At the end of a job or a job group, you can execute triggers based on the outcome of the job. The basic format is (in JSON): ``` { "action": "trigger type", "condition": "when to execute this trigger", [...action-specific configuration...] } ``` Or in YAML: ``` triggers: - action: trigger type condition: when to execute this trigger ...action-specific configuration... ``` Condition may be one of the following: - **always**: execute the trigger after every build - **failure**: execute the trigger after a failed build - **success**: execute the trigger after a successful build The following actions are available: ## email Sends an email summarizing the build results. *Configuration* - **to**: The value of the "To" header in the outgoing email, e.g. your email address or e.g. `Jim Jimson , Bob Bobson ` ## webhook Submits the job status (as it would be returned by GET /api/jobs/:id) as a POST request to a specified URL. *Configuration* - **url**: The URL to submit the HTTP request to