path: root/data/lib/bugzillaDOMFunctions.js
blob: 3fa14647b13961022a7b04739f41fce3da9d5966 (plain) (tree)
































































// Released under the MIT/X11 license
// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
"use strict";

 * Select option with given value on the <SELECT> element with given id.
 * Also execute change HTMLEvent, so that the form behaves accordingly.
 * @param id
 * @param label
 * @return none
function selectOption (id, label, fireEvent) {
  if (!fireEvent) {
    fireEvent = true;
  var sel = document.getElementById(id);
  sel.value = label;
  if (fireEvent) {
    var intEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
    intEvent.initEvent("change", true, true);

function selectOptionByLabel(id, label, fireEvent) {
  if (!fireEvent) {
    fireEvent = true;
  var sel = document.getElementById(id);
  var labelRE = new RegExp(label.trim());
  var ourOption = Array.filter(sel.options, function (op) {
    return op.textContent.trim() === label;

  if (ourOption[0]) {
    sel.value = ourOption[0].value;

  if (fireEvent) {
    var intEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
    intEvent.initEvent("change", true, true);

 * Add object to the text box (comment box or status whiteboard)
 * @param id
 *          String with the id of the element
 * @param stuff
 *          String/Array to be added to the comment box
 * @return none
function addStuffToTextBox (id, stuff) {
  var saveFocus = document.activeElement;
  var textBox = document.getElementById(id);
  if (textBox.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") {
    stuff = textBox.value ? "\n\n" + stuff : stuff;
    textBox.value += stuff;
  else {
    textBox.value = addCSVValue(textBox.value,stuff);

 * Remove a keyword from the element if it is there
 * @param id
 *          String with the id of the element
 * @param stuff
 *          String/Array with keyword(s) to be removed
function removeStuffFromTextBox (id, stuff) {
  var changedElement = document.getElementById(id);
  changedElement.value = removeCSVValue(changedElement.value,stuff);

 * generalized hasKeyword ... search in the value of the box with given id
 * @param id
 *          String with ID of the element we want to check
 * @param str
 *          String to be searched for
 * @return Boolean found?
function idContainsWord (id, str) {
  var kwd = "";
  try {
    kwd = document.getElementById(id).value;
  } catch (e) {
    // For those who don't have particular element at all or if it is empty
    return false;
  return (isInList(str, kwd.trim().split(/[,\s]+/)));

 * Check for the presence of a keyword
 * @param str
 *          String with the keyword
 * @return Boolean
function hasKeyword (str) {
  return (idContainsWord('keywords', str));

 * Set the bug to NEEDINFO state
 * Working function.
 * @return none
 * @todo TODO we may extend this to general setNeedinfo function with parameter
 *       [reporter|assignee|general-email-address]
function setNeedinfoReporter () {
  selectOption("needinfo_role", "reporter");

function getOwner () {
  // TODO(maemo) doesn't work on maemo
  var assigneeAElement = getOptionTableCell("bz_show_bug_column_1","Assigned To");
  return parseMailto(assigneeAElement);

 * Return maintainer which is per default by bugzilla (which is not necessarily
 * the one who is default maintainer per component)
 * @return String with the maintainer's email address
function getDefaultBugzillaMaintainer (component) {
  return filterByRegexp(constantData.defBugzillaMaintainerArr, component);

 * dd
 * @return Element with the href attribute containng the information
function getOptionTableCell(tableId, label) {
  var cleanLabelRE = new RegExp("^\\s*([^.:]*):?\\s*$");
  label = label.trim().replace(cleanLabelRE,"$1").toLowerCase();

  var rows = document.getElementById(tableId).getElementsByTagName("tr");
  var ourLine = Array.filter(rows, function(row) {
    var curLabelElems = row.getElementsByTagName("td");
    if (curLabelElems.length > 0) {
      var curLabel = curLabelElems[0].textContent.toLowerCase();
      curLabel = curLabel.replace(cleanLabelRE,"$1");
      return (curLabel === label); // maybe this could be a RE match instead

  if (ourLine.length > 0) {
    return ourLine[0].getElementsByTagName("td")[1].
  return null;

 * Generic function to add new button to the page. Actually copies new button
 * from the old one (in order to have the same look-and-feel, etc.
 * @param location
 *          Object around which the new button will be added
 * @param after
 *          Boolean before or after location ?
 * @param pkg
 *          String which package to take the command from
 * @param id
 *          String which command to take
 * @return none
function createNewButton (location, after, cmdObj) {
  var newId = "";
  try {
    newId = cmdObj.name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/,"","g") + "_btn";
  } catch (e) {
    console.error("createNewButton : e = " + e +
        "\ncreateNewButton : cmdObj.toSource() = " +

  // protection against double-firings
  if (document.getElementById(newId)) {
    console.warning("Element with id " + newId + " already exists!");
    return ;

  var newButton = document.createElement("input");
  newButton.setAttribute("id", newId);
  newButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
  newButton.value = cmdObj.name;
  newButton.addEventListener("click", function(evt) {
  }, false);

  var originalLocation = document.getElementById(location);

  try {
    if (after) {
          .createTextNode("\u00A0"), newButton);
    else {
      originalLocation.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton, originalLocation);
          .createTextNode("\u00A0"), originalLocation);
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof TypeError) {
      console.error("cannot find originalLocation element with id " + location);
    else {
      throw e;

 * Get the current title of the bug
 * @return string
function getSummary() {
  return document.getElementById("short_desc_nonedit_display").textContent;

 * Get the current title of the bug
 * @return string
function getSeverity() {
  return document.getElementById("bug_severity").value;

 * Get the current email of the reporter of the bug.
 * @return string
function getReporter () {
  var reporterElement = getOptionTableCell("bz_show_bug_column_2", "Reported");
  // RH Bugzilla after upgrade to 3.6.2 moved the information to other column
  if (!reporterElement) {
    reporterElement = getOptionTableCell("bz_show_bug_column_1", "Reported", true);
  // Maemo calls the label "Reporter" and it doesn't have ids on table columns
  // ... TODO(maemo)
  return parseMailto(reporterElement);

function getComponent() {
  var elem = document.getElementById("component");
  if (elem) {
    return elem.value;
  return null;

function getProduct() {
  var elem = document.getElementById("product");
  if (elem) {
    return elem.value;
  return null;

function commentsWalker (fce) {
  var comments = document.getElementById("comments").
  Array.forEach(comments, function(item) {

 * Parse the row with the attachment
 * @param DOM
 *          element to be parsed
 * @return array with string name of the attachment, integer its id number,
 *         string of MIME type, integer of size in kilobytes, and the whole
 *         element itself
 * TODO error handling is missing ... it's bleee
function parseAttachmentLine(inElem) {
  var MIMEtype = "";
  var size = 0;

  // Skip over obsolete attachments
  if (inElem.getElementsByClassName("bz_obsolete").length > 0) {
    return ([]);

  // getting name of the attachment
  var attName = inElem.getElementsByTagName("b")[0].textContent.trim();

  // TODO probably could use url.URL object
  var aHrefsArr = inElem.getElementsByTagName("a");
  var aHref = Array.filter(aHrefsArr, function(x) {
    return x.textContent.trim() === "Details";
  var id = parseURL(aHref.getAttribute("href")).params.id;

  // getting MIME type and size
  var stringArray = inElem.getElementsByClassName("bz_attach_extra_info")[0].textContent.
  replace(/[\n ()]+/g, " ").trim().split(", ");
  size = parseInt(stringArray[0], 10);
  MIMEtype = stringArray[1].split(" ")[0];

  return [ attName, id, MIMEtype, size, inElem ];

 * collect the list of attachments in a structured format
 * @return Array of arrays, one for each attachments; each record has string
 *         name of the attachment, integer its id number, string of MIME type,
 *         integer of size in kilobytes, and the whole element itself
function getAttachments () {
  var outAtts = [];
  var atts = document.getElementById("attachment_table").
  for ( var i = 1, ii = atts.length - 1; i < ii; i++) {
  return outAtts;

 * Get login of the currently logged-in user.
 * @return String with the login name of the currently logged-in user
function getLogin () {
  var lastElemArr = [];
  var LIElementsArr = document.querySelectorAll("#header ul.links li");
  // This should never be null
  if (LIElementsArr.length > 0) {
    lastElemArr = Array.filter(LIElementsArr, function(el, idx, arr) {
      return (el.textContent.indexOf("Log") !== -1);
  var lastLIElement = "";
  if (lastElemArr) {
    lastLIElement = lastElemArr.pop();
  var loginArr = lastLIElement.textContent.split("\n");
  var loginStr = loginArr[loginArr.length - 1].trim();
  return loginStr;

 * adds a person to the CC list, if it isn't already there
 * @param who
 *          String with email address or "self" if the current user of the
 *          bugzilla should be added
function addToCCList (who) {
  if (!who) {
    return ;
  if (who === "self") {
    document.getElementById("addselfcc").checked = true;
  else {
    if (!isInList(who, getCCList())) {

 * a collect a list of emails on CC list
 * @return Array with email addresses as Strings.
function getCCList () {
  var CCListSelect = document.getElementById("cc");
  var outCCList = [];
  if (CCListSelect) {
    outCCList = Array.map(CCListSelect.options, function(item) {
      return item.value;
  return outCCList;

 * remove elements from the page based on their IDs
 * @param doc
 *          Document object
 * @param target
 *          Array with querySelector parameters
 * @param remove
 *          Boolean indicating whether the node should be actually removed or
 *          just hidden.
 * @return none TODO remove parameter could be replaced by function which would
 *         do actual activity.
function killNodes(doc, target, remove) {
  var victimElements = [];
  myDebug("target:\n" + target.toSource());

  if (target.forEach) {
    target.forEach(function(x) {
      var targetNode = doc.querySelector(x);
      if (targetNode) {
        if (remove) {
        else {
          targetNode.style.display = "none";

  var elem = {};
  // Don't run victimElements.forEach here as we are effectively
  // removing its members.
  for(var i = 0, ii = victimElements.length; i < ii; i++) {
    elem = victimElements[i];
    try {
    catch (e if e instanceof TypeError) {
      myDebug("victimElements:\n" + victimElements.toSource());
      console.log("Cannot remove: " + elem[0]);

 * Is this bug a RHEL bug?
 * @return Boolean true if it is a RHEL bug
function isEnterprise() {
  var result = ProfessionalProducts.some(function(elem,idx,arr) {
    return new RegExp(elem).test(getProduct());
  return result;

 * Find out whether the bug is needed an attention of bugZappers
 * @return Boolean whether the bug has been triaged or not
function isTriaged() {
  return hasKeyword("Triaged");

 * Return string with the ID for the external_id SELECT for external bugzilla
 * @param URLhostname
 *          String hostname of the external bugzilla
 * @return String with the string for the external_id SELECT
function getBugzillaName(URLhostname, bzLabelNames) {
  var bugzillaID = "";
  if (bzLabelNames[URLhostname]) {
    bugzillaID = bzLabelNames[URLhostname];
  else {
    bugzillaID = "";
  return bugzillaID;

 * original 2011-03-30 15:49:27 EDT
function parseBZCommentDate(dateString) {
  var tZone = {
    "EDT": 4,
    "EST": 5,

  var dateArr = dateString.trim().split(/\s+/);
  var timeZoneOffset = tZone[dateArr[2]] -
    ((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset())/60;
  var dArr = dateArr[0].split("-");
  var tArr = dateArr[1].split(":");
  var dayObj = new Date(+dArr[0],+dArr[1]-1,+dArr[2],
  return dayObj;