--- title: Configuration --- This document provides general information about the configuration process of sr.ht services. Similar to the installation process, configuring sr.ht services typically involves steps that are specific each service. That being said, they all share certain aspects which are described below. Be sure to take a look at each service's configuration page for more details: - [builds.sr.ht](/builds.sr.ht/configuration.md) - [dispatch.sr.ht](/dispatch.sr.ht/configuration.md) - [git.sr.ht](/git.sr.ht/configuration.md) - [hg.sr.ht](/hg.sr.ht/configuration.md) - [lists.sr.ht](/lists.sr.ht/configuration.md) - [man.sr.ht](/man.sr.ht/configuration.md) - [meta.sr.ht](/meta.sr.ht/configuration.md) - [todo.sr.ht](/todo.sr.ht/configuration.md) # Prerequisites Before configuring any sr.ht service, ensure that you have the following services installed. Every sr.ht service makes use of them, so your deployment will likely not work as expected if they are missing. - [core.sr.ht][core] — Provides functionality used by all sr.ht services. - For users installing from packages, this package is automatically pulled in as a dependency. - For users installing from source, this package must be built *first*.
Note: The dependencies in setup.py may not be up-to-date. For an up-to-date list of dependencies, consult the latest Alpine package.
- [meta.sr.ht][meta] — Performs various administrative tasks (e.g., storing account details, handling logins, SSH and PGP key storage). [meta]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/meta.sr.ht [core]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/core.sr.ht # Files ## `config.ini` sr.ht services all use a shared configuration file, located at `/etc/sr.ht/config.ini`. The specific options you will configure will depend on the subset of and configuration of sr.ht services you choose to run. Each service provides an example configuration file, called `config.example.ini`, in their source code repository, with annotations explaining each configuration option. You should consult these when creating your unified `config.ini`. ## Service Files Service files for daemons are pre-configured by their distribution packages. After setting up your `config.ini` appropriately, you may start them using your distribution's service manager (e.g., `service git.sr.ht start`). The list of daemons available for each service are documented on their respective installation page. # Web services Most sr.ht services include a web component, and the standard installation procedure requires you to configure a reverse proxy to serve them. A typical nginx configuration may look something like this: ``` server { listen 80; server_name meta.sr.ht; location / { return 302 https://$server_name$request_uri; } location ^~ /.well-known { root /var/www; } } server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name meta.sr.ht; client_max_body_size 100M; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/uacme/meta.sr.ht/cert.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/uacme/private/meta.sr.ht/key.pem; location / { proxy_pass; } location /query { proxy_pass; } location /static { root /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/metasrht; } } ``` Note the following requirements: - Proxy `/` to the web application - Serve static assets from `/static` (optional, but recommended) - For many services, `/query` should be proxied to the API service See [sr.ht-nginx](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-nginx) for the nginx configurations we use in production. # Databases Each service requires its own database. It is recommended to give each service its own database login, with full permissions for its database so that it may manage its own schema migrations. Once you populate the `connection-string` field in your `config.ini`, you may use the `-initdb` script to populate the schema and stamp the latest revision for migrations (e.g., `metasrht-initdb` to set up meta.sr.ht's database). Note that if you have not configured SSL for your PostgreSQL server, you may have to append `?sslmode=disable` to your connection string for some services to work. ## Schema Upgrades We use [alembic](https://alembic.zzzcomputing.com/en/latest/) to manage schema migrations. We use custom scripts to automatically retrieve database credentials from your `config.ini`. If you have installed from distribution packages, set `[] migrate-on-upgrade=yes` to have migrations automatically performed during normal service upgrades (e.g., `[meta.sr.ht] migrate-on-upgrade=yes`). Otherwise, you may use `srht-migrate upgrade head` to run updates for core.sr.ht migrations, and `-migrate upgrade head` to run service-specific upgrades. For example, to upgrade the database schema for git.sr.ht, run `srht-migrate git.sr.ht upgrade head`, then `gitsrht-migrate upgrade head`. Other alembic commands are available, use `gitsrht-migrate --help` for more information. # Upgrade Procedure 1. Stop all services. 2. Update and upgrade your packages (e.g. `apk update && apk upgrade`). 3. Resume all services. If you have high availability requirements, the web services may be load-balanced to avoid an outage. Database migrations will be performed automatically during upgrades. We source your alembic config from your main `config.ini`, so there's no need to write an `alembic.ini` file. Run `srht-migrate stamp head && -migrate stamp head` once to tell alembic the schema is up-to-date (e.g. `srht-migrate man.sr.ht stamp head && mansrht-migrate stamp head`). Future upgrades will be managed automatically by the package, or if you're using the source code you can run `srht-migrate upgrade head && -migrate upgrade head` when you pull the latest version down. # Integrations Many sr.ht services are able to integrate with third-party tools, such as: - [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) for monitoring. - Any S3-compatible object storage (e.g., [Minio](https://min.io/), [Ceph](https://ceph.io/)).