// Released under the MIT/X11 license // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php "use strict"; function Comment(comment) { var nameSpan = comment.querySelector(".bz_comment_user a.email"); var timeSpan = comment.getElementsByClassName("bz_comment_time")[0]; this.author = parseMailto(nameSpan).trim(); this.element = comment; this.date = parseBZCommentDate(timeSpan.textContent.trim()); this.timeSpan = timeSpan; } Comment.prototype.getText = function getText() { return this.element.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].textContent.trim(); } function CommentList(doc) { var commentElems = document.getElementById("comments"). getElementsByClassName("bz_comment"); var comments = {}; Array.forEach(commentElems, function(item) { var com = new Comment(item); if (com.element) { comments[ISODateString(com.date)] = com; } }); this.comments = comments; } /** * Set background color of all comments made by reporter in ReporterColor color * */ CommentList.prototype.colorComments = function colorComments() { var reporter = getReporter(); var com = null; for (var idx in this.comments) { com = this.comments[idx]; if (com.author === reporter) { com.element.style.backgroundColor = ReporterColor.toString(); } } } CommentList.prototype.getAllCommentsText = function getAllCommentsText() { var outStr = ""; for (var idx in this.comments) { outStr += this.comments[idx].getText() + "\n"; } return outStr; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- /** * Parse the row with the attachment and create new Attachment object * * @param DOM * element to be parsed * * TODO error handling is missing ... it's bleee * * [ attName, id, MIMEtype, size, inElem ]; */ function Attachment(inElem) { // Skip over obsolete attachments if (inElem.getElementsByClassName("bz_obsolete").length > 0) { return; // FIXME how NOT to create an object? } // getting name of the attachment this.name = inElem.getElementsByTagName("b")[0].textContent.trim(); // TODO probably could use url.URL object var aHrefsArr = inElem.getElementsByTagName("a"); var aHref = Array.filter(aHrefsArr, function(x) { return x.textContent.trim() === "Details"; })[0]; this.id = parseURL(aHref.getAttribute("href")).params.id; // getting MIME type and size var stringArray = inElem.getElementsByClassName("bz_attach_extra_info")[0]. textContent.replace(/[\n ()]+/g, " ").trim().split(", "); this.size = parseInt(stringArray[0], 10); this.mimeType = stringArray[1].split(" ")[0]; this.element = inElem; }; Attachment.prototype.isBadMIME = function isBadMIME() { var badMIMEArray = [ "application/octet-stream", "text/x-log", "undefined" ]; return isInList(this.mimeType, badMIMEArray); }; Attachment.prototype.checkXorgLink = function checkXorgLink() { var elemS = this.element.getElementsByTagName("td"); var elem = elemS[elemS.length - 1]; createDeadLink("xorgLogAnalyzeLink", "check", elem, analyzeXorgLog, [this.id, "AnalyzeXorgLogBacktrace"], "br"); }; Attachment.prototype.isParsed = function isParsed() { var titleParsedAttachment = "Part of the thread where crash happened"; return (new RegExp(titleParsedAttachment).test(this.name)); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AttachList(doc) { this.attachments = []; var attach = {}; var attElements = doc.getElementById("attachment_table"). getElementsByTagName("tr"); // FIXME change into list of objects and both comments and // attachments (and something else?) should be properties of one // huge object for ( var i = 1, ii = attElements.length - 1; i < ii; i++) { attach = new Attachment(attElements[i]); if (attach.id) { this.attachments.push(attach); } } } AttachList.prototype.getBadAttachments = function getBadAttachments() { return this.attachments.filter(function(att) { return (att.isBadMIME()); }); } /** * Add a link opening selected lines of Xorg.0.log */ AttachList.prototype.addCheckXorgLogLink = function addCheckXorgLogLink() { if (config.XorgLogAnalysis) { this.getXorgList(). forEach(function (att) { att.checkXorgLink(); }); } } /** * Make it sailent that the some attachments with bad MIME type are present * * @param atts * Array of attachments subarrays * @return none */ AttachList.prototype.markBadAttachments = function markBadAttachments() { if (!constantData.passwordState.passAvailable) { console.log("markBadAttachments : No password, no XML-RPC calls; sorry"); return null; } var badAttachments = this.getBadAttachments(); if (badAttachments.length > 0) { var titleElement = document. getElementsByClassName("bz_alias_short_desc_container")[0]; titleElement.style.backgroundColor = "olive"; createDeadLink("fixAllButton", "Fix all", titleElement, function() { Array.forEach(badAttachments, function(x) { fixAttachById(x.id, constantData.XMLRPCData[window.location.hostname].url); }); }, [], false, null, "f"); badAttachments.forEach(function(x, i, a) { addTextLink(x, constantData.XMLRPCData[window.location.hostname].url); }); } }; AttachList.prototype.getParsedAttachments = function getParsedAttachments() { return this.attachments.filter(function (att) { return (att.isParsed()); }); }; AttachList.prototype.getXorgList = function getXorgList() { return this.attachments.filter(function (value) { // Xorg.0.log must be text, otherwise we cannot parse it return (/[xX].*log/.test(value.name) && /text/.test(value.mimeType)); }); }; AttachList.prototype.forEach = function forEach(fce) { this.attachments.forEach(fce); };