--- title: Configuration Reference --- This document covers the configuration options common to all sr.ht services. # sr.ht Configuration options that apply to all sr.ht services. ## site-name The name of your network of sr.ht-based sites. ```ini [sr.ht] site-name=sourcehut ``` ## site-info Top-level information page for your site. ```ini [sr.ht] site-info=sourcehut ``` ## site-blurb A catchy one-liner describing your site. ```ini [sr.ht] site-blurb=the hacker's forge ``` ## environment The environment name, e.g. `production` or `development`. `production` is recommended for live user-facing installations. ```ini [sr.ht] environment=development ``` ## owner-name Name of site owner. ```ini [sr.ht] owner-name=Drew DeVault ``` ## owner-email Email of site owner. ```ini [sr.ht] owner-email=sir@cmpwn.com ``` ## source-url The source code for your fork of sr.ht. ```ini [sr.ht] source-url=https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/srht ``` **NOTICE**: SourceHut uses the AGPL license, which requires you to publish any modifications you make to the source code under the same AGPL license. ## service-key A secret key used to encrypt internal messages. To generate the key, run `srht-keygen service`. ```ini [sr.ht] service-key=SERVICE_KEY ```
Warning: If you configure load balancing for a sr.ht service, the service keys must be consistent across all nodes of the service.
Note: For asymmetric keys (i.e., a public/private key pair), store the private key in your config.ini and distribute the public key to any relevant parties.
## network-key A secret key used to encrypt and sign internal service-to-service communications. To generate the key, run `srht-keygen network`. ```ini [sr.ht] network-key=NETWORK_KEY ```
Warning: The key must be consistent across all services and nodes within your deployment.
## redis-host The [Redis](https://redis.io) host URL, which is used for caching. ```ini [sr.ht] redis-host= ``` # webhooks ## webhook-key A secret key used to sign webhook payloads for authenticating requests and internal webhooks. To generate the key, run `srht-keygen webhook`. ```ini [webhooks] webhook-key=WEBHOOK_KEY ```
Warning: The key must be consistent across all services and nodes within your deployment.
# mail Configuration options for outgoing emails. ## smtp-host ```ini [mail] smtp-host= ``` ## smtp-port ```ini [mail] smtp-port= ``` ## smtp-user ```ini [mail] smtp-user= ``` ## smtp-password ```ini [mail] smtp-password= ``` ## smtp-from ```ini [mail] smtp-from= ``` ## error-to Email address to which diagnostic application exceptions are sent. ```ini [mail] error-to= ``` ## error-from Email address from which diagnostic application exceptions are sent. ```ini [mail] error-from= ``` ## pgp-privkey ## pgp-pubkey ## pgp-key-id
Warning: In order for sr.ht services to sign (and optionally encrypt) outgoing emails, you must generate a PGP key without a password.
# Proxy Here is an example Nginx configuration for meta.sr.ht: server { listen 80; server_name meta.sr.ht; location / { return 302 https://$server_name$request_uri; } location ^~ /.well-known { root /var/www; } } server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name meta.sr.ht; client_max_body_size 100M; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/uacme/meta.sr.ht/cert.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/uacme/private/meta.sr.ht/key.pem; location / { proxy_pass; } location /static { root /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/metasrht; } } See [sr.ht-nginx](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-nginx) for the nginx configurations we use in production.