diff options
authorMatěj Cepl <mcepl@redhat.com>2010-06-17 18:20:03 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <mcepl@redhat.com>2010-06-17 18:20:03 +0200
commit9279d5bc3902ab0b18af3a3f8440b8ddd884dec5 (patch)
parent620ca44cfa360d6e100215619acab8ae1eb10f34 (diff)
Inheritance works, now there are jetpack-prototype-related bugs
-rw-r--r--lib/clipboard.js (renamed from lib/puvodni/clipboard.js)0
-rw-r--r--lib/color.js (renamed from lib/puvodni/color.js)0
-rw-r--r--lib/logger.js (renamed from lib/puvodni/logger.js)14
-rw-r--r--lib/mozillabzpage.js (renamed from lib/puvodni/mozillabzpage.js)4
-rw-r--r--lib/offline-support.js (renamed from lib/puvodni/offline-support.js)0
-rw-r--r--lib/skip-process-bug.js (renamed from lib/puvodni/skip-process-bug.js)0
-rw-r--r--lib/xmlrpc.js (renamed from lib/puvodni/xmlrpc.js)0
11 files changed, 816 insertions, 860 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bzpage.js b/lib/bzpage.js
index dcaa43c..329165d 100644
--- a/lib/bzpage.js
+++ b/lib/bzpage.js
@@ -6,25 +6,757 @@
var util = require("util");
var apiUtils = require("api-utils");
var simpleStorage = require("simple-storage");
+var Color = require("color").Color;
+var TriagedDistro = 13;
+var NumberOfFrames = 7;
+var XMLRPCurl = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi";
+var bugURL = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=";
// ====================================================================================
// BZPage's methods
var BZPage = function BZPage(doc, config) {
+ console.log("doc = " + doc);
+ console.log("config = " + config);
+ var keys = "";
+ for (var key in config) {
+ keys += key + ", ";
+ }
+ console.log("config keys = " + keys);
+ // constants
+ this.SalmonPink = new Color(255, 224, 176); // RGB 255, 224, 176; HSL 36, 2,
+ // 85
+ this.ReporterColor = new Color(255, 255, 166); // RGB 255, 255, 166; HSL 60, 2,
+ // 83
// initialize dynamic properties
- this.doc = doc;
- console.log("Now we are inside!");
- console.log("this = " + this);
+ this.doc = doc;
+ this.packages = this.getInstalledPackages(config);
+ if ("commentStrings" in config.gJSONData) {
+ this.commentStrings = config.gJSONData.commentStrings;
+ }
+ if ("constantData" in config.gJSONData) {
+ // this is wrong, I shouldn't bother anybody with my Xorg data, and
+ // I should load it from URL
+ // var stuff = JSON.parse(self.data.load("chiIDsGroupings.json"));
+ this.constantData = config.gJSONData.constantData;
+ }
+ if ("CCmaintainer" in config.gJSONData.constantData) {
+ this.defBugzillaMaintainerArr = config.gJSONData.constantData.CCmaintainer;
+ }
+ if ("submitsLogging" in config.gJSONData.configData &&
+ config.gJSONData.configData.submitsLogging) {
+ this.log = config.logger;
+ this.setUpLogging();
+ }
+ this.submitHandlerInstalled = false;
+ this.bugNo = util.getBugNo(this.doc.location.toString());
+ this.reporter = this.getReporter();
+ this.product = this.getOptionValue("product");
+ this.component = this.getOptionValue("component");
+ this.version = this.getVersion();
+ this.title = this.doc.getElementById("short_desc_nonedit_display").textContent;
+ this.CCList = this.getCCList();
+ this.packages = this.getInstalledPackages();
+ if ("commentStrings" in config.gJSONData) {
+ this.commentStrings = config.gJSONData.commentStrings;
+ }
+ if ("constantData" in config.gJSONData) {
+ // this is wrong, I shouldn't bother anybody with my Xorg data, and
+ // I should load it from URL
+ // var stuff = JSON.parse(self.data.load("chiIDsGroupings.json"));
+ this.constantData = config.gJSONData.constantData;
+ }
+ if ("CCmaintainer" in config.gJSONData.constantData) {
+ this.defBugzillaMaintainerArr = config.gJSONData.constantData.CCmaintainer;
+ }
-BZPage.prototype.getURL = function getURL () {
- console.log("url = " + this.doc.location.href);
- return this.doc.location.href;
+ if ("submitsLogging" in config.gJSONData.configData &&
+ config.gJSONData.configData.submitsLogging) {
+ this.log = config.logger;
+ this.setUpLogging();
+ }
+ this.generateButtons();
+ * Get the ID of the bug.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
BZPage.prototype.getBugId = function getBugId () {
return util.getBugNo(this.doc.location.href);
+ *
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getInstalledPackages = function getInstalledPackages(config) {
+ var installedPackages = {};
+ if (config.gJSONData && ("commentPackages" in config.gJSONData)) {
+ var enabledPackages = jetpack.storage.settings.enabledPacks.split(/[, ]/);
+ enabledPackages.forEach(function (pkg, idx, arr) {
+ if (pkg in config.gJSONData.commentPackages) {
+ installedPackages[pkg] = config.gJSONData.commentPackages[pkg];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return installedPackages;
+ * Actual execution function
+ *
+ * @param cmdLabel String with the name of the command to be executed
+ * @param cmdParams Object with the appropriate parameters for the command
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.centralCommandDispatch = function centralCommandDispatch (cmdLabel, cmdParams) {
+ switch (cmdLabel) {
+ case "resolution":
+ case "product":
+ case "component":
+ case "version":
+ case "priority":
+ this.selectOption(cmdLabel, cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "status":
+ this.selectOption("bug_status", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "platform":
+ this.selectOption("rep_platform", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "os":
+ this.selectOption("op_sys", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "severity":
+ this.selectOption("bug_severity", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "target":
+ this.selectOption("target_milestone", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "addKeyword":
+ this.addStuffToTextBox("keywords",cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "removeKeyword":
+ this.removeStuffFromTextBox("keywords", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "addWhiteboard":
+ this.addStuffToTextBox("status_whiteboard",cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "removeWhiteboard":
+ this.removeStuffFromTextBox("status_whiteboard",cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "assignee":
+ this.changeAssignee(cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "qacontact":
+ this.clickMouse("bz_qa_contact_edit_action");
+ this.doc.getElementById("qa_contact").value = cmdParams;
+ break;
+ case "url":
+ this.clickMouse("bz_url_edit_action");
+ this.doc.getElementById("bug_file_loc").value = cmdParams;
+ break;
+ // TODO dependson/blocked doesn't work. Find out why.
+ case "addDependsOn":
+ this.clickMouse("dependson_edit_action");
+ this.addStuffToTextBox("dependson", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "removeDependsOn":
+ this.clickMouse("dependson_edit_action");
+ this.removeStuffFromTextBox("dependson", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "addBlocks":
+ this.clickMouse("blocked_edit_action");
+ this.addStuffToTextBox("blocked", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "removeBlocks":
+ this.clickMouse("blocked_edit_action");
+ this.removeStuffFromTextBox("blocked", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "comment":
+ this.addStuffToTextBox("comment", cmdParams);
+ break;
+ case "commentIdx":
+ var commentText = this.commentStrings[cmdParams];
+ this.addStuffToTextBox("comment", commentText);
+ break;
+ case "setNeedinfo":
+ // cmdParams are actually ignored for now; we may in future
+ // distinguish different actors to be target of needinfo
+ this.setNeedinfoReporter();
+ break;
+ case "addCC":
+ this.addToCCList(cmdParams);
+ break;
+ // TODO flags, see also
+ case "commit":
+ if (cmdParams) {
+ // Directly commit the form
+ this.doc.forms.namedItem("changeform").submit();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ * Take the ID of the package/id combination, and execute it
+ *
+ * @param String combined package + "//" + id combination
+ * Fetches the command object from this.installedPackages and then
+ * goes through all commands contained in it, and calls
+ * this.centralCommandDispatch to execute them.
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.executeCommand = function executeCommand (cmd) {
+ var cmdArr = cmd.split("//");
+ var commentObj = this.packages[cmdArr[0]][cmdArr[1]];
+ for (var key in commentObj) {
+ this.centralCommandDispatch(key,commentObj[key]);
+ }
+ * Add XGL to the CC list
+ *
+ * @param evt Event which made this function active
+ * @return none
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.changeAssignee = function changeAssignee (newAssignee) {
+ var defAssigneeButton = null;
+ this.addToCCList(this.owner);
+ if (newAssignee === null) {
+ this.doc.getElementById("set_default_assignee").removeAttribute(
+ "checked");
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (this.getDefaultAssignee) {
+ if (newAssignee === "default") {
+ var defAss = this.getDefaultAssignee();
+ if (defAss) {
+ newAssignee = defAss;
+ } else {
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (newAssignee) {
+ this.clickMouse("bz_assignee_edit_action");
+ this.doc.getElementById("assigned_to").value = newAssignee;
+ this.doc.getElementById("set_default_assignee").checked = false;
+ defAssigneeButton = this.doc.getElementById("setDefaultAssignee_btn");
+ if (defAssigneeButton) {
+ defAssigneeButton.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ * Adds new option to the 'comment_action' scroll down box
+ *
+ * @param pkg String package name
+ * @param cmd String with the name of the command
+ * If the 'comment_action' scroll down box doesn't exist, this
+ * function will set up new one.
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.addToCommentsDropdown = function addToCommentsDropdown (pkg, cmd) {
+ var select = this.doc.getElementById("comment_action");
+ if (!select) {
+ var that = this;
+ this.doc.getElementById("comments").innerHTML +=
+ "<div id='make_bugzilla_comment_action'>" +
+ " <label for='comment_action'>Add Comment: </label>" +
+ " <select id='comment_action'>" +
+ " <option value=''>-- Select Comment from List --</option>" +
+ "</div>";
+ select = this.doc.getElementById("comment_action");
+ select.addEventListener("change", function () {
+ var value = "";
+ var valueElement = that.doc.getElementById("comment_action");
+ if (valueElement) {
+ value = valueElement.getAttribute("value");
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ that.executeCommand(value);
+ }, false);
+ }
+ var opt = this.doc.createElement("option");
+ opt.value = pkg + "//" + cmd;
+ opt.textContent = this.packages[pkg][cmd].name;
+ select.appendChild(opt);
+ * Generic function to add new button to the page. Actually copies new button
+ * from the old one (in order to have the same look-and-feel, etc.
+ *
+ * @param location Object around which the new button will be added
+ * @param after Boolean before or after location ?
+ * @param pkg String which package to take the command from
+ * @param id String which command to take
+ * @return none
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.createNewButton = function createNewButton (location, after, pkg, id) {
+ var that = this;
+ var cmdObj = this.packages[pkg][id];
+ var newId = id + "_btn";
+ var label = cmdObj.name;
+ // protection against double-firings
+ if (this.doc.getElementById(newId)) {
+ console.error("Element with id " + newId + "already exists!");
+ return ;
+ }
+ // creation of button might be conditional on existence of data in constantData
+ if ("ifExist" in cmdObj) {
+ if (!(cmdObj.ifExist in this.constantData)) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ var newButton = this.doc.createElement("input");
+ newButton.setAttribute("id", newId);
+ newButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ newButton.value = label;
+ newButton.addEventListener("click", function(evt) {
+ that.executeCommand(pkg + "//" + id);
+ }, false);
+ var originalLocation = this.doc.getElementById(location);
+ if (after) {
+ originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton,
+ originalLocation.nextSibling);
+ originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(this.doc
+ .createTextNode("\u00A0"), newButton);
+ } else {
+ originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton, originalLocation);
+ originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(this.doc
+ .createTextNode("\u00A0"), originalLocation);
+ }
+ *
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.generateButtons = function generateButtons () {
+ var topRowPosition = "topRowPositionID";
+ var bottomRowPosition = "commit";
+ // create anchor for the top toolbar
+ var commentBox = this.doc.getElementById("comment");
+ var brElement = this.doc.createElement("br");
+ brElement.setAttribute("id",topRowPosition);
+ commentBox.parentNode.normalize();
+ commentBox.parentNode.insertBefore(brElement, commentBox);
+ for (var pkg in this.packages) {
+ for (var cmdIdx in this.packages[pkg]) {
+ var cmdObj = this.packages[pkg][cmdIdx];
+ switch (cmdObj.position) {
+ case "topRow":
+ this.createNewButton(topRowPosition, false, pkg, cmdIdx);
+ break;
+ case "bottomRow":
+ this.createNewButton(bottomRowPosition, false, pkg, cmdIdx);
+ break;
+ case "dropDown":
+ this.addToCommentsDropdown(pkg,cmdIdx);
+ break;
+ default: // [+-]ID
+ var firstChr = cmdObj.position.charAt(0);
+ var newId = cmdObj.position.substr(1);
+ this.createNewButton(newId, firstChr === "+", pkg, cmdIdx);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Get the current email of the reporter of the bug.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getReporter = function getReporter () {
+ return this.doc
+ .querySelector("#bz_show_bug_column_2 > table .vcard:first-of-type > a").textContent;
+ * Get the current version of the Fedora release ... even if changed meanwhile
+ * by bug triager.
+ *
+ * @return string (integer for released Fedora, float for RHEL, rawhide)
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getVersion = function getVersion () {
+ var verStr = this.getOptionValue("version").toLowerCase();
+ var verNo = 0;
+ if (/rawhide/.test(verStr)) {
+ verNo = 999;
+ } else {
+ verNo = Number(verStr);
+ }
+ return verNo;
+BZPage.prototype.commentsWalker = function commentsWalker (fce) {
+ var comments = this.doc.getElementById("comments").getElementsByClassName(
+ "bz_comment");
+ Array.forEach(comments, function(item) {
+ fce(item);
+ }, this);
+ * Set background color of all comments made by reporter in ReporterColor color
+ *
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.checkComments = function checkComments () {
+ var that = this;
+ this.commentsWalker(function(x) {
+ var email = x.getElementsByClassName("vcard")[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName("a")[0].textContent;
+ if (new RegExp(that.reporter).test(email)) {
+ x.style.backgroundColor = that.ReporterColor.toString();
+ }
+ });
+BZPage.prototype.collectComments = function collectComments () {
+ var outStr = "";
+ this.commentsWalker(function(x) {
+ outStr += x.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].textContent + "\n";
+ });
+ return outStr.trim();
+ * Select option with given label on the <SELECT> element with given id.
+ *
+ * Also execute change HTMLEvent, so that the form behaves accordingly.
+ *
+ * @param id
+ * @param label
+ * @return none
+ *
+ * FIXME bugzilla-comments version has this signature:
+ * selectOption = function selectOption(select, value) {
+ var doc = select[0].ownerDocument;
+ select.val(value);
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.selectOption = function selectOption (id, label) {
+ var sel = this.doc.getElementById(id);
+ sel.value = label;
+ var intEvent = this.doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
+ intEvent.initEvent("change", true, true);
+ sel.dispatchEvent(intEvent);
+ * Send mouse click to the specified element
+ *
+ * @param String ID of the element to send mouseclick to
+ * @return None
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.clickMouse = function clickMouse (targetID) {
+ var localEvent = this.doc.createEvent("MouseEvents");
+ localEvent.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, this.doc.defaultView, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
+ this.doc.getElementById(targetID).dispatchEvent(localEvent);
+ * Add object to the text box (comment box or status whiteboard)
+ *
+ * @param id String with the id of the element
+ * @param stuff String/Array to be added to the comment box
+ *
+ * @return none
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.addStuffToTextBox = function addStuffToTextBox (id, stuff) {
+ var textBox = this.doc.getElementById(id);
+ if (textBox.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") {
+ stuff = textBox.value ? "\n\n" + stuff : stuff;
+ textBox.value += stuff;
+ } else {
+ textBox.value = util.addCSVValue(textBox.value,stuff);
+ }
+ * Remove a keyword from the element if it is there
+ *
+ * @param id String with the id of the element
+ * @param stuff String/Array with keyword(s) to be removed
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.removeStuffFromTextBox = function removeStuffFromTextBox (id, stuff) {
+ var changedElement = this.getElementById(id);
+ changedElement.value = util.removeCSVValue(changedElement.value,stuff);
+ * generalized hasKeyword ... search in the value of the box with given id
+ *
+ * @param id String with ID of the element we want to check
+ * @param str String to be searched for
+ * @return Boolean found?
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.idContainsWord = function idContainsWord (id, str) {
+ var kwd = "";
+ try {
+ kwd = this.doc.getElementById(id).value;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // For those who don't have particular element at all or if it is empty
+ return false;
+ }
+ return (kwd.trim().indexOf(str) !== -1);
+ * Check for the presence of a keyword
+ *
+ * @param str String with the keyword
+ * @return Boolean
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.hasKeyword = function hasKeyword (str) {
+ return (this.idContainsWord('keywords', str));
+ *
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getOptionValue = function getOptionValue (id) {
+ // Some special bugs don't have version for example
+ var element = this.doc.getElementById(id);
+ if (element) {
+ return element.value;
+ } else {
+ console.log("Failed to find element with id = " + id);
+ return "#NA";
+ }
+ * Set the bug to NEEDINFO state
+ *
+ * Working function.
+ * @return none
+ * @todo TODO we may extend this to general setNeedinfo function
+ * with parameter [reporter|assignee|general-email-address]
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.setNeedinfoReporter = function setNeedinfoReporter () {
+ this.clickMouse("needinfo");
+ this.selectOption("needinfo_role", "reporter");
+ *
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getOwner = function getOwner () {
+ var priorityParent = this.doc.querySelector("label[for~='target_milestone']")
+ .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
+ var assigneeAElement = priorityParent.querySelector("tr:nth-of-type(1) a.email");
+ var assgineeHref = decodeURI(assigneeAElement.getAttribute("href"));
+ var email = assgineeHref.split(":")[1];
+ return email;
+ * Get login of the currently logged-in user.
+ *
+ * @return String with the login name of the currently logged-in user
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getLogin = function getLogin () {
+ var lastLIElement = this.doc.querySelector("#header ul.links li:last-of-type");
+ var loginArr = lastLIElement.textContent.split("\n");
+ var loginStr = loginArr[loginArr.length - 1].trim();
+ return loginStr;
+ * Return maintainer which is per default by bugzilla
+ * (which is not necessarily the one who is default maintainer per component)
+ *
+ * @return String with the maintainer's email address
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getDefaultBugzillaMaintainer = function getDefaultBugzillaMaintainer (component) {
+ var address = util.filterByRegexp(this.defBugzillaMaintainerArr, component);
+ return address;
+ * collect the list of attachments in a structured format
+ *
+ * @return Array of arrays, one for each attachments;
+ * each record has string name of the attachment, integer its id number,
+ * string of MIME type, integer of size in kilobytes, and the whole
+ * element itself
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getAttachments = function getAttachments () {
+ var outAtts = [];
+ var atts = this.doc.getElementById("attachment_table")
+ .getElementsByTagName("tr");
+ for ( var i = 1, ii = atts.length - 1; i < ii; i++) {
+ outAtts.push(this.parseAttachmentLine(atts[i]));
+ }
+ return outAtts;
+ * returns password from the current storage, or if there isn't
+ * one, then it will ask user for it.
+ *
+ * @return String with the password
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getPassword = function getPassword () {
+ if (jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword) {
+ return jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword;
+ } else {
+ var prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
+ var password = {
+ value : ""
+ }; // default the password to pass
+ var check = {
+ value : true
+ }; // default the checkbox to true
+ var result = prompts.promptPassword(null, "Title", "Enter password:",
+ password, null, check);
+ // result is true if OK was pressed, false if cancel was pressed.
+ // password.value is
+ // set if OK was pressed. The checkbox is not displayed.
+ if (result) {
+ var passwordText = password.value;
+ jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword = passwordText;
+ jetpack.storage.simple.sync();
+ return passwordText;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ *
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.setUpLogging = function setUpLogging () {
+ // For adding additional buttons to the top toolbar
+ var additionalButtons = this.doc.querySelector("#bugzilla-body *.related_actions");
+ var that = this;
+ // logging all submits for timesheet
+ // FIXME we should merge in functionality of RHBugzillaPage.submitCallback
+ // and actually make it working
+ // Maybe rewriting whole offline capability into a separate object?
+ if (!this.submitHandlerInstalled) {
+ console.log("Installing submit callback!");
+ this.doc.forms.namedItem("changeform").addEventListener("submit",function (evt) {
+ console.log("Submit callback!");
+ var resp = that.log.addLogRecord(that);
+ console.log("resp = " + resp);
+ if (resp === null) {
+ console.log("Avoiding submitting!");
+ // FIXME doesn't work ... still submitting'
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }, false);
+ this.submitHandlerInstalled = true;
+ }
+ var generateTimeSheetUI = this.doc.createElement("li");
+ generateTimeSheetUI.innerHTML = "\u00A0-\u00A0<a href='#' id='generateTSButton'>"
+ + "Generate timesheet</a>";
+ additionalButtons.appendChild(generateTimeSheetUI);
+ this.doc.getElementById("generateTSButton").addEventListener(
+ "click",
+ function(evt) {
+ that.log.createBlankPage.call(that.log, "TimeSheet",
+ that.log.generateTimeSheet);
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }, false);
+ var clearLogsUI = this.doc.createElement("li");
+ clearLogsUI.innerHTML = "\u00A0-\u00A0<a href='#' id='clearLogs'>"
+ + "Clear logs</a>";
+ additionalButtons.appendChild(clearLogsUI);
+ var clearLogAElem = this.doc.getElementById("clearLogs");
+ clearLogAElem.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ that.log.store = {};
+ jetpack.storage.simple.sync();
+ this.style.color = that.log.EmptyLogsColor;
+ this.style.fontWeight = "normal";
+ console.log("this.store wiped out!");
+ }, false);
+ if (!this.log.store) {
+ console.log("No this.store defined!");
+ this.log.store = {};
+ }
+ if (this.log.store.length > 0) {
+ clearLogAElem.style.color = this.log.FullLogsColor;
+ clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "bolder";
+ } else {
+ clearLogAElem.style.color = this.log.EmptyLogsColor;
+ clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "normal";
+ }
+ * adds a person to the CC list, if it isn't already there
+ *
+ * @param who String with email address or "self" if the current user
+ * of the bugzilla should be added
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.addToCCList = function addToCCList (who) {
+ if (!who) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (who === "self") {
+ this.doc.getElementById("addselfcc").checked = true;
+ } else {
+ this.clickMouse("cc_edit_area_showhide");
+ if (!util.isInList(who, this.CCList)) {
+ this.addStuffToTextBox("newcc",who);
+ }
+ }
+ * a collect a list of emails on CC list
+ *
+ * @return Array with email addresses as Strings.
+ */
+BZPage.prototype.getCCList = function getCCList () {
+ var CCListSelect = this.doc.getElementById("cc");
+ outCCList = [];
+ if (CCListSelect) {
+ outCCList = Array.map(CCListSelect.options, function(item) {
+ return item.value;
+ });
+ }
+ return outCCList;
//exports.BZPage = apiUtils.publicConstructor(BZPage);
exports.BZPage = BZPage; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/clipboard.js b/lib/clipboard.js
index 0051a55..0051a55 100644
--- a/lib/puvodni/clipboard.js
+++ b/lib/clipboard.js
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/color.js b/lib/color.js
index 2da2fa7..2da2fa7 100644
--- a/lib/puvodni/color.js
+++ b/lib/color.js
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/logger.js b/lib/logger.js
index cc3f213..b817056 100644
--- a/lib/puvodni/logger.js
+++ b/lib/logger.js
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
"use strict";
var urlMod = require("url");
var urilMod = require("util");
+var Color = require("color").Color;
var Logger = exports.Logger = function Logger(store, abbsMap) {
+ this.EmptyLogsColor = new Color(0, 255, 0);
+ this.FullLogsColor = new Color(0, 40, 103);
this.store = store;
this.abbsMap = abbsMap;
@@ -23,18 +26,21 @@ Logger.prototype.addLogRecord = function(that) {
let recKey = utilMod.getISODate(rec.date) + "+"
+ urlMod.parse(rec.url).host
+ "+" + that.bugNo;
+ console.log("rec = " + rec.toSource());
let clearLogAElem = that.doc.getElementById("clearLogs");
- clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "bolder";
+ if (clearLogAElem.style.color != this.FullLogsColor) {
+ clearLogAElem.style.color = this.FullLogsColor;
+ clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "bolder";
+ }
if (this.store[recKey]) {
this.store[recKey].comment += "<br/>\n" + comment;
} else {
this.store[recKey] = rec;
- return rec;
- } else {
- return comment;
+ return comment;
Logger.prototype.getBugzillaAbbr = function(url) {
diff --git a/lib/main.js b/lib/main.js
index cb803f8..f083b3f 100644
--- a/lib/main.js
+++ b/lib/main.js
@@ -13,44 +13,95 @@
"use strict";
var util = require("util");
-var file = require("file");
+var logger = require("logger");
var myStorage = require("simple-storage").storage;
var browser = require("tab-browser");
var JSONURL = "http://matej.ceplovi.cz/progs/data/RH_Data-packages.json";
-var config = {};
+var TriagedDistro = 13;
+var NumberOfFrames = 7;
+var XMLRPCurl = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi";
-var matches = [
- "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi.*",
- "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi.*"
+var config = {};
+config.matches = [
+ "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi",
+ "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi"
-function initialize(callback) {
- util.loadJSON(JSONURL, function(parsedData) {
- config = {};
- callback(config);
- }, this);
+// ==============================================================
+// https://wiki.mozilla.org/Labs/Jetpack/JEP/24
+var WillBemanifest = {
+ settings : [
+ {
+ name : "BZpassword",
+ type : "password",
+ label : "Bugzilla password"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "JSONURL",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Configuration file URL",
+ "default" : "http://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/scripts/BugZappers_data.json"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "enabledPacks",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "comment packs which should be enabled",
+ "default" : ""
+ }
+ ]
+// TODO: sometime in the future we should include
+// also skip-process.js functionality and these URLs
+// "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/process_bug.cgi",
+// "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/post_bug.cgi",
+// "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/post_bug.cgi",
+// "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/process_bug.cgi"
function isOurPage(window, matchingURLs) {
if ("window" in window) {
window = window.window;
var url = window.location.href;
+ // like ["regexp-url1", "regexp-url2"]
return matchingURLs.some(function (element,i,a) {
return new RegExp(element).test(url);
+function initialize(callback) {
+ util.loadJSON(JSONURL, function(parsedData) {
+ config.gJSONData = parsedData;
+ var keys = "", key = "";
+ for (key in config.gJSONData) {
+ keys += key + " ";
+ }
+ console.log("loaded JSON object keys: " + keys);
+ // Get card translation table
+ if ("PCIIDsURL" in config.gJSONData.configData) {
+ util.loadJSON(config.gJSONData.configData.PCIIDsURL, function(response) {
+ config.PCI_ID_Array = response;
+ });
+ }
+ config.logger = new logger.Logger(myStorage.logs,
+ config.gJSONData.constantData.bugzillalabelAbbreviations);
+ callback(config);
+ }, this);
exports.main = function main(options, callbacks) {
initialize(function (config) {
function(window) {
var doc = window.document;
var construct = require("rhbzpage").RHBugzillaPage;
- if (isOurPage(window, matches)) {
+ if (isOurPage(window, config.matches)) {
var curPage = new construct(doc, config);
} else {
console.log("Not our page: " + window.location.href);
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/mozillabzpage.js b/lib/mozillabzpage.js
index 7efaf16..add0a3d 100644
--- a/lib/puvodni/mozillabzpage.js
+++ b/lib/mozillabzpage.js
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ var utilMod = require("util");
// ============================================================================
// MozillaBugzilla object
-exports.MozillaBugzilla = function MozillaBugzilla (doc, config) {
+var MozillaBugzilla = function MozillaBugzilla (doc, config) {
BZPage.call(this, doc, config)
MozillaBugzilla.prototype = utilMod.heir(BZPage);
MozillaBugzilla.prototype.constructor = MozillaBugzilla;
+exports.MozillaBugzilla = MozillaBugzilla; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/offline-support.js b/lib/offline-support.js
index 4849bd3..4849bd3 100644
--- a/lib/puvodni/offline-support.js
+++ b/lib/offline-support.js
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/bzpage.js b/lib/puvodni/bzpage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b2fb0..0000000
--- a/lib/puvodni/bzpage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
-/*jslint onevar: false, browser: true, evil: true, laxbreak: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, maxerr: 1000, immed: false, white: false, plusplus: false, regexp: false, undef: false */
-/*global jetpack */
-// Released under the MIT/X11 license
-// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-"use strict";
-var util = require("util");
-var simpleStorage = require("simple-storage");
-var Color = require("color").Color;
-var TriagedDistro = 13;
-var NumberOfFrames = 7;
-var XMLRPCurl = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi";
-var bugURL = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=";
-// ====================================================================================
-// BZPage's methods
-var BZPage = exports.BZPage = function BZPage(doc, config) {
- console.log("doc = " + doc);
- console.log("config = " + config);
- // constants
- this.SalmonPink = new Color(255, 224, 176); // RGB 255, 224, 176; HSL 36, 2,
- // 85
- this.ReporterColor = new Color(255, 255, 166); // RGB 255, 255, 166; HSL 60, 2,
- // 83
- // initialize dynamic properties
- this.doc = doc;
- console.log("this.doc = " + this.doc);
- this.submitHandlerInstalled = false;
- this.bugNo = util.getBugNo(this.doc.location.toString());
- var keys = "";
- for (var key in this.prototype) {
- keys += key + ", ";
- }
- console.log("keys = " + keys);
- this.reporter = this.getReporter();
- this.product = this.getOptionValue("product");
- this.component = this.getOptionValue("component");
- this.version = this.getVersion();
- this.title = this.doc.getElementById("short_desc_nonedit_display").textContent;
- this.CCList = this.getCCList();
- this.packages = this.getInstalledPackages();
- if ("commentStrings" in config.gJSONData) {
- this.commentStrings = config.gJSONData.commentStrings;
- }
- if ("constantData" in config.gJSONData) {
- // this is wrong, I shouldn't bother anybody with my Xorg data, and
- // I should load it from URL
- // var stuff = JSON.parse(self.data.load("chiIDsGroupings.json"));
- this.constantData = config.gJSONData.constantData;
- }
- if ("CCmaintainer" in config.gJSONData.constantData) {
- this.defBugzillaMaintainerArr = config.gJSONData.constantData.CCmaintainer;
- }
- if ("submitsLogging" in config.gJSONData.configData &&
- config.gJSONData.configData.submitsLogging) {
- this.log = config.logger;
- this.setUpLogging();
- }
- this.generateButtons();
- *
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getInstalledPackages = function getInstalledPackages() {
- var installedPackages = {};
- if (config.gJSONData && ("commentPackages" in config.gJSONData)) {
- var enabledPackages = jetpack.storage.settings.enabledPacks.split(/[, ]/);
- enabledPackages.forEach(function (pkg, idx, arr) {
- if (pkg in config.gJSONData.commentPackages) {
- installedPackages[pkg] = config.gJSONData.commentPackages[pkg];
- }
- });
- }
- return installedPackages;
- * Actual execution function
- *
- * @param cmdLabel String with the name of the command to be executed
- * @param cmdParams Object with the appropriate parameters for the command
- */
-BZPage.prototype.centralCommandDispatch = function centralCommandDispatch (cmdLabel, cmdParams) {
- switch (cmdLabel) {
- case "resolution":
- case "product":
- case "component":
- case "version":
- case "priority":
- this.selectOption(cmdLabel, cmdParams);
- break;
- case "status":
- this.selectOption("bug_status", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "platform":
- this.selectOption("rep_platform", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "os":
- this.selectOption("op_sys", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "severity":
- this.selectOption("bug_severity", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "target":
- this.selectOption("target_milestone", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "addKeyword":
- this.addStuffToTextBox("keywords",cmdParams);
- break;
- case "removeKeyword":
- this.removeStuffFromTextBox("keywords", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "addWhiteboard":
- this.addStuffToTextBox("status_whiteboard",cmdParams);
- break;
- case "removeWhiteboard":
- this.removeStuffFromTextBox("status_whiteboard",cmdParams);
- break;
- case "assignee":
- this.changeAssignee(cmdParams);
- break;
- case "qacontact":
- this.clickMouse("bz_qa_contact_edit_action");
- this.doc.getElementById("qa_contact").value = cmdParams;
- break;
- case "url":
- this.clickMouse("bz_url_edit_action");
- this.doc.getElementById("bug_file_loc").value = cmdParams;
- break;
- // TODO dependson/blocked doesn't work. Find out why.
- case "addDependsOn":
- this.clickMouse("dependson_edit_action");
- this.addStuffToTextBox("dependson", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "removeDependsOn":
- this.clickMouse("dependson_edit_action");
- this.removeStuffFromTextBox("dependson", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "addBlocks":
- this.clickMouse("blocked_edit_action");
- this.addStuffToTextBox("blocked", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "removeBlocks":
- this.clickMouse("blocked_edit_action");
- this.removeStuffFromTextBox("blocked", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "comment":
- this.addStuffToTextBox("comment", cmdParams);
- break;
- case "commentIdx":
- var commentText = this.commentStrings[cmdParams];
- this.addStuffToTextBox("comment", commentText);
- break;
- case "setNeedinfo":
- // cmdParams are actually ignored for now; we may in future
- // distinguish different actors to be target of needinfo
- this.setNeedinfoReporter();
- break;
- case "addCC":
- this.addToCCList(cmdParams);
- break;
- // TODO flags, see also
- case "commit":
- if (cmdParams) {
- // Directly commit the form
- this.doc.forms.namedItem("changeform").submit();
- }
- break;
- }
- * Take the ID of the package/id combination, and execute it
- *
- * @param String combined package + "//" + id combination
- * Fetches the command object from this.installedPackages and then
- * goes through all commands contained in it, and calls
- * this.centralCommandDispatch to execute them.
- */
-BZPage.prototype.executeCommand = function executeCommand (cmd) {
- var cmdArr = cmd.split("//");
- var commentObj = this.packages[cmdArr[0]][cmdArr[1]];
- for (var key in commentObj) {
- this.centralCommandDispatch(key,commentObj[key]);
- }
- * Add XGL to the CC list
- *
- * @param evt Event which made this function active
- * @return none
- */
-BZPage.prototype.changeAssignee = function changeAssignee (newAssignee) {
- var defAssigneeButton = null;
- this.addToCCList(this.owner);
- if (newAssignee === null) {
- this.doc.getElementById("set_default_assignee").removeAttribute(
- "checked");
- return ;
- }
- if (this.getDefaultAssignee) {
- if (newAssignee === "default") {
- var defAss = this.getDefaultAssignee();
- if (defAss) {
- newAssignee = defAss;
- } else {
- return ;
- }
- }
- }
- if (newAssignee) {
- this.clickMouse("bz_assignee_edit_action");
- this.doc.getElementById("assigned_to").value = newAssignee;
- this.doc.getElementById("set_default_assignee").checked = false;
- defAssigneeButton = this.doc.getElementById("setDefaultAssignee_btn");
- if (defAssigneeButton) {
- defAssigneeButton.style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- * Adds new option to the 'comment_action' scroll down box
- *
- * @param pkg String package name
- * @param cmd String with the name of the command
- * If the 'comment_action' scroll down box doesn't exist, this
- * function will set up new one.
- */
-BZPage.prototype.addToCommentsDropdown = function addToCommentsDropdown (pkg, cmd) {
- var select = this.doc.getElementById("comment_action");
- if (!select) {
- var that = this;
- this.doc.getElementById("comments").innerHTML +=
- "<div id='make_bugzilla_comment_action'>" +
- " <label for='comment_action'>Add Comment: </label>" +
- " <select id='comment_action'>" +
- " <option value=''>-- Select Comment from List --</option>" +
- "</div>";
- select = this.doc.getElementById("comment_action");
- select.addEventListener("change", function () {
- var value = "";
- var valueElement = that.doc.getElementById("comment_action");
- if (valueElement) {
- value = valueElement.getAttribute("value");
- } else {
- return;
- }
- that.executeCommand(value);
- }, false);
- }
- var opt = this.doc.createElement("option");
- opt.value = pkg + "//" + cmd;
- opt.textContent = this.packages[pkg][cmd].name;
- select.appendChild(opt);
- * Generic function to add new button to the page. Actually copies new button
- * from the old one (in order to have the same look-and-feel, etc.
- *
- * @param location Object around which the new button will be added
- * @param after Boolean before or after location ?
- * @param pkg String which package to take the command from
- * @param id String which command to take
- * @return none
- */
-BZPage.prototype.createNewButton = function createNewButton (location, after, pkg, id) {
- var that = this;
- var cmdObj = this.packages[pkg][id];
- var newId = id + "_btn";
- var label = cmdObj.name;
- // protection against double-firings
- if (this.doc.getElementById(newId)) {
- console.error("Element with id " + newId + "already exists!");
- return ;
- }
- // creation of button might be conditional on existence of data in constantData
- if ("ifExist" in cmdObj) {
- if (!(cmdObj.ifExist in this.constantData)) {
- return ;
- }
- }
- var newButton = this.doc.createElement("input");
- newButton.setAttribute("id", newId);
- newButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
- newButton.value = label;
- newButton.addEventListener("click", function(evt) {
- that.executeCommand(pkg + "//" + id);
- }, false);
- var originalLocation = this.doc.getElementById(location);
- if (after) {
- originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton,
- originalLocation.nextSibling);
- originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(this.doc
- .createTextNode("\u00A0"), newButton);
- } else {
- originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton, originalLocation);
- originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(this.doc
- .createTextNode("\u00A0"), originalLocation);
- }
- *
- */
-BZPage.prototype.generateButtons = function generateButtons () {
- var topRowPosition = "topRowPositionID";
- var bottomRowPosition = "commit";
- // create anchor for the top toolbar
- var commentBox = this.doc.getElementById("comment");
- var brElement = this.doc.createElement("br");
- brElement.setAttribute("id",topRowPosition);
- commentBox.parentNode.normalize();
- commentBox.parentNode.insertBefore(brElement, commentBox);
- for (var pkg in this.packages) {
- for (var cmdIdx in this.packages[pkg]) {
- var cmdObj = this.packages[pkg][cmdIdx];
- switch (cmdObj.position) {
- case "topRow":
- this.createNewButton(topRowPosition, false, pkg, cmdIdx);
- break;
- case "bottomRow":
- this.createNewButton(bottomRowPosition, false, pkg, cmdIdx);
- break;
- case "dropDown":
- this.addToCommentsDropdown(pkg,cmdIdx);
- break;
- default: // [+-]ID
- var firstChr = cmdObj.position.charAt(0);
- var newId = cmdObj.position.substr(1);
- this.createNewButton(newId, firstChr === "+", pkg, cmdIdx);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- * Get the current email of the reporter of the bug.
- *
- * @return string
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getReporter = function getReporter () {
- return this.doc
- .querySelector("#bz_show_bug_column_2 > table .vcard:first-of-type > a").textContent;
- * Get the current version of the Fedora release ... even if changed meanwhile
- * by bug triager.
- *
- * @return string (integer for released Fedora, float for RHEL, rawhide)
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getVersion = function getVersion () {
- var verStr = this.getOptionValue("version").toLowerCase();
- var verNo = 0;
- if (/rawhide/.test(verStr)) {
- verNo = 999;
- } else {
- verNo = Number(verStr);
- }
- return verNo;
-BZPage.prototype.commentsWalker = function commentsWalker (fce) {
- var comments = this.doc.getElementById("comments").getElementsByClassName(
- "bz_comment");
- Array.forEach(comments, function(item) {
- fce(item);
- }, this);
- * Set background color of all comments made by reporter in ReporterColor color
- *
- */
-BZPage.prototype.checkComments = function checkComments () {
- var that = this;
- this.commentsWalker(function(x) {
- var email = x.getElementsByClassName("vcard")[0]
- .getElementsByTagName("a")[0].textContent;
- if (new RegExp(that.reporter).test(email)) {
- x.style.backgroundColor = that.ReporterColor.toString();
- }
- });
-BZPage.prototype.collectComments = function collectComments () {
- var outStr = "";
- this.commentsWalker(function(x) {
- outStr += x.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].textContent + "\n";
- });
- return outStr.trim();
- * Select option with given label on the <SELECT> element with given id.
- *
- * Also execute change HTMLEvent, so that the form behaves accordingly.
- *
- * @param id
- * @param label
- * @return none
- *
- * FIXME bugzilla-comments version has this signature:
- * selectOption = function selectOption(select, value) {
- var doc = select[0].ownerDocument;
- select.val(value);
- */
-BZPage.prototype.selectOption = function selectOption (id, label) {
- var sel = this.doc.getElementById(id);
- sel.value = label;
- var intEvent = this.doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
- intEvent.initEvent("change", true, true);
- sel.dispatchEvent(intEvent);
- * Send mouse click to the specified element
- *
- * @param String ID of the element to send mouseclick to
- * @return None
- */
-BZPage.prototype.clickMouse = function clickMouse (targetID) {
- var localEvent = this.doc.createEvent("MouseEvents");
- localEvent.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, this.doc.defaultView, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
- this.doc.getElementById(targetID).dispatchEvent(localEvent);
- * Add object to the text box (comment box or status whiteboard)
- *
- * @param id String with the id of the element
- * @param stuff String/Array to be added to the comment box
- *
- * @return none
- */
-BZPage.prototype.addStuffToTextBox = function addStuffToTextBox (id, stuff) {
- var textBox = this.doc.getElementById(id);
- if (textBox.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") {
- stuff = textBox.value ? "\n\n" + stuff : stuff;
- textBox.value += stuff;
- } else {
- textBox.value = util.addCSVValue(textBox.value,stuff);
- }
- * Remove a keyword from the element if it is there
- *
- * @param id String with the id of the element
- * @param stuff String/Array with keyword(s) to be removed
- */
-BZPage.prototype.removeStuffFromTextBox = function removeStuffFromTextBox (id, stuff) {
- var changedElement = this.getElementById(id);
- changedElement.value = util.removeCSVValue(changedElement.value,stuff);
- * generalized hasKeyword ... search in the value of the box with given id
- *
- * @param id String with ID of the element we want to check
- * @param str String to be searched for
- * @return Boolean found?
- */
-BZPage.prototype.idContainsWord = function idContainsWord (id, str) {
- var kwd = "";
- try {
- kwd = this.doc.getElementById(id).value;
- } catch (e) {
- // For those who don't have particular element at all or if it is empty
- return false;
- }
- return (kwd.trim().indexOf(str) !== -1);
- * Check for the presence of a keyword
- *
- * @param str String with the keyword
- * @return Boolean
- */
-BZPage.prototype.hasKeyword = function hasKeyword (str) {
- return (this.idContainsWord('keywords', str));
- *
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getOptionValue = function getOptionValue (id) {
- // Some special bugs don't have version for example
- var element = this.doc.getElementById(id);
- if (element) {
- return element.value;
- } else {
- console.log("Failed to find element with id = " + id);
- return "#NA";
- }
- * Set the bug to NEEDINFO state
- *
- * Working function.
- * @return none
- * @todo TODO we may extend this to general setNeedinfo function
- * with parameter [reporter|assignee|general-email-address]
- */
-BZPage.prototype.setNeedinfoReporter = function setNeedinfoReporter () {
- this.clickMouse("needinfo");
- this.selectOption("needinfo_role", "reporter");
- *
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getOwner = function getOwner () {
- var priorityParent = this.doc.querySelector("label[for~='target_milestone']")
- .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
- var assigneeAElement = priorityParent.querySelector("tr:nth-of-type(1) a.email");
- var assgineeHref = decodeURI(assigneeAElement.getAttribute("href"));
- var email = assgineeHref.split(":")[1];
- return email;
- * Get login of the currently logged-in user.
- *
- * @return String with the login name of the currently logged-in user
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getLogin = function getLogin () {
- var lastLIElement = this.doc.querySelector("#header ul.links li:last-of-type");
- var loginArr = lastLIElement.textContent.split("\n");
- var loginStr = loginArr[loginArr.length - 1].trim();
- return loginStr;
- * Return maintainer which is per default by bugzilla
- * (which is not necessarily the one who is default maintainer per component)
- *
- * @return String with the maintainer's email address
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getDefaultBugzillaMaintainer = function getDefaultBugzillaMaintainer (component) {
- var address = util.filterByRegexp(this.defBugzillaMaintainerArr, component);
- return address;
- * collect the list of attachments in a structured format
- *
- * @return Array of arrays, one for each attachments;
- * each record has string name of the attachment, integer its id number,
- * string of MIME type, integer of size in kilobytes, and the whole
- * element itself
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getAttachments = function getAttachments () {
- var outAtts = [];
- var atts = this.doc.getElementById("attachment_table")
- .getElementsByTagName("tr");
- for ( var i = 1, ii = atts.length - 1; i < ii; i++) {
- outAtts.push(this.parseAttachmentLine(atts[i]));
- }
- return outAtts;
- * returns password from the current storage, or if there isn't
- * one, then it will ask user for it.
- *
- * @return String with the password
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getPassword = function getPassword () {
- if (jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword) {
- return jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword;
- } else {
- var prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
- var password = {
- value : ""
- }; // default the password to pass
- var check = {
- value : true
- }; // default the checkbox to true
- var result = prompts.promptPassword(null, "Title", "Enter password:",
- password, null, check);
- // result is true if OK was pressed, false if cancel was pressed.
- // password.value is
- // set if OK was pressed. The checkbox is not displayed.
- if (result) {
- var passwordText = password.value;
- jetpack.storage.settings.BZpassword = passwordText;
- jetpack.storage.simple.sync();
- return passwordText;
- }
- }
- return null;
- *
- */
-BZPage.prototype.setUpLogging = function setUpLogging () {
- // For adding additional buttons to the top toolbar
- var additionalButtons = this.doc.querySelector("#bugzilla-body *.related_actions");
- var that = this;
- // logging all submits for timesheet
- // FIXME we should merge in functionality of RHBugzillaPage.submitCallback
- // and actually make it working
- // Maybe rewriting whole offline capability into a separate object?
- if (!this.submitHandlerInstalled) {
- console.log("Installing submit callback!");
- this.doc.forms.namedItem("changeform").addEventListener("submit",function (evt) {
- console.log("Submit callback!");
- var resp = that.log.addLogRecord(that);
- console.log("resp = " + resp);
- if (resp === null) {
- console.log("Avoiding submitting!");
- // FIXME doesn't work ... still submitting'
- evt.stopPropagation();
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- }, false);
- this.submitHandlerInstalled = true;
- }
- var generateTimeSheetUI = this.doc.createElement("li");
- generateTimeSheetUI.innerHTML = "\u00A0-\u00A0<a href='#' id='generateTSButton'>"
- + "Generate timesheet</a>";
- additionalButtons.appendChild(generateTimeSheetUI);
- this.doc.getElementById("generateTSButton").addEventListener(
- "click",
- function(evt) {
- that.log.createBlankPage.call(that.log, "TimeSheet",
- that.log.generateTimeSheet);
- evt.stopPropagation();
- evt.preventDefault();
- }, false);
- var clearLogsUI = this.doc.createElement("li");
- clearLogsUI.innerHTML = "\u00A0-\u00A0<a href='#' id='clearLogs'>"
- + "Clear logs</a>";
- additionalButtons.appendChild(clearLogsUI);
- var clearLogAElem = this.doc.getElementById("clearLogs");
- clearLogAElem.addEventListener("click", function() {
- that.log.store = {};
- jetpack.storage.simple.sync();
- this.style.color = that.log.EmptyLogsColor;
- this.style.fontWeight = "normal";
- console.log("this.store wiped out!");
- }, false);
- if (!this.log.store) {
- console.log("No this.store defined!");
- this.log.store = {};
- }
- if (this.log.store.length > 0) {
- clearLogAElem.style.color = this.log.FullLogsColor;
- clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "bolder";
- } else {
- clearLogAElem.style.color = this.log.EmptyLogsColor;
- clearLogAElem.style.fontWeight = "normal";
- }
- * adds a person to the CC list, if it isn't already there
- *
- * @param who String with email address or "self" if the current user
- * of the bugzilla should be added
- */
-BZPage.prototype.addToCCList = function addToCCList (who) {
- if (!who) {
- return ;
- }
- if (who === "self") {
- this.doc.getElementById("addselfcc").checked = true;
- } else {
- this.clickMouse("cc_edit_area_showhide");
- if (!util.isInList(who, this.CCList)) {
- this.addStuffToTextBox("newcc",who);
- }
- }
- * a collect a list of emails on CC list
- *
- * @return Array with email addresses as Strings.
- */
-BZPage.prototype.getCCList = function getCCList () {
- var CCListSelect = this.doc.getElementById("cc");
- outCCList = [];
- if (CCListSelect) {
- outCCList = Array.map(CCListSelect.options, function(item) {
- return item.value;
- });
- }
- return outCCList;
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/old-main.js b/lib/puvodni/old-main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db81448..0000000
--- a/lib/puvodni/old-main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/*jslint onevar: false, browser: true, evil: true, laxbreak: true, undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, maxerr: 1000, immed: false, white: false, plusplus: false, regexp: false, undef: false */
-/*global jetpack */
-// Released under the MIT/X11 license
-// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
-// Links to read through
-// http://ehsanakhgari.org/blog/2010-01-07/bugzilla-tweaks-enhanced
-// http://hg.mozilla.org/users/ehsan.akhgari_gmail.com/extensions/file/tip/bugzillatweaks
-// http://hg.mozilla.org/users/ehsan.akhgari_gmail.com/extensions/file/ecfa0f028b81/bugzillatweaks/lib/main.js
-// http://hg.mozilla.org/users/avarma_mozilla.com/atul-packages/file/42ac1e99a107/packages\
-// /facebook-acquaintances/lib/main.js#l11
-// http://ehsanakhgari.org/blog/2010-05-31/my-experience-jetpack-sdk#comment-1253
-"use strict";
-var util = require("util");
-var logger = require("logger");
-var file = require("file");
-var myStorage = require("simple-storage").storage;
-var TriagedDistro = 13;
-var NumberOfFrames = 7;
-var XMLRPCurl = "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi";
-let config = {};
-config.matches = [
- "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi",
- "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi"
-// ==============================================================
-// https://wiki.mozilla.org/Labs/Jetpack/JEP/24
-var manifest = {
- settings : [
- {
- name : "BZpassword",
- type : "password",
- label : "Bugzilla password"
- },
- {
- name : "JSONURL",
- type : "text",
- label : "Configuration file URL",
- "default" : "http://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/scripts/BugZappers_data.json"
- },
- {
- name : "enabledPacks",
- type : "text",
- label : "comment packs which should be enabled",
- "default" : ""
- }
- ]
-// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-function isOurPage(window) {
- if ("window" in window) {
- window = window.window;
- }
- if (window.location.protocol == "https:") {
- // like ["name1": "url1", "name2":"url2"]
- // FIXME the real name of bugzillaPageModLocation array
- for (var loc in bugzillaPageModLocation) {
- if (bugzillaPageModLocation[loc].test(window.location.href)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- // we haven't found a conforming bugzilla
- return false;
-function initialize() {
-util.loadJSON(jetpack.storage.settings.JSONURL, function(parsedData) {
- config.gJSONData = parsedData;
- // Get card translation table
- let keys = "";
- for (let key in config.gJSONData) {
- keys += key + " ";
- }
- if ("PCIIDsURL" in config.gJSONData.configData) {
- util.loadJSON(config.gJSONData.configData.PCIIDsURL, function(response) {
- config.PCI_ID_Array = response;
- });
- }
- config.logger = new logger.Logger(myStorage.logs,
- config.gJSONData.constantData.bugzillalabelAbbreviations);
- let callback = function(doc) {
- if (config.gJSONData.configData.objectStyle = "RH") {
- let curPage = new RHBugzillaPage(doc);
- } else if (config.gJSONData.configData.objectStyle = "MoFo") {
- let curPage = new MozillaBugzilla(doc);
- }
- };
- jetpack.pageMods.add(callback, config);
-}, this);
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/skip-process-bug.js b/lib/skip-process-bug.js
index 3f82578..3f82578 100644
--- a/lib/puvodni/skip-process-bug.js
+++ b/lib/skip-process-bug.js
diff --git a/lib/puvodni/xmlrpc.js b/lib/xmlrpc.js
index 69bb77e..69bb77e 100644
--- a/lib/puvodni/xmlrpc.js
+++ b/lib/xmlrpc.js