--- title: dispatch.sr.ht Configuration --- This document covers the configuration process for dispatch.sr.ht. Each dispatch.sr.ht provider is optional, you may skip the integrations you do not need. # OAuth ## GitHub To set up OAuth for GitHub: 1. Register under [GitHub OAuth Apps](https://github.com/settings/developers). For the `Authorization callback URL` use the URL of your service instance with `/github/callback` appended (e.g., `https://dispatch.sr.ht/github/callback`). 2. Place the `Client ID` and `Client Secret` provided by GitHub into your `config.ini` in the `[dispatch.sr.ht::github]` section. ## GitLab To set up OAuth for GitLab: 1. Register under [GitLab Applications](https://gitlab.com/-/profile/applications). For the scopes required, select "api". For the callback, specify the URL of your service with `/gitlab/callback/` appended (e.g. `https://dispatch.sr.ht/gitlab/callback/gitlab.com`). 2. Add the instance to your `config.ini` under `[dispatch.sr.ht::gitlab]` as a single option, whose key is the FQDN of the GitLab instance in question, and whose value is the instance name, "Application ID" and "Secret", separated by a colon. For example, ``` [dispatch.sr.ht::gitlab] # ... gitlab.com=GitLab:application id...:secret... gitlab.freedesktop.org=gitlab.freedesktop.org:application id...:secret... ``` Repeat this process for any additional instances you wish to support.