Installation of web services uses a mostly consistent procedure across the network. Specific details to each service are available on each service's installation page: - [](/ - [](/ - [](/ - [](/ - [](/ All sysadmins are encouraged to subscribe to the []( mailing list, a low-volume list of sysadmin-oriented announcements regarding breaking changes, security vulnerabilities, and so on. General installation instructions follow. # Packages provides a number of Linux distribution package repositories for your use. For details specific to your distribution, see [](/ Even if you wish to install services from source, your distribution may not include some of our dependencies and using our package repositories is recommended. Installation from packages will also give you distro-specific daemon services and will handle database migrations automatically during system updates. # Prerequisites You will need at least: - A PostgreSQL server - A Redis server - A mail server - A cron daemon In order to use most services. # core core is a Python package that provides shared functionality across all services. It also contains the default templates and stylesheets that give a consistent look and feel. The core package is listed as a dependency of the official `*` packages, so installing it explicitly is not necessary if you are using our package repositories. If you are not using our packages, obtain the [source code]( and install it like a typical Python package (`./ install --prefix=/usr`). You will need to install its dependencies beforehand, for an up-to-date list see [the package]( # Package Installation Packages are named as you would expect: is called ``. On package managers where dots are not permitted in package names, dashes are used. Underscores are used on systems where dashes are not permitted. If installing from source, see [the packages]( for an up-to-date list of dependencies and install it like any other Python package: `./ install --prefix=/usr`. When installing from source, daemon service files are not provided; you must write one appropriate to your system. # Site Configuration Each site will search for its config file in two locations: `./config.ini` and `/etc/` (for example, looks for `/etc/`). The exact nature of this config file varies depending on which service you're setting up - from source, see `config.ini.example` and from packages see `/etc/`. # Database Configuration Start by setting your config.ini's connection string to a superuser, then run the following commands to create the initial schema: $ python3 >>> from [module].app import db >>> db.create() Substitute `[module]` for the specific application's module, such as `metasrht` or `buildsrht`. When complete, you may update your connection string to use a less privileged user. ## Schema Upgrades We use [alembic]( to manage schema migrations. A sample `alembic.ini` is provided (`alembic.ini.example` from source and `/etc/` from packages), which you should modify to suit your needs - you will probably only need to set the connection string. Run `alembic stamp head` once to tell alembic the schema is up-to-date. Future upgrades will be managed automatically by the package, or if you're using the source code you can run `alembic upgrade head` when you pull the latest version down. # Compile static assets This step is only necessary for users configuring from source. Run `make` in the root of the repository to compile static assets. # Start the service A service file is included in the packages and uses the same name as the package. On Arch Linux, for example, you can run `systemctl enable --now` to start up, or `rc-update add && service start` on Alpine. The service will be running at the port specified in its config file, and you must now prepare to proxy to it. # Proxy configuration The exact nginx configuration you use will vary depending on your needs. Here is an example for server { listen 80; server_name; location / { return 302 https://$server_name$request_uri; } location ^~ /.well-known { root /var/www; } } server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name; client_max_body_size 100M; ssl_certificate /var/lib/acme/live/; ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/acme/live/; ssl_trusted_certificate /var/lib/acme/live/; location / { proxy_pass; } location /static { root /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/metasrht; } location ^~ /.well-known { root /var/www; } } Once the proxy is configured, you should be able to log into your new service. # Hacking on If you just want to get the codebase running to hack on it, follow these steps: 1. [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) 2. [ core](#srht-core), however, you can simply clone it somewhere and add it to your Python path. Also export `SRHT_PATH=/path/to/` to use your development repository for generating static assets. 3. [Site configuration](#site-configuration), but you can just put `config.ini` in the working directory and will read it there. 4. [Database configuration](#database-configuration) 5. [Compile static assets](#compile-static-assets) 6. `./` will start the development server.