var timer = require("timer"); var self = require("self"); function PersistentPageMod(window, callback) { memory.track(this); this.window = window; this.callback = callback; this.window.addEventListener("unload", this, false); this.window.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this, false); this.doMod(); require("unload-2").ensure(this); } PersistentPageMod.prototype = { REPLACE_DELAY: 100, doMod: function doMod() { try {, this.window); } catch (e) { console.exception(e); } this.timerID = null; }, handleEvent: function handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "unload": if ( == this.window.document) this.unload(); break; case "DOMSubtreeModified": if (this.timerID == null) { // Wait a bit to do the replacing. Otherwise, we just get called // tons of times in a tiny period and end up hanging the browser // for a while. var self = this; this.timerID = timer.setTimeout(function() {self.doMod();}, this.REPLACE_DELAY); } break; } }, unload: function unload() { if (this.timerID != null) { timer.clearTimeout(this.timerID); this.timerID = null; } this.window.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this, false); this.window.removeEventListener("unload", this, false); } }; require("errors").catchAndLogProps(PersistentPageMod.prototype, "handleEvent"); var register = exports.register = function register(window, callback) { new PersistentPageMod(window, callback); };