diff options
authorMatěj Cepl <mcepl@redhat.com>2010-10-01 08:14:00 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <mcepl@redhat.com>2010-10-01 08:14:00 +0200
commitd6d0ee04083c4a63963e77c95539d5d5b53d9a26 (patch)
parent2c551111674af47960fb98e469b2d928e4a60628 (diff)
Encourage reporters to join upstream bug.
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/jsons/BugZappers_data-prototype.json b/jsons/BugZappers_data-prototype.json
index 092d0b3..5fbf337 100644
--- a/jsons/BugZappers_data-prototype.json
+++ b/jsons/BugZappers_data-prototype.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"getFirefoxBacktraceString":"Thanks for the bug report. We have reviewed the information you have provided above, and there is some additional information we require that will be helpful in our diagnosis of this issue.\n\nFirst of all, could we get output of the command\n\n\u0009rpm -qa *xulrun* *firefox* *mozilla* *flash* *plugin*\n\nPlease also install firefox-debuginfo (debuginfo-install is from\nyum-utils package).\n\n\u0009debuginfo-install firefox\n\nThen run firefox with a parameter -g. That will start firefox running inside of gdb debugger. Then use command run and do whatever you did to make firefox crash. When it happens, you should go back to the gdb and run\n\n\u0009(gdb) thread apply all backtrace\n\nThis produces usually many screens of the text. Copy all of them into a text editor and attach the file to the bug as an uncompressed attachment.\n\nWe will review this issue again once you've had a chance to attach this information.\n\nThanks in advance.",
"getSuicideString":"If this issue turns out to still be reproduceable in the latest updates for this Fedora Core release, please file a bug report in the the upstream bugzilla located at http://bugzilla.mozilla.org in the particular component.\n\nOnce you've filed your bug report to the upstream bugzilla, if you paste the new bug URL here, we will continue to track the issue in the centralized upstream bug tracker, and will review any bug fixes that become available for consideration in future updates.\n\nSetting status to NEEDINFO, and awaiting upstream bug report URL for tracking.\n\nThanks in advance.",
"noResponseString":"Since there are insufficient details provided in this report for us to investigate the issue further, and we have not received feedback to the information we have requested above, we will assume the problem was not reproducible, or has been fixed in one of the updates we have released for the reporter's distribution.\n\nUsers who have experienced this problem are encouraged to upgrade to the latest update of their distribution, and if this issue turns out to still be reproducible in the latest update, please reopen this bug with additional information.\n\nClosing as INSUFFICIENT_DATA.",
- "sentUpstreamString":"We filed this bug in the upstream database (§§§) and believe that it is more appropriate to let it be resolved upstream.\n\nWe will continue to track the issue in the centralized upstream bug tracker, and will review any bug fixes that become available for consideration in future updates.\n\nThank you for the bug report.",
+ "sentUpstreamString": "We filed this bug in the upstream database (§§§) and believe that it is more appropriate to let it be resolved upstream.\n\nWe will continue to track the issue in the centralized upstream bug tracker, and will review any bug fixes that become available for consideration in future updates.\n\nWe would strongly encourage you to subscribe to the upstream bug as well (by logging in and adding yourself to the Cc list), so that you can provide whatever information required for the successful resolving of this issue.\n\nThank you for helping to make free software better.",
"moveYourButString":"Reporter, could you please reply to the previous question? If you won't reply in one month, I will have to close this bug as INSUFFICIENT_DATA. Thank you.",
"RHELString":"For official Red Hat Enterprise Linux support, please log into the Red Hat support website at http://www.redhat.com/support and file a support ticket. To understand how your bug is tracked through our system, please see https://www.redhat.com/support/process/production/#howrh",
"cantfixNvidiaString":"Thanks for the report. We are sorry that we cannot help you with your problem, but we are not able to support binary-only drivers. If you would be able to reproduce this issue using only open source software, please, reopen this bug with the additional information, but in meantime I have no choice than to close this bug as CANTFIX (because we really cannot fix it).\n\nThe open source 'nouveau' driver (in package xorg-x11-drv-nouveau) is the recommended alternative for users of Nvidia graphic chips. It is used by default in Fedora 11 and later if you remove any customizations that explicitly set the video driver. The older \"nv\" driver may be needed in some cases. It is also available in older Fedora releases. Install the packages xorg-x11-drv-nouveau or xorg-x11-drv-nv and override the X server's default choice if necessary. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/NouveauAsDefault for more information.\n\nIf you used a non-packaged version of the driver from the Nvidia website please clean your system from additional libraries and software it installed. For users who are experiencing problems installing, configuring, or using the unsupported 3rd party proprietary \"nvidia\" video driver, Nvidia provides indirect customer support via an online web based support forum. Nvidia monitors these web forums for commonly reported problems and passes them on to Nvidia engineers for investigation. Once they've isolated a particular problem, it is often fixed in a future video driver update.\n\nThe NVNews Nvidia Linux driver forum is located at:\n\n\u0009http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=14\n\nOnce you have reported this issue in the Nvidia web forums, others who may have experienced the particular problem may be able to assist. If there is a real bug occuring, Nvidia will be able to determine this, and will likely resolve the issue in a future driver update for the operating system releases that they officially support.\n\nWhile we does not support the proprietary nvidia driver, users requiring technical support may also find the various X.Org, XFree86, and Red Hat/Fedora mailing lists helpful in finding assistance:\n\nX.Org mailing lists:\n\u0009http://www.freedesktop.org/XOrg/XorgMailingLists\n\nXFree86 mailing lists:\n\u0009http://www.xfree86.org/sos/lists.html\n\nRed Hat/Fedora mailing lists:\n\u0009https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo",
diff --git a/jsons/Config_data.json b/jsons/Config_data.json
index 08e8f5d..8db7b27 100644
--- a/jsons/Config_data.json
+++ b/jsons/Config_data.json
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"getLogsLiveCDString":"Thanks for the bug report. We have reviewed the information you have provided above, and there is some additional information especially concerning your hardware we require that will be helpful in our diagnosis of this issue.\n\nIf the anaconda crashes during the switching to the graphic mode, most likely the problem lies in Xorg support for your graphics chip. There are couple of options how we can obtain information necessary for resolving the issue.\n\nIf the computer is not completely frozen when installation fails, switch to the console (Ctrl+Alt+F2) and copy /tmp/X* and /var/log/anaconda.xlog to some other place -- USB stick, some other computer via network, somewhere on the Internet, and please attach it to the bug report as individual uncompressed file attachments using the bugzilla file attachment link above.\n\nIf the computer is completely useless after installation fails, you can also install Fedora with a VESA mode driver (see http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/13/html/Installation_Guide/\nfor more information on that). Then after successful installation you can collect /var/log/anaconda.xlog, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, and the output of the program dmesg instead.\n\nOr you can install Fedora in a text mode completely, and then start X after that. If it fails, still /var/log/Xorg.0.log and the output of dmesg program from the failed attempt to start X would be useful.\n\nWe will review this issue again once you've had a chance to attach this information.\n\nThank you very much in advance.",
"noResponseString":"Since there are insufficient details provided in this report for us to investigate the issue further, and we have not received feedback to the information we have requested above, we will assume the problem was not reproducible, or has been fixed in one of the updates we have released for the reporter's distribution.\n\nUsers who have experienced this problem are encouraged to upgrade to the latest update of their distribution, and if this issue turns out to still be reproducible in the latest update, please reopen this bug with additional information.\n\nClosing as INSUFFICIENT_DATA.",
"websiteFailure":"To report a broken website, first please make sure that you are running the latest release of Firefox (i.e., updated from updates-testing repository for your distribution or Rawhide).\n\nThen, if you can still reproduce the issue, pull down the 'Help' menu and select 'Report Broken Web Site'. This will start a wizard which will prompt you for the information required (privacy policy). This information is sent to a database and aggregated, so we have a good idea of which sites the most people are having problems with.\n\nIf you are interested, you can search the database of reports (http://reporter.mozilla.org/).\n\nClosing this bug as NOTABUG, if you don't agree with this resolution, please, reopen this bug and attach any relevant information to this bug.",
- "sentUpstreamString":"We filed this bug in the upstream database (§§§) and believe that it is more appropriate to let it be resolved upstream.\n\nWe will continue to track the issue in the centralized upstream bug tracker, and will review any bug fixes that become available for consideration in future updates.\n\nThank you for the bug report.",
+ "sentUpstreamString": "We filed this bug in the upstream database (§§§) and believe that it is more appropriate to let it be resolved upstream.\n\nWe will continue to track the issue in the centralized upstream bug tracker, and will review any bug fixes that become available for consideration in future updates.\n\nWe would strongly encourage you to subscribe to the upstream bug as well (by logging in and adding yourself to the Cc list), so that you can provide whatever information required for the successful resolving of this issue.\n\nThank you for helping to make free software better.",
"moveYourButString":"Reporter, could you please reply to the previous question? If you won't reply in one month, I will have to close this bug as INSUFFICIENT_DATA. Thank you.",
"cantfixNvidiaString":"Thanks for the report. We are sorry that we cannot help you with your problem, but we are not able to support binary-only drivers. If you would be able to reproduce this issue using only open source software, please, reopen this bug with the additional information, but in meantime I have no choice than to close this bug as CANTFIX (because we really cannot fix it).\n\nThe open source 'nouveau' driver (in package xorg-x11-drv-nouveau) is the recommended alternative for users of Nvidia graphic chips. It is used by default in Fedora 11 and later if you remove any customizations that explicitly set the video driver. The older \"nv\" driver may be needed in some cases. It is also available in older Fedora releases. Install the packages xorg-x11-drv-nouveau or xorg-x11-drv-nv and override the X server's default choice if necessary. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/NouveauAsDefault for more information.\n\nIf you used a non-packaged version of the driver from the Nvidia website please clean your system from additional libraries and software it installed. For users who are experiencing problems installing, configuring, or using the unsupported 3rd party proprietary \"nvidia\" video driver, Nvidia provides indirect customer support via an online web based support forum. Nvidia monitors these web forums for commonly reported problems and passes them on to Nvidia engineers for investigation. Once they've isolated a particular problem, it is often fixed in a future video driver update.\n\nThe NVNews Nvidia Linux driver forum is located at:\n\n\u0009http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=14\n\nOnce you have reported this issue in the Nvidia web forums, others who may have experienced the particular problem may be able to assist. If there is a real bug occuring, Nvidia will be able to determine this, and will likely resolve the issue in a future driver update for the operating system releases that they officially support.\n\nWhile we does not support the proprietary nvidia driver, users requiring technical support may also find the various X.Org, XFree86, and Red Hat/Fedora mailing lists helpful in finding assistance:\n\nX.Org mailing lists:\n\u0009http://www.freedesktop.org/XOrg/XorgMailingLists\n\nXFree86 mailing lists:\n\u0009http://www.xfree86.org/sos/lists.html\n\nRed Hat/Fedora mailing lists:\n\u0009https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo",
"flashCrashString":"Unfortunately, crash here happened in the binary-only flash player for which we don't have any source code, so unfortunately we cannot help you with it.\n\nClosing as CANTFIX (because that's our situation)",