path: root/epy_extras/KindleUnpack/mobi_dict.py
diff options
authorbenadha <benawiadha@gmail.com>2022-01-08 10:30:31 +0700
committerbenadha <benawiadha@gmail.com>2022-01-08 10:30:31 +0700
commitc0bfec3da1c55ae11a991a89938261c4e93ce795 (patch)
treeead3835a551887f11426e45326166cdbd31c9146 /epy_extras/KindleUnpack/mobi_dict.py
parent7e4a230a8336844cb344301870b87e7bea1691a6 (diff)
Initial prepackaging kindleunpack with epy
Diffstat (limited to 'epy_extras/KindleUnpack/mobi_dict.py')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/epy_extras/KindleUnpack/mobi_dict.py b/epy_extras/KindleUnpack/mobi_dict.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc2ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epy_extras/KindleUnpack/mobi_dict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
+from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
+from .compatibility_utils import PY2, PY3, utf8_str, bstr, bchr
+if PY2:
+ range = xrange
+ array_format = b'B'
+if PY3:
+ unichr = chr
+ array_format = "B"
+import array
+import struct
+# note: struct pack, unpack, unpack_from all require bytestring format
+# data all the way up to at least python 2.7.5, python 3 okay with bytestring
+from .mobi_index import getVariableWidthValue, readTagSection, getTagMap
+from .mobi_utils import toHex
+class InflectionData(object):
+ def __init__(self, infldatas):
+ self.infldatas = infldatas
+ self.starts = []
+ self.counts = []
+ for idata in self.infldatas:
+ start, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', idata, 0x14)
+ count, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', idata, 0x18)
+ self.starts.append(start)
+ self.counts.append(count)
+ def lookup(self, lookupvalue):
+ i = 0
+ rvalue = lookupvalue
+ while rvalue >= self.counts[i]:
+ rvalue = rvalue - self.counts[i]
+ i += 1
+ if i == len(self.counts):
+ print("Error: Problem with multiple inflections data sections")
+ return lookupvalue, self.starts[0], self.counts[0], self.infldatas[0]
+ return rvalue, self.starts[i], self.counts[i], self.infldatas[i]
+ def offsets(self, value):
+ rvalue, start, count, data = self.lookup(value)
+ offset, = struct.unpack_from(b'>H', data, start + 4 + (2 * rvalue))
+ if rvalue + 1 < count:
+ nextOffset, = struct.unpack_from(b'>H',data, start + 4 + (2 * (rvalue + 1)))
+ else:
+ nextOffset = None
+ return offset, nextOffset, data
+class dictSupport(object):
+ def __init__(self, mh, sect):
+ self.mh = mh
+ self.header = mh.header
+ self.sect = sect
+ self.metaOrthIndex = mh.metaOrthIndex
+ self.metaInflIndex = mh.metaInflIndex
+ def parseHeader(self, data):
+ "read INDX header"
+ if not data[:4] == b'INDX':
+ print("Warning: index section is not INDX")
+ return False
+ words = (
+ 'len', 'nul1', 'type', 'gen', 'start', 'count', 'code',
+ 'lng', 'total', 'ordt', 'ligt', 'nligt', 'nctoc'
+ )
+ num = len(words)
+ values = struct.unpack(bstr('>%dL' % num), data[4:4*(num+1)])
+ header = {}
+ for n in range(num):
+ header[words[n]] = values[n]
+ ordt1 = None
+ ordt2 = None
+ otype, oentries, op1, op2, otagx = struct.unpack_from(b'>LLLLL',data, 0xa4)
+ header['otype'] = otype
+ header['oentries'] = oentries
+ print("otype %d, oentries %d, op1 %d, op2 %d, otagx %d" % (otype, oentries, op1, op2, otagx))
+ if header['code'] == 0xfdea or oentries > 0:
+ # some dictionaries seem to be codepage 65002 (0xFDEA) which seems
+ # to be some sort of strange EBCDIC utf-8 or 16 encoded strings
+ # So we need to look for them and store them away to process leading text
+ # ORDT1 has 1 byte long entries, ORDT2 has 2 byte long entries
+ # we only ever seem to use the second but ...
+ #
+ # if otype = 0, ORDT table uses 16 bit values as offsets into the table
+ # if otype = 1, ORDT table uses 8 bit values as offsets inot the table
+ assert(data[op1:op1+4] == b'ORDT')
+ assert(data[op2:op2+4] == b'ORDT')
+ ordt1 = struct.unpack_from(bstr('>%dB' % oentries), data, op1+4)
+ ordt2 = struct.unpack_from(bstr('>%dH' % oentries), data, op2+4)
+ print("parsed INDX header:")
+ for key in header:
+ print(key, "%x" % header[key],)
+ print("\n")
+ return header, ordt1, ordt2
+ def getPositionMap(self):
+ sect = self.sect
+ positionMap = {}
+ metaOrthIndex = self.metaOrthIndex
+ metaInflIndex = self.metaInflIndex
+ decodeInflection = True
+ if metaOrthIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ print("Info: Document contains orthographic index, handle as dictionary")
+ if metaInflIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ decodeInflection = False
+ else:
+ metaInflIndexData = sect.loadSection(metaInflIndex)
+ print("\nParsing metaInflIndexData")
+ midxhdr, mhordt1, mhordt2 = self.parseHeader(metaInflIndexData)
+ metaIndexCount = midxhdr['count']
+ idatas = []
+ for j in range(metaIndexCount):
+ idatas.append(sect.loadSection(metaInflIndex + 1 + j))
+ dinfl = InflectionData(idatas)
+ inflNameData = sect.loadSection(metaInflIndex + 1 + metaIndexCount)
+ tagSectionStart = midxhdr['len']
+ inflectionControlByteCount, inflectionTagTable = readTagSection(tagSectionStart, metaInflIndexData)
+ print("inflectionTagTable: %s" % inflectionTagTable)
+ if self.hasTag(inflectionTagTable, 0x07):
+ print("Error: Dictionary uses obsolete inflection rule scheme which is not yet supported")
+ decodeInflection = False
+ data = sect.loadSection(metaOrthIndex)
+ print("\nParsing metaOrthIndex")
+ idxhdr, hordt1, hordt2 = self.parseHeader(data)
+ tagSectionStart = idxhdr['len']
+ controlByteCount, tagTable = readTagSection(tagSectionStart, data)
+ orthIndexCount = idxhdr['count']
+ print("orthIndexCount is", orthIndexCount)
+ print("orthTagTable: %s" % tagTable)
+ if hordt2 is not None:
+ print("orth entry uses ordt2 lookup table of type ", idxhdr['otype'])
+ hasEntryLength = self.hasTag(tagTable, 0x02)
+ if not hasEntryLength:
+ print("Info: Index doesn't contain entry length tags")
+ print("Read dictionary index data")
+ for i in range(metaOrthIndex + 1, metaOrthIndex + 1 + orthIndexCount):
+ data = sect.loadSection(i)
+ hdrinfo, ordt1, ordt2 = self.parseHeader(data)
+ idxtPos = hdrinfo['start']
+ entryCount = hdrinfo['count']
+ idxPositions = []
+ for j in range(entryCount):
+ pos, = struct.unpack_from(b'>H', data, idxtPos + 4 + (2 * j))
+ idxPositions.append(pos)
+ # The last entry ends before the IDXT tag (but there might be zero fill bytes we need to ignore!)
+ idxPositions.append(idxtPos)
+ for j in range(entryCount):
+ startPos = idxPositions[j]
+ endPos = idxPositions[j+1]
+ textLength = ord(data[startPos:startPos+1])
+ text = data[startPos+1:startPos+1+textLength]
+ if hordt2 is not None:
+ utext = u""
+ if idxhdr['otype'] == 0:
+ pattern = b'>H'
+ inc = 2
+ else:
+ pattern = b'>B'
+ inc = 1
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < textLength:
+ off, = struct.unpack_from(pattern, text, pos)
+ if off < len(hordt2):
+ utext += unichr(hordt2[off])
+ else:
+ utext += unichr(off)
+ pos += inc
+ text = utext.encode('utf-8')
+ tagMap = getTagMap(controlByteCount, tagTable, data, startPos+1+textLength, endPos)
+ if 0x01 in tagMap:
+ if decodeInflection and 0x2a in tagMap:
+ inflectionGroups = self.getInflectionGroups(text, inflectionControlByteCount, inflectionTagTable,
+ dinfl, inflNameData, tagMap[0x2a])
+ else:
+ inflectionGroups = b''
+ assert len(tagMap[0x01]) == 1
+ entryStartPosition = tagMap[0x01][0]
+ if hasEntryLength:
+ # The idx:entry attribute "scriptable" must be present to create entry length tags.
+ ml = b'<idx:entry scriptable="yes"><idx:orth value="' + text + b'">' + inflectionGroups + b'</idx:orth>'
+ if entryStartPosition in positionMap:
+ positionMap[entryStartPosition] = positionMap[entryStartPosition] + ml
+ else:
+ positionMap[entryStartPosition] = ml
+ assert len(tagMap[0x02]) == 1
+ entryEndPosition = entryStartPosition + tagMap[0x02][0]
+ if entryEndPosition in positionMap:
+ positionMap[entryEndPosition] = b"</idx:entry>" + positionMap[entryEndPosition]
+ else:
+ positionMap[entryEndPosition] = b"</idx:entry>"
+ else:
+ indexTags = b'<idx:entry>\n<idx:orth value="' + text + b'">\n' + inflectionGroups + b'</idx:entry>\n'
+ if entryStartPosition in positionMap:
+ positionMap[entryStartPosition] = positionMap[entryStartPosition] + indexTags
+ else:
+ positionMap[entryStartPosition] = indexTags
+ return positionMap
+ def hasTag(self, tagTable, tag):
+ '''
+ Test if tag table contains given tag.
+ @param tagTable: The tag table.
+ @param tag: The tag to search.
+ @return: True if tag table contains given tag; False otherwise.
+ '''
+ for currentTag, _, _, _ in tagTable:
+ if currentTag == tag:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def getInflectionGroups(self, mainEntry, controlByteCount, tagTable, dinfl, inflectionNames, groupList):
+ '''
+ Create string which contains the inflection groups with inflection rules as mobipocket tags.
+ @param mainEntry: The word to inflect.
+ @param controlByteCount: The number of control bytes.
+ @param tagTable: The tag table.
+ @param data: The Inflection data object to properly select the right inflection data section to use
+ @param inflectionNames: The inflection rule name data.
+ @param groupList: The list of inflection groups to process.
+ @return: String with inflection groups and rules or empty string if required tags are not available.
+ '''
+ result = b""
+ for value in groupList:
+ offset, nextOffset, data = dinfl.offsets(value)
+ # First byte seems to be always 0x00 and must be skipped.
+ assert ord(data[offset:offset+1]) == 0x00
+ tagMap = getTagMap(controlByteCount, tagTable, data, offset + 1, nextOffset)
+ # Make sure that the required tags are available.
+ if 0x05 not in tagMap:
+ print("Error: Required tag 0x05 not found in tagMap")
+ return ""
+ if 0x1a not in tagMap:
+ print("Error: Required tag 0x1a not found in tagMap")
+ return b''
+ result += b'<idx:infl>'
+ for i in range(len(tagMap[0x05])):
+ # Get name of inflection rule.
+ value = tagMap[0x05][i]
+ consumed, textLength = getVariableWidthValue(inflectionNames, value)
+ inflectionName = inflectionNames[value+consumed:value+consumed+textLength]
+ # Get and apply inflection rule across possibly multiple inflection data sections
+ value = tagMap[0x1a][i]
+ rvalue, start, count, data = dinfl.lookup(value)
+ offset, = struct.unpack_from(b'>H', data, start + 4 + (2 * rvalue))
+ textLength = ord(data[offset:offset+1])
+ inflection = self.applyInflectionRule(mainEntry, data, offset+1, offset+1+textLength)
+ if inflection is not None:
+ result += b' <idx:iform name="' + inflectionName + b'" value="' + inflection + b'"/>'
+ result += b'</idx:infl>'
+ return result
+ def applyInflectionRule(self, mainEntry, inflectionRuleData, start, end):
+ '''
+ Apply inflection rule.
+ @param mainEntry: The word to inflect.
+ @param inflectionRuleData: The inflection rules.
+ @param start: The start position of the inflection rule to use.
+ @param end: The end position of the inflection rule to use.
+ @return: The string with the inflected word or None if an error occurs.
+ '''
+ mode = -1
+ byteArray = array.array(array_format, mainEntry)
+ position = len(byteArray)
+ for charOffset in range(start, end):
+ char = inflectionRuleData[charOffset:charOffset+1]
+ abyte = ord(char)
+ if abyte >= 0x0a and abyte <= 0x13:
+ # Move cursor backwards
+ offset = abyte - 0x0a
+ if mode not in [0x02, 0x03]:
+ mode = 0x02
+ position = len(byteArray)
+ position -= offset
+ elif abyte > 0x13:
+ if mode == -1:
+ print("Error: Unexpected first byte %i of inflection rule" % abyte)
+ return None
+ elif position == -1:
+ print("Error: Unexpected first byte %i of inflection rule" % abyte)
+ return None
+ else:
+ if mode == 0x01:
+ # Insert at word start
+ byteArray.insert(position, abyte)
+ position += 1
+ elif mode == 0x02:
+ # Insert at word end
+ byteArray.insert(position, abyte)
+ elif mode == 0x03:
+ # Delete at word end
+ position -= 1
+ deleted = byteArray.pop(position)
+ if bchr(deleted) != char:
+ print("0x03: %s %s %s %s" % (mainEntry, toHex(inflectionRuleData[start:end]), char, bchr(deleted)))
+ print("Error: Delete operation of inflection rule failed")
+ return None
+ elif mode == 0x04:
+ # Delete at word start
+ deleted = byteArray.pop(position)
+ if bchr(deleted) != char:
+ print("0x03: %s %s %s %s" % (mainEntry, toHex(inflectionRuleData[start:end]), char, bchr(deleted)))
+ print("Error: Delete operation of inflection rule failed")
+ return None
+ else:
+ print("Error: Inflection rule mode %x is not implemented" % mode)
+ return None
+ elif abyte == 0x01:
+ # Insert at word start
+ if mode not in [0x01, 0x04]:
+ position = 0
+ mode = abyte
+ elif abyte == 0x02:
+ # Insert at word end
+ if mode not in [0x02, 0x03]:
+ position = len(byteArray)
+ mode = abyte
+ elif abyte == 0x03:
+ # Delete at word end
+ if mode not in [0x02, 0x03]:
+ position = len(byteArray)
+ mode = abyte
+ elif abyte == 0x04:
+ # Delete at word start
+ if mode not in [0x01, 0x04]:
+ position = 0
+ # Delete at word start
+ mode = abyte
+ else:
+ print("Error: Inflection rule mode %x is not implemented" % abyte)
+ return None
+ return utf8_str(byteArray.tostring())