/*jslint onevar: false, browser: true, evil: true, laxbreak: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, maxerr: 1000, immed: false, white: false, plusplus: false, regexp: false, undef: false */ /*global jetpack */ // Released under the MIT/X11 license // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php "use strict"; var util = require("util"); var simpleStorage = require("simple-storage"); var TriagedDistro = 13; var NumberOfFrames = 7; var XMLRPCurl = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi"; var bugURL = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id="; // ==================================================================================== // BZPage's methods exports.BZPage = function BZPage(doc, config) { // constants this.SalmonPink = new Color(255, 224, 176); // RGB 255, 224, 176; HSL 36, 2, // 85 this.ReporterColor = new Color(255, 255, 166); // RGB 255, 255, 166; HSL 60, 2, // 83 // initialize dynamic properties this.doc = doc; this.packages = this.getInstalledPackages(); if ("commentStrings" in config.gJSONData) { this.commentStrings = config.gJSONData.commentStrings; } if ("constantData" in config.gJSONData) { // this is wrong, I shouldn't bother anybody with my Xorg data, and // I should load it from URL // var stuff = JSON.parse(self.data.load("chiIDsGroupings.json")); this.constantData = config.gJSONData.constantData; } if ("CCmaintainer" in config.gJSONData.constantData) { this.defBugzillaMaintainerArr = config.gJSONData.constantData.CCmaintainer; } if ("submitsLogging" in config.gJSONData.configData && config.gJSONData.configData.submitsLogging) { this.log = config.logger; this.setUpLogging(); } this.submitHandlerInstalled = false; this.bugNo = util.getBugNo(this.doc.location.toString()); this.reporter = this.getReporter(); this.product = this.getOptionValue("product"); this.component = this.getOptionValue("component"); this.version = this.getVersion(); this.title = this.doc.getElementById("short_desc_nonedit_display").textContent; this.CCList = this.getCCList(); this.generateButtons(); } /** * */ BZPage.prototype.getInstalledPackages = function() { let installedPackages = {}; if (config.gJSONData && ("commentPackages" in config.gJSONData)) { let enabledPackages = jetpack.storage.settings.enabledPacks.split(/[, ]/); for each (let pkg in enabledPackages) { if (pkg in config.gJSONData.commentPackages) { installedPackages[pkg] = config.gJSONData.commentPackages[pkg]; } } } return installedPackages; }; /** * Actual execution function * * @param cmdLabel String with the name of the command to be executed * @param cmdParams Object with the appropriate parameters for the command */ BZPage.prototype.centralCommandDispatch = function (cmdLabel, cmdParams) { switch (cmdLabel) { case "resolution": case "product": case "component": case "version": case "priority": this.selectOption(cmdLabel, cmdParams); break; case "status": this.selectOption("bug_status", cmdParams); break; case "platform": this.selectOption("rep_platform", cmdParams); break; case "os": this.selectOption("op_sys", cmdParams); break; case "severity": this.selectOption("bug_severity", cmdParams); break; case "target": this.selectOption("target_milestone", cmdParams); break; case "addKeyword": this.addStuffToTextBox("keywords",cmdParams); break; case "removeKeyword": this.removeStuffFromTextBox("keywords", cmdParams); break; case "addWhiteboard": this.addStuffToTextBox("status_whiteboard",cmdParams); break; case "removeWhiteboard": this.removeStuffFromTextBox("status_whiteboard",cmdParams); break; case "assignee": this.changeAssignee(cmdParams); break; case "qacontact": this.clickMouse("bz_qa_contact_edit_action"); this.doc.getElementById("qa_contact").value = cmdParams; break; case "url": this.clickMouse("bz_url_edit_action"); this.doc.getElementById("bug_file_loc").value = cmdParams; break; // TODO dependson/blocked doesn't work. Find out why. case "addDependsOn": this.clickMouse("dependson_edit_action"); this.addStuffToTextBox("dependson", cmdParams); break; case "removeDependsOn": this.clickMouse("dependson_edit_action"); this.removeStuffFromTextBox("dependson", cmdParams); break; case "addBlocks": this.clickMouse("blocked_edit_action"); this.addStuffToTextBox("blocked", cmdParams); break; case "removeBlocks": this.clickMouse("blocked_edit_action"); this.removeStuffFromTextBox("blocked", cmdParams) break; case "comment": this.addStuffToTextBox("comment", cmdParams); break; case "commentIdx": let commentText = this.commentStrings[cmdParams]; this.addStuffToTextBox("comment", commentText); break; case "setNeedinfo": // cmdParams are actually ignored for now; we may in future // distinguish different actors to be target of needinfo this.setNeedinfoReporter(); break; case "addCC": this.addToCCList(cmdParams); break; // TODO flags, see also case "commit": if (cmdParams) { // Directly commit the form this.doc.forms.namedItem("changeform").submit(); } break; } }; /** * Take the ID of the package/id combination, and execute it * * @param String combined package + "//" + id combination * Fetches the command object from this.installedPackages and then * goes through all commands contained in it, and calls * this.centralCommandDispatch to execute them. */ BZPage.prototype.executeCommand = function(cmd) { let [pkg, id] = cmd.split("//"); let commentObj = this.packages[pkg][id]; for (let key in commentObj) { this.centralCommandDispatch(key,commentObj[key]); } }; /** * Add XGL to the CC list * * @param evt Event which made this function active * @return none */ BZPage.prototype.changeAssignee = function(newAssignee) { let defAssigneeButton = null; this.addToCCList(this.owner); if (newAssignee === null) { this.doc.getElementById("set_default_assignee").removeAttribute( "checked"); return ; } if (this.getDefaultAssignee) { if (newAssignee == "default") { let defAss = this.getDefaultAssignee(); if (defAss) { newAssignee = defAss; } else { return ; } } } if (newAssignee) { this.clickMouse("bz_assignee_edit_action"); this.doc.getElementById("assigned_to").value = newAssignee; this.doc.getElementById("set_default_assignee").checked = false; if (defAssigneeButton = this.doc .getElementById("setDefaultAssignee_btn")) { defAssigneeButton.style.display = "none"; } } }; /** * Adds new option to the 'comment_action' scroll down box * * @param pkg String package name * @param cmd String with the name of the command * If the 'comment_action' scroll down box doesn't exist, this * function will set up new one. */ BZPage.prototype.addToCommentsDropdown = function(pkg, cmd) { let select = this.doc.getElementById("comment_action"); if (!select) { let that = this; this.doc.getElementById("comments").innerHTML += "
" + " " + " element with given id. * * Also execute change HTMLEvent, so that the form behaves accordingly. * * @param id * @param label * @return none * * FIXME bugzilla-comments version has this signature: * selectOption = function selectOption(select, value) { let doc = select[0].ownerDocument; select.val(value); */ BZPage.prototype.selectOption = function(id, label) { let sel = this.doc.getElementById(id); sel.value = label; let intEvent = this.doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); intEvent.initEvent("change", true, true); sel.dispatchEvent(intEvent); }; /** * Send mouse click to the specified element * * @param String ID of the element to send mouseclick to * @return None */ BZPage.prototype.clickMouse = function(targetID) { let localEvent = this.doc.createEvent("MouseEvents"); localEvent.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, this.doc.defaultView, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); this.doc.getElementById(targetID).dispatchEvent(localEvent); }; /** * Add object to the text box (comment box or status whiteboard) * * @param id String with the id of the element * @param stuff String/Array to be added to the comment box * * @return none */ BZPage.prototype.addStuffToTextBox = function(id, stuff) { let textBox = this.doc.getElementById(id); if (textBox.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") { stuff = textBox.value ? "\n\n" + stuff : stuff; textBox.value += stuff; } else { textBox.value = util.addCSVValue(textBox.value,stuff); } }; /** * Remove a keyword from the element if it is there * * @param id String with the id of the element * @param stuff String/Array with keyword(s) to be removed */ BZPage.prototype.removeStuffFromTextBox = function(id, stuff) { let changedElement = this.getElementById(id); changedElement.value = util.removeCSVValue(changedElement.value,stuff); } /** * generalized hasKeyword ... search in the value of the box with given id * * @param id String with ID of the element we want to check * @param str String to be searched for * @return Boolean found? */ BZPage.prototype.idContainsWord = function(id, str) { try { var kwd = this.doc.getElementById(id).value; } catch (e) { // For those who don't have particular element at all or if it is empty return false; } return (kwd.trim().indexOf(str) != -1); }; /** * Check for the presence of a keyword * * @param str String with the keyword * @return Boolean */ BZPage.prototype.hasKeyword = function(str) { return (this.idContainsWord('keywords', str)); }; /** * */ BZPage.prototype.getOptionValue = function(id) { // Some special bugs don't have version for example let element = this.doc.getElementById(id); if (element) { return element.value; } else { console.log("Failed to find element with id = " + id); return "#NA"; } }; /** * Set the bug to NEEDINFO state * * Working function. * @return none * @todo TODO we may extend this to general setNeedinfo function * with parameter [reporter|assignee|general-email-address] */ BZPage.prototype.setNeedinfoReporter = function() { this.clickMouse("needinfo"); this.selectOption("needinfo_role", "reporter"); }; /** * */ BZPage.prototype.getOwner = function() { let priorityParent = this.doc.querySelector("label[for~='target_milestone']") .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; let assigneeAElement = priorityParent.querySelector("tr:nth-of-type(1) a.email"); let assgineeHref = decodeURI(assigneeAElement.getAttribute("href")); let email = assgineeHref.split(":")[1]; return email; }; /** * Get login of the currently logged-in user. * * @return String with the login name of the currently logged-in user */ BZPage.prototype.getLogin = function () { let lastLIElement = this.doc.querySelector("#header ul.links li:last-of-type"); let loginArr = lastLIElement.textContent.split("\n"); let loginStr = loginArr[loginArr.length - 1].trim(); return loginStr; }; /** * Return maintainer which is per default by bugzilla * (which is not necessarily the one who is default maintainer per component) * * @return String with the maintainer's email address */ BZPage.prototype.getDefaultBugzillaMaintainer = function(component) { let address = util.filterByRegexp(this.defBugzillaMaintainerArr, component); return address; } /** * collect the list of attachments in a structured format * * @return Array of arrays, one for each attachments; * each record has string name of the attachment, integer its id number, * string of MIME type, integer of size in kilobytes, and the whole * element itself */ BZPage.prototype.getAttachments = function() { let outAtts = []; let atts = this.doc.getElementById("attachment_table") .getElementsByTagName("tr"); for ( let i = 1, ii = atts.length - 1; i < ii; i++) { outAtts.push(this.parseAttachmentLine(atts[i])); } return outAtts; }; /** * returns password from the current storage, or if there isn't * one, then it will ask user for it. * * @return String with the password */ BZPage.prototype.getPassword = function() { if (jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword) { return jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword; } else { let prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService); let password = { value : "" }; // default the password to pass let check = { value : true }; // default the checkbox to true let result = prompts.promptPassword(null, "Title", "Enter password:", password, null, check); // result is true if OK was pressed, false if cancel was pressed. // password.value is // set if OK was pressed. The checkbox is not displayed. if (result) { let passwordText = password.value; jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword = passwordText; jetpack.storage.simple.sync(); return passwordText; } } return null; }; /** * */ BZPage.prototype.setUpLogging = function() { // For adding additional buttons to the top toolbar let additionalButtons = this.doc.querySelector("#bugzilla-body *.related_actions"); let that = this; // logging all submits for timesheet // FIXME we should merge in functionality of RHBugzillaPage.submitCallback // and actually make it working // Maybe rewriting whole offline capability into a separate object? if (!this.submitHandlerInstalled) { console.log("Installing submit callback!"); this.doc.forms.namedItem("changeform").addEventListener("submit",function (evt) { console.log("Submit callback!"); let resp = that.log.addLogRecord(that); console.log("resp = " + resp); if (resp === null) { console.log("Avoiding submitting!"); // FIXME doesn't work ... still submitting' evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); } }, false); this.submitHandlerInstalled = true; } let generateTimeSheetUI = this.doc.createElement("li"); generateTimeSheetUI.innerHTML = "\u00A0-\u00A0" + "Generate timesheet"; additionalButtons.appendChild(generateTimeSheetUI); this.doc.getElementById("generateTSButton").addEventListener( "click", function(evt) { that.log.createBlankPage.call(that.log, "TimeSheet", that.log.generateTimeSheet); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }, false); let clearLogsUI = this.doc.createElement("li"); clearLogsUI.innerHTML = "\u00A0-\u00A0" + "Clear logs"; additionalButtons.appendChild(clearLogsUI); let clearLogAElem = this.doc.getElementById("clearLogs"); clearLogAElem.addEventListener("click", function() { that.log.store = {}; jetpack.storage.simple.sync(); this.style.color = that.log.EmptyLogsColor; this.style.fontWeight = "normal"; console.log("this.store wiped out!"); }, false); if (!this.log.store) { console.log("No this.store defined!"); this.log.store = {}; } if (this.log.store.length > 0) { clearLogAElem.style.color = this.log.FullLogsColor; clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "bolder"; } else { clearLogAElem.style.color = this.log.EmptyLogsColor; clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "normal"; } }; /** * adds a person to the CC list, if it isn't already there * * @param who String with email address or "self" if the current user * of the bugzilla should be added */ BZPage.prototype.addToCCList = function(who) { if (!who) { return ; } if (who == "self") { this.doc.getElementById("addselfcc").checked = true; } else { this.clickMouse("cc_edit_area_showhide"); if (!util.isInList(who, this.CCList)) { this.addStuffToTextBox("newcc",who); } } }; /** * a collect a list of emails on CC list * * @return Array with email addresses as Strings. */ BZPage.prototype.getCCList = function() { let CCListSelect = this.doc.getElementById("cc"); outCCList = []; if (CCListSelect) { outCCList = Array.map(CCListSelect.options, function(item) { return item.value; }); } return outCCList; };