jetpack.future.import("pageMods"); var callback = function(document){ // check the current time if it is between 9 and 5 // 'blacklist' the sites in options.matches var currentTime; var currentHour; currentTime = new Date(); currentHour = currentTime.getHours(); if (currentHour> 8 && currentHour <17){ document.title = "This site is blacklisted. Get some work done!"; $(document).find("body").css({border:"3px solid #000000"}); $(document).find("body").children().hide(); $(document).find("body").prepend($('

Sorry this site is blacklisted until 17:00. sadface.')); } }; var options = {}; options.matches = ["http://**", "http://**", "http://**", "http://**", "*", "http://**", "*"]; jetpack.pageMods.add(callback, options);