--- title: builds.sr.ht docs --- [builds.sr.ht](https://builds.sr.ht) is a service on sr.ht that allows you to submit "build manifests" for us to work on. We spin up a virtual machine per your specifications and run your scripts in it. This is generally used to compile and test patches, deploy websites, build and publish packages, and so on. **See also**: - [API reference](api.md) - [Installation guide](installation.md) - [Build image support matrix](compatibility.md) - [SSH access to build VMs](build-ssh.md) # How jobs are submitted Unlike some other build systems, builds.sr.ht does not let you configure builds on the website itself. Instead, you write build *manifests* - YAML files that tell builds.sr.ht what to do. You can then submit these manifests via the API and we'll assign a runner and execute your job. For convenience, there are ways of submitting builds automatically throughout the sr.ht ecosystem - for example by pushing to repositories on git.sr.ht. These integrations are [discussed below](#integrations). For details on submitting jobs via the API, see the [API reference](api.md). ## Build manifests Build manifests are YAML files that contain a description of your build environment and steps to run in that environment. A very simple example could be: ```yaml image: alpine/edge tasks: - say-hello: | echo hello - say-world: | echo world ``` When you submit this build, we'll fire up a virtual machine running an up-to-date image of Alpine Linux. Then, we'll copy your scripts into the machine and run them one at a time. More complex build jobs will probably use more features of the build.yml - here's an example that deploys [web.synapse-bt.org](https://web.synapse-bt.org): ```yaml image: archlinux packages: - nodejs - npm - rsync sources: - https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/receptor environment: deploy: synapse@synapse-bt.org secrets: - 7ebab768-e5e4-4c9d-ba57-ec41a72c5665 tasks: - setup: | cd receptor npm install - build: | cd receptor npm run build:production - deploy: | cd receptor sshopts="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" rsync --rsh="$sshopts" -rP index.html $deploy:/var/www/web.synapse-bt.org/ rsync --rsh="$sshopts" -rP dist $deploy:/var/www/web.synapse-bt.org/ ``` A [full reference](manifest.md) for build manifests is available. ## Build images View the full list of [supported build images](compatibility.md). ## Secrets builds.sr.ht can keep track of secrets for you, like SSH keys or PGP keys, and include them in builds for the purpose of deployment. You can manage your secrets at the [secrets dashboard](https://builds.sr.ht/secrets). Each secret will only be included in the runtime image if the job was submitted using an OAuth key which has access to the secrets specified in the build manifest. ## Build environment Each task's script is given a preamble that looks like this: ```sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . ~/.buildenv set -x set -e ``` The actual shell varies depending on your build image. `~/.buildenv` contains the environment variables you specified in your manifest, but feel free to modify it to communicate state between build steps. The following environment variables are defined for all builds: - **JOB_ID**: The ID assigned to this build job - **JOB_URL**: The URL at which the build logs and information can be viewed with a web browser # Build status badges If you add tags to your build, or enter search terms, you can use these to create a build status badge like this (the example being the latest status of builds.sr.ht itself): [![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/builds.sr.ht.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/builds.sr.ht?) The image URL and a markdown snippet are shown in the sidebar of the [search results page](https://builds.sr.ht/~sircmpwn?search=scheduled+image+refresh) or [tag detail page](https://builds.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/builds.sr.ht). # Integrations Do you have something that integrates with builds.sr.ht? Submit a patch for this page! ## dispatch.sr.ht [dispatch.sr.ht](https://dispatch.sr.ht) offers a variety of integrations with builds.sr.ht, including support for connecting builds.sr.ht to external services like GitHub. This should be your first stop when looking for an integration. ## git.sr.ht git.sr.ht will automatically submit builds for you if you store a manifest in the repository as `.build.yml`. Each time you push, a build with this manifest will be submitted. If the repo you pushed to is present in the manifest's sources array, we'll edit it to point to the ref you just pushed. You can also submit several builds on each push by providing `.builds/*.yml`. ## hg.sr.ht hg.sr.ht will also automatically submit builds for you. The naming conventions and other details are the same as the process used by git.sr.ht - described above.