//declare namespace this.Lazarus = this.Lazarus || {} Lazarus.STATE_UNINITALIZED = 0; Lazarus.STATE_DISABLED = 1; Lazarus.STATE_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = 2; Lazarus.STATE_ENABLED = 3; Lazarus.STATE_DISABLED_FOR_DOMAIN = 4; Lazarus.STATE_PRIVATE_BROWSING = 5; Lazarus.STATE_GENERATING_KEYS = 6; Lazarus.LOGIN_HOSTNAME = 'chrome://lazarus'; Lazarus.LOGIN_REALM = 'Private Key Password'; Lazarus.LOGIN_USERNAME = 'lazarus-private-key'; Lazarus.IFRAME_NAME = ''; Lazarus.MIN_TEXT_NEEDED_TO_SHOW_NOTIFICATION = 1024; //characters //flag to indicate if this browser is ready yet. Lazarus.initalized = false; //timers Lazarus.cleanupSavedFormsTimer = 0; Lazarus.autoSaveFormTimer = 0; //pointer to last autosave form. Lazarus.currAutoSaveForm = null; //pointer to the last editor (txetbox or iframe) that a user put input into. Lazarus.currentEditor = null; //flag to say if context menu is currently being shown Lazarus.isContextMenuShowing = false; /* known input types case "text": case "textarea": case "file": case "radio": case "checkbox": case "select": case "password": case "hidden": case "submit": case "reset": case "button": case "image": */ //array of editor infos that the user has typed into this session Lazarus.editorInfos = []; /** * window has loaded */ Lazarus.init = function(){ Lazarus.Global = Components.utils.import("resource://lazarus/global.js").Global; Lazarus.Crypto = Components.utils.import("resource://lazarus/crypto.js").Crypto; Lazarus.initalized = true; Lazarus.initDevEnviroment(); //set loading icon Lazarus.refreshIcon(); Lazarus.repositionNotification(); //Update UI elements Lazarus.$("lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-title").setAttribute("value", Lazarus.getString("lazarus.statusbarpanel.image.tooltip", Lazarus.getVersionStr() +" ["+ Lazarus.build +"]")); Lazarus.refreshMenuIcons(); Lazarus.Pref.addObserver('extensions.lazarus.showContextMenuIcons', Lazarus.refreshMenuIcons); if (Lazarus.getPref('extensions.lazarus.showDonateNotification')){ Lazarus.checkForDonateThanks(); } //check crypto component (breaks a lot with various Linux builds) if (Lazarus.checkCrypto()){ //open the database if (Lazarus.initDB()){ if (Lazarus.initEncryptionKeys()){ if (Lazarus.loadPublicKey()){ Lazarus.enable(); } Lazarus.refreshIcon(); Lazarus.saveAutoSaveText(); //remove expired forms Lazarus.cleanupSavedForms(); //hmmm, interesting. Cleaning the database makes little difference to the database size (33MB -> 32MB), // unless a lot of deletions have been made // if (Lazarus.getPref('extensions.lazarus.cleanDatabaseAtStartup')){ Lazarus.cleanDB(); } } //else we are generating new encryption keys, do nothing } else { //errors *should* have been thrown in the error console. //inform the user something went wrong :( Lazarus.error("Failed to load database"); Lazarus.disable(); } } else { Lazarus.error("Failed to load crypto component"); Lazarus.disable(); } Lazarus.refreshIcon(); } /** * turn off the donate notifications if this user has donated. */ Lazarus.checkForDonateThanks = function(){ var onload = function(uri){ if (uri && uri.spec && uri.spec.indexOf('//lazarus.interclue.com/donate-thanks.html') > -1){ Lazarus.setPref('extensions.lazarus.showDonateNotification', false); Lazarus.Event.remove("location-change", onload); } } Lazarus.Event.add("location-change", onload); } /** * check to make sure the crypto component has loaded correctly */ Lazarus.checkCrypto = function(){ try { var crypto = Components.classes["@labs.mozilla.com/Weave/Crypto;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.IWeaveCrypto); return true; } catch(e){ return false; } } /** * reposition the notification bar so that it's always the last element */ Lazarus.repositionNotification = function(){ //#124: Zotero compatiilty problem var notif = document.getElementById('lazarus-notification'); notif.parentNode.appendChild(notif); } /** * enables Lazarus for this browser */ Lazarus.enable = function(){ Lazarus.saveAutoSavedForms(); //add preference observers Lazarus.Pref.addObserver("extensions.lazarus.expireSavedForms", Lazarus.startCleanupTimer); Lazarus.Pref.addObserver("extensions.lazarus.expireSavedFormsInterval", Lazarus.startCleanupTimer); Lazarus.Pref.addObserver("extensions.lazarus.showInStatusbar", Lazarus.refreshIcon); //we need to capture any onsubmit event from forms within a webpage gBrowser.addEventListener("submit", Lazarus.onFormSubmit, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("submit", Lazarus.saveLastSubmittedForm, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Lazarus.autofillEvent, true); gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Lazarus.initRecoverForm, true); gBrowser.addEventListener("reset", Lazarus.onFormReset, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("change", Lazarus.onFormChange, false); //we also need to save forms if people are typing into them. gBrowser.addEventListener("keyup", Lazarus.onKeyUp, false); //kjd: removing lazarus icon for now //gBrowser.addEventListener("keydown", Lazarus.onKeyDown, false); //clear the saved forms if user wants to when "clear private data" is hit. Lazarus.$("Tools:Sanitize").addEventListener("command", Lazarus.fireClearPrivateDataIfNoPrompt, false); //add handlers to the context menu Lazarus.$("contentAreaContextMenu").addEventListener("popupshowing", Lazarus.onContextMenuShowing, false); Lazarus.$("contentAreaContextMenu").addEventListener("popuphidden", Lazarus.onContextMenuHide, false); //need events when a user changes the current document Lazarus.Event.add("location-change", Lazarus.onLocationChange); Lazarus.Event.add("extension-uninstall", Lazarus.onUninstall); Lazarus.Event.add("extension-uninstall-request", Lazarus.onUninstallRequest); Lazarus.Event.add("application-startup", Lazarus.onStartUp); Lazarus.Event.add("application-startup", Lazarus.removeOldForms); Lazarus.Event.add("application-shutdown", Lazarus.fireClearPrivateDataOnShutdown); Lazarus.Event.add("application-shutdown", Lazarus.onShutdown); Lazarus.Event.add("clear-private-data", Lazarus.onClearPrivateData); Lazarus.startCleanupTimer(); //show the statusbar image (if user wants it) Lazarus.refreshIcon(); } Lazarus.onKeyDown = function(evt){ var ele = evt.target; //ignore if we have already attached an onblur handler to this element if (!ele.lazarusIconAdded){ switch(Lazarus.getElementType(ele)){ case "text": case "password": case "textarea": //are we saving this element? var form = Lazarus.findFormFromElement(ele); var editor = Lazarus.findEditorFromElement(ele); if ((form && Lazarus.shouldSaveForm(form)) || (editor && Lazarus.shouldSaveEditorInfo(form))){ //highlight element Lazarus.addBackgroundIcon(ele); } else { //ignore furthur keypresses on this element? } default: //ignore this element } } } Lazarus.addBackgroundIcon = function(ele){ if (!ele.lazarusIconAdded){ ele.lazarusIconAdded = true; var doc = ele.ownerDocument; if (!doc.lazarusIcon){ var div = doc.createElement('div'); div.style.width = "11px"; div.style.height = "14px"; div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.background = "url("+ Lazarus.icon +") no-repeat center center"; div.title = Lazarus.getString('Lazarus.savingText'); doc.body.appendChild(div); doc.lazarusIcon = div; } //now position the image over the end of the textbox var rect = ele.getBoundingClientRect(); doc.lazarusIcon.style.top = rect.top +"px"; doc.lazarusIcon.style.left = (rect.right - parseInt(doc.lazarusIcon.style.width)) +"px"; doc.lazarusIcon.style.display = "block"; var onBlur = function(){ //hide the icon doc.lazarusIcon.style.display = "none"; ele.lazarusIconAdded = false; } //when adding the icon, we should hide it on blur ele.addEventListener("blur", onBlur, false); } } /** * restart the browser */ Lazarus.restart = function(){ var nsIAppStartup = Components.interfaces.nsIAppStartup; Components.classes["@mozilla.org/toolkit/app-startup;1"].getService(nsIAppStartup).quit(nsIAppStartup.eRestart | nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit); } /** * turns Lazarus off for this browser */ Lazarus.disable = function(){ //add preference observers Lazarus.Pref.addObserver("extensions.lazarus.expireSavedForms", Lazarus.startCleanupTimer); Lazarus.Pref.addObserver("extensions.lazarus.expireSavedFormsInterval", Lazarus.startCleanupTimer); Lazarus.Pref.addObserver("extensions.lazarus.showInStatusbar", Lazarus.refreshIcon); //we need to capture any onsubmit event from forms within a webpage gBrowser.removeEventListener("submit", Lazarus.onFormSubmit, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("submit", Lazarus.saveLastSubmittedForm, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Lazarus.autofillEvent, true); gBrowser.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Lazarus.initRecoverForm, true); gBrowser.removeEventListener("reset", Lazarus.onFormReset, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("change", Lazarus.onFormChange, false); //we also need to save forms if people are typing into them. gBrowser.removeEventListener("keyup", Lazarus.onKeyUp, false); //need events when a user changes the current document Lazarus.Event.remove("location-change", Lazarus.onLocationChange); //clear the saved forms if user wants to when "clear private data" is hit. Lazarus.$("Tools:Sanitize").removeEventListener("command", Lazarus.fireClearPrivateDataIfNoPrompt, false); Lazarus.stopCleanupTimer(); //and close the database Lazarus.db.close(); //update the statusbar image Lazarus.refreshIcon(); } /** * return TRUE if we can encrypt a string (ie the Crypto component is working, and the public key exists) */ Lazarus.canEncrypt = function(){ return Lazarus.Crypto.publicKey ? true : false; } Lazarus.canDecrypt = function(){ return Lazarus.Crypto.privateKey ? true : false; } /** * initalizes the lazarus recover-form page */ Lazarus.initRecoverForm = function(evt){ var doc = evt.originalTarget; if (Lazarus.isDocRecoveryForm(doc)){ doc.title = Lazarus.getString("recoverform.title"); //Lazarus.$('heading', doc).innerHTML = Lazarus.getString("recoverform.title"); Lazarus.$('description', doc).innerHTML = Lazarus.getString("recoverform.description"); Lazarus.$('notes', doc).innerHTML= Lazarus.getString("recoverform.notes"); Lazarus.$('form-url-label', doc).innerHTML= Lazarus.getString("recoverform.form.url"); Lazarus.$('form-action-label', doc).innerHTML= Lazarus.getString("recoverform.form.action"); Lazarus.$('notes', doc).innerHTML= Lazarus.getString("recoverform.notes"); var m = doc.URL.match(/[\?&]id=(\d+)/) var id = m ? parseInt(m[1]) : -1; if (id > -1){ var row = Lazarus.db.getRow("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = ?1", id); if (row){ if (Lazarus.canDecrypt()){ var formInfo = Lazarus.JSON.decode(Lazarus.decrypt(row["forminfo"])); Lazarus.$('form-url', doc).innerHTML = formInfo.origURL ? Lazarus.generateLinkFromURL(formInfo.origURL) : ''; Lazarus.$('form-action', doc).innerHTML = formInfo.action ? Lazarus.generateLinkFromURL(formInfo.action) : ''; var form = Lazarus.buildForm(formInfo, doc); form.setAttribute("lazarus-form-id", row["formid"]); Lazarus.$('form-box', doc).appendChild(form); Lazarus.restoreForm(form, formInfo); } else { //need to explain to user why we cannot fill in the form Lazarus.showNotificationBox("password-required"); } } else { Lazarus.$('form-box', doc).innerHTML = Lazarus.getString("error.form.not.found"); Lazarus.$('form-box', doc).className = "warning"; } } else { Lazarus.$('form-box', doc).innerHTML = Lazarus.getString("error.form.not.found"); Lazarus.$('form-box', doc).className = "warning"; } } } /** * return TRUE if the given document is the lazarus Recover Form page. */ Lazarus.isDocRecoveryForm = function(doc){ return (doc && doc.URL && doc.URL.indexOf("chrome://lazarus/content/recover-form.html") == 0); } /** * generate an HTML link given a url. * if url is too long, then truncate url to maxChars */ Lazarus.generateLinkFromURL = function(url, maxChars){ maxChars = maxChars || 50; if (/^(file|http|https):/.test(url)){ var text = url; if (text.length > maxChars){ text = text.substring(0, maxChars -3) +"..."; } return ''+ Lazarus.htmlEncode(text) +''; } else { return Lazarus.htmlEncode(url); } } /** * encode a string for display in an html page */ Lazarus.htmlEncode = function(str){ str = str.replace(/&/g, "&"); str = str.replace(//g, ">"); str = str.replace(/"/g, """); return str; } /** * builds an HTML form from a formInfo object */ Lazarus.buildForm = function(formInfo, doc){ var form = doc.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", formInfo.method || "get"); form.setAttribute("enctype", formInfo.enctype || ""); //support for AJAX textareas form.isTextarea = formInfo.isTextarea; for(var name in formInfo.fields){ for (var i=0; i= 1 && fieldInfo.value && typeof fieldInfo.value.valueAttr != "undefined"){ ele = doc.createElement("input"); ele.setAttribute("type", fieldInfo.type); ele.setAttribute("value", fieldInfo.value.valueAttr); eleLabel = name +"["+ fieldInfo.value.valueAttr +"]"; } break; case "password": case "hidden": case "file": case "text": ele = doc.createElement("input"); ele.setAttribute("type", fieldInfo.type); break; case "textarea": ele = doc.createElement("textarea"); break; case "select": if (formInfo.version && formInfo.version >= 1 && Lazarus.isArray(fieldInfo.value) && fieldInfo.value.length){ ele = doc.createElement("select"); for (var i=0; i 1){ ele.setAttribute("size", fieldInfo.value.length); ele.setAttribute("multiple", "true"); } } break; //no saved case "submit": case "reset": case "button": case "image": break; case "iframe": //ignore iframes for now? break; default: Lazarus.error("Unknown element type ["+ fieldInfo.type +"]"); } if (ele){ if (fieldInfo.type == "hidden"){ form.appendChild(ele); } else { var box = doc.createElement("div"); box.setAttribute("class", "form-field-box"); var label = doc.createElement("label"); var text = doc.createTextNode(eleLabel || name); label.appendChild(text); box.appendChild(label); ele.setAttribute("name", fieldInfo.name); ele.setAttribute("class", "form-field "+ fieldInfo.type); box.appendChild(ele); form.appendChild(box); } } } } return form; } /** * save the last submitted form id for use in auto restore template */ Lazarus.saveLastSubmittedForm = function(evt){ var form = Lazarus.findFormFromElement(evt.target); if (form){ Lazarus.lastSubmittedFormId = Lazarus.getFormId(form); } } /** * call autofill if this is a valid html document. */ Lazarus.autofillEvent = function(evt){ if (evt.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument){ Lazarus.autofillDoc(evt.originalTarget); } } /** * convert a string of HTML into human readable text */ Lazarus.htmlToText = function(html){ //replace headings () and paragraph ends with 2 line breaks var text = html.replace(/\s*<\/((h\d)|p)\s*>\s*/ig," \n\n"); //replace divs blocks with single line breaks text = text.replace(/\s*<(\/div)\b[^>]*>\s*/ig,"\n"); //replace list items with line breaks and dots text = text.replace(/\s*<(li)\b[^>]*>\s*/ig,"\n * "); //replace line breaks text = text.replace(/<(br)\b[^>]*>/ig,"\n"); //strip all other tags text = text.replace(/<(\/|\w)[^>]*>/g,' '); //convert html spaces into normal spaces text = text.replace(/ /g, ' '); //compress whitespace text = text.replace(/[ \t\f\v]+/g, ' '); //never have more than 2 line breaks in a row. text = text.replace(/\n\s*?\n(\s*?\n)*/g, "\n\n"); //and finally trim. text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); return text; } /** * return TRUE if forms on the given document should be saved */ Lazarus.isValidDoc = function(doc){ return (doc && doc.URL && /^(file|http|https):/.test(doc.URL)); } /** * autofills forms found in the given document with there respective templates if they exist */ Lazarus.autofillDoc = function(doc){ if (Lazarus.isValidDoc(doc) && doc.forms && doc.forms.length){ var rsAutoFillTemplates = Lazarus.db.rs("SELECT id, formid FROM forms WHERE autofill = 1 AND savetype = "+ Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_TEMPLATE +" ORDER BY created DESC"); if (rsAutoFillTemplates.length > 0){ var templates = {}; //convert the template id's to a hash table //TODO: there should only ever be one autofill template for a given form //raise a warning if this is not the case for (var i=0; i= 4){ Lazarus.$('lazarus-statusbar-menuitem-test').hidden = false; } } /** * handle text within the address bar changing */ Lazarus.onLocationChange = function(evt){ //only close the notification if current page was not the result of submitting a form. if (!Lazarus.lastSubmittedFormId){ Lazarus.closeNotificationBox(true); } Lazarus.refreshIcon(); } /** * fire the "clear private data" event */ Lazarus.fireClearPrivateDataIfNoPrompt = function(){ if (!Lazarus.getPref("privacy.sanitize.promptOnSanitize", true)){ Lazarus.Event.fire("clear-private-data"); } } /** * return the current state of lazarus */ Lazarus.getState = function(){ if (!Lazarus.initalized){ return Lazarus.STATE_UNINITALIZED; } else if (Lazarus.Crypto.generatingKeys || Lazarus.cleaningDatabase){ return Lazarus.STATE_GENERATING_KEYS; } else if (!Lazarus.canEncrypt()){ return Lazarus.STATE_DISABLED; } else if (Lazarus.isDisabledByPrivateBrowsing()){ return Lazarus.STATE_PRIVATE_BROWSING; } else if (Lazarus.isPageDisabled()){ return Lazarus.STATE_DISABLED_FOR_DOMAIN; } else if (!Lazarus.canDecrypt()){ return Lazarus.STATE_PASSWORD_REQUIRED; } //all good? else { return Lazarus.STATE_ENABLED; } } /** * fix for multiline xul:description elements */ Lazarus.setDescriptionText = function(ele, text){ for (var i=ele.childNodes.length-1; i>=0; i--){ ele.removeChild(ele.childNodes[i]); } ele.appendChild(ele.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text)); } /** * updates the statusbar icon */ Lazarus.refreshIcon = function(){ Lazarus.$("lazarus-statusbarpanel").hidden = !Lazarus.getExtPref("showInStatusbar"); var iconURL = ""; var tooltipId = ""; switch (Lazarus.getState()){ case Lazarus.STATE_ENABLED: iconURL = "chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus.png"; tooltipId = "lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-enabled" break; case Lazarus.STATE_GENERATING_KEYS: iconURL = 'chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus-loading.gif'; tooltipId = 'lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-generatingkeys'; break; case Lazarus.STATE_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: iconURL = "chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus-login.png"; tooltipId = "lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-passwordrequired"; break; case Lazarus.STATE_DISABLED_FOR_DOMAIN: iconURL = "chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus-disabled.png"; tooltipId = "lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-disabledfordomain"; break; case Lazarus.STATE_PRIVATE_BROWSING: iconURL = "chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus-disabled.png"; tooltipId = "lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-private-browsing"; break; case Lazarus.STATE_UNINITALIZED: case Lazarus.STATE_DISABLED: default: iconURL = "chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus-disabled.png"; tooltipId = "lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-disabled"; } //this appears to screw over firefox, missing images and such, if called during startup? //NOTE: firfox must be completely closed for this effect, using "restart" will NOT recreate it. //Lazarus.setDescriptionText(Lazarus.$("lazarus-statusbaricon-tooltip-description"), tooltip); Lazarus.$("lazarus-statusbarpanel-image").setAttribute("src", iconURL); Lazarus.$("lazarus-statusbarpanel-image").setAttribute("tooltip", tooltipId); } /** * displays the lazarus welcome message */ Lazarus.showWelcome = function(){ //dont show the welcome message immediately, need to wait a sec so the //browser is open, and we can center the dialog relative to it. //~ setTimeout(function(){ //~ Lazarus.openOptionsDialog("welcome-pane"); //~ }, 100); //hmmm, session recovery is happening after this event, //which is replacing our tab with the recovered sessions tabs setTimeout(function(){ Lazarus.openLazarusWebsite("oninstall.html?ver="+ Lazarus.getVersionStr()); }, 3000); } /** * opens the lazarus onupdate page for this version of lazarus */ Lazarus.showUpdatePage = function(){ //hmmm, session recovery is happening after this event, //which is replacing our tab with the recovered sessions tabs setTimeout(function(){ Lazarus.openLazarusWebsite("onupdate.html?ver="+ Lazarus.getVersionStr()); }, 3000); } /** * handle when the first browser window is opened. */ Lazarus.onStartUp = function(){ } /** * onUninstall */ Lazarus.onUninstall = function(ext){ if (ext.id == Lazarus.guid){ //var msg = ''; if (Lazarus.getExtPref("uninstall.removeSavedForms", false)){ //remove database //unable to disconnect the database, so the best we can do is empty it. Lazarus.emptyDB(); } if (Lazarus.getExtPref("uninstall.removeUserSettings", false)){ //cleanup prefs Lazarus.killPref("extensions.lazarus"); Lazarus.Pref.savePrefFile(); } } } /** * */ Lazarus.onUninstallRequest = function(ext){ if (ext.id == Lazarus.guid){ //ask the user if we should remove their preferences/saved forms //we need this dialog to appear from the addons dialog (if it exists) //~ var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator); //~ var win = wm.getMostRecentWindow("Extension:Manager"); //~ //if theres no extension manager window (eg all-in-one-sidebar) //~ //use this window to open the dialog //~ if (!win){ //~ win = window; //~ } //disabling dialog, uninstall process is stuffed up //win.openDialog("chrome://lazarus/content/uninstall.xul", "LazarusUninstallOptions", "chrome,dialog,modal,resizable=yes,titlebar=yes"); } } /** * return TRUE if the given editor still exists in the browser */ Lazarus.editorExists = function(info){ try { //KLUDGE: //if a page is refreshed then the page remains, even if you then navigate away from it. //it appears to still exist, even though the user cannot see it. if (Lazarus.isIframe(info.editor) && (!info.editor.contentWindow || !info.editor.contentWindow.document)){ return false; } else { return (info.editor.ownerDocument.defaultView && (info.url == info.editor.ownerDocument.defaultView.top.location.href)); } } catch(e){ return false; } } Lazarus.saveEditorInfo = function(info, saveType){ if (Lazarus.shouldSaveEditorInfo(info)){ var textHash = Lazarus.md5(info.text); if (saveType == Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_AUTOSAVE){ var record = Lazarus.db.getRow("SELECT id, text_hash FROM textdata WHERE domain_hash = ?1 AND savetype = ?2 LIMIT 1", info.domainHash, Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_AUTOSAVE); //if form hasn't changed if (record && record.text_hash == textHash){ //do nothing... } //if it has changed, or doesn't exist yet, save the changes else { Lazarus.debug("Saving textdata - autosave", info); if (record){ Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM textdata WHERE id = ?1", record.id); //and get rid of any fulltext index as well Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM textdata_fulltext WHERE docid = ?1", record.id); } var encText = Lazarus.encrypt(info.text); var encSummary = Lazarus.encrypt(info.summary); var id = Lazarus.db.insert("INSERT INTO textdata (text_encrypted, summary_encrypted, created, domain_hash, url_encrypted, text_hash, text_length, savetype) \ VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8)", encText, encSummary, info.created, info.domainHash, info.urlEncrypted, textHash, info.text.length, Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_AUTOSAVE); //and update the full text index, if (!Lazarus.getPref('extensions.lazarus.disableSearch')){ //we're going to add domain info into this as well var hashedText = Lazarus.hashText(info.text); hashedText += ' '+ Lazarus.hashText(info.domain.replace(/\./g, ' ')); Lazarus.db.exe("INSERT INTO textdata_fulltext (docid, hashed_text) VALUES (?1, ?2)", id, hashedText); } } } else { //if the info object already exists, with exactly the same text, then just update the timestamp var id = Lazarus.db.getInt("SELECT id FROM textdata WHERE domain_hash = ?1 AND text_hash = ?2 LIMIT 1", info.domainHash, textHash); if (id){ Lazarus.debug("Updating textdata - perm", info); Lazarus.db.exe("UPDATE textdata SET created = ?1, savetype = ?2 WHERE id = ?3", info.created, Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_NORMAL, id); } //otherwise, insert a new info object else { Lazarus.debug("Saving textdata - perm", info); var encText = Lazarus.encrypt(info.text); var encSummary = Lazarus.encrypt(info.summary); var id = Lazarus.db.insert("INSERT INTO textdata (text_encrypted, summary_encrypted, created, domain_hash, url_encrypted, text_hash, text_length, savetype) \ VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8)", encText, encSummary, info.created, info.domainHash, info.urlEncrypted, textHash, info.text.length, Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_NORMAL); if (!Lazarus.getPref('extensions.lazarus.disableSearch')){ var hashedText = Lazarus.hashText(info.text); hashedText += ' '+ Lazarus.hashText(info.domain.replace(/\./g, ' ')); Lazarus.db.exe("INSERT INTO textdata_fulltext (docid, hashed_text) VALUES (?1, ?2)", id, hashedText); } } } } } /** * genereate a random seed for use in the hashing function */ Lazarus.generateRandomHashSeed = function(){ var rnd = Math.random().toString() +':'+ Lazarus.timestamp(true).toString(); return Lazarus.FNV1a(rnd); } /** * hashes individual words in a bunch of text */ Lazarus.hashText = function(text){ //we'll need to grab the seed from the database. var seed = Lazarus.db.getStr("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name = 'hash-seed'"); if (!seed){ seed = Lazarus.generateRandomHashSeed(); Lazarus.db.exe("INSERT INTO settings (name, value) VALUES ('hash-seed', ?1)", seed); //and delete the full text index, because none of the others will work any more Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM textdata_fulltext"); } //var p = new Profiler("hashedText: "+ text.length); var map = {}; //p.mark("setup"); //remove all non-text characters (strip HTML?) text = Lazarus.trim(text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\s\w\-_]+/g, ' ')); //p.mark("remove non-text: "+ text.length); var words = text.split(/\s+/g); //p.mark("split into words : "+ words.length); //we should also remove useless words (like "the", "and", "as" etc...) var len = words.length; var hashedWords = []; for (var i=0; i=0; i--){ var info = Lazarus.editorInfos[i]; //the page may have been submitted, or closed without submitting //if the editor is suddenly empty, we should assume it has been submitted (possibly via AJAX) if (!Lazarus.editorExists(info) || Lazarus.getEditorInfo(info.editor).isEmpty){ removed.push(info); Lazarus.editorInfos.splice(i, 1); } } //and save any that have been removed for (var i=0; i]*>)|( )/g, '').match(/^\s*$/) ? true : false; } else { throw Error("Unknown editor type: "+ type); } } /** * return the text/html from an editable iframe or textarea */ Lazarus.extractText = function(ele){ var text = ''; if (Lazarus.isTextarea(ele)){ text = (typeof ele.value == "string") ? ele.value : ''; } else if (Lazarus.isIframe(ele)){ text = (typeof ele.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML) ? ele.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML : ''; } return Lazarus.trim(text); } /** * generate a safe summary for display within a XUL:menuitem or XUL:tooltip */ Lazarus.generateSummary = function(text){ //strip html text = Lazarus.htmlToText(text); return (text.length > 255) ? (text.substr(0, 252) +"...") : text; } Lazarus.restartEditorAutoSaveTimer = function(){ Lazarus.stopEditorAutoSaveTimer(); Lazarus.editorAutoSaveFormTimer = setInterval(Lazarus.autoSaveEditors, Lazarus.getExtPref("autoSaveInterval", 2000)); } Lazarus.stopEditorAutoSaveTimer = function(){ if (Lazarus.editorAutoSaveFormTimer){ clearInterval(Lazarus.editorAutoSaveFormTimer); } } /** * start the autosave timer */ Lazarus.restartAutoSaveTimer = function(form){ Lazarus.stopAutoSaveTimer(); //we'll save the form here, so we can retrieve it when the timer fires Lazarus.currAutoSaveForm = form; Lazarus.autoSaveFormTimer = setTimeout(Lazarus.autoSaveForm, Lazarus.getExtPref("autoSaveInterval", 2000)); } /** * stops the autosave timer. */ Lazarus.stopAutoSaveTimer = function(){ if (Lazarus.autoSaveFormTimer){ clearTimeout(Lazarus.autoSaveFormTimer); } } /** * run cleanup for this window */ Lazarus.cleanup = function(){ gBrowser.removeEventListener("keyup", Lazarus.onKeyUp, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("submit", Lazarus.onFormSubmit, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("reset", Lazarus.onFormReset, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("change", Lazarus.onFormChange, false); Lazarus.$("Tools:Sanitize").removeEventListener("command", Lazarus.fireCLearPrivateDataIfNoDialog, false); Lazarus.stopCleanupTimer(); } /** * handle last browser window shutting down */ Lazarus.onShutdown = function(){ } /** * */ Lazarus.onContextMenuHide = function(){ Lazarus.isContextMenuShowing = false; } /** * show or hide the menu item depending on what item caused the context menu to appear. */ Lazarus.onContextMenuShowing = function(evt){ //we need to set a flag to prevent new autosaves whilst the context menu is shown Lazarus.isContextMenuShowing = true; //this event is fired whenever a submenu is shown, as well as when the main context menu it shown //bugfix: only re-calculate the popup menu when it's first opened. //trying to alter the initial menu when a submenu is opened can cause the browser to hang. //hmmm this is causing a noticable hang when the form contains a lot (30k) of info //as a workaround, we will not calculate any submenu until the submenu is opened. var evtTargetId = evt.target.id; //quick check if (evtTargetId != "contentAreaContextMenu" && evtTargetId != "lazarus-restoreform-submenu-menupopup" && evtTargetId != "lazarus-restoretext-submenu-menupopup"){ return; } //did the user click on a form? var form = Lazarus.findFormFromElement(gContextMenu.target); var editor = Lazarus.findEditorFromElement(gContextMenu.target); if (evtTargetId == "contentAreaContextMenu"){ //assume we should not show any menuitems var showMainMenu = false; var showSubMenu = false; var showLogin = false; var showSaveForm = false; var showPageDisabled = false; var showPrivateBrowsing = false; var showRestoreText = false; var showRestoreTextDisabled = false; if (!form && !editor){ //dont show anything } else if (Lazarus.isDisabledByPrivateBrowsing()){ showPrivateBrowsing = true; } else if (Lazarus.isPageDisabled(form.ownerDocument.URL)){ showPageDisabled = true; } else if (!Lazarus.canDecrypt()){ showLogin = true; } else { if (form){ showSaveForm = true; var savedForms = Lazarus.getFormInfo(form, "id, formid, created, savetype, forminfohash, formtext, formname"); //just show the one menu item, but dont show it if the form is identical to this one. if (savedForms.length == 1){ showMainMenu = true; var info = Lazarus.formInfo(form); var infoHash = Lazarus.generateHash(info.fields); if (infoHash == savedForms[0]["forminfohash"]){ Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').setAttribute('src', "chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus-disable.png"); Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').setAttribute('disabled', "true"); Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').setAttribute('tooltiptext', Lazarus.getString("form.is.equal")); } else { var savedForm = savedForms[0]; Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').setAttribute('src', "chrome://lazarus/skin/lazarus.png"); Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').setAttribute('lazarus-forms-id', savedForm["id"]); Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').setAttribute('tooltiptext', Lazarus.generateSavedFormTooltip(savedForm)); Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').setAttribute('disabled', ""); } } //show submenu else if (savedForms.length > 1){ showSubMenu = true; } } if (editor){ showRestoreTextDisabled = true; //do we have any text saved for this domain/basedomain? var domain = Lazarus.getDomainFromElement(editor); if (domain){ var domainHash = Lazarus.md5(domain); if (Lazarus.db.getInt("SELECT count(id) FROM textdata WHERE domain_hash = ?1 LIMIT 1", domainHash)){ showRestoreText = true; showRestoreTextDisabled = false; } } } } //only show our menu item if over a form. Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoretextdisabled-contextmenuitem').hidden = !showRestoreTextDisabled; Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoretext-submenu').hidden = !showRestoreText; Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-contextmenuitem').hidden = !showMainMenu; Lazarus.$('lazarus-restoreform-submenu').hidden = !showSubMenu; Lazarus.$('lazarus-enterpassword-contextmenuitem').hidden = !showLogin; Lazarus.$('lazarus-domaindisabled-contextmenuitem').hidden = !showPageDisabled; Lazarus.$('lazarus-privatebrowsing-contextmenuitem').hidden = !showPrivateBrowsing; Lazarus.$('lazarus-saveform-contextmenuitem').hidden = !(showSaveForm && Lazarus.getExtPref("includeExperimental", false)); } else if (evtTargetId == "lazarus-restoreform-submenu-menupopup" && form){ Lazarus.buildSubMenu(form); } else if (evtTargetId == "lazarus-restoretext-submenu-menupopup" && editor){ Lazarus.buildRestoreTextSubMenu(editor); } } Lazarus.getDomainFromElement = function(ele){ try { return ele.ownerDocument.defaultView.top.location.host; } catch(e){ return null; } } /** * builds the list of items that can be restored for this editor element */ Lazarus.buildRestoreTextSubMenu = function(editor){ // var menu = Lazarus.$("lazarus-restoretext-submenu-menupopup"); //remove all the current submenu items while(menu.lastChild){ menu.removeChild(menu.lastChild); } var domainHash = Lazarus.md5(Lazarus.getDomainFromElement(editor)); //and build the new ones var items = Lazarus.db.rs("SELECT id, text_hash, summary_encrypted, created FROM textdata WHERE domain_hash = ?1 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT ?2", domainHash, Lazarus.getPref('extensions.lazarus.maxTextItemsInSubmenu', 20)); var text = Lazarus.extractText(editor); var textHash = Lazarus.md5(text); for (var i=0; i Lazarus.MIN_TEXT_NEEDED_TO_SHOW_NOTIFICATION) && Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.showDonateNotification") && Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.restoreFormCount", 0) > 3){ var msgId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); Lazarus.showNotificationBox("form-restored", Lazarus.getFormRestoredNotificationText(text.length, msgId), "msgid-"+ msgId); } } else { alert(Lazarus.getString("error.form.db.corrupt")); } } else { Lazarus.error("Unable to find textdata: "+ id); alert(Lazarus.getString("error.form.not.found")); } } else { //should never get here alert(Lazarus.getString("error.form.object.not.found")); } } /** * generates an md5 hash of a javascript object */ Lazarus.generateHash = function(obj){ return Lazarus.md5(Lazarus.JSON.encode(obj)); } /** * return the current unix timestamp */ Lazarus.timestamp = function(asFloat){ var s = new Date().getTime() / 1000; return asFloat ? s : Math.floor(s); } /** * return text usable by a menuitem (XUL Label) */ Lazarus.getMenuItemText = function(text){ //strip any html found in the text text = Lazarus.trim(Lazarus.cleanText(text)); //labels only handle a single line of text text = text.split(/\n/, 2)[0]; //and we dont want it to be too long if (text.length > 48){ text = text.substr(0, 48) +"..."; } return Lazarus.trim(text); } /** * ask the user for their Lazarus password */ Lazarus.showEnterPasswordDialog = function(){ var prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService); //keep asking until they hit cancel while(true){ var password = {value: ""}; var check = {value: false}; //if a user has a master password set, then allow the lazarus password to be saved in the SSD var checkText = Lazarus.isMasterPasswordSet() ? Lazarus.getString('password.dialog.checkbox.label') : null; // if (prompts.promptPassword(null, Lazarus.getString("password.dialog.title"), Lazarus.getString("password.dialog.label"), password, checkText, check)){ if (Lazarus.loadPrivateKey(password.value)){ if (check.value){ Lazarus.savePassword(password.value); } return true; } } else { break; } } return false; } Lazarus.savePassword = function(password){ //remove the existing password first. Lazarus.removePassword(); var nsLoginInfo = new Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1", Components.interfaces.nsILoginInfo, "init"); var loginInfo = new nsLoginInfo(Lazarus.LOGIN_HOSTNAME, null, Lazarus.LOGIN_REALM, Lazarus.LOGIN_USERNAME, password, '', ''); var nsLoginManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsILoginManager); nsLoginManager.addLogin(loginInfo); } Lazarus.removePassword = function(){ // Get Login Manager var nsLoginManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsILoginManager); // Find users for this extension var logins = nsLoginManager.findLogins({}, Lazarus.LOGIN_HOSTNAME, null, Lazarus.LOGIN_REALM); for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) { if (logins[i].username == Lazarus.LOGIN_USERNAME){ nsLoginManager.removeLogin(logins[i]); } } } /** * load the password from the loginManager */ Lazarus.loadPassword = function(){ if (Lazarus.isMasterPasswordSet() && !Lazarus.isMasterPasswordRequired()){ // Get Login Manager var nsLoginManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsILoginManager); // Find users for the given parameters var logins = nsLoginManager.findLogins({}, Lazarus.LOGIN_HOSTNAME, null, Lazarus.LOGIN_REALM); // Find user from returned array of nsILoginInfo objects for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) { if (logins[i].username == Lazarus.LOGIN_USERNAME){ return logins[i].password; } } } //we default to an empty password return ''; } Lazarus.logout = function(){ Lazarus.unloadPrivateKey(); Lazarus.refreshIcon(); } /** * generate a label for saved form menuitem */ Lazarus.generateSavedFormLabel = function(savedForm, time){ var label = ''; //template should ALWAYS use their template name as a label if (savedForm["savetype"] == Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_TEMPLATE){ label = savedForm["formname"]; } //use summary else if (Lazarus.getExtPref("showFormTextInSubMenu") && Lazarus.canDecrypt()){ label = Lazarus.getMenuItemText(Lazarus.decrypt(savedForm["formtext"])) || ("["+ Lazarus.getString("untitled") +"]"); } //use timestamps if we are unable to decrypt the forms else { time = time || Lazarus.timestamp(); label = Lazarus.getTimeString(time - savedForm["created"]); } //mark autosaved forms so users can easily tell the difference. switch(savedForm["savetype"]){ case Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_AUTOSAVE: case Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_STALE_AUTOSAVE: label += " "+ Lazarus.getString("menuitem.label.append.autosave"); break; case Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_TEMPLATE: label += " "+ Lazarus.getString("menuitem.label.append.template"); break; default: label += " "+ Lazarus.getString("menuitem.label.append.normal"); break; } return label; } /** * generate a tooltip for saved form menuitem */ Lazarus.generateSavedFormTooltip = function(savedForm, /**/time){ time = time || Lazarus.timestamp(); var tooltip = ''; //show time sting as tooltip if (Lazarus.getExtPref("showFormTextInSubMenu")){ tooltip = Lazarus.getTimeString(time - savedForm["created"]); } //show date and time of save else { var date = new Date(savedForm["created"] * 1000); tooltip = Lazarus.formatDate(date); } //mark autosaved forms so users can easily tell the difference. switch(savedForm["savetype"]){ case Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_AUTOSAVE: case Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_STALE_AUTOSAVE: tooltip += " "+ Lazarus.getString("menuitem.tooltip.append.autosave"); break; case Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_TEMPLATE: tooltip += " "+ Lazarus.getString("menuitem.tooltip.append.template"); break; default: tooltip += " "+ Lazarus.getString("menuitem.tooltip.append.normal"); break; //do nothing } return tooltip; } /** * builds the list of available restore point into the submenu */ Lazarus.buildSubMenu = function(form){ var menu = Lazarus.$("lazarus-restoreform-submenu-menupopup"); //remove all the current submenu items for (var i=menu.childNodes.length-1; i>=0; i--){ var node = menu.childNodes[i]; if (node.getAttribute("lazarus-dynamic-submenu")){ menu.removeChild(node); } } var time = Lazarus.timestamp(); var separator = Lazarus.$("lazarus-submenu-separator"); //now build the new ones var lastSaveType = -1; var savedForms = Lazarus.getFormInfo(form, "id, formid, created, savetype, forminfohash, formtext, formname, forminfo"); var info = Lazarus.formInfo(form); var infoHash = Lazarus.generateHash(info.fields); for (var i=0; i 0) ? (Lazarus.timestamp() - expires) : 0; fields = fields || "*"; //we need to get ALL the templates for this form first var forms = []; forms = forms.concat(Lazarus.db.rs("SELECT "+ fields +" FROM forms WHERE formid = ?1 AND created >= ?2 AND savetype = "+ Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_TEMPLATE +" ORDER BY savetype DESC, created DESC", formId, cutoffTime)); //and then the autosaves var maxAutoSaves = Lazarus.getExtPref("maxAutosavesPerForm", 3); forms = forms.concat(Lazarus.db.rs("SELECT "+ fields +" FROM forms WHERE formid = ?1 AND created >= ?2 AND savetype IN ("+ Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_AUTOSAVE +","+ Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_STALE_AUTOSAVE +") ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT ?3", formId, cutoffTime, maxAutoSaves)); //and then add normal saved forms var maxForms = Lazarus.getExtPref("maxSavesPerForm", 10); forms = forms.concat(Lazarus.db.rs("SELECT "+ fields +" FROM forms WHERE formid = ?1 AND created >= ?2 AND savetype = "+ Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_NORMAL +" ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT ?3", formId, cutoffTime, maxForms)); return forms; } /** * return a fieldInfo object filled with information about the given field */ Lazarus.fieldInfo = function(ele){ var getPassword = Lazarus.getExtPref("savePasswordFields"); var getHidden = Lazarus.getExtPref("saveHiddenFields"); var info = {}; info.name = ele.getAttribute("name"); info.type = Lazarus.getElementType(ele); info.value = Lazarus.getElementValue(ele); if (info.type == "password" && !getPassword){ info.value = null; } if (info.type == "hidden" && !getHidden){ info.value = null; } switch (info.type){ case "text": case "textarea": case "file": case "password": case "iframe": if (info.value && Lazarus.trim(info.value)){ info.text = Lazarus.trim(info.value); } break; default: } return info; } /** * clean HTML tags and entities from an html string */ Lazarus.cleanText = function(text){ return text.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ' ').replace(/&\w+;?/g, ' ').replace(/ +/g, ' '); } /** * return a formInfo object filled with details about a form */ Lazarus.formInfo = function(form){ var info = {}; info.version = Lazarus.FORM_INFO_VERSION; info.formid = Lazarus.getFormId(form); info.action = Lazarus.getUrlPage(form.action || form.ownerDocument.URL); info.origURL = form.ownerDocument.URL; info.domain = Lazarus.getDomainFromElement(form); info.method = (form.method && form.method.toLowerCase()) == "post" ? "post" : "get"; info.enctype = form.enctype ? form.enctype.toLowerCase() : ''; info.fields = {}; info.formtext = []; info.textLen = 0; for (var i=0; i 0){ info.fields[Lazarus.IFRAME_NAME] = []; info.isIframe = true; for (var i=0; i= 1){ alert(Lazarus.getString("error.restore.partial")); } return (iRestored / iNamedElements); } else { return true; } } /** * handle the onselectmenuitem event */ Lazarus.onRestoreFormMenuItem = function(menuitem){ if (!Lazarus.canDecrypt()){ Lazarus.debug("Unable to restore form, password required"); Lazarus.showNotificationBox("password-required"); return; } var id = parseInt(menuitem.getAttribute("lazarus-forms-id")); Lazarus.debug("Attempting to restore form "+ id); var form = Lazarus.findFormFromElement(gContextMenu.target, "form"); if (form){ var row = Lazarus.db.getRow("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = ?1", id); if (row){ var formInfo; try { formInfo = Lazarus.JSON.decode(Lazarus.decrypt(row["forminfo"])); } catch(e){ Lazarus.error(e); } if (formInfo){ //if we fully restore a form, then show the "donate" popup if (Lazarus.restoreForm(form, formInfo) === true){ Lazarus.incPref("extensions.lazarus.restoreFormCount"); if ((formInfo.textLen > Lazarus.MIN_TEXT_NEEDED_TO_SHOW_NOTIFICATION) && Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.showDonateNotification") && Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.restoreFormCount", 0) > 3){ var msgId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); Lazarus.showNotificationBox("form-restored", Lazarus.getFormRestoredNotificationText(formInfo.textLen, msgId), "msgid-"+ msgId); } } } else { alert(Lazarus.getString("error.form.db.corrupt")); } } else { alert(Lazarus.getString("error.form.not.found")); } } else { alert(Lazarus.getString("error.form.object.not.found")); } } /** * return TRUE if form is a form we should save */ Lazarus.shouldSaveForm = function(form){ //only save forms on file/http/https sites var doc = form.ownerDocument; if (doc && doc instanceof HTMLDocument && doc.URL && /^(file|http|https):/.test(doc.URL) && !Lazarus.isPageDisabled(doc.URL) && !Lazarus.isDisabledByPrivateBrowsing()){ return (Lazarus.isSearchForm(form)) ? Lazarus.getPref("extensions.lazarus.saveSearchForms") : true; } else { return false; } } /** * return TRUE if we should be saving this info */ Lazarus.shouldSaveEditorInfo = function(info){ if (Lazarus.isPageDisabled(info.url)){ return false; } else if (Lazarus.isDisabledByPrivateBrowsing()){ return false; } else { return true; } } Lazarus.disabledDomains = null; Lazarus.isPageDisabled = function(url){ if (!url && content.document && content.document.URL){ url = content.document.URL; } if (url){ var domainId = Lazarus.urlToDomainId(url); if (domainId){ var domains = Lazarus.getDisabledDomains(); return (typeof domains[domainId] !== "undefined") ? domains[domainId] : false; } } return false; } /** * return TRUE if lazarus can save forms from this site * return FALSE for non-valid sites (eg about:config, chrome://... etc..) */ Lazarus.isValidSite = function(url){ //default to the current documents url if (!url && content.document && content.document.URL){ url = content.document.URL; } return (url && Lazarus.urlToDomainId(url)) ? true : false; } Lazarus.getDisabledDomains = function(){ var domainlist = Lazarus.getPref('extensions.lazarus.domainBlacklist', ''); if (!Lazarus.disabledDomains || Lazarus.disabledDomains['__origList__'] != domainlist){ //rebuild the list Lazarus.disabledDomains = { '__origList__': domainlist } var domains = domainlist.split(/\s*,\s*/g); for (var i=0; i -1 && uri.port != 80) ? uri.port : '') +'//'+ Lazarus.getBaseDomain(uri.host) +'/') : ''; } /** * return TRUE if form appears to be a search form */ Lazarus.isSearchForm = function(form){ //search forms are forms that have exactly one textbox, and may contain a number of other non-text fields var MAX_TEXT_FIELDS = 1; var MAX_NON_TEXT_FIELDS = 5; var iTextFields = 0; var iNonTextFields = 0; for (var i=0; i (TEXT_DIFFERENCE * 2)){ var str = oldForm.formtext.substr(0, oldForm.formtext.length - TEXT_DIFFERENCE); //if new form is a continuation of old form (ie the first (X - TEXT_DIFFERENCE) characters are still the same), //then overwrite current autosave, //otherwise create a new autosave. return (newForm.formtext.indexOf(str) == -1); } //form contains little text, overwrite the current autosave else { return false; } } /** * automatically save the form the user is working on. */ Lazarus.autoSaveForm = function(){ //does the form still exist? if (Lazarus.currAutoSaveForm && !Lazarus.isContextMenuShowing){ Lazarus.saveForm(Lazarus.currAutoSaveForm, Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_AUTOSAVE); } } /** * start the cleanup timer */ Lazarus.startCleanupTimer = function(){ Lazarus.stopCleanupTimer(); if (Lazarus.getExpiryTime()){ Lazarus.cleanupSavedFormsTimer = setInterval(Lazarus.cleanupSavedForms, 1000 * 60); } } /** * stop the cleanup timer */ Lazarus.stopCleanupTimer = function(){ if (Lazarus.cleanupSavedFormsTimer){ clearInterval(Lazarus.cleanupSavedFormsTimer); } } /** * remove old forms from the database */ Lazarus.cleanupSavedForms = function(){ //dont cleanup any forms if a user might be trying to retore them if (Lazarus.isContextMenuShowing){return} var expires = Lazarus.getExpiryTime(); if (expires > 0){ //add a couple of minutes to the expiry time, so we don't accidentally //remove a form whilst we are current restoring it. var cutoffTime = Lazarus.timestamp() - (expires + 120); var ids = Lazarus.db.getColumn("SELECT id FROM forms WHERE created < ?1 AND savetype != "+ Lazarus.FORM_TYPE_TEMPLATE, cutoffTime); Lazarus.removeForms(ids); var ids = Lazarus.db.getColumn("SELECT id FROM textdata WHERE created < ?1", cutoffTime); if (ids.length > 0){ Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM textdata WHERE id IN ("+ ids.join(",") +")"); Lazarus.db.exe("DELETE FROM textdata_fulltext WHERE docid IN ("+ ids.join(",") +")"); } } else { Lazarus.stopCleanupTimer(); } } /** * return an identifier for a url */ Lazarus.getUrlPage = function(url){ var uri = Lazarus.urlToURI(url); if (uri){ return uri.scheme +"://"+ uri.hostPort + uri.path.replace(/[\?#].*$/, ''); } //for testing on file systems else if ((Lazarus.getExtPref("debugMode") >= 3) && form.action.match(/^file:\/\//i)){ return "file://just/testing"; } else { return null; } } /** * return the user editable fields within a form. */ Lazarus.getEditableFields = function(form){ var fields = []; var saveHidden = Lazarus.getExtPref("saveHiddenFields"); var savePassword = Lazarus.getExtPref("savePasswordFields"); for (var i=0; i= 3) && action.match(/^file:\/\//i)){ formId = "file://just/testing"; } //and point to the same place if (formId){ //support for ajax textareas if (form.isTextarea){ formId += "