{ "commentPackages": { "mozilla": { "safe-mode": { "name": "Safe Mode Question", "position": "dropDown", "comment": "Have you tried safe mode? (see https://support.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode for more information)" }, "extension-issue": { "name": "Response: Invalid due to extension issue", "position": "dropDown", "comment": "Sorry, your issue is to do with an extension and we are unable to support it here. Please raise the issue direct with the extension author or on their site.\u000a\u000aYou may find details of how to do this here:\u000a\u000a******* INSERT LINK TO EXTENSION SITE *******", "status": "RESOLVED", "resolution": "INVALID" }, "ask-flag-status-20": { "name": "Asking for status-2.0", "position": "dropDown", "comment": "Asking for status-2.0 flag approval", "askFlag": "status2.0" }, "profile-location": { "name": "Profile Location text and link", "position": "dropDown", "comment": "To locate your profile, see this page for more information: https://support.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/kb/Profiles" }, "no-response": { "name": "INCOMPLETE (No Response from Reporter)", "position": "dropDown", "comment": "No response for a while now, closing INCOMPLETE. Please reopen if you can reproduce or answer any unanswered questions.", "status": "RESOLVED", "resolution": "INCOMPLETE" } }, "thunderbird": {}, "calendar": { "console-log": { "name": "Calendar Console Log", "position": "dropDown", "commentIdx": "consoleLogStr" }, "prepare-checkin": { "name": "prepare for checkin", "position": "dropDown", "target": "1.0b2", "removeKeyword": "checkin-needed", "status": "RESOLVED", "resolution": "FIXED", "comment": "Pushed to comm-central \u000a\u000a-> FIXED" }, "what-version": { "name": "Using what version?", "position": "dropDown", "comment": "Please tell us what version you are using:\u000a\u000a* Thunderbird\u000a* Lightning\u000a* Provider for Google Calendar" }, "retest-nightly": { "name": "Retest with nightly", "position": "dropDown", "comment": "Does this still happen with the latest 1.0b2pre nightlies?" }, "extension-fodder": { "name": "Extension Fodder", "position": "dropDown", "addWhiteboard": "extension fodder", "prefixSummary": "[extension fodder]", "status": "RESOLVED", "resolution": "WONTFIX", "comment": "This sounds like a good idea, but I think it makes more sense as an extension. Marking WONTFIX for core calendar." } } }, "commentStrings": { "consoleLogStr": "Please enable calendar.debug.log and calendar.debug.log.verbose in the advanced config editor (Options > Advanced > General > Config Editor) and check your error console for messages." }, "configData": { "parseAbrtBacktraces": true, "verboseInlineHistory": true, "submitsLogging": false, "suspiciousComponents": [], "enabledPackages": { "bugzilla.mozilla.org": "all" }, "downloadJSON": [], "objectStyle": "MoFo", "matches": [ "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi.*", "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi.*" ], "signature": "" }, "constantData": {} }