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+ <h2>util.js</h2>
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+<!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
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+ <pre class="sourceview"><span class="comment">/*global exports: false, require: false, Cc: false, Ci: false, console: false */</span>
+<span class="comment">/*jslint onevar: false */</span>
+<span class="comment">// Released under the MIT/X11 license</span>
+<span class="comment">// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</span>
+<span class="literal">"use strict"</span>;
+<span class="comment">// ==============================================================</span>
+var xhrMod = require(<span class="literal">"xhr"</span>);
+var urlMod = require(<span class="literal">"url"</span>);
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Function for the management of the prototypal inheritace
+ * David Flanagan, Javascript: The Definitve Guide,
+ * IV. edition, O'Reilly, 2006, p. 168
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> superobject
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> new object, it needs new prototype.constructor
+ *
+ * &lt;pre&gt;
+ * function Father(x) {
+ * this.family = x;
+ * }
+ *
+ * function Son(x,w) {
+ * Father.call(this,x);
+ * this.wife = w;
+ * }
+ * Son.prototype = heir(Father);
+ * Son.prototype.constructor = Son;
+ * &lt;/pre&gt;
+ */</span>
+exports.heir = <span class="reserved">function</span> heir(p) {
+ <span class="reserved">function</span> f() {};
+ f.<span class="reserved">prototype</span> = p.<span class="reserved">prototype</span>;
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> new f();
+exports.getBugNo = <span class="reserved">function</span> getBugNo(url) {
+ var re = new RegExp(<span class="literal">".*id=([0-9]+).*$"</span>);
+ var bugNo = null;
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (!url) {
+ throw new Error(<span class="literal">"Missing URL value!"</span>);
+ }
+ var reResult = re.exec(url);
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (reResult[1]) {
+ bugNo = reResult[1];
+ }
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> bugNo;
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Show a system notification with the given message
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> String or Object with a message to be shown in a default
+ * notification or object with properties title, icon, and body
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> None
+ */</span>
+exports.notification = <span class="reserved">function</span> notification(msg) {
+ var body = msg;
+ var title = <span class="literal">"Bugzilla Notification"</span>;
+ var icon = null;
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (typeof(msg) === <span class="literal">"object"</span>) {
+ body = msg.body;
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (<span class="literal">"title"</span> in msg) {
+ title = msg.title;
+ }
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (<span class="literal">"icon"</span> in msg) {
+ icon = msg.icon;
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ var classObj = Cc[<span class="literal">"@mozilla.org/alerts-service;1"</span>];
+ var alertService = classObj.getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService);
+ alertService.showAlertNotification(icon, title, body);
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(<span class="literal">"Unable to display notification:"</span>, msg);
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> false;
+ }
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * format date to be in ISO format (just day part)
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> date
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> string with the formatted date
+ */</span>
+exports.getISODate = <span class="reserved">function</span> getISODate(dateStr) {
+ <span class="reserved">function</span> pad(n) {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> n &lt; 10 ? <span class="literal">'0'</span> + n : n;
+ }
+ var date = new Date(dateStr);
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> date.getFullYear() + <span class="literal">'-'</span> + pad(date.getMonth() + 1) + <span class="literal">'-'</span> +
+ pad(date.getDate());
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Check whether an item is member of the list. Idea is just to make long if
+ * commands slightly more readable.
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> mbr string to be searched in the list
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> list list
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> position of the string in the list, or -1 if none found.
+ */</span>
+var isInList = exports.isInList = <span class="reserved">function</span> isInList(mbr, list) {
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (!list) {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> false;
+ }
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> (list.indexOf(mbr) !== -1);
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Make sure value returned is Array
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> Array/String
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> Array
+ *
+ * If something else than Array or String is passed to the function
+ * the result will be untouched actual argument of the call.
+ */</span>
+var valToArray = exports.valToArray = <span class="reserved">function</span> valToArray(val) {
+ var isArr = val &amp;&amp;
+ val.constructor &amp;&amp;
+ val.constructor.name === <span class="literal">"Array"</span>;
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> isArr ? val : [val];
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Merges two comma separated string as a list and returns new string
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> str String with old values
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> value String/Array with other values
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> String with merged lists
+ */</span>
+exports.addCSVValue = <span class="reserved">function</span> addCSVValue(str, value) {
+ var parts = (str.trim().length &gt; 0 ? str.split(/,\s*/) : []);
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (!value) {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> str;
+ }
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (!isInList(value, parts)) {
+ var newValue = valToArray(value);
+ parts = parts.concat(newValue);
+ }
+ <span class="comment">// this is necessary to get comma-space separated string even when</span>
+ <span class="comment">// value is an array already</span>
+ parts = parts.join(<span class="literal">","</span>).split(<span class="literal">","</span>);
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> parts.join(<span class="literal">", "</span>);
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Treats comma separated string as a list and removes one item from it
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> str String treated as a list
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> value String with the value to be removed from str
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> String with the resulting list comma separated
+ */</span>
+exports.removeCSVValue = <span class="reserved">function</span> removeCSVValue(str, value) {
+ str = str.trim();
+ var parts = str ? str.split(/,\s*/) : [];
+ var valueArr = value instanceof Array ? value : value.split(/,\s*/);
+ parts = parts.filter(<span class="reserved">function</span> (e, i, a) {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> (!isInList(e, valueArr));
+ });
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> parts.join(<span class="literal">", "</span>);
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * select element of the array where regexp in the first element matches second
+ * parameter of this function
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> list Array with regexps and return values
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> chosingMark String by which the element of array is to be matched
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> Object chosen element
+ */</span>
+var filterByRegexp = exports.filterByRegexp =
+ <span class="reserved">function</span> filterByRegexp(list, chosingMark) {
+ var chosenPair = [];
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (list.length &gt; 0) {
+ chosenPair = list.filter(<span class="reserved">function</span> (pair) {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> new RegExp(pair.regexp, <span class="literal">"i"</span>).test(chosingMark);
+ });
+ }
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (chosenPair.length &gt; 0) {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> chosenPair[0].addr;
+ } <span class="reserved">else</span> {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> <span class="literal">""</span>;
+ }
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * returns password with a special password
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> String with the password
+ */</span>
+var getPassword = exports.getPassword = <span class="reserved">function</span> getPassword() {
+ var prompts = Cc[<span class="literal">"@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"</span>]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIPromptService);
+ var password = {
+ value : <span class="literal">""</span>
+ }; <span class="comment">// default the password to pass</span>
+ var check = {
+ value : true
+ }; <span class="comment">// default the checkbox to true</span>
+ var result = prompts.promptPassword(null, <span class="literal">"Title"</span>, <span class="literal">"Enter password:"</span>,
+ password, null, check);
+ <span class="comment">// result is true if OK was pressed, false if cancel was pressed.</span>
+ <span class="comment">// password.value is set if OK was pressed.</span>
+ <span class="comment">// The checkbox is not displayed.</span>
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (result) {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> password.value ? password.value : null;
+ } <span class="reserved">else</span> {
+ <span class="reserved">return</span> undefined;
+ }
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Load text from URL
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> URL String
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> cb_function Function to be called when the download happens with
+ * the downloaded body of the HTTP message as the only parameter
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> what optional Object argument representing this for this call
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> none
+ */</span>
+var loadText = exports.loadText = <span class="reserved">function</span> loadText(URL, cb_function, what) {
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (what === undefined) { <span class="comment">// missing optional argument</span>
+ what = <span class="reserved">this</span>;
+ }
+ var req = new xhrMod.XMLHttpRequest();
+ req.open(<span class="literal">"GET"</span>, URL, true);
+ req.onreadystatechange = <span class="reserved">function</span> (aEvt) {
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (req.readyState === 4) {
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (req.status === 200) {
+ cb_function.call(what, req.responseText);
+ } <span class="reserved">else</span> {
+ throw <span class="literal">"Getting "</span> + URL + <span class="literal">"failed!"</span>;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ req.send(<span class="literal">""</span>);
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * Load JSON from URL
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> URL String
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> cb_function Function to be called when the download happens with
+ * the downloaded JSON as the only parameter
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> what optional Object argument representing this for this call
+ * <span class="attrib">@return</span> none
+ */</span>
+exports.loadJSON = <span class="reserved">function</span> loadJSON(URL, cb_function, what) {
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (what === undefined) { <span class="comment">// missing optional argument</span>
+ what = <span class="reserved">this</span>;
+ }
+ loadText(URL, <span class="reserved">function</span> (text) {
+ var data = JSON.parse(text);
+ cb_function.call(what, data);
+ }, what);
+<span class="comment">/**
+ * run HTTP POST request
+ *
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> URL String with URL; required
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> data Object/String with data ; required
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> cb_function Function called when the request succeeds, with
+ * the only parameter being request object ; required
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> what Object which will represent this for the cb_function ; optional
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> mimeData String with MIME type of data
+ * <span class="attrib">@param</span> mimeGet String with MIME type expected on return
+ */</span>
+exports.httpPOST = <span class="reserved">function</span> httpPOST(URL, data, cb_function, what, mimeData, mimeGet) {
+ what = what === undefined ? <span class="reserved">this</span> : what;
+ mimeData = mimeData === undefined ? <span class="literal">"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</span> : mimeData;
+ mimeGet = mimeGet === undefined ? <span class="literal">"text/plain"</span> : mimeGet;
+ var req = new xhrMod.XMLHttpRequest();
+ console.log(<span class="literal">"req = "</span> + req.toSource());
+ req.open(<span class="literal">"POST"</span>, URL, true);
+ req.overrideMimeType(mimeGet);
+ req.setRequestHeader(<span class="literal">"Content-type"</span>, mimeData);
+ req.onreadystatechange = <span class="reserved">function</span>(aEvt) {
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (req.readyState === 4) {
+ <span class="reserved">if</span> (req.status === 200) {
+ console.log(<span class="literal">"POST success!"</span>);
+ cb_function.call(what, req);
+ } <span class="reserved">else</span> {
+ console.error(<span class="literal">"POST failed!"</span>);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ req.send(data);
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+<div class="jsdoc_ctime">Documentation generated by <a href="http://jsdoc.sourceforge.net/" target="_parent">JSDoc</a> on Wed Jun 23 09:33:14 2010</div>