path: root/data/rhlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/rhlib')
2 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/rhlib/addAttachmentRow.js b/data/rhlib/addAttachmentRow.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63babcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/rhlib/addAttachmentRow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+//Released under the MIT/X11 license
+"use strict";
+//FIXME resp is JSON, not XML anymore
+function addAttachmentCallback(resp) {
+ var newAttachID = parseInt(
+ resp.params.param.value.array.data.value.int, 10);
+ console.log("attachID = " + newAttachID);
+ // FIXME callback.call(param, newAttachID, data.length);
+ *
+ * This has to stay in RHBugzillaPage because upstream doesn't have
+ * addAttachment XML-RPC call yet.
+ *
+ Params: $params = {
+ id => '<bug_id>', # ID of the bug report
+ comment => "<Attachment Comment>", # OPTIONAL Text string containing comment to add.
+ description => "<Attachment Description>", # REQUIRED Text Description of the attachment.
+ isprivate => <Private Attachment ON/OFF 1/0>, # OPTIONAL Whether the Attachment
+ will be private # Default: false
+ filename => "<Attachment Filename>", REQUIRED The name of the file to attach to the bug report.
+ obsoletes => [List of attach_id's to obsolete], OPTIONAL List if attachment ids that are
+ obsoleted by this new attachment.
+ ispatch => <Patch Attachment True/False 1/0>, OPTIONAL Whether the attachment is a Patch
+ or not, if not provided the it will be considered NON Patch attachment.
+ contenttype => "<Attachment Content Type>", OPTIONAL If the attachment is patch
+ REQUIRED If the attachment is not a patch
+ If the attachment is patch then contenttype will always be text/plain
+ data => "<Encoded String of the Attachment Data>", REQUIRED It is a base64
+ encoded string of the actual attachment data.
+ nomail => 0, OPTIONAL Flag that is either 1 or 0 if you want email
+ to be send ot not for this change }
+ */
+function addAttachment(data, callback, param) {
+ var params = [];
+ if (!constantData.passwordState.passAvailable) {
+ console
+ .error("addAttachment : No password, no XML-RPC calls; sorry");
+ return null;
+ }
+ var params = {
+ id : getBugNo(),
+ description : titleParsedAttachment,
+ filename : "parsed-backtrace.txt",
+ contenttype : "text/plain",
+ data : window.btoa(data),
+ nomail : true
+ };
+ self.postMessage(new Message("MakeJSONRPCall", {
+ url : constantData.XMLRPCData[window.location.hostname].url
+ .replace("xmlrpc.cgi", "jsonrpc.cgi"),
+ method : "bugzilla.addAttachment",
+ params : params,
+ callRPC : "AddAttachmentCallback"
+ }));
+ reqCounter++;
diff --git a/data/rhlib/makeBacktraceAttachment.js b/data/rhlib/makeBacktraceAttachment.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fc72bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/rhlib/makeBacktraceAttachment.js
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+//Released under the MIT/X11 license
+var titleParsedAttachment = "Part of the thread where crash happened";
+ *
+ */
+function pasteBacktraceInComments(atts) {
+ /*
+ * Let's comment it out, and we'll see if anything breaks. TODO This paragraph
+ * looks suspicous ... what is it? Does it belong to this function? var
+ * notedLabel = document.querySelector("label[for='newcc']"); while
+ * (notedLabel.firstChild) { var node =
+ * notedLabel.removeChild(notedLabel.firstChild);
+ * notedLabel.parentNode.insertBefore(node, notedLabel); }
+ * notedLabel.parentNode.removeChild(notedLabel);
+ */
+ // FIXME BROKEN and its depending functions are even more broken
+ return null;
+ var abrtQueryURL = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?"
+ + "cmdtype=dorem&remaction=run&namedcmd=all%20NEW%20abrt%20crashes&"
+ + "sharer_id=74116";
+ var mainTitle = document
+ .getElementsByClassName("bz_alias_short_desc_container")[0];
+ createDeadLink("callAbrtQuery_link", "Abrt bugs", mainTitle,
+ abrtQueryURL, [], false, null, "a");
+ if (idContainsWord("cf_devel_whiteboard", 'btparsed')) {
+ addStuffToTextBox('status_whiteboard', 'btparsed');
+ }
+ if (!(isTriaged()
+ || idContainsWord("status_whiteboard", 'btparsed') || (atts.length > 0))) {
+ var btAttachments = atts.filter(function(att) {
+ return (/File: backtrace/.test(att[0]));
+ });
+ // TODO we need to go through all backtrace attachments, but
+ // just the first one will do for now, we would need to do async
+ //
+ btAttachments
+ .forEach(
+ function(x) {
+ var attURL = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id="
+ + x[1];
+ if ((!btSnippet) && // ???? FIXME
+ (!idContainsWord("status_whiteboard", 'btparsed'))) {
+ Request({
+ url : attURL,
+ onComplete : function(response) {
+ if (response.status == 200) {
+ btSnippet = parseBacktrace(response.text);
+ if (btSnippet) {
+ addCheckShowLink(x, btSnippet);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }).get();
+ }
+ }, this);
+ }
+ // Add "show BT" links
+ if (parsedAttachments.length > 0) {
+ this.parsedAttachments.forEach(function(att) {
+ addShowParsedBTLink(att);
+ });
+ }
+ * Open new window with the content of the attachment.
+ *
+ * @param id
+ * Number of the attachment id
+ * @return none
+ */
+function showAttachment(id) {
+ self.postMessage(new Message("OpenURLinPanel", "https://"
+ + window.location.hostname + "/attachment.cgi?id=" + id));
+ * add a link opening a window with the parsed backtrace
+ *
+ * @param att
+ * Attachment object
+ */
+function addShowParsedBTLink(att) {
+ var elem = att[4].querySelector("td:last-of-type");
+ createDeadLink("showParsedBacktraceWindow-" + att[1],
+ "showBT", elem, showAttachment, att[1], true);
+ * Unfinished ... see above FIXME BROKEN AND DOESN'T WORK
+ */
+function addNewAttachmentRow(origAtt, newAttId, newAttSize) {
+ var that = this;
+ var oldAddBTLink = document
+ .getElementById("attachBacktraceActivator");
+ oldAddBTLink.parentNode.removeChild(oldAddBTLink);
+ var newTRElem = origAtt[4].cloneNode(true);
+ // fix number of the attachment
+ Array.forEach(newTRElem.getElementsByTagName("a"), function(
+ aEl) {
+ aEl.setAttribute("href", aEl.getAttribute("href").replace(
+ origAtt[1], newAttId));
+ });
+ var aElements = newTRElem.getElementsByTagName("a");
+ aElements[0].setAttribute("name", "parsed-backtrace.txt");
+ aElements[0].getElementsByTagName("b")[0].textContent = titleParsedAttachment;
+ var sizeSpan = newTRElem
+ .getElementsByClassName("bz_attach_extra_info")[0];
+ sizeSpan.textContent = "(" + (newAttSize / 1024).toFixed(2)
+ + " KB, text/plain)";
+ // aElements[1].textContent = new Date().toString(); TODO we should add
+ // eventually, but not pressing
+ var vcardSpan = newTRElem.getElementsByClassName("vcard")[0];
+ if (vcardSpan !== undefined) {
+ var vcardSpanClassList = vcardSpan.classList;
+ if (/@redhat\.com/.test(this.login)
+ && !vcardSpanClassList.contains("redhat_user")) {
+ vcardSpanClassList.add("redhat_user");
+ }
+ var vcardAElem = vcardSpan.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
+ vcardAElem.setAttribute("title", this.login);
+ vcardAElem.setAttribute("href", "mailto:" + this.login);
+ vcardAElem.className = "email";
+ vcardAElem.innerHTML = "<span class='fn'>" + this.login
+ + "</span>";
+ }
+ var elem = newTRElem.querySelector("td:last-of-type");
+ this.createDeadLink("showBacktrace", "show BT", elem,
+ this.showAttachment, newAttId, false);
+ origAtt[4].parentNode.insertBefore(newTRElem,
+ origAtt[4].nextSibling);
+ * Add a link to create a new attachment with a parsed backtrace
+ *
+ * @param oldAtt
+ * Object with an attachment row
+ * @param snippet
+ * String with parsed backtrace
+ * @return none
+ */
+function addCheckShowLink(oldAtt, snippet) {
+ var elem = oldAtt[4].querySelector("td:last-of-type");
+ /*
+ * createDeadLink("attachBacktraceActivator", "add parsed BT", elem,
+ * function(x) { // pass function and parameters as two separate parameters,
+ * the function to be called from // addAttachment addAttachment(snippet,
+ * addNewAttachmentRow, oldAtt); }, [], true);
+ */