/*global exports: false, require: false */ /*jslint onevar: false */ // Released under the MIT/X11 license // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php "use strict"; // ============================================================== var xhrMod = require("xhr"); var urlMod = require("url"); /** * Function for the management of the prototypal inheritace * David Flanagan, Javascript: The Definitve Guide, * IV. edition, O'Reilly, 2006, p. 168 * * @param superobject * @return new object, it needs new prototype.constructor * *
 * function Father(x) {
 *    this.family = x;
 * }
 * function Son(x,w) {
 *    Father.call(this,x);
 *    this.wife = w;
 * }
 * Son.prototype = heir(Father);
 * Son.prototype.constructor = Son;
*/ exports.heir = function heir(p) { function f() {}; f.prototype = p.prototype; return new f(); }; /** * Check whether an item is member of the list. Idea is just to make long if * commands slightly more readable. * * @param mbr string to be searched in the list * @param list list * @return position of the string in the list, or -1 if none found. */ var isInList = exports.isInList = function isInList(mbr, list) { if (!list) { return false; } return (list.indexOf(mbr) !== -1); }; /** * format date to be in ISO format (just day part) * * @param date * @return string with the formatted date */ exports.getISODate = function getISODate(dateStr) { function pad(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; } var date = new Date(dateStr); return date.getFullYear() + '-' + pad(date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(date.getDate()); }; /** * Make sure value returned is Array * * @param Array/String * @return Array * * If something else than Array or String is passed to the function * the result will be untouched actual argument of the call. */ var valToArray = exports.valToArray = function valToArray(val) { return (val instanceof Array) ? val : [val]; }; /** * Merges two comma separated string as a list and returns new string * * @param str String with old values * @param value String/Array with other values * @return String with merged lists */ exports.addCSVValue = function addCSVValue(str, value) { var parts = (str.trim().length > 0 ? str.split(/,\s*/) : []); if (!value) { return str; } if (!isInList(value, parts)) { var newValue = valToArray(value); parts = parts.concat(newValue); } // this is necessary to get comma-space separated string even when // value is an array already parts = parts.join(",").split(","); return parts.join(", "); }; /** * Treats comma separated string as a list and removes one item from it * * @param str String treated as a list * @param value String with the value to be removed from str * @return String with the resulting list comma separated */ exports.removeCSVValue = function removeCSVValue(str, value) { str = str.trim(); var parts = str ? str.split(/,\s*/) : []; var valueArr = value instanceof Array ? value : value.split(",\s*"); parts = parts.filter(function (e, i, a) { return (!isInList(e, valueArr)); }); return parts.join(", "); }; /** * From given URL returns hostname of the server * * @param url String with the investigated URL * @return String with hostname * @depreceated */ exports.getHost = function getHost(url) { var uri = urlMod.parse(url); return uri.host; }; /** * */ var getBugNo = exports.getBugNo = function getBugNo(url) { var re = new RegExp(".*id=([0-9]+).*$"); var bugNo = null; var reResult = re.exec(url); if (reResult[1]) { bugNo = reResult[1]; } return bugNo; }; /** * Load text from URL * * @param URL String * @param cb_function Function to be called when the download happens with * the downloaded body of the HTTP message as the only parameter * @param what optional Object argument representing this for this call * @return none */ var loadText = exports.loadText = function loadText(URL, cb_function, what) { if (what === undefined) { // missing optional argument what = this; } var req = new xhrMod.XMLHttpRequest(); req.open("GET", URL, true); req.onreadystatechange = function (aEvt) { if (req.readyState === 4) { if (req.status === 200) { cb_function.call(what, req.responseText); } else { throw "Getting " + URL + "failed!"; } } }; req.send(""); }; /** * Load JSON from URL * * @param URL String * @param cb_function Function to be called when the download happens with * the downloaded JSON as the only parameter * @param what optional Object argument representing this for this call * @return none */ exports.loadJSON = function loadJSON(URL, cb_function, what) { if (what === undefined) { // missing optional argument what = this; } loadText(URL, function (text) { var data = JSON.parse(text); cb_function.call(what, data); }, what); };