[man.sr.ht](https://man.sr.ht/) is a git-powered wiki that can host documentation for your projects. Click "create wiki" in the sidebar to get started (you will have to log in first). ## SSH host keys ``` man.sr.ht ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCj6y+cJlqK3BHZRLZuM+KP2zGPrh4H66DacfliU1E2DHAd1GGwF4g1jwu3L8gOZUTIvUptqWTkmglpYhFp4Iy4= man.sr.ht ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDZ+l/lvYmaeOAPeijHL8d4794Am0MOvmXPyvHTtrqvgmvCJB8pen/qkQX2S1fgl9VkMGSNxbp7NF7HmKgs5ajTGV9mB5A5zq+161lcp5+f1qmn3Dp1MWKp/AzejWXKW+dwPBd3kkudDBA1fa3uK6g1gK5nLw3qcuv/V4emX9zv3P2ZNlq9XRvBxGY2KzaCyCXVkL48RVTTJJnYbVdRuq8/jQkDRA8lHvGvKI+jqnljmZi2aIrK9OGT2gkCtfyTw2GvNDV6aZ0bEza7nDLU/I+xmByAOO79R1Uk4EYCvSc1WXDZqhiuO2sZRmVxa0pQSBDn1DB3rpvqPYW+UvKB3SOz man.sr.ht ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMZvRd4EtM7R+IHVMWmDkVU3VLQTSwQDSAvW0t2Tkj60 ``` ## Repository structure Each repository should be laid out with files and directories you want to serve in your wiki. Markdown files (`*.md`) will be compiled to HTML with the same Markdown rules that are [supported on the rest of the site](/markdown). Each page will be made available at the URL of the path to the file, except for `index.md` which is also shown at the top-level of each directory. Other kinds of files (html, images, etc) will not be served. ## Publishing your changes Publishing your changes is as easy as committing them and pushing them upstream. You can collaborate with others on your wiki the same way you do on your git.sr.ht projects - a mailing list on lists.sr.ht or any other approach that you like. You can also make your wiki publically editable in the wiki settings, or give particular people permission to push to it. ## Editing in your browser You can also make edits in your web browser if you're logged into the site. Click "edit page" near the top of each page to pull up the editor. We can make a commit to the repository for you when you're done.