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- <h2>offline-support.js</h2>
- No overview generated for 'offline-support.js'<BR/><BR/>
-<!-- ========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
-<!-- ========== END METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
- <pre class="sourceview"><span class="comment">/*jslint onevar: false, browser: true, evil: true, laxbreak: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, maxerr: 1000, immed: false, white: false, plusplus: false, regexp: false, undef: false */</span>
-<span class="comment">/*global jetpack */</span>
-<span class="comment">// Released under the MIT/X11 license</span>
-<span class="comment">// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</span>
-<span class="literal">"use strict"</span>;
-<span class="comment">/* Offline supporting functions */</span>
-<span class="comment">/**
- *
- * <span class="attrib">@todo</span> FIXME this probably makes a closure and a memory leak name='changeform'
- * investigate
- * https://developer.mozilla.org/en/How_to_Turn_Off_Form_Autocompletion
- *
- * &lt;form method="post" action="process_bug.cgi" autocomplete="off"&gt;
- *
- * Reading
- * http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/interact/forms.html#h-17.13
- * random notes: - 17.13.3 provides all steps necessary - enctype !=
- * application/x-www-form-urlencoded =&gt; SHOULD fails (no further questions
- * needed) - http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_8.html#SEC8.2.1. is
- * nice explanation (albeit quite dated) - on multiple values
- * http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/interact/forms.html#h-17.6.1 -
- * příliš jednoduché
- * http://www.innovation.ch/java/HTTPClient/emulating_forms.html -
- */</span>
-RHBugzillaPage.<span class="reserved">prototype</span>.serializeForm = <span class="reserved">function</span>(form) {
- var serialForm = {
- dataOut : <span class="literal">""</span>,
- name : form.name,
- method : form.method,
- acceptCharset : form.acceptCharset,
- action : form.action, <span class="comment">// TODO shouldn't we get a non-relative URL?</span>
- enctype : form.enctype,
- cookie : <span class="reserved">this</span>.doc.cookie,
- autocomplete : form.getAttribute(<span class="literal">"autocomplete"</span>),
- bugNo : <span class="reserved">this</span>.bugNo
- };
- <span class="reserved">function</span> genURIElement(sName, sValue) {
- <span class="reserved">return</span> encodeURIComponent(sName) + <span class="literal">"="</span> + encodeURIComponent(sValue);
- }
- <span class="comment">/**
- * <span class="attrib">@param</span> o
- * control to be serialized
- * <span class="attrib">@return</span> String with the serialized control
- */</span>
- <span class="reserved">function</span> serializeControl(element) {
- var val = element.value;
- <span class="comment">// console.log("val.toSource() = " + val.toSource());</span>
- <span class="comment">/*
- * on HTMLSelectElement we have an attribute 'type' of type DOMString,
- * readonly The type of this form control. This is the string
- * "select-multiple" when the multiple attribute is true and the string
- * "select-one" when false.
- */</span>
- <span class="reserved">if</span> ((val == null) || (val == undefined) || (val == <span class="literal">""</span>)) {
- <span class="reserved">return</span>;
- } <span class="reserved">else</span> <span class="reserved">if</span> (val instanceof Array) {
- <span class="reserved">return</span> val.map(<span class="reserved">function</span>(x) {
- <span class="reserved">return</span> genURIElement(element.name, x.value);
- }).join(<span class="literal">"&amp;"</span>);
- } <span class="reserved">else</span> <span class="reserved">if</span> (val instanceof String) {
- <span class="reserved">return</span> genURIElement(element.name, val);
- } <span class="reserved">else</span> { <span class="comment">// assume HTMLCollection</span>
- <span class="reserved">return</span> Array.map(val, <span class="reserved">function</span>(x) {
- <span class="reserved">return</span> genURIElement(element.name, x.value);
- }).join(<span class="literal">"&amp;"</span>);
- }
- }
- serialForm.dataOut = Array.filter(form.elements,<span class="reserved">function</span>(el) {
- <span class="reserved">return</span> !el.disabled &amp;&amp; el.name &amp;&amp;
- <span class="comment">// FIXME shouldn't I just add &amp;&amp; el.value here?</span>
- (el.checked || /select|textarea/i.test(el.nodeName) ||
- /text|hidden|password|search/i.test(el.type));
- }).map(serializeControl).join(<span class="literal">"&amp;"</span>);
- <span class="reserved">return</span> serialForm;
-<span class="comment">//RHBugzillaPage.prototype.submitCallback = function(evt) {</span>
-<span class="comment">// console.log("Submit Callback!");</span>
-<span class="comment">// if (jetpack.__parent__.navigator.onLine) {</span>
-<span class="comment">// var serForm = this</span>
-<span class="comment">// .serializeForm(jetpack.tabs.focused.contentWindow.document.forms</span>
-<span class="comment">// .namedItem("changeform"));</span>
-<span class="comment">//// console.log("serForm:\n" + serForm.toSource());</span>
-<span class="comment">// } else {</span>
-<span class="comment">// var serForm = this</span>
-<span class="comment">// .serializeForm(jetpack.tabs.focused.contentWindow.document.forms</span>
-<span class="comment">// .namedItem("changeform"));</span>
-<span class="comment">// myStorage.forms[this.bugNo] = serForm;</span>
-<span class="comment">// evt.stopPropagation();</span>
-<span class="comment">// evt.preventDefault();</span>
-<span class="comment">// }</span>
-<span class="comment">//};</span>
-<span class="comment">/**
- *
- *
- * Yes, this is correct, this is NOT method of RHBugzillaPage!
- */</span>
-<span class="comment">/*function onlineCallback() {
- function deserializeAndSend(formData) {
- // FIXME notImplemented
- // is it enough to just
- // run XMLHttpRequest? Probably yes, this is just a form
- // and this is just a HTTP request
- // it is probably better to get already processed
- // application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- // see http://htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/forms/form.html for details
- // and also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/AJAX/Getting_Started
- // what's?
- // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference\
- // /Global_Functions/encodeURI &amp; co.
- // this seems to be also interesting
- // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Code_snippets/Post_data_to_window
- console.error("Sending bugs not implemented yet!");
- return ""; // FIXME check other HTTP headers to be set
- var bugID = formData.bugNo;
- var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- req.open("POST", formData.action, true);
- // FIXME co očekávám za odpověď? req.overrideMimeType("text/xml");
- // * Accept-Encoding
- // * Accept-Language
- // * Accept (MIME types)
- req.setRequestHeader("Connection", "keep-alive");
- req.setRequestHeader("Keep-Alive", 300);
- req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", formData.enctype);
- req.setRequestHeader("Referer", bugURL + bugID);
- req.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", formData.acceptCharset);
- req.setRequestHeader("Cookie", formData.cookie);
- req.onreadystatechange = function(aEvt) {
- if (req.readyState == 4) {
- if (req.status == 200) {
- console.log("Sent form for bug " + bugID);
- delete myStorage.forms[bugID];
- } else {
- console.error("Sending form for bug " + bugID + "failed!");
- }
- }
- };
- req.send(formData.data);
- }
- if (myStorage.forms.length &gt; 0) {
- myStorage.forms.forEach(function(x) {
- deserializeAndSend(x);
- });
- }
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-<div class="jsdoc_ctime">Documentation generated by <a href="http://jsdoc.sourceforge.net/" target="_parent">JSDoc</a> on Wed Jun 23 09:33:14 2010</div>