// Released under the MIT/X11 license // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // For identification of graphics card var manuChipStrs = [ [ "ATI Radeon", "ATI", "1002" ], [ "ATI Mobility Radeon", "ATI", "1002" ], [ "Intel Corporation", "INTEL", "8086" ], [ "NVIDIA", "NV", "10de" ] ]; // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space // when only the value of S is changed // stupido!!! the string is value in hex for each color var RHColor = new Color(158, 41, 43); // RGB 158, 41, 43; HSL 359, 1, 39 var FedoraColor = new Color(0, 40, 103); // RGB 0, 40, 103; HSL 359, 1, 39 var RawhideColor = new Color(0, 119, 0); // or "green", or RGB 0, 119, 0, or // HSL // 120, 0, 23 var RHITColor = new Color(102, 0, 102); // RGB 102, 0, 102; HSL 300, 0, 20 // [ 126.386] (--) NOUVEAU(0): Chipset: "NVIDIA NVaf" var logAnalyzeLogic = { "AnalyzeInterestingLine": { /* [ 126.378] (--) PCI:*(0:4:0:0) 10de:08a0:106b:00c2 rev 162, Mem @ 0xd2000000/16777216, \ 0xc0000000/268435456, 0xd0000000/33554432, I/O @ 0x00001000/128, BIOS @ 0x????????/131072 */ re: [ "^(\\[[ .0-9]+\\])?\\s*\\(--\\) PCI:\\*\\([0-9:]+\\)\\s*" + "([0-9a-f:]+).*$", "^\\s*\\[?[ 0-9.]*\\]?\\s*\\(--\\) "+ "([A-Za-z]+)\\([0-9]?\\): Chipset: (.*)$", ], func: chipsetMagic }, /* [ 126.385] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa [ 126.385] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev [ 126.386] (--) NOUVEAU(0): Chipset: "NVIDIA NVaf" Backtrace: [ 33.158] Kernel command line: ro root=LABEL=root rd_NO_LUKS rd_NO_LVM rd_NO_MD rd_NO_DM LANG=en_US.UTF-8 SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 KEYTABLE=us drm.debug=0x04 */ "AnalyzeXorgLogBacktrace": { re: "^\\s*(\\[[0-9 .]*\\])?\\s*(\\((EE|WW)\\)|.* [cC]hipset:.*)|\\s*(Backtrace|Kernel command line)", func: analyzeXorg } }; var ProfessionalProducts = [ "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", "Red Hat Enterprise MRG" ]; // END OF CONSTANTS var btSnippet = null; function RHOnMessageHandler(msg) { switch (msg.cmd) { case "Error": alert("Error " + msg.data); break; case "Unhandled": break; case "AddAttachmentCallback": addAttachmentCallback(msg.data); break; case "FixAttachmentMIMECallback": XMLRPCcallback(); break; case "AnalyzeInterestingLine": case "AnalyzeXorgLogBacktrace": findInterestingLine(msg.data, msg.cmd); break; case "queryUpstream": queryUpstreamCallback(msg.data, constantData.queryUpstreamBug); break; default: console.error("Error: unknown RPC call " + msg.toSource()); break; } } // RHBugzillaPage object /** * Auxiliary function to compute more complicated resolution */ function closeSomeRelease() { // for RAWHIDE close as RAWHIDE, // if active selection -> CURRENTRELEASE // and put the release version to // "Fixed in Version" textbox // otherwise -> NEXTRELEASE selectOption("bug_status", "CLOSED"); var text = getSelection(); var resolution = ""; if (text.length > 0) { resolution = "CURRENTRELEASE"; document.getElementById("cf_fixed_in").value = text; } else if (document.getElementById("version").value === "rawhide") { resolution = "RAWHIDE"; } else { resolution = "NEXTRELEASE"; } centralCommandDispatch("resolution", resolution); } /** * Additional commands specific for this subclass, overriding superclass one. */ function RHcentralCommandDispatch(cmdLabel, cmdParams) { switch (cmdLabel) { // Set up our own commands case "closeUpstream": addClosingUpstream(); break; case "computeResolution": closeSomeRelease(); break; case "queryStringUpstreamBugzilla": queryUpstream(constantData.queryUpstreamBug); break; case "sendBugUpstream": sendBugUpstream(); break; case "markTriaged": markBugTriaged(); break; case "chipMagic": fillInWhiteBoard(cmdParams); break; // If we don't have it here, call superclass method default: console.error("Unknown command:\n" + cmdLabel + "\nparameters:\n" + cmdParams); break; } } /** * Make it sailent that the some attachments with bad MIME type are present * * @param atts Array of attachments subarrays * @return none */ function markBadAttachments(atts) { var badMIMEArray = [ "application/octet-stream", "text/x-log", "undefined" ]; if (!constantData.passwordState.passAvailable) { console.log("markBadAttachments : No password, no XML-RPC calls; sorry"); return null; } var badAttachments = atts.filter(function(att) { return (isInList(att[2], badMIMEArray)); }); if (badAttachments.length > 0) { var titleElement = document. getElementsByClassName("bz_alias_short_desc_container")[0]; titleElement.style.backgroundColor = "olive"; createDeadLink("fixAllButton", "Fix all", titleElement, function() { Array.forEach(badAttachments, function(x) { fixAttachById(x[1], constantData.XMLRPCData[window.location.hostname].url); }); }, [], false, null, "f"); badAttachments.forEach(function(x, i, a) { addTextLink(x, constantData.XMLRPCData[window.location.hostname].url); }); } } /** * Open a tab in the upstream bugzilla to create a new bug * * @return none */ function sendBugUpstream() { var urlStr = filterByRegexp(constantData.newUpstreamBug, getComponent()); if (!urlStr) { return null; } postMessage(new Message("OpenBugUpstream", { url: urlStr, subject: document.getElementById("short_desc_nonedit_display"). textContent.trim(), comment: collectComments() })); } /** * Add a link opening selected lines of Xorg.0.log * * @return none */ function addCheckXorgLogLink(attList) { if (config.xorglogAnalysis) { attList.forEach(function (row) { var elemS = row[4].getElementsByTagName("td"); var elem = elemS[elemS.length - 1]; createDeadLink("xorgLogAnalyzeLink", "check", elem, analyzeXorgLog, [row[1], "AnalyzeXorgLogBacktrace"], "br"); }); } } /** * Given line to be parsed, find out which chipset it is and fill in the * whiteboard * * @param PCIidArrObj object with two fields * id Array manufacturer-ID and product-ID (PCI IDs) * chipsetLine RE * @param driverStr String with the driver name * @return None */ function fillInWhiteBoard(PCIidArrObj) { var outStr = ""; var cardIDStr = ""; var cardIDArr = []; var cardName = ""; var PCIid = (PCIidArrObj.id[0] + "," + PCIidArrObj.id[1]).toUpperCase(); if (PCIidArrObj.id[0].toLowerCase() == "10de") { cardName = PCIidArrObj.chipsetLine[2].replace(/\s*nvidia\s*/ig,""). replace('"','','g'); } else { try { cardName = constantData.chipNames[PCIid][0]; } catch (e if e instanceof TypeError) { PCIid = PCIid.toLowerCase().replace(",",":"); postMessage(new Message("SetClipboard", PCIid.toString())); alert("PCI ID " + PCIid + " is not known!"); return ; // early termination } catch (e) { throw e; } } clickMouse("editme_action"); var titleElem = document.getElementById('short_desc'); titleElem.value = '[' + cardName + ']\u00A0' + titleElem.value; document.getElementById("fillin_btn").style.display = "none"; } /** * Get attached Xorg.0.log, parse it and find the value of chip. Does not fill * the whiteboard itself, just adds button to do so,paramList so that slow * XMLHttpRequest is done in advance. * * @param log array of XorgLogAttList * @return None */ function fillInChipMagic(XlogID) { analyzeXorgLog(XlogID, "AnalyzeInterestingLine"); } function chipsetMagic (interestingLineArr) { // parse Xorg.0.log if (interestingLineArr.length >0) { var interestingArray = interestingLineArr[0]; if (interestingArray.length > 1) { var interestingPCIID = interestingArray[2].trim().split(":"); createNewButton("short_desc_nonedit_display", false, { "name": "Fill In", "chipMagic": { "id": interestingPCIID, "chipsetLine": interestingLineArr[1] }, }); } } } function analyzeXorg(results) { var innerString = ""; if (results.length > 0) { results.splice(0, 1); // remove headers results.sort(); results.forEach(function(lRE) { innerString += lRE.input + "
\n"; }); innerString += "----------
\n" + results.length + " interesting lines found."; } else { innerString += "No matching lines found!"; } postMessage(new Message("OpenStringInPanel", '' + "Xorg.0.log analysis
\n" +
    innerString.trim() +
")); } function analyzeXorgLog(attachID, backMsg) { postMessage(new Message("GetURL", { url: "https://" + window.location.hostname + "/attachment.cgi?id=" + attachID, backMessage: backMsg })); } function findInterestingLine(wholeLog, backMsg) { var REstr = logAnalyzeLogic[backMsg].re; var REarr = []; if (typeof REstr == "string") { REarr = [new RegExp(REstr)]; } else if (Array.isArray(REstr)) { REarr = REstr.map(function (reone) { return new RegExp(reone); }); } var results = []; wholeLog.split("\n"). forEach(function(line) { REarr.forEach(function (re, reIdx) { if (re.test(line)) { results.push(re.exec(line)); } }); }); logAnalyzeLogic[backMsg].func(results); } /** * Add information about the upstream bug upstream, and closing it. * * @param evt Event which called this handler * @return none */ function addClosingUpstream() { var refs = document.getElementById("external_bugs_table") .getElementsByTagName("tr"); // that's a bad id, if there is a one. :) var inputBox = document.getElementById("inputbox"); var externalBugID = 0; var wholeURL = ""; // Fix missing ID on the external_id SELECT document.getElementsByName("external_id")[0].setAttribute("id", "external_id"); if (inputBox.value.match(/^http.*/)) { externalBugID = getBugNoFromURL(inputBox.value); if (externalBugID) { inputBox.value = externalBugID; } // get bugzillaName and set the label var bugzillaName = getBugzillaName(wholeURL.host, constantData.bugzillaLabelNames); selectOptionByLabel("external_id", bugzillaName); } else if (!isNaN(inputBox.value)) { externalBugID = parseInt(inputBox.value, 10); var bugzillaHostname = document.getElementById("external_id").value; wholeURL = bugzillaHostname+"show_bug.cgi?id="+externalBugID; } else { // no inputBox.value -- maybe there is an external bug from // the previous commit? } // It is not good to close bug as UPSTREAM, if there is no reference // to the upstream bug. if ((externalBugID > 0) || (refs.length > 2)) { var msgStr = constantData.commentStrings.sentUpstreamString; msgStr = msgStr.replace("ยงยงยง", wholeURL); centralCommandDispatch("comment",msgStr); centralCommandDispatch("status", "CLOSED"); centralCommandDispatch("resolution", "UPSTREAM"); } else { console.log("No external bug specified among the External References!"); } } /** * */ function parseBacktrace (ret) { var signalHandler = new RegExp("^\\s*#[0-9]*\\s*"); var frameNo = new RegExp("^\\s*#([0-9]*)\\s"); var splitArray = ret.split("\n"); var i = 0, ii = splitArray.length; var outStr = "", curLine = "", numStr = ""; var lineCounter = 0, endLineNo = 0; // TODO shouldn't we just cut off and analyze whole thread? while (i < ii) { if (signalHandler.test(splitArray[i])) { break; } i++; } if (i < ii) { lineCounter = parseInt(frameNo.exec(splitArray[i])[1], 10); endLineNo = lineCounter + NumberOfFrames; curLine = splitArray[i]; while ((lineCounter < endLineNo) && (curLine.trim().length > 0) && (i < ii)) { outStr += curLine + '\n'; numStr = frameNo.exec(curLine); if (numStr) { lineCounter = parseInt(numStr[1], 10); } i++; curLine = splitArray[i]; } return outStr; } return ""; } function RHBZinit() { // inheritance ... call superobject's constructor var AbrtRE = new RegExp("^\\s*\\[abrt\\]"); var btSnippet = ""; var chipMagicInterestingLine = ""; // getBadAttachments var XorgLogAttList = []; var XorgLogAttListIndex = 0; var attachments = getAttachments(); markBadAttachments(attachments); var parsedAttachments = attachments.filter(function (att) { return (new RegExp(titleParsedAttachment).test(att[0])); }); if (constantData.defaultAssignee) { setDefaultAssignee(); } // Dig out backtrace protection against double-firing? btSnippet = ""; var parseAbrtBacktraces = config.parseAbrtBacktraces; if (parseAbrtBacktraces && AbrtRE.test(getSummary())) { pasteBacktraceInComments(parsedAttachments); } // Find out Xorg.0.log attachment URL XorgLogAttList = attachments.filter(function (value) { // Xorg.0.log must be text, otherwise we cannot parse it return (/[xX].*log/.test(value[0]) && /text/.test(value[2])); }); // Just add a link to every Xorg.0.log link analyzing it. addCheckXorgLogLink(XorgLogAttList); setBranding(XorgLogAttList); // Uncheck "set default assignee" when the assignee is changed by other means document.getElementById("assigned_to").addEventListener("change", function() { changeAssignee(null); }, false); }