/*global exports: false, require: false */ /*jslint plusplus: false */ "use strict"; var xrpc = require("xmlrpc"); var logMod = require("logger"); var selfMod = require("self"); var testGenerateTimeSheetDataLogs = { "2010-07-27+bugzilla.redhat.com+533567" : { "date" : "2010-07-27T21:28:47.103Z", "url" : "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=533567", "title" : "KMS:RS480:X200M - GPU lockup (screen goes black)", "comment" : "removing filled in chip type for Guadec" }, "2010-07-27+bugzilla.redhat.com+618769" : { "date" : "2010-07-27T21:30:18.845Z", "url" : "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=618769", "title" : "gdm and display unstable with ATI FirePro V3700 graphics card", "comment" : "asking for logs" } }; var testGenerateTimeSheetResultStr = "\n\n" + "TimeSheet-2011-04-17\n\n\n


\n" + "



" + "Bug RH/533567: " + "KMS:RS480:X200M - GPU lockup (screen goes black) \n
removing filled " + "in chip type for Guadec


Bug RH/618769: " + "gdm and display unstable with ATI FirePro V3700 graphics card \n" + "
asking for logs

\n"; exports.ensureTimeSheetRecordsPrinter = function(test) { logMod.initialize(JSON.parse(selfMod.data .load("bugzillalabelAbbreviations.json"))); test.assertEqual(logMod.timeSheetRecordsPrinter( testGenerateTimeSheetDataLogs, new Date("2011-04-17")), testGenerateTimeSheetResultStr, "Generates correct log report from given data."); };