text to per line text span.
- Keeping duplicate spans.
- """
- spans: List[TextSpan] = []
- for mark in marks:
- if mark.is_valid():
- # mypy issue, should be handled by mark.is_valid()
- assert mark.end is not None
- if mark.start.row == mark.end.row:
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(start=mark.start, n_letters=mark.end.col - mark.start.col)
- )
- else:
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(
- start=mark.start, n_letters=len(text[mark.start.row]) - mark.start.col
- )
- )
- for nth_line in range(mark.start.row + 1, mark.end.row):
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(
- start=CharPos(row=nth_line, col=0), n_letters=len(text[nth_line])
- )
- )
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(start=CharPos(row=mark.end.row, col=0), n_letters=mark.end.col)
- )
- return spans # list(set(spans))
- @staticmethod
- def _adjust_wrapped_spans(
- wrapped_lines: Sequence[str],
- span: TextSpan,
- *,
- line_adjustment: int = 0,
- left_adjustment: int = 0,
- ) -> List[TextSpan]:
- """
- Adjust text span to wrapped lines.
- Not perfect, but should be good enough considering
- the limitation on commandline interface.
- """
- # current_row = span.start.row + line_adjustment
- current_row = line_adjustment
- start_col = span.start.col
- end_col = start_col + span.n_letters
- prev = 0 # chars length before current line
- spans: List[TextSpan] = []
- for n, line in enumerate(wrapped_lines):
- # + 1 compensates textwrap.wrap(*args, replace_whitespace=True, drop_whitespace=True)
- line_len = len(line) + 1
- current = prev + line_len # chars length before next line
- # -:unmarked *:marked
- # |------*****--------|
- if start_col in range(prev, current) and end_col in range(prev, current):
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(
- start=CharPos(row=current_row + n, col=start_col - prev + left_adjustment),
- n_letters=span.n_letters,
- )
- )
- # |----------*********|
- elif start_col in range(prev, current):
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(
- start=CharPos(row=current_row + n, col=start_col - prev + left_adjustment),
- n_letters=current - start_col - 1, # -1: dropped whitespace
- )
- )
- # |********-----------|
- elif end_col in range(prev, current):
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(
- start=CharPos(row=current_row + n, col=0 + left_adjustment),
- n_letters=end_col - prev + 1, # +1: dropped whitespace
- )
- )
- # |*******************|
- elif prev in range(start_col, end_col) and current in range(start_col, end_col):
- spans.append(
- TextSpan(
- start=CharPos(row=current_row + n, col=0 + left_adjustment),
- n_letters=line_len - 1, # -1: dropped whitespace
- )
- )
- elif prev > end_col:
- break
- prev = current
- return spans
- @staticmethod
- def _group_spans_by_row(blocks: Sequence[TextSpan]) -> Mapping[int, List[TextSpan]]:
- groups: Dict[int, List[TextSpan]] = {}
- for block in blocks:
- row = block.start.row
- if row in groups:
- groups[row].append(block)
- else:
- groups[row] = [block]
- return groups
- def __init__(self, sects={""}):
- HTMLParser.__init__(self)
- self.text = [""]
- self.ishead = False
- self.isinde = False
- self.isbull = False
- self.ispref = False
- self.ishidden = False
- self.idhead = set()
- self.idinde = set()
- self.idbull = set()
- self.idpref = set()
- self.idimgs = set()
- self.sects = sects
- self.sectsindex = {}
- self.italic_marks: List[TextMark] = []
- self.bold_marks: List[TextMark] = []
- self.imgs: Dict[int, str] = dict()
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- if re.match("h[1-6]", tag) is not None:
- self.ishead = True
- elif tag in self.inde:
- self.isinde = True
- elif tag in self.pref:
- self.ispref = True
- elif tag in self.bull:
- self.isbull = True
- elif tag in self.hide:
- self.ishidden = True
- elif tag == "sup":
- self.text[-1] += "^{"
- elif tag == "sub":
- self.text[-1] += "_{"
- # NOTE: "img" and "image"
- # In HTML, both are startendtag (no need endtag)
- # but in XHTML both need endtag
- elif tag in {"img", "image"}:
- for i in attrs:
- if (tag == "img" and i[0] == "src") or (tag == "image" and i[0].endswith("href")):
- this_line = len(self.text)
- self.idimgs.add(this_line)
- self.imgs[this_line] = unquote(i[1])
- self.text.append("[IMAGE]")
- # formatting
- elif tag in self.ital:
- if len(self.italic_marks) == 0 or self.italic_marks[-1].is_valid():
- char_pos = CharPos(row=len(self.text) - 1, col=len(self.text[-1]))
- self.italic_marks.append(TextMark(start=char_pos))
- elif tag in self.bold:
- if len(self.bold_marks) == 0 or self.bold_marks[-1].is_valid():
- char_pos = CharPos(row=len(self.text) - 1, col=len(self.text[-1]))
- self.bold_marks.append(TextMark(start=char_pos))
- if self.sects != {""}:
- for i in attrs:
- if i[0] == "id" and i[1] in self.sects:
- # self.text[-1] += " (#" + i[1] + ") "
- # self.sectsindex.append([len(self.text), i[1]])
- self.sectsindex[len(self.text) - 1] = i[1]
- def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
- if tag == "br":
- self.text += [""]
- elif tag in {"img", "image"}:
- for i in attrs:
- # if (tag == "img" and i[0] == "src")\
- # or (tag == "image" and i[0] == "xlink:href"):
- if (tag == "img" and i[0] == "src") or (tag == "image" and i[0].endswith("href")):
- this_line = len(self.text)
- self.idimgs.add(this_line)
- self.imgs[this_line] = unquote(i[1])
- self.text.append("[IMAGE]")
- self.text.append("")
- # sometimes attribute "id" is inside "startendtag"
- # especially html from mobi module (kindleunpack fork)
- if self.sects != {""}:
- for i in attrs:
- if i[0] == "id" and i[1] in self.sects:
- # self.text[-1] += " (#" + i[1] + ") "
- self.sectsindex[len(self.text) - 1] = i[1]
- def handle_endtag(self, tag):
- if re.match("h[1-6]", tag) is not None:
- self.text.append("")
- self.text.append("")
- self.ishead = False
- elif tag in self.para:
- self.text.append("")
- elif tag in self.hide:
- self.ishidden = False
- elif tag in self.inde:
- if self.text[-1] != "":
- self.text.append("")
- self.isinde = False
- elif tag in self.pref:
- if self.text[-1] != "":
- self.text.append("")
- self.ispref = False
- elif tag in self.bull:
- if self.text[-1] != "":
- self.text.append("")
- self.isbull = False
- elif tag in {"sub", "sup"}:
- self.text[-1] += "}"
- elif tag in {"img", "image"}:
- self.text.append("")
- # formatting
- elif tag in self.ital:
- char_pos = CharPos(row=len(self.text) - 1, col=len(self.text[-1]))
- last_mark = self.italic_marks[-1]
- self.italic_marks[-1] = dataclasses.replace(last_mark, end=char_pos)
- elif tag in self.bold:
- char_pos = CharPos(row=len(self.text) - 1, col=len(self.text[-1]))
- last_mark = self.bold_marks[-1]
- self.bold_marks[-1] = dataclasses.replace(last_mark, end=char_pos)
- def handle_data(self, raw):
- if raw and not self.ishidden:
- if self.text[-1] == "":
- tmp = raw.lstrip()
- else:
- tmp = raw
- if self.ispref:
- line = unescape(tmp)
- else:
- line = unescape(re.sub(r"\s+", " ", tmp))
- self.text[-1] += line
- if self.ishead:
- self.idhead.add(len(self.text) - 1)
- elif self.isbull:
- self.idbull.add(len(self.text) - 1)
- elif self.isinde:
- self.idinde.add(len(self.text) - 1)
- elif self.ispref:
- self.idpref.add(len(self.text) - 1)
- def get_structured_text(
- self, textwidth: Optional[int] = 0, starting_line: int = 0
- ) -> Union[Tuple[str, ...], TextStructure]:
- if not textwidth:
- return tuple(self.text)
- # reusable loop indices
- i: Any
- text: List[str] = []
- images: Dict[int, str] = dict() # {line_num: path/in/zip}
- sect: Dict[str, int] = dict() # {section_id: line_num}
- formatting: List[InlineStyle] = []
- italic_spans: List[TextSpan] = HTMLtoLines._mark_to_spans(self.text, self.italic_marks)
- bold_spans: List[TextSpan] = HTMLtoLines._mark_to_spans(self.text, self.bold_marks)
- italic_groups = HTMLtoLines._group_spans_by_row(italic_spans)
- bold_groups = HTMLtoLines._group_spans_by_row(bold_spans)
- for n, line in enumerate(self.text):
- startline = len(text)
- # findsect = re.search(r"(?<= \(#).*?(?=\) )", line)
- # if findsect is not None and findsect.group() in self.sects:
- # line = line.replace(" (#" + findsect.group() + ") ", "")
- # # line = line.replace(" (#" + findsect.group() + ") ", " "*(5+len(findsect.group())))
- # sect[findsect.group()] = len(text)
- if n in self.sectsindex.keys():
- sect[self.sectsindex[n]] = starting_line + len(text)
- if n in self.idhead:
- # text += [line.rjust(textwidth // 2 + len(line) // 2)] + [""]
- text += [line.center(textwidth)] + [""]
- formatting += [
- InlineStyle(
- row=starting_line + i, col=0, n_letters=len(text[i]), attr=self.attr_bold
- )
- for i in range(startline, len(text))
- ]
- elif n in self.idinde:
- text += [" " + i for i in textwrap.wrap(line, textwidth - 3)] + [""]
- elif n in self.idbull:
- tmp = textwrap.wrap(line, textwidth - 3)
- text += [" - " + i if i == tmp[0] else " " + i for i in tmp] + [""]
- elif n in self.idpref:
- tmp = line.splitlines()
- wraptmp = []
- for tmp_line in tmp:
- wraptmp += [i for i in textwrap.wrap(tmp_line, textwidth - 6)]
- text += [" " + i for i in wraptmp] + [""]
- elif n in self.idimgs:
- images[starting_line + len(text)] = self.imgs[n]
- text += [line.center(textwidth)]
- formatting += [
- InlineStyle(
- row=starting_line + len(text) - 1,
- col=0,
- n_letters=len(text[-1]),
- attr=self.attr_bold,
- )
- ]
- text += [""]
- else:
- text += textwrap.wrap(line, textwidth) + [""]
- endline = len(text) # -1
- left_adjustment = 3 if n in self.idbull | self.idinde else 0
- for spans in italic_groups.get(n, []):
- italics = HTMLtoLines._adjust_wrapped_spans(
- text[startline:endline],
- spans,
- line_adjustment=startline,
- left_adjustment=left_adjustment,
- )
- for span in italics:
- formatting.append(
- InlineStyle(
- row=starting_line + span.start.row,
- col=span.start.col,
- n_letters=span.n_letters,
- attr=self.attr_italic,
- )
- )
- for spans in bold_groups.get(n, []):
- bolds = HTMLtoLines._adjust_wrapped_spans(
- text[startline:endline],
- spans,
- line_adjustment=startline,
- left_adjustment=left_adjustment,
- )
- for span in bolds:
- formatting.append(
- InlineStyle(
- row=starting_line + span.start.row,
- col=span.start.col,
- n_letters=span.n_letters,
- attr=self.attr_bold,
- )
- )
- # chapter suffix
- text += ["***".center(textwidth)]
- return TextStructure(
- text_lines=tuple(text),
- image_maps=images,
- section_rows=sect,
- formatting=tuple(formatting),
- )
-# }}}
-# App Configuration {{{
-class AppData:
- @property
- def prefix(self) -> Optional[str]:
- """Return None if there exists no homedir | userdir"""
- prefix: Optional[str] = None
- # UNIX filesystem
- homedir = os.getenv("HOME")
- # WIN filesystem
- userdir = os.getenv("USERPROFILE")
- if homedir:
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(homedir, ".config")):
- prefix = os.path.join(homedir, ".config", "epy")
- else:
- prefix = os.path.join(homedir, ".epy")
- elif userdir:
- prefix = os.path.join(userdir, ".epy")
- if prefix:
- os.makedirs(prefix, exist_ok=True)
- return prefix
-class Config(AppData):
- def __init__(self):
- setting_dict = dataclasses.asdict(Settings())
- keymap_dict = dataclasses.asdict(CfgDefaultKeymaps())
- keymap_builtin_dict = dataclasses.asdict(CfgBuiltinKeymaps())
- if os.path.isfile(self.filepath):
- with open(self.filepath) as f:
- cfg_user = json.load(f)
- setting_dict = Config.update_dict(setting_dict, cfg_user["Setting"])
- keymap_dict = Config.update_dict(keymap_dict, cfg_user["Keymap"])
- else:
- self.save({"Setting": setting_dict, "Keymap": keymap_dict})
- keymap_dict_tuple = {k: tuple(v) for k, v in keymap_dict.items()}
- keymap_updated = {
- k: tuple([Key(i) for i in v])
- for k, v in Config.update_keys_tuple(keymap_dict_tuple, keymap_builtin_dict).items()
- }
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- setting_dict["PageScrollAnimation"] = False
- self.setting = Settings(**setting_dict)
- self.keymap = Keymap(**keymap_updated)
- # to build help menu text
- self.keymap_user_dict = keymap_dict
- @property
- def filepath(self) -> str:
- return os.path.join(self.prefix, "configuration.json") if self.prefix else os.devnull
- def save(self, cfg_dict):
- with open(self.filepath, "w") as file:
- json.dump(cfg_dict, file, indent=2)
- @staticmethod
- def update_dict(
- old_dict: Mapping[str, Union[str, int, bool]],
- new_dict: Mapping[str, Union[str, int, bool]],
- place_new=False,
- ) -> Mapping[str, Union[str, int, bool]]:
- """Returns a copy of `old_dict` after updating it with `new_dict`"""
- result = {**old_dict}
- for k, v in new_dict.items():
- if k in result:
- result[k] = new_dict[k]
- elif place_new:
- result[k] = new_dict[k]
- return result
- @staticmethod
- def update_keys_tuple(
- old_keys: Mapping[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
- new_keys: Mapping[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
- place_new: bool = False,
- ) -> Mapping[str, Tuple[str, ...]]:
- """Returns a copy of `old_keys` after updating it with `new_keys`
- by appending the tuple value and removes duplicate"""
- result = {**old_keys}
- for k, v in new_keys.items():
- if k in result:
- result[k] = tuple(set(result[k] + new_keys[k]))
- elif place_new:
- result[k] = tuple(set(new_keys[k]))
- return result
-class State(AppData):
- """
- Use sqlite3 instead of JSON (in older version)
- to shift the weight from memory to process
- """
- def __init__(self):
- if not os.path.isfile(self.filepath):
- self.init_db()
- @property
- def filepath(self) -> str:
- return os.path.join(self.prefix, "states.db") if self.prefix else os.devnull
- def get_from_history(self) -> List[LibraryItem]:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute(
- """
- SELECT last_read, filepath, title, author, reading_progress
- FROM library ORDER BY last_read DESC
- """
- )
- results = cur.fetchall()
- library_items: List[LibraryItem] = []
- for result in results:
- library_items.append(
- LibraryItem(
- last_read=datetime.fromisoformat(result[0]),
- filepath=result[1],
- title=result[2],
- author=result[3],
- reading_progress=result[4],
- )
- )
- return library_items
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def delete_from_library(self, filepath: str) -> None:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
- conn.execute("DELETE FROM reading_states WHERE filepath=?", (filepath,))
- conn.commit()
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def get_last_read(self) -> Optional[str]:
- library = self.get_from_history()
- return library[0].filepath if library else None
- def update_library(self, ebook: Ebook, reading_progress: Optional[float]) -> None:
- try:
- metadata = ebook.get_meta()
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.execute(
- """
- INSERT OR REPLACE INTO library (filepath, title, author, reading_progress)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
- """,
- (ebook.path, metadata.title, metadata.creator, reading_progress),
- )
- conn.commit()
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def get_last_reading_state(self, ebook: Ebook) -> ReadingState:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute("SELECT * FROM reading_states WHERE filepath=?", (ebook.path,))
- result = cur.fetchone()
- if result:
- result = dict(result)
- del result["filepath"]
- return ReadingState(**result, section=None)
- return ReadingState(content_index=0, textwidth=80, row=0, rel_pctg=None, section=None)
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def set_last_reading_state(self, ebook: Ebook, reading_state: ReadingState) -> None:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.execute(
- """
- INSERT OR REPLACE INTO reading_states
- VALUES (:filepath, :content_index, :textwidth, :row, :rel_pctg)
- """,
- {"filepath": ebook.path, **dataclasses.asdict(reading_state)},
- )
- conn.commit()
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def insert_bookmark(self, ebook: Ebook, name: str, reading_state: ReadingState) -> None:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.execute(
- """
- INSERT INTO bookmarks
- VALUES (:id, :filepath, :name, :content_index, :textwidth, :row, :rel_pctg)
- """,
- {
- "id": hashlib.sha1(f"{ebook.path}{name}".encode()).hexdigest()[:10],
- "filepath": ebook.path,
- "name": name,
- **dataclasses.asdict(reading_state),
- },
- )
- conn.commit()
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def delete_bookmark(self, ebook: Ebook, name: str) -> None:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.execute("DELETE FROM bookmarks WHERE filepath=? AND name=?", (ebook.path, name))
- conn.commit()
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def get_bookmarks(self, ebook: Ebook) -> List[Tuple[str, ReadingState]]:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute("SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE filepath=?", (ebook.path,))
- results = cur.fetchall()
- bookmarks: List[Tuple[str, ReadingState]] = []
- for result in results:
- tmp_dict = dict(result)
- name = tmp_dict["name"]
- tmp_dict = {
- k: v
- for k, v in tmp_dict.items()
- if k in ("content_index", "textwidth", "row", "rel_pctg")
- }
- bookmarks.append((name, ReadingState(**tmp_dict)))
- return bookmarks
- finally:
- conn.close()
- def init_db(self) -> None:
- try:
- conn = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath)
- conn.executescript(
- """
- CREATE TABLE reading_states (
- filepath TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
- content_index INTEGER,
- textwidth INTEGER,
- row INTEGER,
- rel_pctg REAL
- );
- CREATE TABLE library (
- last_read DATETIME DEFAULT (datetime('now','localtime')),
- filepath TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
- title TEXT,
- author TEXT,
- reading_progress REAL,
- FOREIGN KEY (filepath) REFERENCES reading_states(filepath)
- );
- CREATE TABLE bookmarks (
- filepath TEXT,
- name TEXT,
- content_index INTEGER,
- textwidth INTEGER,
- row INTEGER,
- rel_pctg REAL,
- FOREIGN KEY (filepath) REFERENCES reading_states(filepath)
- );
- """
- )
- conn.commit()
- finally:
- conn.close()
-# }}}
-# Text Board {{{
-class InfiniBoard:
- """
- Wrapper for curses screen to render infinite texts.
- The idea is instead of pre render all the text before reading,
- this will only renders part of text on demand by which available
- page on screen.
- And what this does is only drawing text/string on curses screen
- without .clear() or .refresh() to optimize performance.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- screen,
- text: Tuple[str, ...],
- textwidth: int = 80,
- default_style: Tuple[InlineStyle, ...] = tuple(),
- spread: int = 1,
- ):
- self.screen = screen
- self.screen_rows, self.screen_cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- self.textwidth = textwidth
- self.x = ((self.screen_cols - self.textwidth) // 2) + 1
- self.text = text
- self.total_lines = len(text)
- self.default_style: Tuple[InlineStyle, ...] = default_style
- self.temporary_style: Tuple[InlineStyle, ...] = ()
- self.spread = spread
- if self.spread == 2:
- self.x = DoubleSpreadPadding.LEFT.value
- self.x_alt = (
- DoubleSpreadPadding.LEFT.value + self.textwidth + DoubleSpreadPadding.MIDDLE.value
- )
- def feed_temporary_style(self, styles: Optional[Tuple[InlineStyle, ...]] = None) -> None:
- """Reset styling if `styles` is None"""
- self.temporary_style = styles if styles else ()
- def render_styles(
- self, row: int, styles: Tuple[InlineStyle, ...] = (), bottom_padding: int = 0
- ) -> None:
- for i in styles:
- if i.row in range(row, row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding):
- self.chgat(row, i.row, i.col, i.n_letters, self.screen.getbkgd() | i.attr)
- if self.spread == 2 and i.row in range(
- row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding,
- row + 2 * (self.screen_rows - bottom_padding),
- ):
- self.chgat(
- row,
- i.row - (self.screen_rows - bottom_padding),
- -self.x + self.x_alt + i.col,
- i.n_letters,
- self.screen.getbkgd() | i.attr,
- )
- def getch(self) -> Union[NoUpdate, Key]:
- input = self.screen.getch()
- if input == -1:
- return NoUpdate()
- return Key(input)
- def getbkgd(self):
- return self.screen.getbkgd()
- def chgat(self, row: int, y: int, x: int, n: int, attr: int) -> None:
- self.screen.chgat(y - row, self.x + x, n, attr)
- def write(self, row: int, bottom_padding: int = 0) -> None:
- for n_row in range(min(self.screen_rows - bottom_padding, self.total_lines - row)):
- text_line = self.text[row + n_row]
- self.screen.addstr(n_row, self.x, text_line)
- if (
- self.spread == 2
- and row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding + n_row < self.total_lines
- ):
- text_line = self.text[row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding + n_row]
- # TODO: clean this up
- if re.search("\\[IMG:[0-9]+\\]", text_line):
- self.screen.addstr(
- n_row, self.x_alt, text_line.center(self.textwidth), curses.A_BOLD
- )
- else:
- self.screen.addstr(n_row, self.x_alt, text_line)
- self.render_styles(row, self.default_style, bottom_padding)
- self.render_styles(row, self.temporary_style, bottom_padding)
- # self.screen.refresh()
- def write_n(
- self,
- row: int,
- n: int = 1,
- direction: Direction = Direction.FORWARD,
- bottom_padding: int = 0,
- ) -> None:
- assert n > 0
- for n_row in range(min(self.screen_rows - bottom_padding, self.total_lines - row)):
- text_line = self.text[row + n_row]
- if direction == Direction.FORWARD:
- # self.screen.addnstr(n_row, self.x + self.textwidth - n, self.text[row+n_row], n)
- # `+ " " * (self.textwidth - len(self.text[row + n_row]))` is workaround to
- # to prevent curses trace because not calling screen.clear()
- self.screen.addnstr(
- n_row,
- self.x + self.textwidth - n,
- text_line + " " * (self.textwidth - len(text_line)),
- n,
- )
- if (
- self.spread == 2
- and row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding + n_row < self.total_lines
- ):
- text_line_alt = self.text[row + n_row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding]
- self.screen.addnstr(
- n_row,
- self.x_alt + self.textwidth - n,
- text_line_alt + " " * (self.textwidth - len(text_line_alt)),
- n,
- )
- else:
- if text_line[self.textwidth - n :]:
- self.screen.addnstr(n_row, self.x, text_line[self.textwidth - n :], n)
- if (
- self.spread == 2
- and row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding + n_row < self.total_lines
- ):
- text_line_alt = self.text[row + n_row + self.screen_rows - bottom_padding]
- self.screen.addnstr(
- n_row,
- self.x_alt,
- text_line_alt[self.textwidth - n :],
- n,
- )
-# }}}
-# Helpers & Utils {{{
-def coerce_to_int(string: str) -> Optional[int]:
- try:
- return int(string)
- except ValueError:
- return None
-def cleanup_library(state: State) -> None:
- """Cleanup non-existent file from library"""
- library_items = state.get_from_history()
- for item in library_items:
- if not os.path.isfile(item.filepath) and not is_url(item.filepath):
- state.delete_from_library(item.filepath)
-def get_nth_file_from_library(state: State, n) -> Optional[LibraryItem]:
- library_items = state.get_from_history()
- try:
- return library_items[n - 1]
- except IndexError:
- return None
-def get_matching_library_item(
- state: State, pattern: str, threshold: float = 0.5
-) -> Optional[LibraryItem]:
- matches: List[Tuple[LibraryItem, float]] = [] # [(library_item, match_value), ...]
- library_items = state.get_from_history()
- if not library_items:
- return None
- for item in library_items:
- tomatch = f"{item.title} - {item.author}" # item.filepath
- match_value = sum(
- [i.size for i in SM(None, tomatch.lower(), pattern.lower()).get_matching_blocks()]
- ) / float(len(pattern))
- matches.append(
- (
- item,
- match_value,
- )
- )
- sorted_matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: -x[1])
- first_match_item, first_match_value = sorted_matches[0]
- if first_match_item and first_match_value >= threshold:
- return first_match_item
- else:
- return None
-def print_reading_history(state: State) -> None:
- termc, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size()
- library_items = state.get_from_history()
- if not library_items:
- print("No Reading History.")
- return
- print("Reading History:")
- dig = len(str(len(library_items) + 1))
- tcols = termc - dig - 2
- for n, item in enumerate(library_items):
- print(
- "{} {}".format(
- str(n + 1).rjust(dig),
- truncate(str(item), "...", tcols, tcols - 3),
- )
- )
-def is_url(string: str) -> bool:
- try:
- tmp = urlparse(string)
- return all([tmp.scheme, tmp.netloc])
- except ValueError:
- return False
-def construct_speaker(
- preferred: Optional[str] = None, args: List[str] = []
-) -> Optional[SpeakerBaseModel]:
- speakers = (
- sorted(SPEAKERS, key=lambda x: int(x.cmd == preferred), reverse=True)
- if preferred
- )
- speaker = next((speaker for speaker in speakers if speaker.available), None)
- return speaker(args) if speaker else None
-def parse_html(
- html_src: str,
- *,
- textwidth: Optional[int] = None,
- section_ids: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
- starting_line: int = 0,
-) -> Union[Tuple[str, ...], TextStructure]:
- """
- Parse html string into TextStructure
- :param html_src: html str to parse
- :param textwidth: textwidth to count max length of returned TextStructure
- if None given, sequence of text as paragraph is returned
- :param section_ids: set of section ids to look for inside html tag attr
- :return: Tuple[str, ...] if textwidth not given else TextStructure
- """
- if not section_ids:
- section_ids = set()
- parser = HTMLtoLines(section_ids)
- # try:
- parser.feed(html_src)
- parser.close()
- # except:
- # pass
- return parser.get_structured_text(textwidth, starting_line)
-def dump_ebook_content(filepath: str) -> None:
- ebook = get_ebook_obj(filepath)
- try:
- try:
- ebook.initialize()
- except Exception as e:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Badly-structured ebook.\n" + str(e))
- for i in ebook.contents:
- content = ebook.get_raw_text(i)
- src_lines = parse_html(content)
- assert isinstance(src_lines, tuple)
- # sys.stdout.reconfigure(encoding="utf-8") # Python>=3.7
- for j in src_lines:
- sys.stdout.buffer.write((j + "\n\n").encode("utf-8"))
- finally:
- ebook.cleanup()
-def merge_text_structures(
- text_structure_first: TextStructure, text_structure_second: TextStructure
-) -> TextStructure:
- return TextStructure(
- text_lines=text_structure_first.text_lines + text_structure_second.text_lines,
- image_maps={**text_structure_first.image_maps, **text_structure_second.image_maps},
- section_rows={**text_structure_first.section_rows, **text_structure_second.section_rows},
- formatting=text_structure_first.formatting + text_structure_second.formatting,
- )
-def construct_relative_reading_state(
- abs_reading_state: ReadingState, totlines_per_content: Sequence[int]
-) -> ReadingState:
- """
- :param abs_reading_state: ReadingState absolute to whole book when Setting.Seamless==True
- :param totlines_per_content: sequence of total lines per book content
- :return: new ReadingState relative to per content of the book
- """
- index = 0
- cumulative_contents_lines = 0
- all_contents_lines = sum(totlines_per_content)
- # for n, content_lines in enumerate(totlines_per_content):
- # cumulative_contents_lines += content_lines
- # if cumulative_contents_lines > abs_reading_state.row:
- # return
- while True:
- content_lines = totlines_per_content[index]
- cumulative_contents_lines += content_lines
- if cumulative_contents_lines > abs_reading_state.row:
- break
- index += 1
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=index,
- textwidth=abs_reading_state.textwidth,
- row=abs_reading_state.row - cumulative_contents_lines + content_lines,
- rel_pctg=abs_reading_state.rel_pctg
- - ((cumulative_contents_lines - content_lines) / all_contents_lines)
- if abs_reading_state.rel_pctg
- else None,
- section=abs_reading_state.section,
- )
-def get_ebook_obj(filepath: str) -> Ebook:
- file_ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower()
- if is_url(filepath):
- return URL(filepath)
- elif file_ext in {".epub", ".epub3"}:
- return Epub(filepath)
- elif file_ext == ".fb2":
- return FictionBook(filepath)
- elif MOBI_SUPPORT and file_ext == ".mobi":
- return Mobi(filepath)
- elif MOBI_SUPPORT and file_ext in {".azw", ".azw3"}:
- return Azw(filepath)
- elif not MOBI_SUPPORT and file_ext in {".mobi", ".azw3"}:
- sys.exit(
- "ERROR: Format not supported. (Supported: epub, fb2). "
- "To get mobi and azw3 support, install epy via pip. "
- )
- else:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Format not supported. (Supported: epub, fb2)")
-def tuple_subtract(tuple_one: Tuple[Any, ...], tuple_two: Tuple[Any, ...]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
- """
- Returns tuple with members in tuple_one
- but not in tuple_two
- """
- return tuple(i for i in tuple_one if i not in tuple_two)
-def pgup(current_row: int, window_height: int, counter: int = 1) -> int:
- if current_row >= (window_height) * counter:
- return current_row - (window_height) * counter
- else:
- return 0
-def pgdn(current_row: int, total_lines: int, window_height: int, counter: int = 1) -> int:
- if current_row + (window_height * counter) <= total_lines - window_height:
- return current_row + (window_height * counter)
- else:
- current_row = total_lines - window_height
- if current_row < 0:
- return 0
- return current_row
-def pgend(total_lines: int, window_height: int) -> int:
- if total_lines - window_height >= 0:
- return total_lines - window_height
- else:
- return 0
-def truncate(teks: str, subtitution_text: str, maxlen: int, startsub: int = 0) -> str:
- """
- Truncate text
- eg.
- :param teks: 'This is long silly dummy text'
- :param subtitution_text: '...'
- :param maxlen: 12
- :param startsub: 3
- :return: 'This...ly dummy text'
- """
- if startsub > maxlen:
- raise ValueError("Var startsub cannot be bigger than maxlen.")
- elif len(teks) <= maxlen:
- return teks
- else:
- lensu = len(subtitution_text)
- beg = teks[:startsub]
- mid = (
- subtitution_text
- if lensu <= maxlen - startsub
- else subtitution_text[: maxlen - startsub]
- )
- end = teks[startsub + lensu - maxlen :] if lensu < maxlen - startsub else ""
- return beg + mid + end
-def safe_curs_set(state: int) -> None:
- try:
- curses.curs_set(state)
- except:
- return
-def resolve_path(current_dir: str, relative_path: str) -> str:
- """
- Resolve path containing dots
- eg. '/foo/bar/book.html' + '../img.png' = '/foo/img.png'
- NOTE: '/' suffix is important to tell that current dir in 'bar'
- """
- # can also using os.path.normpath()
- # but if the image in zipfile then posix path is mandatory
- return urljoin(current_dir, relative_path)
-def find_current_content_index(
- toc_entries: Tuple[TocEntry, ...], toc_secid: Mapping[str, int], index: int, y: int
-) -> int:
- ntoc = 0
- for n, toc_entry in enumerate(toc_entries):
- if toc_entry.content_index <= index:
- if y >= toc_secid.get(toc_entry.section, 0): # type: ignore
- ntoc = n
- return ntoc
-def count_letters(ebook: Ebook) -> LettersCount:
- per_content_counts: List[int] = []
- cumulative_counts: List[int] = []
- # assert isinstance(ebook.contents, tuple)
- for i in ebook.contents:
- content = ebook.get_raw_text(i)
- src_lines = parse_html(content)
- assert isinstance(src_lines, tuple)
- cumulative_counts.append(sum(per_content_counts))
- per_content_counts.append(sum([len(re.sub(r"\s", "", j)) for j in src_lines]))
- return LettersCount(all=sum(per_content_counts), cumulative=tuple(cumulative_counts))
-def count_letters_parallel(ebook: Ebook, child_conn) -> None:
- child_conn.send(count_letters(ebook))
- child_conn.close()
-def choice_win(allowdel=False):
- """
- Conjure options window by wrapping a window function
- which has a return type of tuple in the form of
- (title, list_to_chose, initial_active_index, windows_key_to_toggle)
- and return tuple of (returned_key, chosen_index, chosen_index_to_delete)
- """
- def inner_f(listgen):
- @wraps(listgen)
- def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- hi, wi = rows - 4, cols - 4
- Y, X = 2, 2
- chwin = curses.newwin(hi, wi, Y, X)
- if self.is_color_supported:
- chwin.bkgd(self.screen.getbkgd())
- title, ch_list, index, key = listgen(self, *args, **kwargs)
- if len(title) > cols - 8:
- title = title[: cols - 8]
- chwin.box()
- chwin.keypad(True)
- chwin.addstr(1, 2, title)
- chwin.addstr(2, 2, "-" * len(title))
- if allowdel:
- chwin.addstr(3, 2, "HINT: Press 'd' to delete.")
- key_chwin = 0
- totlines = len(ch_list)
- chwin.refresh()
- pad = curses.newpad(totlines, wi - 2)
- if self.is_color_supported:
- pad.bkgd(self.screen.getbkgd())
- pad.keypad(True)
- padhi = rows - 5 - Y - 4 + 1 - (1 if allowdel else 0)
- # padhi = rows - 5 - Y - 4 + 1 - 1
- y = 0
- if index in range(padhi // 2, totlines - padhi // 2):
- y = index - padhi // 2 + 1
- span = []
- for n, i in enumerate(ch_list):
- # strs = " " + str(n+1).rjust(d) + " " + i[0]
- # remove newline from choice entries
- # mostly happens in FictionBook (.fb2) format
- strs = " " + i.replace("\n", " ")
- strs = strs[0 : wi - 3]
- pad.addstr(n, 0, strs)
- span.append(len(strs))
- countstring = ""
- while key_chwin not in self.keymap.Quit + key:
- if countstring == "":
- count = 1
- else:
- count = int(countstring)
- if key_chwin in tuple(Key(i) for i in range(48, 58)): # i.e., k is a numeral
- countstring = countstring + key_chwin.char
- else:
- if key_chwin in self.keymap.ScrollUp + self.keymap.PageUp:
- index -= count
- if index < 0:
- index = 0
- elif key_chwin in self.keymap.ScrollDown or key_chwin in self.keymap.PageDown:
- index += count
- if index + 1 >= totlines:
- index = totlines - 1
- elif key_chwin in self.keymap.Follow:
- chwin.clear()
- chwin.refresh()
- return None, index, None
- elif key_chwin in self.keymap.BeginningOfCh:
- index = 0
- elif key_chwin in self.keymap.EndOfCh:
- index = totlines - 1
- elif key_chwin == Key("D") and allowdel:
- return None, (0 if index == 0 else index - 1), index
- # chwin.redrawwin()
- # chwin.refresh()
- elif key_chwin == Key("d") and allowdel:
- resk, resp, _ = self.show_win_options(
- "Delete '{}'?".format(ch_list[index]),
- ["(Y)es", "(N)o"],
- 0,
- (Key("n"),),
- )
- if resk is not None:
- key_chwin = resk
- continue
- elif resp == 0:
- return None, (0 if index == 0 else index - 1), index
- chwin.redrawwin()
- chwin.refresh()
- elif key_chwin in {Key(i) for i in ["Y", "y", "N", "n"]} and ch_list == [
- "(Y)es",
- "(N)o",
- ]:
- if key_chwin in {Key("Y"), Key("y")}:
- return None, 0, None
- else:
- return None, 1, None
- elif key_chwin in tuple_subtract(self._win_keys, key):
- chwin.clear()
- chwin.refresh()
- return key_chwin, index, None
- countstring = ""
- while index not in range(y, y + padhi):
- if index < y:
- y -= 1
- else:
- y += 1
- for n in range(totlines):
- att = curses.A_REVERSE if index == n else curses.A_NORMAL
- pre = ">>" if index == n else " "
- pad.addstr(n, 0, pre)
- pad.chgat(n, 0, span[n], pad.getbkgd() | att)
- pad.refresh(y, 0, Y + 4 + (1 if allowdel else 0), X + 4, rows - 5, cols - 6)
- # pad.refresh(y, 0, Y+5, X+4, rows - 5, cols - 6)
- key_chwin = Key(chwin.getch())
- if key_chwin == Key(curses.KEY_MOUSE):
- mouse_event = curses.getmouse()
- if mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED:
- key_chwin = self.keymap.ScrollUp[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == 2097152:
- key_chwin = self.keymap.ScrollDown[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED:
- if (
- mouse_event[2] >= 6
- and mouse_event[2] < rows - 4
- and mouse_event[2] < 6 + totlines
- ):
- index = mouse_event[2] - 6 + y
- key_chwin = self.keymap.Follow[0]
- elif (
- mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED
- and mouse_event[2] >= 6
- and mouse_event[2] < rows - 4
- and mouse_event[2] < 6 + totlines
- ):
- if index == mouse_event[2] - 6 + y:
- key_chwin = self.keymap.Follow[0]
- continue
- index = mouse_event[2] - 6 + y
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON3_CLICKED:
- key_chwin = self.keymap.Quit[0]
- chwin.clear()
- chwin.refresh()
- return None, None, None
- return wrapper
- return inner_f
-def text_win(textfunc):
- @wraps(textfunc)
- def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[NoUpdate, Key]:
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- hi, wi = rows - 4, cols - 4
- Y, X = 2, 2
- textw = curses.newwin(hi, wi, Y, X)
- if self.is_color_supported:
- textw.bkgd(self.screen.getbkgd())
- title, raw_texts, key = textfunc(self, *args, **kwargs)
- if len(title) > cols - 8:
- title = title[: cols - 8]
- texts = []
- for i in raw_texts.splitlines():
- texts += textwrap.wrap(i, wi - 6, drop_whitespace=False)
- textw.box()
- textw.keypad(True)
- textw.addstr(1, 2, title)
- textw.addstr(2, 2, "-" * len(title))
- key_textw: Union[NoUpdate, Key] = NoUpdate()
- totlines = len(texts)
- pad = curses.newpad(totlines, wi - 2)
- if self.is_color_supported:
- pad.bkgd(self.screen.getbkgd())
- pad.keypad(True)
- for n, i in enumerate(texts):
- pad.addstr(n, 0, i)
- y = 0
- textw.refresh()
- pad.refresh(y, 0, Y + 4, X + 4, rows - 5, cols - 6)
- padhi = rows - 8 - Y
- while key_textw not in self.keymap.Quit + key:
- if key_textw in self.keymap.ScrollUp and y > 0:
- y -= 1
- elif key_textw in self.keymap.ScrollDown and y < totlines - hi + 6:
- y += 1
- elif key_textw in self.keymap.PageUp:
- y = pgup(y, padhi)
- elif key_textw in self.keymap.PageDown:
- y = pgdn(y, totlines, padhi)
- elif key_textw in self.keymap.BeginningOfCh:
- y = 0
- elif key_textw in self.keymap.EndOfCh:
- y = pgend(totlines, padhi)
- elif key_textw in tuple_subtract(self._win_keys, key):
- textw.clear()
- textw.refresh()
- return key_textw
- pad.refresh(y, 0, 6, 5, rows - 5, cols - 5)
- key_textw = Key(textw.getch())
- textw.clear()
- textw.refresh()
- return NoUpdate()
- return wrapper
-# }}}
-# Main Reading Interface {{{
-class Reader:
- def __init__(self, screen, ebook: Ebook, config: Config, state: State):
- self.setting = config.setting
- self.keymap = config.keymap
- # to build help menu text
- self.keymap_user_dict = config.keymap_user_dict
- self.seamless = self.setting.SeamlessBetweenChapters
- # keys that will make
- # windows exit and return the said key
- self._win_keys = (
- # curses.KEY_RESIZE is a must
- (Key(curses.KEY_RESIZE),)
- + self.keymap.TableOfContents
- + self.keymap.Metadata
- + self.keymap.Help
- )
- # screen initialization
- self.screen = screen
- self.screen.keypad(True)
- safe_curs_set(0)
- if self.setting.MouseSupport:
- curses.mousemask(-1)
- # curses.mouseinterval(0)
- self.screen.clear()
- # screen color
- self.is_color_supported: bool = False
- try:
- curses.use_default_colors()
- curses.init_pair(1, self.setting.DefaultColorFG, self.setting.DefaultColorBG)
- curses.init_pair(2, self.setting.DarkColorFG, self.setting.DarkColorBG)
- curses.init_pair(3, self.setting.LightColorFG, self.setting.LightColorBG)
- self.screen.bkgd(curses.color_pair(1))
- self.is_color_supported = True
- except:
- self.is_color_supported = False
- # show loader and start heavy resources processes
- self.show_loader(subtext="initalizing ebook")
- # main ebook object
- self.ebook = ebook
- try:
- self.ebook.initialize()
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception) as e:
- self.ebook.cleanup()
- if DEBUG:
- raise e
- else:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Badly-structured ebook.\n" + str(e))
- # state
- self.state = state
- # page scroll animation
- self.page_animation: Optional[Direction] = None
- # show reading progress
- self.show_reading_progress: bool = self.setting.ShowProgressIndicator
- self.reading_progress: Optional[float] = None # calculate after count_letters()
- # search storage
- self.search_data: Optional[SearchData] = None
- # double spread
- self.spread = 2 if self.setting.StartWithDoubleSpread else 1
- # jumps marker container
- self.jump_list: Dict[str, ReadingState] = dict()
- # TTS speaker utils
- self._tts_speaker: Optional[SpeakerBaseModel] = construct_speaker(
- self.setting.PreferredTTSEngine, self.setting.TTSEngineArgs
- )
- self.tts_support: bool = bool(self._tts_speaker)
- self.is_speaking: bool = False
- # multi process & progress percentage
- self._multiprocess_support: bool = False if multiprocessing.cpu_count() == 1 else True
- self._process_counting_letter: Optional[multiprocessing.Process] = None
- self.letters_count: Optional[LettersCount] = None
- def run_counting_letters(self):
- if self._multiprocess_support:
- try:
- self._proc_parent, self._proc_child = multiprocessing.Pipe()
- self._process_counting_letter = multiprocessing.Process(
- name="epy-subprocess-counting-letters",
- target=count_letters_parallel,
- args=(self.ebook, self._proc_child),
- )
- # forking will raise
- # zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance too far back
- self._process_counting_letter.start()
- except Exception as e:
- if DEBUG:
- raise e
- self._multiprocess_support = False
- if not self._multiprocess_support:
- self.letters_count = count_letters(self.ebook)
- def try_assign_letters_count(self, *, force_wait=False) -> None:
- if isinstance(self._process_counting_letter, multiprocessing.Process):
- if force_wait and self._process_counting_letter.is_alive():
- self._process_counting_letter.join()
- if self._process_counting_letter.exitcode == 0:
- self.letters_count = self._proc_parent.recv()
- self._proc_parent.close()
- self._process_counting_letter.terminate()
- self._process_counting_letter.close()
- self._process_counting_letter = None
- def calculate_reading_progress(
- self, letters_per_content: List[int], reading_state: ReadingState
- ) -> None:
- if self.letters_count:
- self.reading_progress = (
- self.letters_count.cumulative[reading_state.content_index]
- + sum(
- letters_per_content[: reading_state.row + (self.screen_rows * self.spread) - 1]
- )
- ) / self.letters_count.all
- @property
- def screen_rows(self) -> int:
- return self.screen.getmaxyx()[0]
- @property
- def screen_cols(self) -> int:
- return self.screen.getmaxyx()[1]
- @property
- def ext_dict_app(self) -> Optional[str]:
- self._ext_dict_app: Optional[str] = None
- if shutil.which(self.setting.DictionaryClient.split()[0]):
- self._ext_dict_app = self.setting.DictionaryClient
- else:
- for i in DICT_PRESET_LIST:
- if shutil.which(i) is not None:
- self._ext_dict_app = i
- break
- if self._ext_dict_app in {"sdcv"}:
- self._ext_dict_app += " -n"
- return self._ext_dict_app
- @property
- def image_viewer(self) -> Optional[str]:
- self._image_viewer: Optional[str] = None
- if shutil.which(self.setting.DefaultViewer.split()[0]) is not None:
- self._image_viewer = self.setting.DefaultViewer
- elif sys.platform == "win32":
- self._image_viewer = "start"
- elif sys.platform == "darwin":
- self._image_viewer = "open"
- else:
- if shutil.which(i) is not None:
- self._image_viewer = i
- break
- if self._image_viewer in {"gio"}:
- self._image_viewer += " open"
- return self._image_viewer
- def open_image(self, pad, name, bstr):
- sfx = os.path.splitext(name)[1]
- fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=sfx)
- try:
- with os.fdopen(fd, "wb") as tmp:
- # tmp.write(epub.file.read(src))
- tmp.write(bstr)
- # run(VWR + " " + path, shell=True)
- subprocess.call(
- self.image_viewer + " " + path,
- shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
- )
- k = pad.getch()
- finally:
- os.remove(path)
- return k
- def show_loader(self, *, loader_str: str = "\u231B", subtext: Optional[str] = None):
- self.screen.clear()
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- middle_row = (rows - 1) // 2
- self.screen.addstr(middle_row, 0, loader_str.center(cols))
- if subtext:
- self.screen.addstr(middle_row + 1, 0, subtext.center(cols))
- # self.screen.addstr(((rows-2)//2)+1, (cols-len(msg))//2, msg)
- self.screen.refresh()
- @choice_win(True)
- def show_win_options(self, title, options, active_index, key_set):
- return title, options, active_index, key_set
- @text_win
- def show_win_error(self, title, msg, key):
- return title, msg, key
- @choice_win()
- def toc(self, toc_entries: Tuple[TocEntry, ...], index: int):
- return (
- "Table of Contents",
- [i.label for i in toc_entries],
- index,
- self.keymap.TableOfContents,
- )
- @text_win
- def show_win_metadata(self):
- if os.path.isfile(self.ebook.path):
- mdata = "[File Info]\nPATH: {}\nSIZE: {} MB\n \n[Book Info]\n".format(
- self.ebook.path, round(os.path.getsize(self.ebook.path) / 1024 ** 2, 2)
- )
- else:
- mdata = "[File Info]\nPATH: {}\n \n[Book Info]\n".format(self.ebook.path)
- book_metadata = self.ebook.get_meta()
- for field in dataclasses.fields(book_metadata):
- value = getattr(book_metadata, field.name)
- if value:
- value = unescape(re.sub("<[^>]*>", "", value))
- mdata += f"{field.name.title()}: {value}\n"
- return "Metadata", mdata, self.keymap.Metadata
- @text_win
- def show_win_help(self):
- src = "Key Bindings:\n"
- dig = max([len(i) for i in self.keymap_user_dict.values()]) + 2
- for i in self.keymap_user_dict.keys():
- src += "{} {}\n".format(
- self.keymap_user_dict[i].rjust(dig), " ".join(re.findall("[A-Z][^A-Z]*", i))
- )
- return "Help", src, self.keymap.Help
- @text_win
- def define_word(self, word):
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- hi, wi = 5, 16
- Y, X = (rows - hi) // 2, (cols - wi) // 2
- p = subprocess.Popen(
- "{} {}".format(self.ext_dict_app, word),
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- shell=True,
- )
- dictwin = curses.newwin(hi, wi, Y, X)
- dictwin.box()
- dictwin.addstr((hi - 1) // 2, (wi - 10) // 2, "Loading...")
- dictwin.refresh()
- out, err = p.communicate()
- dictwin.clear()
- dictwin.refresh()
- if err == b"":
- return "Definition: " + word.upper(), out.decode(), self.keymap.DefineWord
- else:
- return "Error: " + self.ext_dict_app, err.decode(), self.keymap.DefineWord
- def show_win_choices_bookmarks(self):
- idx = 0
- while True:
- bookmarks = [i[0] for i in self.state.get_bookmarks(self.ebook)]
- if not bookmarks:
- return self.keymap.ShowBookmarks[0], None
- retk, idx, todel = self.show_win_options(
- "Bookmarks", bookmarks, idx, self.keymap.ShowBookmarks
- )
- if todel is not None:
- self.state.delete_bookmark(self.ebook, bookmarks[todel])
- else:
- return retk, idx
- def show_win_library(self):
- while True:
- library_items = self.state.get_from_history()
- if not library_items:
- return self.keymap.Library[0], None
- retk, choice_index, todel_index = self.show_win_options(
- "Library", [str(item) for item in library_items], 0, self.keymap.Library
- )
- if todel_index is not None:
- self.state.delete_from_library(library_items[todel_index].filepath)
- else:
- return retk, choice_index
- def input_prompt(self, prompt: str) -> Union[NoUpdate, Key, str]:
- """
- :param prompt: prompt text
- :return: NoUpdate if cancelled or interrupted
- Key if curses.KEY_RESIZE triggered
- str for successful input
- """
- # prevent pad hole when prompting for input while
- # other window is active
- # pad.refresh(y, 0, 0, x, rows-2, x+width)
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- stat = curses.newwin(1, cols, rows - 1, 0)
- if self.is_color_supported:
- stat.bkgd(self.screen.getbkgd())
- stat.keypad(True)
- curses.echo(True)
- safe_curs_set(2)
- init_text = ""
- stat.addstr(0, 0, prompt, curses.A_REVERSE)
- stat.addstr(0, len(prompt), init_text)
- stat.refresh()
- try:
- while True:
- # NOTE: getch() only handles ascii
- # to handle wide char like: é, use get_wch()
- ipt = Key(stat.get_wch())
- # get_wch() return ambiguous type
- # str for string input but int for function or special keys
- # if type(ipt) == str:
- # ipt = ord(ipt)
- if ipt == Key(27):
- stat.clear()
- stat.refresh()
- curses.echo(False)
- safe_curs_set(0)
- return NoUpdate()
- elif ipt == Key(10):
- stat.clear()
- stat.refresh()
- curses.echo(False)
- safe_curs_set(0)
- return init_text
- elif ipt in (Key(8), Key(127), Key(curses.KEY_BACKSPACE)):
- init_text = init_text[:-1]
- elif ipt == Key(curses.KEY_RESIZE):
- stat.clear()
- stat.refresh()
- curses.echo(False)
- safe_curs_set(0)
- return Key(curses.KEY_RESIZE)
- # elif len(init_text) <= maxlen:
- else:
- init_text += ipt.char
- stat.clear()
- stat.addstr(0, 0, prompt, curses.A_REVERSE)
- stat.addstr(
- 0,
- len(prompt),
- init_text
- if len(prompt + init_text) < cols
- else "..." + init_text[len(prompt) - cols + 4 :],
- )
- stat.refresh()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- stat.clear()
- stat.refresh()
- curses.echo(False)
- safe_curs_set(0)
- return NoUpdate()
- def searching(
- self, board: InfiniBoard, src: Sequence[str], reading_state: ReadingState, tot
- ) -> Union[NoUpdate, ReadingState, Key]:
- # reusable loop indices
- i: Any
- j: Any
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- # unnecessary
- # if self.spread == 2:
- # reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, textwidth=(cols - 7) // 2)
- x = (cols - reading_state.textwidth) // 2
- if self.spread == 1:
- x = (cols - reading_state.textwidth) // 2
- else:
- x = 2
- if not self.search_data:
- candidate_text = self.input_prompt(" Regex:")
- # if isinstance(candidate_text, str) and candidate_text != "":
- if isinstance(candidate_text, str) and candidate_text:
- self.search_data = SearchData(value=candidate_text)
- else:
- assert isinstance(candidate_text, NoUpdate) or isinstance(candidate_text, Key)
- return candidate_text
- found = []
- try:
- pattern = re.compile(self.search_data.value, re.IGNORECASE)
- except re.error as reerrmsg:
- self.search_data = None
- tmpk = self.show_win_error("!Regex Error", str(reerrmsg), tuple())
- return tmpk
- for n, i in enumerate(src):
- for j in pattern.finditer(i):
- found.append([n, j.span()[0], j.span()[1] - j.span()[0]])
- if not found:
- if (
- self.search_data.direction == Direction.FORWARD
- and reading_state.content_index + 1 < tot
- ):
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index + 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- elif (
- self.search_data.direction == Direction.BACKWARD and reading_state.content_index > 0
- ):
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index - 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- else:
- s: Union[NoUpdate, Key] = NoUpdate()
- while True:
- if s in self.keymap.Quit:
- self.search_data = None
- self.screen.clear()
- self.screen.refresh()
- return reading_state
- # TODO: maybe >= 0?
- elif s == Key("n") and reading_state.content_index == 0:
- self.search_data = dataclasses.replace(
- self.search_data, direction=Direction.FORWARD
- )
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index + 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- elif s == Key("N") and reading_state.content_index + 1 == tot:
- self.search_data = dataclasses.replace(
- self.search_data, direction=Direction.BACKWARD
- )
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index - 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- self.screen.clear()
- self.screen.addstr(
- rows - 1,
- 0,
- " Finished searching: " + self.search_data.value[: cols - 22] + " ",
- curses.A_REVERSE,
- )
- board.write(reading_state.row, 1)
- self.screen.refresh()
- s = board.getch()
- sidx = len(found) - 1
- if self.search_data.direction == Direction.FORWARD:
- if reading_state.row > found[-1][0]:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index + 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- for n, i in enumerate(found):
- if i[0] >= reading_state.row:
- sidx = n
- break
- s = NoUpdate()
- msg = (
- " Searching: "
- + self.search_data.value
- + " --- Res {}/{} Ch {}/{} ".format(
- sidx + 1, len(found), reading_state.content_index + 1, tot
- )
- )
- while True:
- if s in self.keymap.Quit:
- self.search_data = None
- # for i in found:
- # pad.chgat(i[0], i[1], i[2], pad.getbkgd())
- board.feed_temporary_style()
- # pad.format()
- # self.screen.clear()
- # self.screen.refresh()
- return reading_state
- elif s == Key("n"):
- self.search_data = dataclasses.replace(
- self.search_data, direction=Direction.FORWARD
- )
- if sidx == len(found) - 1:
- if reading_state.content_index + 1 < tot:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index + 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- else:
- s = NoUpdate()
- msg = " Finished searching: " + self.search_data.value + " "
- continue
- else:
- sidx += 1
- msg = (
- " Searching: "
- + self.search_data.value
- + " --- Res {}/{} Ch {}/{} ".format(
- sidx + 1, len(found), reading_state.content_index + 1, tot
- )
- )
- elif s == Key("N"):
- self.search_data = dataclasses.replace(
- self.search_data, direction=Direction.BACKWARD
- )
- if sidx == 0:
- if reading_state.content_index > 0:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index - 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- else:
- s = NoUpdate()
- msg = " Finished searching: " + self.search_data.value + " "
- continue
- else:
- sidx -= 1
- msg = (
- " Searching: "
- + self.search_data.value
- + " --- Res {}/{} Ch {}/{} ".format(
- sidx + 1, len(found), reading_state.content_index + 1, tot
- )
- )
- elif s == Key(curses.KEY_RESIZE):
- return Key(curses.KEY_RESIZE)
- # if reading_state.row + rows - 1 > pad.chunks[pad.find_chunkidx(reading_state.row)]:
- # reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- # reading_state, row=pad.chunks[pad.find_chunkidx(reading_state.row)] + 1
- # )
- while found[sidx][0] not in list(
- range(reading_state.row, reading_state.row + (rows - 1) * self.spread)
- ):
- if found[sidx][0] > reading_state.row:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=reading_state.row + ((rows - 1) * self.spread)
- )
- else:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=reading_state.row - ((rows - 1) * self.spread)
- )
- if reading_state.row < 0:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, row=0)
- # formats = [InlineStyle(row=i[0], col=i[1], n_letters=i[2], attr=curses.A_REVERSE) for i in found]
- # pad.feed_style(formats)
- styles: List[InlineStyle] = []
- for n, i in enumerate(found):
- attr = curses.A_REVERSE if n == sidx else curses.A_NORMAL
- # pad.chgat(i[0], i[1], i[2], pad.getbkgd() | attr)
- styles.append(
- InlineStyle(row=i[0], col=i[1], n_letters=i[2], attr=board.getbkgd() | attr)
- )
- board.feed_temporary_style(tuple(styles))
- self.screen.clear()
- self.screen.addstr(rows - 1, 0, msg, curses.A_REVERSE)
- self.screen.refresh()
- # pad.refresh(reading_state.row, 0, 0, x, rows - 2, x + reading_state.textwidth)
- board.write(reading_state.row, 1)
- s = board.getch()
- def speaking(self, text):
- self.is_speaking = True
- self.screen.addstr(self.screen_rows - 1, 0, " Speaking! ", curses.A_REVERSE)
- self.screen.refresh()
- self.screen.timeout(1)
- try:
- self._tts_speaker.speak(text)
- while True:
- if self._tts_speaker.is_done():
- k = self.keymap.PageDown[0]
- break
- tmp = self.screen.getch()
- k = NoUpdate() if tmp == -1 else Key(tmp)
- if k == Key(curses.KEY_MOUSE):
- mouse_event = curses.getmouse()
- if mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON2_CLICKED:
- k = self.keymap.Quit[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED:
- if mouse_event[1] < self.screen_cols // 2:
- k = self.keymap.PageUp[0]
- else:
- k = self.keymap.PageDown[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED:
- k = self.keymap.ScrollUp[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == 2097152:
- k = self.keymap.ScrollDown[0]
- if (
- k
- in self.keymap.Quit
- + self.keymap.PageUp
- + self.keymap.PageDown
- + self.keymap.ScrollUp
- + self.keymap.ScrollDown
- + (curses.KEY_RESIZE,)
- ):
- self._tts_speaker.stop()
- break
- finally:
- self.screen.timeout(-1)
- self._tts_speaker.cleanup()
- if k in self.keymap.Quit:
- self.is_speaking = False
- k = NoUpdate()
- return k
- def savestate(self, reading_state: ReadingState) -> None:
- if self.seamless:
- reading_state = self.convert_absolute_reading_state_to_relative(reading_state)
- self.state.set_last_reading_state(self.ebook, reading_state)
- self.state.update_library(self.ebook, self.reading_progress)
- def cleanup(self) -> None:
- self.ebook.cleanup()
- if isinstance(self._process_counting_letter, multiprocessing.Process):
- if self._process_counting_letter.is_alive():
- self._process_counting_letter.terminate()
- # weird python multiprocessing issue, need to call .join() before .close()
- # ValueError: Cannot close a process while it is still running.
- # You should first call join() or terminate().
- self._process_counting_letter.join()
- self._process_counting_letter.close()
- def convert_absolute_reading_state_to_relative(self, reading_state) -> ReadingState:
- if not self.seamless:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Reader.convert_absolute_reading_state_to_relative() only implemented when Seamless=True"
- )
- return construct_relative_reading_state(reading_state, self.totlines_per_content)
- def convert_relative_reading_state_to_absolute(
- self, reading_state: ReadingState
- ) -> ReadingState:
- if not self.seamless:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Reader.convert_relative_reading_state_to_absolute() only implemented when Seamless=True"
- )
- absolute_row = reading_state.row + sum(
- self.totlines_per_content[: reading_state.content_index]
- )
- absolute_pctg = (
- absolute_row / sum(self.totlines_per_content) if reading_state.rel_pctg else None
- )
- return dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, content_index=0, row=absolute_row, rel_pctg=absolute_pctg
- )
- def get_all_book_contents(
- self, reading_state: ReadingState
- ) -> Tuple[TextStructure, Tuple[TocEntry, ...], Union[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[ET.Element, ...]]]:
- if not self.seamless:
- raise RuntimeError("Reader.get_all_book_contents() only implemented when Seamless=True")
- contents = self.ebook.contents
- toc_entries = self.ebook.toc_entries
- text_structure: TextStructure = TextStructure(
- text_lines=tuple(), image_maps=dict(), section_rows=dict(), formatting=tuple()
- )
- toc_entries_tmp: List[TocEntry] = []
- section_rows_tmp: Dict[str, int] = dict()
- # self.totlines_per_content only defined when Seamless=True
- self.totlines_per_content: Tuple[int, ...] = tuple()
- for n, content in enumerate(contents):
- self.show_loader(subtext=f"loading contents ({n+1}/{len(contents)})")
- starting_line = sum(self.totlines_per_content)
- assert isinstance(content, str) or isinstance(content, ET.Element)
- text_structure_tmp = parse_html(
- self.ebook.get_raw_text(content),
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- section_ids=set(toc_entry.section for toc_entry in toc_entries), # type: ignore
- starting_line=starting_line,
- )
- assert isinstance(text_structure_tmp, TextStructure)
- # self.totlines_per_content.append(len(text_structure_tmp.text_lines))
- self.totlines_per_content += (len(text_structure_tmp.text_lines),)
- for toc_entry in toc_entries:
- if toc_entry.content_index == n:
- if toc_entry.section:
- toc_entries_tmp.append(dataclasses.replace(toc_entry, content_index=0))
- else:
- section_id_tmp = str(uuid.uuid4())
- toc_entries_tmp.append(
- TocEntry(label=toc_entry.label, content_index=0, section=section_id_tmp)
- )
- section_rows_tmp[section_id_tmp] = starting_line
- text_structure = merge_text_structures(text_structure, text_structure_tmp)
- text_structure = dataclasses.replace(
- text_structure, section_rows={**text_structure.section_rows, **section_rows_tmp}
- )
- return text_structure, tuple(toc_entries_tmp), (self.ebook.contents[0],)
- def get_current_book_content(
- self, reading_state: ReadingState
- ) -> Tuple[TextStructure, Tuple[TocEntry, ...], Union[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[ET.Element, ...]]]:
- contents = self.ebook.contents
- toc_entries = self.ebook.toc_entries
- content_path = contents[reading_state.content_index]
- content = self.ebook.get_raw_text(content_path)
- text_structure = parse_html( # type: ignore
- content,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- section_ids=set(toc_entry.section for toc_entry in toc_entries), # type: ignore
- )
- return text_structure, toc_entries, contents
- def read(self, reading_state: ReadingState) -> Union[ReadingState, Ebook]:
- # reusable loop indices
- i: Any
- k = self.keymap.RegexSearch[0] if self.search_data else NoUpdate()
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- mincols_doublespr = (
- DoubleSpreadPadding.LEFT.value
- + 22
- + DoubleSpreadPadding.MIDDLE.value
- + 22
- + DoubleSpreadPadding.RIGHT.value
- )
- if cols < mincols_doublespr:
- self.spread = 1
- if self.spread == 2:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- textwidth=(
- cols
- - sum(
- [
- DoubleSpreadPadding.LEFT.value,
- DoubleSpreadPadding.MIDDLE.value,
- DoubleSpreadPadding.RIGHT.value,
- ]
- )
- )
- // 2,
- )
- x = (cols - reading_state.textwidth) // 2
- if self.spread == 2:
- x = DoubleSpreadPadding.LEFT.value
- self.show_loader(subtext="loading contents")
- # get text structure, toc entries and contents of the book
- if self.seamless:
- text_structure, toc_entries, contents = self.get_all_book_contents(reading_state)
- # adjustment
- reading_state = self.convert_relative_reading_state_to_absolute(reading_state)
- else:
- text_structure, toc_entries, contents = self.get_current_book_content(reading_state)
- totlines = len(text_structure.text_lines)
- if reading_state.row < 0 and totlines <= rows * self.spread:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, row=0)
- elif reading_state.rel_pctg is not None:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=round(reading_state.rel_pctg * totlines)
- )
- else:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, row=reading_state.row % totlines)
- board = InfiniBoard(
- screen=self.screen,
- text=text_structure.text_lines,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- default_style=text_structure.formatting,
- spread=self.spread,
- )
- letters_per_content: List[int] = []
- for i in text_structure.text_lines:
- letters_per_content.append(len(re.sub(r"\s", "", i)))
- self.screen.clear()
- self.screen.refresh()
- # try-except clause if there is issue
- # with curses resize event
- board.write(reading_state.row)
- # if reading_state.section is not None
- # then override reading_state.row to follow the section
- if reading_state.section:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=text_structure.section_rows.get(reading_state.section, 0)
- )
- checkpoint_row: Optional[int] = None
- countstring = ""
- try:
- while True:
- if countstring == "":
- count = 1
- else:
- count = int(countstring)
- if k in tuple(Key(i) for i in range(48, 58)): # i.e., k is a numeral
- countstring = countstring + k.char
- else:
- if k in self.keymap.Quit:
- if k == Key(27) and countstring != "":
- countstring = ""
- else:
- self.try_assign_letters_count(force_wait=True)
- self.calculate_reading_progress(letters_per_content, reading_state)
- self.savestate(
- dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines
- )
- )
- sys.exit()
- elif k in self.keymap.TTSToggle and self.tts_support:
- tospeak = ""
- for i in text_structure.text_lines[
- reading_state.row : reading_state.row + (rows * self.spread)
- ]:
- if re.match(r"^\s*$", i) is not None:
- tospeak += "\n. \n"
- else:
- tospeak += i + " "
- k = self.speaking(tospeak)
- if (
- totlines - reading_state.row <= rows
- and reading_state.content_index == len(contents) - 1
- ):
- self.is_speaking = False
- continue
- elif k in self.keymap.DoubleSpreadToggle:
- if cols < mincols_doublespr:
- k = self.show_win_error(
- "Screen is too small",
- "Min: {} cols x {} rows".format(mincols_doublespr, 12),
- (Key("D"),),
- )
- self.spread = (self.spread % 2) + 1
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=reading_state.row,
- rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.ScrollUp:
- if self.spread == 2:
- k = self.keymap.PageUp[0]
- continue
- if count > 1:
- checkpoint_row = reading_state.row - 1
- if reading_state.row >= count:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=reading_state.row - count
- )
- elif reading_state.row == 0 and reading_state.content_index != 0:
- self.page_animation = Direction.BACKWARD
- # return -1, width, -rows, None, ""
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index - 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=-rows,
- )
- else:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, row=0)
- elif k in self.keymap.PageUp:
- if reading_state.row == 0 and reading_state.content_index != 0:
- self.page_animation = Direction.BACKWARD
- text_structure_content_before = parse_html(
- self.ebook.get_raw_text(contents[reading_state.content_index - 1]),
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- )
- assert isinstance(text_structure_content_before, TextStructure)
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index - 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=rows
- * self.spread
- * (
- len(text_structure_content_before.text_lines)
- // (rows * self.spread)
- ),
- )
- else:
- if reading_state.row >= rows * self.spread * count:
- self.page_animation = Direction.BACKWARD
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- row=reading_state.row - (rows * self.spread * count),
- )
- else:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, row=0)
- elif k in self.keymap.ScrollDown:
- if self.spread == 2:
- k = self.keymap.PageDown[0]
- continue
- if count > 1:
- checkpoint_row = reading_state.row + rows - 1
- if reading_state.row + count <= totlines - rows:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=reading_state.row + count
- )
- elif (
- reading_state.row >= totlines - rows
- and reading_state.content_index != len(contents) - 1
- ):
- self.page_animation = Direction.FORWARD
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index + 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.PageDown:
- if totlines - reading_state.row > rows * self.spread:
- self.page_animation = Direction.FORWARD
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=reading_state.row + (rows * self.spread)
- )
- elif reading_state.content_index != len(contents) - 1:
- self.page_animation = Direction.FORWARD
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index + 1,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- )
- # elif k in K["HalfScreenUp"] | K["HalfScreenDown"]:
- # countstring = str(rows // 2)
- # k = list(K["ScrollUp" if k in K["HalfScreenUp"] else "ScrollDown"])[0]
- # continue
- elif k in self.keymap.NextChapter:
- ntoc = find_current_content_index(
- toc_entries,
- text_structure.section_rows,
- reading_state.content_index,
- reading_state.row,
- )
- if ntoc < len(toc_entries) - 1:
- if reading_state.content_index == toc_entries[ntoc + 1].content_index:
- try:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- row=text_structure.section_rows[
- toc_entries[ntoc + 1].section # type: ignore
- ],
- )
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=toc_entries[ntoc + 1].content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- section=toc_entries[ntoc + 1].section,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.PrevChapter:
- ntoc = find_current_content_index(
- toc_entries,
- text_structure.section_rows,
- reading_state.content_index,
- reading_state.row,
- )
- if ntoc > 0:
- if reading_state.content_index == toc_entries[ntoc - 1].content_index:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- row=text_structure.section_rows.get(
- toc_entries[ntoc - 1].section, 0 # type: ignore
- ),
- )
- else:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=toc_entries[ntoc - 1].content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- section=toc_entries[ntoc - 1].section,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.BeginningOfCh:
- ntoc = find_current_content_index(
- toc_entries,
- text_structure.section_rows,
- reading_state.content_index,
- reading_state.row,
- )
- try:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- row=text_structure.section_rows[toc_entries[ntoc].section], # type: ignore
- )
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, row=0)
- elif k in self.keymap.EndOfCh:
- ntoc = find_current_content_index(
- toc_entries,
- text_structure.section_rows,
- reading_state.content_index,
- reading_state.row,
- )
- try:
- if (
- text_structure.section_rows[toc_entries[ntoc + 1].section] - rows # type: ignore
- >= 0
- ):
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- row=text_structure.section_rows[toc_entries[ntoc + 1].section] # type: ignore
- - rows,
- )
- else:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- row=text_structure.section_rows[toc_entries[ntoc].section], # type: ignore
- )
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, row=pgend(totlines, rows)
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.TableOfContents:
- if not toc_entries:
- k = self.show_win_error(
- "Table of Contents",
- "N/A: TableOfContents is unavailable for this book.",
- self.keymap.TableOfContents,
- )
- continue
- ntoc = find_current_content_index(
- toc_entries,
- text_structure.section_rows,
- reading_state.content_index,
- reading_state.row,
- )
- rettock, fllwd, _ = self.toc(toc_entries, ntoc)
- if rettock is not None: # and rettock in WINKEYS:
- k = rettock
- continue
- elif fllwd is not None:
- if reading_state.content_index == toc_entries[fllwd].content_index:
- try:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- row=text_structure.section_rows[toc_entries[fllwd].section],
- )
- except KeyError:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, row=0)
- else:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=toc_entries[fllwd].content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=0,
- section=toc_entries[fllwd].section,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.Metadata:
- k = self.show_win_metadata()
- if k in self._win_keys:
- continue
- elif k in self.keymap.Help:
- k = self.show_win_help()
- if k in self._win_keys:
- continue
- elif (
- k in self.keymap.Enlarge
- and (reading_state.textwidth + count) < cols - 4
- and self.spread == 1
- ):
- return dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth + count,
- rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines,
- )
- elif (
- k in self.keymap.Shrink
- and reading_state.textwidth >= 22
- and self.spread == 1
- ):
- return dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth - count,
- rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.SetWidth and self.spread == 1:
- if countstring == "":
- # if called without a count, toggle between 80 cols and full width
- if reading_state.textwidth != 80 and cols - 4 >= 80:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index,
- textwidth=80,
- row=reading_state.row,
- rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines,
- )
- else:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index,
- textwidth=cols - 4,
- row=reading_state.row,
- rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines,
- )
- else:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, textwidth=count)
- if reading_state.textwidth < 20:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, textwidth=20)
- elif reading_state.textwidth >= cols - 4:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, textwidth=cols - 4)
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=reading_state.row,
- rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.RegexSearch:
- ret_object = self.searching(
- board,
- text_structure.text_lines,
- reading_state,
- len(contents),
- )
- if isinstance(ret_object, Key) or isinstance(ret_object, NoUpdate):
- k = ret_object
- # k = ret_object.value
- continue
- elif isinstance(ret_object, ReadingState) and self.search_data:
- return ret_object
- # else:
- elif isinstance(ret_object, ReadingState):
- # y = ret_object
- reading_state = ret_object
- elif k in self.keymap.OpenImage and self.image_viewer:
- imgs_in_screen = list(
- set(
- range(reading_state.row, reading_state.row + rows * self.spread + 1)
- )
- & set(text_structure.image_maps.keys())
- )
- if not imgs_in_screen:
- k = NoUpdate()
- continue
- imgs_in_screen.sort()
- image_path: Optional[str] = None
- if len(imgs_in_screen) == 1:
- image_path = text_structure.image_maps[imgs_in_screen[0]]
- elif len(imgs_in_screen) > 1:
- imgs_rel_to_row = [i - reading_state.row for i in imgs_in_screen]
- p: Union[NoUpdate, Key] = NoUpdate()
- i = 0
- while p not in self.keymap.Quit and p not in self.keymap.Follow:
- self.screen.move(
- imgs_rel_to_row[i] % rows,
- (
- x
- if imgs_rel_to_row[i] // rows == 0
- else cols
- - DoubleSpreadPadding.RIGHT.value
- - reading_state.textwidth
- )
- + reading_state.textwidth // 2,
- )
- self.screen.refresh()
- safe_curs_set(2)
- p = board.getch()
- if p in self.keymap.ScrollDown:
- i += 1
- elif p in self.keymap.ScrollUp:
- i -= 1
- i = i % len(imgs_rel_to_row)
- safe_curs_set(0)
- if p in self.keymap.Follow:
- image_path = text_structure.image_maps[imgs_in_screen[i]]
- if image_path:
- try:
- # if self.ebook.__class__.__name__ in {"Epub", "Mobi", "Azw"}:
- if isinstance(self.ebook, (Epub, Mobi, Azw)):
- # self.seamless adjustment
- if self.seamless:
- current_content_index = (
- self.convert_absolute_reading_state_to_relative(
- reading_state
- ).content_index
- )
- else:
- current_content_index = reading_state.content_index
- # for n, content in enumerate(self.ebook.contents):
- # content_path = content
- # if reading_state.row < sum(totlines_per_content[:n]):
- # break
- content_path = self.ebook.contents[current_content_index]
- assert isinstance(content_path, str)
- image_path = resolve_path(content_path, image_path)
- imgnm, imgbstr = self.ebook.get_img_bytestr(image_path)
- k = self.open_image(board, imgnm, imgbstr)
- continue
- except Exception as e:
- self.show_win_error("Error Opening Image", str(e), tuple())
- if DEBUG:
- raise e
- elif (
- k in self.keymap.SwitchColor
- and self.is_color_supported
- and countstring in {"", "0", "1", "2"}
- ):
- if countstring == "":
- count_color = curses.pair_number(self.screen.getbkgd())
- if count_color not in {2, 3}:
- count_color = 1
- count_color = count_color % 3
- else:
- count_color = count
- self.screen.bkgd(curses.color_pair(count_color + 1))
- # pad.format()
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=reading_state.row,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.AddBookmark:
- bmname = self.input_prompt(" Add bookmark:")
- if isinstance(bmname, str) and bmname:
- try:
- self.state.insert_bookmark(
- self.ebook,
- bmname,
- dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines
- ),
- )
- except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
- k = self.show_win_error(
- "Error: Add Bookmarks",
- f"Bookmark with name '{bmname}' already exists.",
- (Key("B"),),
- )
- continue
- else:
- k = bmname
- continue
- elif k in self.keymap.ShowBookmarks:
- bookmarks = self.state.get_bookmarks(self.ebook)
- if not bookmarks:
- k = self.show_win_error(
- "Bookmarks",
- "N/A: Bookmarks are not found in this book.",
- self.keymap.ShowBookmarks,
- )
- continue
- else:
- retk, idxchoice = self.show_win_choices_bookmarks()
- if retk is not None:
- k = retk
- continue
- elif idxchoice is not None:
- bookmark_to_jump = self.state.get_bookmarks(self.ebook)[idxchoice][
- 1
- ]
- if (
- bookmark_to_jump.content_index == reading_state.content_index
- and bookmark_to_jump.textwidth == reading_state.textwidth
- ):
- reading_state = bookmark_to_jump
- else:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=bookmark_to_jump.content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=bookmark_to_jump.row,
- rel_pctg=bookmark_to_jump.rel_pctg,
- )
- elif k in self.keymap.DefineWord and self.ext_dict_app:
- word = self.input_prompt(" Define:")
- if isinstance(word, str) and word:
- defin = self.define_word(word)
- if defin in self._win_keys:
- k = defin
- continue
- else:
- k = word
- continue
- elif k in self.keymap.MarkPosition:
- jumnum = board.getch()
- if isinstance(jumnum, Key) and jumnum in tuple(
- Key(i) for i in range(48, 58)
- ):
- self.jump_list[jumnum.char] = reading_state
- else:
- k = NoUpdate()
- continue
- elif k in self.keymap.JumpToPosition:
- jumnum = board.getch()
- if (
- isinstance(jumnum, Key)
- and jumnum in tuple(Key(i) for i in range(48, 58))
- and jumnum.char in self.jump_list
- ):
- marked_reading_state = self.jump_list[jumnum.char]
- return dataclasses.replace(
- marked_reading_state,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- rel_pctg=None
- if marked_reading_state.textwidth == reading_state.textwidth
- else marked_reading_state.rel_pctg,
- section="",
- )
- else:
- k = NoUpdate()
- continue
- elif k in self.keymap.ShowHideProgress:
- self.show_reading_progress = not self.show_reading_progress
- elif k in self.keymap.Library:
- self.try_assign_letters_count(force_wait=True)
- self.calculate_reading_progress(letters_per_content, reading_state)
- self.savestate(
- dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines
- )
- )
- library_items = self.state.get_from_history()
- if not library_items:
- k = self.show_win_error(
- "Library",
- "N/A: No reading history.",
- self.keymap.Library,
- )
- continue
- else:
- retk, choice_index = self.show_win_library()
- if retk is not None:
- k = retk
- continue
- elif choice_index is not None:
- return get_ebook_obj(library_items[choice_index].filepath)
- elif k == Key(curses.KEY_RESIZE):
- self.savestate(
- dataclasses.replace(
- reading_state, rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines
- )
- )
- # stated in pypi windows-curses page:
- # to call resize_term right after KEY_RESIZE
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- curses.resize_term(rows, cols)
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- else:
- rows, cols = self.screen.getmaxyx()
- curses.resize_term(rows, cols)
- if cols < 22 or rows < 12:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Screen was too small (min 22cols x 12rows).")
- if cols <= reading_state.textwidth + 4:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index,
- textwidth=cols - 4,
- row=reading_state.row,
- rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines,
- )
- else:
- return ReadingState(
- content_index=reading_state.content_index,
- textwidth=reading_state.textwidth,
- row=reading_state.row,
- )
- countstring = ""
- if checkpoint_row:
- board.feed_temporary_style(
- (
- InlineStyle(
- row=checkpoint_row,
- col=0,
- n_letters=reading_state.textwidth,
- attr=curses.A_UNDERLINE,
- ),
- )
- )
- try:
- if self.setting.PageScrollAnimation and self.page_animation:
- self.screen.clear()
- for i in range(1, reading_state.textwidth + 1):
- curses.napms(1)
- # self.screen.clear()
- board.write_n(reading_state.row, i, self.page_animation)
- self.screen.refresh()
- self.page_animation = None
- self.screen.clear()
- self.screen.addstr(0, 0, countstring)
- board.write(reading_state.row)
- # check if letters counting process is done
- self.try_assign_letters_count()
- # reading progress
- self.calculate_reading_progress(letters_per_content, reading_state)
- # display reading progress
- if (
- self.reading_progress
- and self.show_reading_progress
- and (cols - reading_state.textwidth - 2) // 2 > 3
- ):
- reading_progress_str = "{}%".format(int(self.reading_progress * 100))
- self.screen.addstr(
- 0, cols - len(reading_progress_str), reading_progress_str
- )
- self.screen.refresh()
- except curses.error:
- pass
- if self.is_speaking:
- k = self.keymap.TTSToggle[0]
- continue
- k = board.getch()
- if k == Key(curses.KEY_MOUSE):
- mouse_event = curses.getmouse()
- if mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED:
- if mouse_event[1] < cols // 2:
- k = self.keymap.PageUp[0]
- else:
- k = self.keymap.PageDown[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON3_CLICKED:
- k = self.keymap.TableOfContents[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED:
- k = self.keymap.ScrollUp[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == 2097152:
- k = self.keymap.ScrollDown[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED + curses.BUTTON_CTRL:
- k = self.keymap.Enlarge[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == 2097152 + curses.BUTTON_CTRL:
- k = self.keymap.Shrink[0]
- elif mouse_event[4] == curses.BUTTON2_CLICKED:
- k = self.keymap.TTSToggle[0]
- if checkpoint_row:
- board.feed_temporary_style()
- checkpoint_row = None
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- self.savestate(
- dataclasses.replace(reading_state, rel_pctg=reading_state.row / totlines)
- )
- sys.exit()
-# }}}
-# Reading Init {{{
-def preread(stdscr, filepath: str):
- ebook = get_ebook_obj(filepath)
- state = State()
- config = Config()
- reader = Reader(screen=stdscr, ebook=ebook, config=config, state=state)
- def handle_signal(signum, _):
- """
- Method to raise SystemExit based on signal received
- to trigger `try-finally` clause
- """
- msg = f"[{os.getpid()}] killed"
- if signal.Signals(signum) == signal.SIGTERM:
- msg = f"[{os.getpid()}] terminated"
- sys.exit(msg)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_signal)
- try:
- reader.run_counting_letters()
- reading_state = state.get_last_reading_state(reader.ebook)
- if reader.screen_cols <= reading_state.textwidth + 4:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, textwidth=reader.screen_cols - 4)
- else:
- reading_state = dataclasses.replace(reading_state, rel_pctg=None)
- while True:
- reading_state_or_ebook = reader.read(reading_state)
- if isinstance(reading_state_or_ebook, Ebook):
- return reading_state_or_ebook.path
- else:
- reading_state = reading_state_or_ebook
- if reader.seamless:
- reading_state = reader.convert_absolute_reading_state_to_relative(reading_state)
- finally:
- reader.cleanup()
-# }}}
-# Commandline {{{
-def parse_cli_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
- prog = "epy"
- positional_arg_help_str = "[PATH | # | PATTERN | URL]"
- args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog=prog,
- usage=f"%(prog)s [-h] [-r] [-d] [-v] {positional_arg_help_str}",
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- description="Read ebook in terminal",
- epilog=textwrap.dedent(
- f"""\
- examples:
- {prog} /path/to/ebook read /path/to/ebook file
- {prog} 3 read #3 file from reading history
- {prog} count monte read file matching 'count monte'
- from reading history
- """
- ),
- )
- args_parser.add_argument("-r", "--history", action="store_true", help="print reading history")
- args_parser.add_argument("-d", "--dump", action="store_true", help="dump the content of ebook")
- args_parser.add_argument(
- "-v",
- "--version",
- action="version",
- version=f"v{__version__}",
- help="print version and exit",
- )
- args_parser.add_argument(
- "ebook",
- action="store",
- nargs="*",
- metavar=positional_arg_help_str,
- help="ebook path, history number, pattern or URL",
- )
- return args_parser.parse_args()
-def find_file() -> Tuple[str, bool]:
- args = parse_cli_args()
- state = State()
- cleanup_library(state)
- if args.history:
- print_reading_history(state)
- sys.exit()
- if len(args.ebook) == 0:
- last_read = state.get_last_read()
- if last_read:
- return last_read, args.dump
- else:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Found no last read ebook file.")
- elif len(args.ebook) == 1:
- nth = coerce_to_int(args.ebook[0])
- if nth is not None:
- file = get_nth_file_from_library(state, nth)
- if file:
- return file.filepath, args.dump
- else:
- print(f"ERROR: #{nth} file not found.")
- print_reading_history(state)
- sys.exit(1)
- elif is_url(args.ebook[0]):
- return args.ebook[0], args.dump
- elif os.path.isfile(args.ebook[0]):
- return args.ebook[0], args.dump
- pattern = " ".join(args.ebook)
- match = get_matching_library_item(state, pattern)
- if match:
- return match.filepath, args.dump
- else:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Found no matching ebook from history.")
-def main():
- filepath, dump_only = find_file()
- if dump_only:
- sys.exit(dump_ebook_content(filepath))
- while True:
- filepath = curses.wrapper(preread, filepath)
-# }}}
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # On Windows, calling this method is necessary
- # On Linux/OSX, this method does nothing
- multiprocessing.freeze_support()
- main()
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 3fe7433..6ac96d8 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "epy-reader"
-version = "2022.12.11"
+version = "2023.02.08"
description = "TUI Ebook Reader"
authors = ["Benawi Adha <benawiadha@gmail.com>"]
license = "GPL-3.0"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d501e7c..77026c4 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
- version="2022.12.11",
+ version="2023.02.08",
description="Terminal/CLI Ebook (epub, fb2, mobi, azw3) Reader",
diff --git a/src/epy_reader/__init__.py b/src/epy_reader/__init__.py
index 3a08311..422e701 100644
--- a/src/epy_reader/__init__.py
+++ b/src/epy_reader/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-__version__ = "2022.12.11"
+__version__ = "2023.02.08"
__license__ = "GPL-3.0"
__author__ = "Benawi Adha"
__email__ = "benawiadha@gmail.com"
diff --git a/src/epy_reader/board.py b/src/epy_reader/board.py
index 0562d3f..9c5423e 100644
--- a/src/epy_reader/board.py
+++ b/src/epy_reader/board.py
@@ -79,7 +79,19 @@ class InfiniBoard:
def write(self, row: int, bottom_padding: int = 0) -> None:
for n_row in range(min(self.screen_rows - bottom_padding, self.total_lines - row)):
text_line = self.text[row + n_row]
- self.screen.addstr(n_row, self.x, text_line)
+ # NOTE: A bug with python itself: https://bugs.python.org/issue8243
+ # It's stated in python docs:
+ # > Attempting to write to the lower right corner of a window, subwindow,
+ # > or pad will cause an exception to be raised after the character is printed.
+ # https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/ef5ce884a41c8553a7eff66ebace908c1dcc1f89#diff-cb5622768373b8c93cc8eee30dfb041108783bb419d9eaf205501989cea0049fR691-R692
+ #
+ # Since the exception is raised "after the character is printed"
+ # then it seems to be safe to catch it.
+ try:
+ self.screen.addstr(n_row, self.x, text_line)
+ except curses.error:
+ pass
if (
self.spread == 2