hg.sr.ht migration plan 1. ~~Build & install the new server (sakuya1) as VM host gen 2~~ 1. ~~Announce planned outage a week in advance~~ 1. ~~Spin up an hg.sr.ht stack and restore from the last backup. This is a good opportunity to test our backups in action.~~ 1. Test everything! 1. ~~Set up pgbouncer on hg.sr.ht¹~~ 1. ~~Copy over host keys from hg.sr.ht¹ to hg.sr.ht²~~ 1. ~~Move root image back to ZFS on sakuya1~~ 1. Await planned outage date 1. Set hg.sr.ht¹ to read-only mode (via pgbouncer, probably, and disable the hg SSH login account) 1. rsync any changes which have occured between steps 3 and 6 to hg.sr.ht² 1. Cut DNS over to hg.sr.ht² and monitor as users get transferred over, reset TTL to default 1. Disable cronjobs on hg.sr.ht¹ 1. Monitor hg.sr.ht¹ and shut it off when traffic is more or less done hitting it 1. Remove backup credentials for hg.sr.ht¹ from konapku.sr.ht 1. Remove SQL access from pg_hba.conf for hg.sr.ht¹ 1. Finish configuration of acme cronjob for SSL certs on hg.sr.ht² 1. Wait 2 weeks and then decommission hg.sr.ht¹ Things to double check on hg.sr.ht²: - Is monitoring working? Double check node exporter - Are backups working? - Are ZFS snapshots being taken correctly? - Are ZFS scrubs being run? Double check on the 1st